
Terms for subject Oil processing plants containing | all forms
壳 牌乙烯低【齐】聚制α-烯烃工艺Shell higher olefin process
壳 牌乙烯低【齐】聚制α-烯烃工艺Shell high olefin process
闪蒸multistage flash distillation
闪蒸multi-stage flash distillation
多效多蒸馏multi-effect multi-stage distillation
洛式硬度CRockwell hardness C-scale
火焰蔓延分flame-spread classification
理论当量填料层高度height of packing equivalent to a theoretical stage
B 燃油fuel oil B
C燃油fuel oil C
A燃油fuel oil A
萨索尔集团合成油过程Sasol Advanced Synthol process
车用汽油premium motor gasoline
高效制备液相色谱法high-performance preparative liquid chromatography