
Terms for subject Name of organization containing | all forms
一般分析及预测General Analysis and Projections Group
不限成员名额特设政府间森林小Intergovernmental Panel on Forests
不限成员名额特设政府间森林小Open-ended ad Hoc Intergovernmental Panel on Forests
与乡村织联络高级官员Senior Liaison/Rural Organizations Officer
与农业和粮食安全有关的气候问题部际工作Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate in Relation to Agriculture and Food Security
与多边和双边机构合作Unit for Cooperation with Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies
与本织相关的非职工医疗保险/补偿计划Medical Coverage for Non-staff
与流通和循环相关的术语、格式及计量单位特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Terminology, Format and Units of Measurement related to Flow-through and Recirculation Systems
与联合国系统关系UNCNUnit for Relations with the United Nations System
专业人员薪金和津贴工作Working Group on Professional Remuneration and Allowances
专业服务工作Working party on professional services
专家小Specialist Evaluation Team
专家小panel of experts
专家小Specialist Team
专家工作Working Party of Experts
专家工作Expert Working Group
世界农业信息中心/粮农织信息数据库组WAICENT/FAOINFO Group
世界动物卫生International Office of Epizootics
世界动物卫生World Organisation for Animal Health
世界包装World Packaging Organization
世界卫生/粮农织/联合国环境计划署合办的环境管理病媒控制专家组Joint WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control
世界天主教妇女织联合会World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations
世界工业和技术研究织协会World Association of Industrial and Technological Research Organizations
世界工程织联合会World Federation of Engineering Organizations
世界教学专业织联合会World Confederation of Organizations for the Teaching Profession
世界知识产权World Intellectual Property Organisation
世界粮食安全委员会工作Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security
世界粮食安全委员会闭会期间工作Intersessional Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security
《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战》非正式开放性联络小Informal Open-ended Contact Group of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战》非正式开放性联络小Informal Open-ended Contact Group
世界粮食日协调World Food Day Coordination Unit
世界粮食首脑会议筹备工作开放性工作Open-ended Working Group for the Preparation of the World Summit on Food Security
世界糖业研究World Sugar Research Organization
世界金枪鱼围网World Tuna Purse Seine Organization
世贸织关于农业、渔业和林业的多边贸易谈判WTO Multilateral Trade Negotiations on Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
业务Operations Group
业务改进Business Improvement Unit
东亚及南亚多学科小Multidisciplinary Team for Eastern and Southern Asia
东加勒比海国家Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
东加勒比飞鱼特设工作Ad Hoc Flying fish Working Group of the Eastern Caribbean
东南亚教育部长Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization
东南大西洋渔业South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization
东欧中欧渔业发展国际International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe
东欧及中欧渔业发展国际International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe
东欧和中欧建立发展渔业国际织协议EUROFISH Agreement
东欧和中欧建立发展渔业国际织协议Agreement for the Establishment of the International Organisation for the Development of Fisheries in Eastern and Central Europe
东非兽医研究East African Veterinary Research Organization
东非沙漠蝗防治Desert Locust Control Organization for Eastern Africa
东非淡水渔业研究East African Freshwater Fishery Research Organization
东非锥体虫病研究East-African Trypanosomiasis Research Organization
严重事故管理高级专家Senior Group of Experts on Severe Accidents Management
中上层小鱼工作Working Group on Small Pelagic Species
中上层小鱼种群评估工作Working Group on Stock Assessment of Small Pelagic Species
中上层小鱼资源工作Working Party on Small Pelagic Resources
中央政策Central Policy Unit
中心招聘Central Recruitment Group
中文翻译Chinese Translation Group
中美洲发展基金织联合会Federation of Central American Development Foundations
中美洲渔业和水产养殖Central American Organization of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector
中美洲渔业和水产养殖Organization of Fishing and Aquaculture in Central America
中美洲经济一体化咨询小Advisory Group for Central American Economic Integration
中西太平洋鲣鱼工作Working Party of Experts on Central and Western Pacific Skipjack
