
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
动机interested motive
impurity energy level
—总体heterogeneous population
defective water
二重单演算dual simplex algorithm
企业家收益或undertaker's rent
凹型单concave simplex method
化学chemically pure
价格竞争absolute price competition
依赖程度simple average dependence
信用证即由开证行在出口地银行设有的存款账户内支付的信用证simple credit
出口补贴pure export subsidy
函数single function
函数simple function
形乘子simplex multiplier
形表simplex tableaus
形解simplex solution
性解法的退化degeneracy in the simplex solution
总差额比率overall balance ratio only
扩大投资simple expansion investment
支付命令absolute order to pay
最惠国条款simple most favored nation clause
simplex method
目的工厂simple-purpose plant
算法simplex algorithm
经常账户比率current account ratio only
经理mere manager
职能结构purely functional structure
计件工资制straight piece-work system
计分法straight point method
计时straight time
计时付酬straight-time pay
计时工资制plain time rate
认付absolute acceptance
认付指汇票付款人无条件承兑absolute acceptance
财政观点purely financial point of view
购买straight purchase
购置的基建单位capital construction unit using only purchased items
销售straight sale
随机样本simple random sample
实际利润real net profit
对偶单dual simplex method
年度net annual gain
序贯单形法sequential simplex method
成本收益率cost-net income ratio
投资利率net profit rate to investment
投资利率net profit rate on investment
投资收入比率investment-net income ratio
折旧前net profit before depreciation
利计算calculated net profit
推广单形法generalized simplex method
改进单形法revised simplex
最终最优单形表final optimal simplex tableau
未分net profit undivided
本期current term net loss
本期收入current net income
毛利与销售额之比ratio of gross profit to net sales
汇兑收益net gain on exchange
矩阵量乘法scalar multiplication of matrices
积性multiplicative scalar
保险额absolute cover
信托dry trust
债券即不附任何条件absolute bond
出口补贴pure export subside
分析net analysis
net proceeds
利与销货比率net profit to sale ratio
利分配表disposition of net profit
利息true interest
利润率纯利/ 纯销货net profit margin
利润量quantum of net profit
利税tax on net profit basis
动产pure personalty
售价估价法valuation at net selling price
商品交易条件net barter terms of trade
固定资本absolute fixed capital
国营贸易full state trading
度证书certificate of purity
开支性费用real out-of-pocket costs
成本absolute cost
技术转让naked transfer technology
折扣率fine rate
损失补偿pure indemnity
损益账net profit and loss account
操作程序net work programming
支配优势图graph for pure dominance
扣除所得税等后收入spendable earnings
收入收益income net
收益true earnings
数积scalar multiple
整数规划pure integer programming
无面值股票pure no-par stock
无面值股票pure no-par stocks
本国产品wholly-obtained product
标志体系pure notation system
橡胶pure rubber
流出net outflow
牌产品genuine parts
直线组织系统pure line organization
租金pure rent
租金absolute rent
税率net rate of tax
竞争atomic competition
竞争atomistic competition
等效原理principle of equal net advantage
粹出口卡特尔pure export cartel
粹商品经济commodity economy in its complete and pure form
粹竞争性的purely competitive
粹纸币本位pure paper standard
粹统计学pure statistics
粹谎言unmitigated lie
经济地租pure economic rent
职能组织pure functional organization
职能组织系统pure functional organization system
营业年度即非会计年度natural business year
薪金制straight salary plan
许可证合同pure license contract
输出国net exporter
追踪pure pursuit
量乘法scalar multiplication
量随机变数scalar random variable
king's gold
true gold
full bodied currency
销售absolute sale
随机过程的自相关函数autocorrelation function of a purely random process
预算net budget
线性规划单形解法simplex method of linear programming
营业net profit from operation
营业net operating profit
营业利润net profit from operation
营业利率net profit rate to operation
度材料ultrapure material
度铸造casting for ultra purity
hyperpure silicon
超高度材料superhigh-pure material
金的fineness of the gold
金融性资本外流net financial capital outflow
销货net profit to sale
销货net margin
销货net loss on sale
附加社会收入率added social net income rate
商业交易transaction under taken for other than purely commercial consideration
量协方差矩阵nonscalar covariance matrix
量扰动协方差矩阵nonscalar disturbance covariance matrix
量方差—协方差矩阵nonscalar variance-covariance matrix
度材料high-purity material
度燃料油high purity fuel oil
度的highly purified
度石蜡矿物油superrefined paraffinic mineral oil