
Terms for subject Project management containing 线 | all forms
一种连接外设和 PC 的双向总线ACCESS bus
串行线路接口协议Serial Line Internet Protocol
串行线路接口协议仿真器SLIP emulator
串音也能由分散、附近缆线的信号而产生Crosstalk can also be caused by signals on separate, nearby cables
为避免损坏电线或插头、 断开电源插座时、 请用手握紧插头Grip the plug to disconnect from the power outlet to avoid damage to the cord or the plug
也就是说、宽带并没有真正地提供双向的网络线In other words, broadband doesn't really offer a two-way street
线股票second line stock
二三线second and third liner
交换集线switching hub
产品线填充line filling
产品线定价调整product-line pricing adjustments
产品线延伸line stretching
产品线扩展line extension
产品线的宽度breath of product assortment
产品线的宽度或多样性breath or diversity of product lines
产品生命周期曲线product life cycle curve
人力曲线manpower curves
传输线速率line speed
供电线main supply
线跟踪算法是生成真实感图形的主要算法之一Ray tracing algorithm is the main algorithm of creating the real graphic
关键线路法进度表critical path method schedule
关键路线分析法critical path analysis
关键路线进度表critical path schedule
线FT1 T1
分支路线sub-main circuit
线支票cross crossed check (cheque)
利用共享内存实现多线程间通信Using shared memory communication between multi-threading
线经理line manager
十字线cross hairs
单点线en dash
单行线one way
双点线em dash
可拉伸定位线rubber banding
同时、其他线程可以访问磁盘文件或从通信端口获取数据A/ the same time, other threads can access disk files or get data from a communications port
线back office
向存储器传送地址是经过一组为地址总线的并行导线进行的The address is transmitted to the memory through a set of parallel wires called an address bus
因为超时或其他错误、 网络虚拟线路被终止The network virtual circuit was terminated due to a timeout or other failure
因此对于有线连接、此事件将指明计算机和集线器之间连接的更改Consequently, for wired connections, this event indicates change in the connection between the computer and a hub
线开支baseline expenditure
线开支及额外开支预测baseline-plus forecast
线预测base line projection
基于仪表总线的嵌入式接口设计design of embedded interface based on M-BUS
基于附息债券的人民币基准收益曲线the benchmark yield curve of RMB on the basis of coupon bonds
基本感觉曲线tristimulus values curves
增长线growth path
它应该是一个衬线字体还是一个无衬线字体呢?Should it be a serif or a sans serif for example?
它采用该公司的第三代视频解码处理器和多总线应用架构It features the company's third-generation video codec processors and multibus architecture
安装工作量曲线quantity installation curves
线型图形line drawing
对于在程序和最终用户之间的在线交互、 很少会用到几百行以上的数据Rarely will more than a few hundred rows be useful for an online interaction between a program and an end user
对称数字用户专用线symmetric digital subscriber line
对称数字签名线symmetric digital subscriber line
将USE 或并行缆线与打印机连接Connect USB or parallel cable to printer
VL 局部总线VL local bus
PCI 局部总线Peripheral Component Interconnect local bus
工资曲线wage curve
线/盈亏一览结算线bottom line
开支基线expenditure baseline
当您打开电脑的红外线接收时、任何靠近电脑的红外线设备都可以控制它When you turn on infrared reception for your computer, any infrared device close to your computer can control it
录用分数线cutoff score
VL 总线VL bus
AT 总线也作 expansion busAT bus
线网络中的设备可以连接到网络上的任何一点、或从网络上任何一点取下、而不影响其他部分In bus network, any devices can be attached or detached from the network at any point without disturbing the network
扩充数据总线的动态随机访问存储器extended data out dynamic random access memory
扩充数据总线的随机访问存储器extended data out random access memory
扩展总线容量的设备bus extender
扩展数据总线随机存取内存extended data out random access memory
线板级board level
接收线路信号检测received line signal detect
控制总线用来控制要执行的操作的种类和顺序The control bus is used to control the sequencing and nature of the operation being performed
新产品线new product lines
新无线通信与其他技术不同的是人们将很难注意到它的存在What is different about new wireless communications is that people will barely notice them
无衬线字体sans serif
未经划线的支票uncrossed cheque
CAD 模型相关的一种曲线Bezier curve
线支票cross crossed check (cheque)
橡皮带式生成线rubber banding
线型风格streamlined forms
流水线生产line of production
特别划线special crossing
特别划线支票special crossed cheque
现有产品线的增加additions to existing product lines
电缆配线cable layout
线参谋关系line-staff relationship
线发展linear development
线固定还款straight-line fixed repayment
线折旧或摊销average method of amortization
线折旧或摊销average method of depreciation
线经理line manager
线结构line structure
短划线en dash
线工程项目pipeline project
粗导线thick wire
红外线IR2 (infrared)
线上项目收人above-the-line receipt
线型发展linear development
线条图Gantt chart
线条图bar chart
线条图表bar chart
线段端口line cap
线路电涌line surge
线透视linear perspective
网络的一个应用是采用专用线路来发送蓝牙数据The application of a network where a dedicated line is used is to transmit bluetooth data
自助电话线auto attendant
船舶是否装备有紧急无线电收发器?Is vessel fitted with an emergency transceiver?
若数据线也正常、则有可能是主机的 USE 接口出现问题了If the data cable works well, it is possible that USB interface on the computer goes wrong
若采用实际利率法进行摊销是不切实可行的、 那么可以采用直线法进行摊销If it is not feasible to adopt the effective interest rate method for the amortization. the straight-line method may be adopted
苹果计算机桌面总线Apple Desktop Bus
调制解调器通常连接到电缆或 DSL线、然后通过以太网电缆和网络适配器连接到计算机The modem is usually connected to a cable or DSL line, and is then connected to your computer through an Ethernet cable and network adapter
责任分界线interface of responsibilities
资源负荷曲线resource loading curve
资源负荷曲线bell curve
超高速数字用户线very-high-rate digital subscriber line
趋向线trend line
输水线transmission line
这些电话线也称为干线These telephone lines are also known as trunk lines
进场路线access route
线wiring case
长划线em dash
集成线路占我们三分之一的生产额Integrated circuit accounts for one third of our business
非对称数字用户线也作 asymmetric digital subscriber loopasymmetrical digital subscriber line
高性能串行总线high performance serial bus (1394)
高数据率数字用户线high-data-rate digital subscriber line
高速数字用户传输线high-bit-rate digital subscriber line
高速率数字用户线high-bit-rate digital subscriber line