中部及南部非洲松红翅蝗国际防治International Red Locust Control Organization for Central and Southern Africa
中非地方病防治协调Organization for Coordination in Control of Endemic Diseases in Central Africa
中非经济合作共同Common Organization for Economic Cooperation in Central Africa
丹麦期权和期货保证基金丹麦Guarantee Fund for Danish Options and Futures
为常驻代表举办的有关粮农织参与联合国改革和设在罗马的各机构之间合作的研讨会Seminar for Permanent Representatives on FAO's Engagement in the UN Reform and Cooperation between the Rome-based Agencies
为进行影响和气候分析提供数据和情景支持工作Task Group on Data and Scenario Support for Impact and Climate Analysis
主席之友小Friends of the Chair Group
主选区小联络点Major Constituency Group Focal Point
乡村织官员Rural Organizations Officer
乡村发展织组Rural Development Organization Group
乡村发展分析Rural Development Analysis Group
乡村就业及人力规划Rural Employment and Manpower Planning Group
乡村金融Rural Finance Group
伊斯兰会议Organization of the Islamic Conference
休闲渔业特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Recreational Fisheries
会计、报告及分析Accounting, Reporting and Analysis Group
会议管理Meetings Management Unit
会议规划及设施Meeting Programming and Facilities Group
会议规划及语言支持Meeting Planning and Language Support Group
传染病Infectious Diseases Group
伦理问题小委员会Sub-Committee on Ethics
体制、政策及程序Systems, Policies and Procedures Group
作物多样化工作Crop Diversification Team
作物评估Crop Assessment Mission
织交流办公室Office for Corporate Communication
织交流委员会Corporate Communication Committee
织伙伴关系及联合国关系处Corporate Partnerships and UN Relations Branch
全球人类基因与人权宣言Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights
全球前景研究Global Perspectives Studies Unit
全球森林资源评估Global Forest Resources Assessment Team
全球环境基金支持GEF Support Unit
全球环境基金支持Global Environmental Facility Support Unit
全球粮食安全危机高级别工作High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
全球粮食安全危机高级别工作Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
公务旅行管理Official Travel Management Unit
公海IUU捕鱼部级工作Ministerially-led Task Force on IUU Fishing on the High Seas
公海IUU捕鱼部级工作High Seas Task Force
公海问题工作Ministerially-led Task Force on IUU Fishing on the High Seas
公海问题工作High Seas Task Force
《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
制定全球家畜遗传资源战略专家Panel of Experts on the Development of the Global Strategy for Farm Animal Genetic Resources
制定《国际植保公约》能力建设战略开放性工作Open-ended Working Group for the Development of an IPPC Capacity Building Strategy
剑麻和黑纳金麻生产国分Subgroup of Sisal and Henequen Producing Countries
北大西洋公约North Atlantic Treaty Organization
北大西洋条约North Atlantic Treaty Organization
北大西洋鲑鱼保护North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization
北太平洋海洋科学North Pacific Marine Science Organization
北美植物保护North American Plant Protection Organization
区域主任小Regional Directors' Team
区域主任小UN Regional Director's Team
区域主任小United Nations Regional Director's Team
区域和全球粮食及农业自然资源前景协调Coordination Unit on Regional and Global Perspectives on Natural Resources for Food and Agriculture
区域国际植物保护和家畜卫生Regional International Organization for Plant Protection and Animal Health
区域清算基金黄金清算基金Interdistrict Settlement Fund Gold Settlement Fund
区域经济一体化Regional Economic Integration Organizations
区域经济一体化regional economic integration organization
"千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
"千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
千年发展目标非洲工作MDG Africa Working Group
千年发展目标非洲工作Millennium Development Goals Africa Working Group
千年发展目标非洲指导小Millennium Development Goals Africa Steering Group
南南合作South-South Cooperation Team
南太平洋区域渔业管理South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation
南美洲多学科小Multidisciplinary Team for South America
印刷发行Printing and Distribution Group
危机管理小Crisis Management Team
合同Contracts Group
合同及方法/技术安装Contracts and Methods Technical Installation Group
向食典和粮农织/卫生组织成员国提供科学咨询研讨会Workshop on Provision of Scientific Advice to Codex and FAO/WHO Member Countries
员会贸易企业工作装运前检验工作组Working group on notification obligations and procedures
土地占有制及管理Land Tenure and Management Unit
土地所有制及拓居Land Tenure and Settlement Group
