
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 组合 | all forms
与多边和双边机构合作组Unit for Cooperation with Multilateral and Bilateral Agencies
与联合国系统关系组UNCNUnit for Relations with the United Nations System
世界卫生/粮农组织/联合国环境计划署合办的环境管理病媒控制专家组Joint WHO/FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Environmental Management for Vector Control
世界天主教妇女组织联合会World Union of Catholic Women's Organizations
世界工程组织联合会World Federation of Engineering Organizations
世界教学专业组织联合会World Confederation of Organizations for the Teaching Profession
中美洲发展基金组织联合会Federation of Central American Development Foundations
中非经济合作共同组织Common Organization for Economic Cooperation in Central Africa
为常驻代表举办的有关粮农组织参与联合国改革和设在罗马的各机构之间合作的研讨会Seminar for Permanent Representatives on FAO's Engagement in the UN Reform and Cooperation between the Rome-based Agencies
亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
亚太经合组织Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
亚太经社委员会/粮农组织联合农业司Joint ESCAP/FAO Agriculture Division
促进《巴塞尔公约》、《《鹿特丹公约》和《斯德哥尔摩公约》之间合作与协调特设联合工作组Ad Hoc Joint Working Group on Enhancing Cooperation and Coordination among the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions
全组织伙伴关系及联合国关系处Corporate Partnerships and UN Relations Branch
《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
关于建立非洲水产品销售信息及合作服务政府间组织的协定Agreement for the Establishment of the Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa
减少发展中国家毁林和森林退化所致排放量联合国合作方案组UN-REDD Programme Team
减少排放量联合国合作方案组UN-REDD Programme Team
加勒比海地区经济发展合作小组Caribbean Group for Cooperation in Economic Development
南南合作组South-South Cooperation Team
发展渔业领域国际组织合作分委员会Sub-Committee on the Development of Cooperation with International Organizations concerned with Fisheries
合同及方法/技术安装组Contracts and Methods Technical Installation Group
合同组Contracts Group
国际海事组织/粮农组织/教科文组织-政府间海洋学委员会/世界气象组织/世界卫生组织/国际原子能机构/环境规划署海洋环境保护的科学方面联合专家组IMO/FAO/UNESCO-IOC/WMO/WHO/IAEA/UN/UNEP Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection
土地资源综合规划与管理以及农业特设工作组Ad Hoc Working Group on Integrated Planning and Management of Land Resources, and on Agriculture
地区发展合作组织Regional Cooperation for Development
意大利/粮农组织合办的拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区农业和乡村发展规划、政策和项目培训计划Italy/FAO Training Programme on Agricultural and Rural Development Planning, Policies and Projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
拉丁美洲及加勒比区域经济委员会/粮农组织联合农业司Joint ECLAC/FAO Agriculture Division
政策事务联合磋商组Joint Consultative Group on Policy
数据收集合同及工作组Working Party on Data Collection and Statistics
有害生物综合治理组Integrated Pest Management Group
植物养分及土壤肥力综合管理组Integrated Plant Nutrient and Soil Fertility Management Group
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理事会鳗鱼联合工作组Joint EIFAAC/ICES ad Hoc Working Party on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理事会鳗鱼联合工作组Joint EIFAAC/ICES Working Group on Eels
欧洲内陆渔业咨询委员会/国际海洋勘探理事会鳗鱼联合工作组Working Party on Eels
欧洲农业委员会/粮农组织联合农业司Joint ECA/FAO Agriculture Division
欧洲救济与发展非政府组织联合会European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development
欧洲救济与发展非政府组织联合会European Non-governmental Organizations Confederation for Relief and Development
欧洲经济委员会/粮农组织联合农业及木材司Joint ECE/FAO Agriculture and Timber Division
沿海地区综合管理分小组Subgroup on Integrated Coastal Area Management
消费者联合会国际组织International Organization of Consumers' Unions
渔业统计和经济联合工作组Joint Working Party on Fishery Statistics and Economics
湖泊渔业管理合作研究计划工作小组Working Party on the Cooperative Research Programme on Lake Fisheries Management
湖泊渔业管理合作研究计划工作组Working Party on the Cooperative Research Programme on Lake Fisheries Management
粮农组织与阿拉伯地区渔业产品销售信息及咨询服务中心合作协定Cooperation Agreement between FAO and the Centre for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for Fishery Products in the Arab Region
粮农组织/世卫组织关于人类营养中碳水化合物问题联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Carbohydrates in Human Nutrition
粮农组织/世卫组织生物技术和食品安全联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Biotechnology and Food Safety
粮农组织/世卫组织联合食品法典委员会Codex Alimentarius Commission
粮农组织/世卫组织联合食品法典委员会FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission
粮农组织/世卫组织食品标准中应用风险分析联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Application of Risk Analysis to Food Standards Issues
粮农组织/世界卫生组织奶及奶制品原则规范政府专家联合委员会Joint FAO/WHO Committee of Government Experts on the Code of Principles concerning Milk and Milk Products
粮农组织/世界卫生组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Microbiological Risk Assessment
粮农组织/世界卫生组织营养专家联合委员会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Nutrition
粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品标准联合计划Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives
粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
粮农组织/世界银行合作计划FAO/World Bank Cooperative Programme
粮农组织信用合作社FAO Credit Union
