
Terms containing 线方 位 | all forms | in specified order only
tech.串视线和方位transit and bearing
tech.主要构造线方位azimuth of principle structural line
tech.位置线法线方向位移中误差mean-square error of displacement for normal direction of position line
mil., air.def.俯仰-方位型天线座elevation azimuth type antenna pedestal
tech.房屋的线方位solar orientation
mil., air.def.向无线电信标方位线omnibearing line
gen.全方位无线电信标omnibearing range
avia.全方位无线电测距omnidirectional radio range
tech.全方位线omnibearing line
tech.线方位bearing of tangent
tech.动态观测线方位direction of regime observation line
tech.勘探线方位exploratory line azimuth
avia.发射器导管方位基准线launcher tube azimuth datum line
tech.各世代线理优选方位preferred orientation of each generation of lineation
avia.固定式方位接收天线fixed reception pattern antenna
gen.固定方位线line of constant bearings
tech.地岩上测量线间的方位角grid bearing
tech.地震测线方位azimuth of seismic line
desert.线方位vertical azimuth
tech.线方位bearing of base line
space大地线方位azimuth bearing
tech.大方位角线broad azimuth trace
space线方位antenna bearing
el.线方位处理器antenna aspect processor
mil., air.def.线方位编码器antenna azimuth encoder
mil., air.def.线方位角阻尼antenna azimuth antihunt
space线方位azimuth axis of antenna
avia.天线通过电子扫描跟踪目标的高度、方位角及距离antenna tracking altitude ; azimuth and range by electronic scan
mil., air.def.宽方位线broad azimuth trace
tech.宽方位角线broad azimuth trace
textile布纹线丝绺方位grainline placement
nautic., tech.带指示器的电子方位线erbl
tech.恒向线方位rhumb-line bearing
oil恒向线方位Mercator bearing
tech.恒向线方位Mercatorial bearing
tech.恒方位线curve of equal bearing
tech.恒方位线curve of constant bearing
space推力线方位thrust line angle
tech.方位偏转线圈azimuth deflection yoke
mil., air.def.方位线azimuth line
space方位一俯仰天线座架elevation-over-azimuth mount
shipb.方位偏转线圈azimuth deflection yoke
tech.方位偶极测深曲线curve of azimuthal dipole-dipole sounding
space方位刻度线bearing cursor
space方位参考线azimuth reference datum
space方位基准线azimuth reference datum
subm.方位基准线lubber line
space方位基线azimuth reference datum
space方位天线azimuth aerial
tech.方位天线homing antenna
tech.方位引示线leading line of bearing from an objective beyond chart
avia.方位操纵线azimuth steering line
space方位标线azimuth marker
agric.方位线指海图的bearing line
eng.geol.方位线line of bearing
eng.geol.方位线bearing line
space方位线bearing line (海图的)
el.方位线directional line
rem.sens.方位线azimuth line
dril.方位线position line
tech.方位线heading line
tech.方位线偏角grid bearing
shipb.方位线定位法position line fixing method
shipb.方位线斜角bearing inclination
tech.方位线系统range system
shipb.方位船位线bearing line of ship-position
space方位角导线azimuth traverse
tech.方位角线azimuth line
tech.方位轴线azimuth axis
tech.方式位线mode bit wire
tech.无有限伸缩线方位orientation of finite longitudinal strain
construct.无线电定位中的错误方位区bad-bearing sector
mil., air.def.无线电定向方位wireless directional bearing
mil., air.def.无线电定向方位radio directional bearing
avia.无线电方位direction-finding bearing
tech.无线电方位radio bearing
construct.无线电方位信标台radio compass station
tech.无线电方位偏差radio bearing deviation
tech.无线电方位图radio bearing chart
avia.无线电方位指示器radio direction indicator
tech.无线电方位换算表radio bearing conversion table
telecom.无线电方位测定radio direction finder
tech.无线电方位测定器radio goniometer
dril.无线电方位测定法radio-direction-finder method
tech.无线电方位角radio angle
space无线电方位计radio goniometer
avia.无线电方位距离磁指示器radio direction distance magnetic indicator
tech.无线电真方位radio true bearing
tech.无线电罗盘方位指示器radio compass bearing indicator
gen.每位申请人,包括儿童在内,都必须要有自己的 DS-160签证申请表。在去大使馆进行面谈之前,须通过在线方式完成并提交 DS-160表Each applicant - including children - must have their own visa application, which is known as the DS-160. The DS-160 must be completed and submitted online prior to your interview at the American embassy
tech.毛雷尔等方位曲线航用图Maurer's nomogram
tech.泊位轴线方向berth orientation
tech.法截线方位normal section azimuth
tech.线方位bearing of line
tech.涌水量水位降深曲线方程equation discharge-drawdown curve
avia.电子方位线electronic bearing line
space目标方位线target aiming line
tech.真方位线true line of bearing
tech.真无线电方位true radio bearing
avia.确定无线电方位角的基准电台magnetic radio
mil., air.def.立轴式俯仰-方位型天线座vertical axis type elevation-azimuth antenna pedestal
transp.等方位〔等磁偏,等角〕线isogonal line
space等方位曲线curve of equal bearings
space等方位曲线curve of constant bearing
space等方位曲线curve of equal bearing
avia.等方位曲线curves of equal bearings
expl.等方位线isogonal line
space等方位线line of constant bearing
tech.等方位线curve of constant bearing
rem.sens.等方位线loxodromic curve
UN, geol.等方位线loxodrome
UN, geol.等方位线rhumb line
tech.等方位线isogonic curve
tech.等方位线loxodromic line
tech.等方位线isogonic line
space等方位线距离rhumb-line distance
tech.等方位航线constant-bearing course
space等角航线方位rhumb bearing
tech.线性体方位azimuth of lineament
tech.线性体方位一频数直方图分析azimuth-frequency histogram analysis of lineament
tech.线性体方位偏差分析azimuthal deviation analysis of lineament
tech.线性体方位异常度分析azimuthal anomalous degree analysis of lineament
tech.线性体长度方位频数直方图分析length-azimuth-frequency histogram analysis of lineament
archit.线方位course bearing
tech.线方位course bearing
tech.线理的方位【地】orientation of lineation
dril.罗盘方位线rhumb line
mil., air.def.线航向方位course bearing
construct.线方位course bearing
mil., air.def.线方位指示器course-and-bearing indicator
avia.航线前方定位点down track fix
shipb.船位方位线bearing line of ship-position
mil., air.def.观测无线电方位observed radio bearing
tech.试验观测线方位direction of observation line for test
tech.起始方位线construction line
tech.线方位orientation of route
mil., air.def.转台式俯仰-方位型天线座rotary table type elevation-azimuth antenna pedestal
mil., air.def.轮轨式俯仰-方位天线座roller raceway type elevation-azimuth antenna pedestal
tech.辐射方位曲线directivity diagram