土地管理及保持Land Management and Conservation Group
土地资源信息及政策Land Resources Information and Policy Group
土地资源综合规划与管理以及农业特设工作Ad Hoc Working Group on Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources, and on Agriculture
土壤保持Soil Conservation Group
土壤管理Soil Management Group
土壤资源Soil Resources Group
地中海可持续金枪鱼养殖/育肥规范特设工作Ad Hoc Working Group on Sustainable Tuna Farming/Fattening Practices in the Mediterranean
地区发展合作Regional Cooperation for Development
地理信息系统Geographic Information System Group
塞内加尔河开发Organization for the Development of the Senegal River
处理及检查Processing and Control Group
外部审查小external review panel
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SFC
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SFS
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SLM
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SFE
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SEC
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SAP
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SNE
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team, SLC
多学科小Multidisciplinary Team
多样化、生计、健康及收入Diversification, Livelihoods, Health and Income Team
多边织绩效评估网Multilateral Organisations Performance Assessment Network
多边贸易Multilateral Trade Negotiations
大田粮食作物Field Food Crops Group
大米Rice Group
大西洋中东部渔业委员会科学小委员会Scientific Sub-Committee
大西洋中东部渔业委员会科学小委员会CECAF Scientific Sub-Committee
天主教服务救济Catholic Relief Service
太平洋植物保护Pacific Plant Protection Organization
小农及乡村织官员Small Farmer and Rural Organizations Officer
山区伙伴关系Mountain Partnership Team
山区流域管理和相关考察工作Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds and related Study Tour
山区流域管理工作Working Party on Management of Mountain Watersheds
市场联系及价值链Market Linkages and Value Chains Group
引种和放养特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Introductions and Stocking
性别与林业问题专家Team of Specialists on Gender and Forestry
性别、环境及可持续发展Gender, Environment and Sustainable Development Group
总部和实地安全Headquarters and Field Security Unit
恢复及人道主义政策Rehabilitation and Humanitarian Policies Unit
意大利/粮农织合办的拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区农业和乡村发展规划、政策和项目培训计划Italy/FAO Training Programme on Agricultural and Rural Development Planning, Policies and Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
成员全称:粮农组织的成员组织Member Organization of FAO
战略小Strategy Team
战略小组长Strategy Team Leader
战略规划和技术援助非正式工作Informal Working Group on Technical Assistance
战略规划和技术援助非正式工作Informal Working Group on Strategic Planning and Technical Assistance
扩大的改革小Extended Reform Group
指导分小Steering Sub-Group
挪威/粮农织关于共享鱼类资源管理的专家磋商会Norway/FAO Expert Consultation on the Management of Shared Fish Stocks
捐助方联络及资源调动Donor Relation and Resource Mobilization Team
收获后管理Post-harvest Management Group
收藏发展及处理Collection Development and Processing Group
改变自然水生生境对鱼类种群影响工作Working Party on Effects of Physical Modifications of the Aquatic Habitat on Fish Populations
改革工作Working Group on Reform
改革支持Reform Support Group
放养问题工作Working Party on Stocking
放射性废物处理场地评估及试验设计协调SEDE Group
放射性废物处理场地评估及试验设计协调Co-ordinating Group on Site Evaluation and Design of Experiments for Radioactive Waste Disposal
政府间Intergovernmental Organization
政府间织关系组Intergovernmental Organizations Relations Group
政府间织关系组IGOs Relations Group
政府间织官员Inter-governmental Organizations Officer
政府间可可小IGG on Cocoa
政府间可可小Intergovernmental Group on Cocoa
政府间商品小Intergovernmental Group on Commodities
政府间商品小Intergovernmental Groups on Commodities
政府间技术部门工作Sectoral Working Group
政府间技术部门工作Intergovernmental Technical Sectoral Working Group
政府间支持费用工作小Intergovernmental Working Group on Support Costs
政府间柑桔类水果小IGG on Citrus Fruit
政府间柑桔类水果小Intergovernmental Group on Citrus Fruit
政府间油籽及油脂小IGG on Oilseeds, Oils and Fats
政府间油籽及油脂小Intergovernmental Group on Oilseeds, Oils and Fats
政府间海洋污染工作小Intergovernmental Working Group on Marine Pollution
政府间监测或监督工作小Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring or Surveillance