粮农组织/卫生组织对 粮农组织/卫生组织对食品法典及粮农组织和卫生组织其它食品标准工作的联合评价Joint FAO/WHO Evaluation of the Codex Alimentarius and other FAO and WHO Work on Food Standards
粮农组织/国际原子能机构农业中应用同位素和生物技术联合计划Joint FAO/IAEA Programme on Agricultural Applications of Isotopes and Biotechnology
粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业中的核技术联合司司长办公室Office of Director, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业核技术联合司Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业核技术联合司Joint FAO/IAEA Division
粮农组织/国际海事组织关于非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼及相关事项特设联合工作组Joint FAO/IMO ad Hoc Working Group on IUU Fishing and Related Matters
粮农组织/国际海事组织关于非法、不报告和不管制捕鱼及相关事项特设联合工作组Joint FAO/IMO ad Hoc Working Group on Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing and Related Matters
粮农组织改革特设联合咨询委员会Ad Hoc Joint Advisory Committee on FAO Reform
粮农组织改革问题特设联合咨询委员会Ad Hoc Joint Advisory Committee on FAO Reform
粮农组织/政府合办的合作计划FAO/Government Cooperative Programme
粮农组织/政府级海洋学委员会合办的关于生物资源的海洋科学方案Joint FAO/IOC Programme on Ocean Science in Relation to Living Resources
粮农组织/欧洲农业委员会/联合国工发组织合办的森林工业咨询小组Forest Industry Advisory Group
粮农组织/欧洲农业委员会/联合国工发组织合办的森林工业咨询小组FAO/ECA/UNIDO Forest Industry Advisory Group
粮农组织/环境规划署农药规格、登记要求、使用标准及事先知情同意联合专家组Joint FAO/UNEP Panel of Experts on Pesticide Specifications, Registration Requirements, Application Standards and PIC
粮农组织职工合作社FAO Staff Coop
粮农组织/联合国教科文组织/国际劳工组织农业、教育、科学及培训联合咨询委员会FAO/UNESCO/ILO Joint Advisory Committee on Agricultural Education, Science and Training
粮农组织/联合国环境规划署东非沿海综合管理联合项目FAO/UNEP Joint Project on Integrated Coastal Management in East Africa
粮农组织/联合国环境规划署事先知情同意程序专家组Joint FAO/UNEP Group of Experts on Prior Informed Consent
粮农组织/联合国环境规划署关于实施事先知情同意程序的联合计划Joint FAO/UNEP Programme for the Operation of Prior Informed Consent
粮农组织/芬兰合作计划组FAO/Finnish Programme Team
粮农组织/近东合办的合作计划FAO/Near East Cooperative Programme
粮农组织驻阿拉伯联合酋长国代表处FAO Representation in United Arab Emirates
经合组织与粮农组织联合出版的Agricultural Outlook
经合组织与粮农组织联合出版的OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook
经济合作与发展组织Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
经济合作与发展组织商业与工业咨询委员会Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD
综合植物营养系统组Integrated Plant Nutrition Systems Group
美洲合作社组织Organization of the Cooperatives of America
联合国与民间社会关系知名人士小组Panel of Eminent Persons on United Nations-Civil Society Relations
联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence
联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组High-level Panel on UN System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment
联合国全系统在发展、人道主义援助和环境领域的一致性问题高级别小组High-level Panel on United Nations System-wide Coherence in the Areas of Development, Humanitarian Assistance and the Environment
联合国共同系统组UN Common Systems Unit
联合国发展组织阿拉伯湾方案Arab Gulf Programme for the United Nations Development Organizations
联合国地名专家组United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names
联合国多国跨学科发展咨询小组United Nations Multinational Interdisciplinary Development Advisory Team
联合国应对非洲之角长期粮食安全、农业发展和有关问题的机构间工作组Inter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa
联合国开发计划署/粮农组织南中国海计划UNDP/FAO South China Sea Programme
联合国教学及组织联合国机构,法国巴黎Scientific and Cultural Organization
联合国教学及组织联合国机构,法国巴黎United Nations Educational
联合国教科文组织United Nations Education, Science and Culture Organization
联合国欧洲经济委员会/食品法典果汁标准化联合专家组Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Fruit Juices
联合国欧洲经济委员会/食品法典速冻食品标准化联合专家组Joint ECE/Codex Alimentarius Group of Experts on Standardization of Quick Frozen Foods
联合国灾害评估和协调待命小组United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team
联合国灾害评估和协调待命小组United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Standby Team
联合国灾害评估和协调待命小组UNDAC Team
联合国科学和技术促进发展筹资系统特设政府间全体小组Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Group on the United Nations Financing System for Science and Technology for Development
联合国粮食及农业组织与世界知识产权组织的协定Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization
联合国自愿人员组织United Nations Volunteers Programme
联合政策咨询小组Joint Consultative Group on Policy
联合检查组Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System
联合检查组Joint Inspection Unit
联合调查组Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations System
联合调查组Joint Inspection Unit
联合采购小组Common Procurement Team
联合采购组Joint Procurement Unit
西亚经社委员会/粮农组织联合农业司Joint ESCWA/FAO Agriculture Division
采购与合同组 - 非食品项目Procurement and Contracts Unit - non food item
铁路合作组织Organization of Railways Cooperation
防治主要地方性流行病协调与合作组织Coordination and Cooperation Organization for the Control of Major Endemic Diseases
防治蝗虫及鸟害联合组织Joint Anti-Locust and Anti-Aviarian Organization
非亚经济合作组织Afro-Asian Organization for Economic Cooperation
非洲区域渔产品销售及合作服务政府间组织Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa
非洲政府间渔产品营销信息及合作服务组织Intergovernmental Organization for Marketing Information and Cooperation Services for Fishery Products in Africa
鱼品技术和销售联合工作组Joint Working Party on Fish Technology and Marketing