
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 组分 | all forms | in specified order only
组分因子分析principal components factor analysis
共聚物组分分布copolymer composition distribution
分布式组件对象模型distributed components object model
分组技术group technology
分组折旧法depreciation-group method
分组法group technology
分组面积纵横加权平均〔法〕grouped area aspect weighted mean
原子轨道、分子轨道和自洽〔力〕场线性组合linear combination of atomic orbitals, molecular orbital, self consistent field
原子轨道和分子轨道线性组合linear combination of atomic orbitals, molecular orbital
原子轨道的自洽〔力〕场分子轨道线性组合self-consistent field molecular orbital linear combination of atomic orbital
可溶有机组分soluble organic fraction
固定资产分组折旧法asset depreciation range system
国际地层划分小组委员会International Subcommission for Stratigraphic Classification
国际生物学计划分组委员会Sectional Committee of the International Biological Programme
地域分配组area distribution panel
地球物理分析组geophysical analysis group
完全流动的组分perfectly mobile components
挥发性组分more volatile component
斜长石组分plagioclase composition
月球样品分析计划组lunar sample analysis planning team
有限构型相互作用-分子轨道-原子轨道线性组合〔法〕limited configuration interaction-molecular orbital-linear combination of atomic orbital
标度分组间隔class interval
欧洲分子生物学组织European Molecular Biology Organization
活动件组合分析moving block association analysis
烃组成分析链烷烃、链烯烃、环烷烃、芳香烃的组成分析paraffine hydrocarbons, olefine hydrocarbons, naphthene hydrocarbons, aromatic hydrocarbons analysis
熔融组分fusion component
生态系统组分模拟模型ecosystem component simulation models
电化学组分electrochemical component
组分fuel-to-oxidizer (ratio)
腐殖物质组分fraction of humic substances
轻质组分more volatile component
陆地卫星数据分布标记工作组LANDSAT data distribution marketing working group
高温组分high-temperature component
麻省理工学院地球物理分析组Massachusetts Institute of Technology Geophysical Analysis