政府间监视或监督工作小Intergovernmental Working Group on Monitoring or Surveillance
政府间硬纤维小IGG on Hard Fibres
政府间硬纤维小Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres
政府间硬质纤维小闭会期间事项分小组Subgroup on Intersessional Matters of the Intergovernmental Group on Hard Fibres
政府间稻米小IGG on Rice
政府间稻米小Intergovernmental Group on Rice
政府间肉和奶制品小IGG on Meat and Dairy Products
政府间肉和奶制品小Intergovernmental Group on Meat and Dairy Products
政府间茶叶小IGG on Tea
政府间茶叶小Intergovernmental Group on Tea
政府间葡萄酒及葡萄产品小IGG on Wine and Vine Products
政府间葡萄酒及葡萄产品小Intergovernmental Group on Wine and Vine Products
政府间谷物和稻谷小联席会议Joint Meeting of the Intergovernmental Groups on Grains and Rice
政府间谷物小IGG on Grains
政府间谷物小Intergovernmental Group on Grains
政府间香蕉及热带水果小IGG on Bananas and Tropical Fruits
政府间香蕉及热带水果小Intergovernmental Group on Bananas and on Tropical Fruits
政府间香蕉及热带水果小Intergovernmental Group on Bananas and Tropical Fruits
政府间香蕉小香蕉统计委员会Bananas Statistics Committee of the Intergovernmental Group on Bananas
政府间黄麻、槿麻及同类纤维小IGG on Jute
政府间黄麻、槿麻及同类纤维小Intergovernmental Group on Jute, Kenaf and Allied Fibres
政策事务联合磋商Joint Consultative Group on Policy
政策及体制促进Policy and Institutional Promotion Group
政策及程序Policy and Procedures Unit
政策援助Policy Assistance Unit
效率促进Efficiency Unit
FAOSTAT数据库管理FAOSTAT Management Group
CountrySTAT数据库管理CountrySTAT Management Group
数据收集合同及工作Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics
普查及调查计划Census and Survey Programmes Group
最不发达国家小委员会Sub-committee on least-developed countries
最不发达国家问题政府间小高级别会议High-level Meeting of the Intergovernmental Group on the Least Developed Countries
有关采取措施提高包括驻国家代表处在内领导机构效率的开放性工作Open-ended Working Group on Measures Designed to Increase the Efficiency of Governing Bodies, including Representation
有害生物综合治理Integrated Pest Management Group
服务谈判小Group of Negotiations on Services
服务贸易总协定规则工作Working party on GATTS rules
FAOSTAT未来发展技术工作Technical Working Group on the Future of FAOSTAT
术语表技术小Technical Panel for the Glossary
术语表技术小Technical Panel for the Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms
机构间交流工作Interagency Communication Task Force
机构间交流工作Interagency Communication Task Force for Avian/Human Pandemic Influenza
机构间森林工作Inter-Agency Task Force on Forests
机构间烟草管理特设工作Ad Hoc Interagency Task Force on Tobacco Control
机构间采购事务工作Working Group on Inter-agency Procurement Matters
机构间采购服务Inter-agency Procurement Services Unit
杂鱼老化问题工作Working Party on the Ageing of Coarse Fish
权力下放活动Decentralized Activities Group
权力下放部际工作Interdepartmental Working Group on Decentralization
杨树和柳树品种选育工作Working Party on Breeding and Selection of Poplars and Willows
杨树和柳树生产系统工作Working Party on Production Systems for Poplars and Willows
杨树害虫工作Working Party on Poplar Insect Pests
杨树疾病工作Working Party on Poplar Diseases
杨树育种工作Working Party on Poplar Breeding
标准问题工作Criteria Working Group
标志放流工作Working Party on Tagging
核心小Core Team
植检处理技术小Technical Panel on Phytosanitary Treatments
植检能力评价非正式工作Informal Working Group on the PCE
植检能力评价非正式工作Informal Working Group on the Phytosanitary Capacity Evaluation
植物养分及土壤肥力综合管理Integrated Plant Nutrient and Soil Fertility Management Group
植物检疫术语表技术小Technical Panel for the Glossary
植物检疫术语表技术小Technical Panel for the Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms
植物育种Plant Breeding Unit
植物营养战略、经济及后勤Strategies, Economics and Logistics of Plant Nutrients Group
植物遗传资源Plant Genetic Resources Group
植物遗传资源原生境保存工作Working Group on in situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources
植物遗传资源及种子工作Plant Genetic Resources and Seeds Team
欧洲东道主织委员会European Commission Host Organization
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理事会鳗鱼联合工作Joint EIFAAC/ICES Working Group on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理事会鳗鱼联合工作Joint EIFAAC/ICES ad Hoc Working Party on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理事会鳗鱼联合工作Working Party on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/地中海渔业总委员会鲟鱼管理特设工作Joint EIFAC/GFCM Ad Hoc Working Party on Management of Sturgeon
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/地中海渔业总委员会鲟鱼管理特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Sturgeon
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/地中海渔业总委员会鲟鱼管理特设工作Ad Hoc EIFAC/GFCM Working Party on Management of Sturgeon
欧洲农业委员会/粮农织联合农业司Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division
欧洲原子能研究European Organization for Nuclear Research
欧洲和地中海植物保护European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization
欧洲外来物种引入问题工作Working Party on Introduction of Exotic Species into Europe
欧洲救济与发展非政府织联合会European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development
欧洲救济与发展非政府织联合会European Non-governmental Organizations Confederation for Relief and Development
欧洲新鲜水果和蔬菜进口商及销售织联盟Confederation of Importers and Marketing Organizations in Europe of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
欧洲淡水养殖市场前景特设工作Ad Hoc EIFAC/EC Working Party on Market Perspectives for European Freshwater Aquaculture
欧洲淡水养殖市场前景特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Market Perspectives of European Freshwater Aquaculture
欧洲淡水鱼质量标准工作Working Party on Quality Criteria for European Freshwater Fish
欧洲移民问题研究小Research Group for European Migration Problems
FAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和农业统计学研究小FAO/ECE/CES Study Group
FAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和农业统计学研究小FAO/ECE/CES Study Group on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe
欧洲细胞生物学European Cell Biology Organization
欧洲经济共同体国家磨面协会小Flour Milling Associations Group of the EU Countries
欧洲经济委员会/粮农织联合农业及木材司Joint ECE/FAO Agriculture and Timber Division
欧盟农业织委员会Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the European Union
欧盟农业织委员会Committee of Agricultural Organizations in the EU
欧盟国家捕捞企业织协会Association of National Organizations of Fishing Enterprises of the EU
欧盟/粮农织"粮食安全信息行动"计划EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme
欧盟/粮农织"粮食安全信息行动"计划Food Security Information for Action
民间社会织/非政府组织论坛CSO/NGO Forum
气候变化Climate Change Team
气候变化及生物能源Climate Change and Bioenergy Unit
气候变化部际工作Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate Change
水产养殖中水生资源管理特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Aquatic Resources Management in Aquaculture
水产养殖和内陆渔业工作Working Party on Aquaculture and Inland Fisheries
水产养殖统计协调工作Coordinating Working Party on Aquaculture Statistics
水利信息、政策和资源管理Water Information, Policy and Resource Management Group
水利开发及管理Water Development and Management Unit
水利开发、技术及小型灌溉Water Development, Technology and Small-scale Irrigation Group
水污染对渔业影响问题工作Working Party on Water Pollution Effects on Fisheries
水质及环境Water Quality and Environment Group
水资源和灌溉工作Working Party on Water Resources and Irrigation
水资源管理及灌溉系统Water Management and Irrigation Systems Group
污染与渔业工作Working Party on Pollution and Fisheries
流域管理及山区Watershed Management and Mountains Team
浅海金枪鱼工作Working Party on Neritic Tunas
渔业Fisheries Group
渔业信息、数据及统计Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit
渔业信息、数据及统计资料Fishery Information, Data and Statistics Unit
渔业协调Coordinating Group on Fisheries
渔业可持续性问题工作Working Group on Sustainability in Fisheries
渔业和水产养殖业中鱼品装卸问题特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture
渔业和水产养殖中鱼品处理特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Handling of Fishes in Fisheries and Aquaculture
渔业妇女问题核心小Core Group on Women in Fisheries
渔业工作Fisheries Working Group
渔业引种问题工作Working Party on Fishery Introductions
渔业技术工作Working Party on Fisheries Technology
渔业管理体制协调统一问题工作Workshop on the Harmonization and Coordination of Fishery Regimes
渔业统计Fishery Statistics Group
渔业统计协调工作Coordinating Working Party on Fishery Statistics
渔业统计和经济联合工作Joint Working Party on Fishery Statistics and Economics
渔业资源分配工作Working Party on the Allocation of Fishery Resources
渔业资源工作Working Party on Fishery Resources
渔业资源生物研究和评估工作Working Party on Biological Research and Evaluation of Fishery Resources
渔具选择性问题工作Working Party on Fishing Gear Selectivity
温室气体问题咨询小Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases
温带金枪鱼工作Working Party on Temperate Tunas
湖泊渔业管理合作研究计划工作Working Party on the Cooperative Research Programme on Lake Fisheries Management
湖泊渔业管理合作研究计划工作小Working Party on the Cooperative Research Programme on Lake Fisheries Management
漫滩渔业工作Working Party on Floodplain Fisheries
《濒危物种公约》提案评价工作特设专家咨询小Ad hoc Expert Advisory Panel for the Assessment of Proposals to Amend CITES Appendices I and II
《濒危物种公约》提案评价工作特设专家咨询小Ad Hoc Expert Advisory Panel for Assessment of Proposals to CITES
理事会粮农织独立外部评价委员会Council Committee for the Independent External Evaluation of FAO
生产Production Unit
生产结构Production Structure Group
生态及环境工作Working Group on Ecology and Environment
生态系统保护小Ecosystem Conservation Group
生态系统管理Ecosystem Management Team
生物固氮工作小Working Group on Biological Nitrogen Fixation
生物多样性Biodiversity Team
生物技术衍生食品政府间特设工作Codex ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology
生物技术衍生食品政府间特设工作Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods derived from Biotechnology
生皮分小Subgroup on Hides and Skins
电信业务Telecommunications Operations Group
电子认证工作IPPC Electronic Certification Working Group
电子认证工作Electronic Certification Working Group
电讯及信息服务政策工作Working Party on Telecommunication and Information Services Policies
畜牧生产Livestock Production Group
研究及推广Research and Extension Unit
硬质纤维研究咨询工作Advisory Working Party on Hard Fibres Research
社会经济Socio-Economics Unit
社会经济指标工作Working Group on Socio-economic Indicators
稻米分级和标准化分小Subgroup on Rice Grading and Standardization
第一、第二和第三工作联席会议Joint Working Group Meeting of the CoC-IEE
第一、第二和第三工作联席会议Joint Meetings of CoC-IEE WG I, WG II and WG III
第一、第二和第三工作联席会议Joint Meeting of Working Groups I, II and III
第一、第二和第三工作联席会议Joint Working Group Meeting
第三国捕鱼公司小Cluster of Fishing Companies in Third Countries
第二工作:《基本文件》和理事会成员Working Group II: Basic Texts and Membership of Council
紧急协调Emergency Coordination Unit
紧急协调Emergency Rehabilitation and Coordination Unit
紧急恢复及协调Emergency Coordination Unit
紧急恢复及协调Emergency Rehabilitation and Coordination Unit
紧急情况协调小Emergency Coordination Group
紧急行动Emergency Unit
紧急计划行政管理工作Emergency Programme Administrative Task Force
编辑Editorial Group
职工事务磋商小Consultative Group on Staff Matters
联合国与民间社会关系知名人士小Panel of Eminent Persons on United Nations-Civil Society Relations
联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence
联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment
联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment
联合国共同系统UN Common Systems Unit
联合国发展织阿拉伯湾方案Arab Gulf Programme for the United Nations Development Organizations
联合国地名专家United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
联合国多国跨学科发展咨询小United Nations Multinational Interdisciplinary Development Advisory Team
联合国应对非洲之角长期粮食安全、农业发展和有关问题的机构间工作Inter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa
联合国开发计划署/粮农织南中国海计划UNDP/FAO South China Sea Programme
联合国教学及联合国机构,法国巴黎Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合国教学及联合国机构,法国巴黎United Nations Educational
联合国教科文United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization
联合国欧洲经济委员会/食品法典果汁标准化联合专家Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Fruit Juices
联合国欧洲经济委员会/食品法典速冻食品标准化联合专家Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods
联合国灾害评估和协调待命小United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Standby Team
联合国灾害评估和协调待命小United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team
联合国灾害评估和协调待命小UNDAC Team
联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统特设政府间全体小Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development
联合国粮食及农业织与世界知识产权组织的协定Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization
联合国自愿人员United Nations Volunteers Programme
联合政策咨询小Joint Consultative Group on Policy
联合检查Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System
联合检查Joint Inspection Unit
联合调查Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System
联合调查Joint Inspection Unit
联合采购Joint Procurement Unit
联合采购小Common Procurement Team
联络Focus Group
范围和准入工作Working Group on Scope and Access
草原及牧场作物Grassland and Pasture Crops Group
营养安全及政策Nutrition Security and Policy Group
营养教育及交流Nutrition Education and Communications Group
营养教育及消费者认识Nutrition Education and Consumer Awareness Group
营养规划支持Nutrition Planning Support Group
营养评估及营养素需要量Nutrition Assessment and Nutrient Requirements Group
虚拟项目工作Virtual Project Task Force
蝗虫及其它迁移性害虫Locust and Other Migratory Pests Group
蝗虫及跨界病虫害Locusts and Transboundary Pests Team
行政协调委员会营养小委员会秘书处ACC Sub-Committee on Nutrition Secretariat
行政应用程序协调Administrative Applications Coordination Unit
行政支持Administrative Support Unit
行政程序精简和授权部际工作IDWG on Streamlining and Delegations
行政程序精简和授权部际工作Interdepartmental Working Group on Streamlining of Administrative Procedures and Delegation of Authority
调查Investigation Unit
谷物Grains Group
财务系统Financial Systems Unit
货物谈判小Group of Negotiations on Goods
质量保障Quality Assurance Unit
贸易协定Trade Agreements Group
贸易及商品政策Trade and Commodity Policy Group
贸易政策及发展Trade Policy and Development Group
贸易谈判Trade Negotiations Group
资产跟踪Asset Tracking Unit
资源及战略伙伴关系Resources and Strategic Partnerships Unit
资源用于未来Resources for the Future, Inc.
资源评估和渔业统计工作Working Party on Resources Appraisal and Fishery Statistics
《近期行动计划》变革管理小IPA Change Management Unit
《近期行动计划》应急IPA Contingency
《近期行动计划》管理层后续行动IPA Management Follow-up
《近期行动计划》计划管理IPA Programme Management Unit
通信及系统支持Communications and System Support Group
速冻食品加工处理法典政府间特设工作Ad Hoc Codex Intergovernmental Task Force on the Processing and Handling of Quick-Frozen Foods
遗传资源获取和利益分享问题专家Panel of Experts on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit-sharing
遥感Remote Sensing Group
遥感工作Remote Sensing Working Group
销售Sales and Marketing Group
销售小Sales Team
防控鸟类捕食特设工作Ad Hoc Working Party on Prevention and Control of Bird Predation
防治主要地方性流行病协调与合作Coordination and Cooperation Organization for the Control of Major Endemic Diseases
防治沙漠化协商Consultative Group for Desertification Control
防治蝗虫及鸟害联合Joint Anti-Locust and Anti-Aviarian Organization
阿拉伯农业发展Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
阿拉伯劳工Arab Labour Organization
阿拉伯卫星通讯Arab Satellite Communications Organization
阿拉伯工业发展Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
阿拉伯工业发展和矿物开采Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
阿拉伯文翻译Arabic Translation Group
阿拉伯标准化和计量学Arab Organization for Standardization and Metrology
阿拉伯联盟教育、文化及科学Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization
附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol
降低农药风险Pesticide Risk Reduction Team
限制性商业惯例问题政府间专家Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices
非亚人民团结Afro-Asian People's Solidarity Organization
非亚经济合作Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation
非政府Non-governmental Organizations
非政府Non-governmental Organization
非政府织与欧盟发展问题联络委员会Liaison Committee of Development NGOs to the European Union
非政府织论坛NGO Forum
非洲农业和粮食安全主题小Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
非洲农业和粮食安全主题小MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
非洲区域渔产品销售及合作服务政府间Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa
非洲及马儿加什咖啡African and Malagasy Coffee Organization
非洲咖啡Inter-African Coffee Organization
非洲工会统一Organization of African Trade Union Unity
非洲政府间渔产品营销信息及合作服务Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa
非洲木材African Timber Organization
非洲特设小信息系统African Task Force Information System
非洲特设行动秘书处Africa Task Force Secretariat
非洲特设行动小信息系统African Task Force Information System
非洲特设行动小管理委员会Africa Task Force Management Committee
非洲紧急行动特设工作African Emergency Task Force
非洲贸易促进织协会Association of African Trade Promotion Organizations
非洲间咖啡Inter-African Coffee Organization
非洲食品及营养研究Research Organization on African Alimentation and Nutrition
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