
Terms for subject Project management containing | all forms
下行速度为使用 3G 时 EVO 速度的两倍 EVO 上行速度为使用 3G 时 EVO 速度的三倍That downstream speed was double the EVO speed when using 3G, and the upstream speed was about triple
与股权联系的合equity-related contract
业主违employer's default
业主违default by owner
业主违default by employer
严重违material breach of contract
以私人协形式售卖sale by private treaty
价值较高的要enhanced offer
依法或依必须进行的仲裁obligatory arbitration
依法或依必须进行的仲裁mandatory arbitration
依法或依必须进行的仲裁compulsory arbitration
保证契deed of undertaking
保险合contract of insurance
信贷违掉期credit default swap
债务变更契deed of novation
债权证信托契debenture trust deed
先期违anticipatory breach
公司成立前合pre-incorporation contract
公开要general offer
共同合joint contract
再保险协reinsurance treaty
再保险合contract of reinsurance
分包商违default of subcontractor
分包商违default by subcontractor
分包销合sub-underwriting contract
利率合interest rate contract
因素restrictive element
包销合underwriting contract
业务treaty business
再保险业务treaty reinsurance business
谈判treaty negotiation
单方合unilateral contract
单方毁unilateral denunciation
单日掉期外汇期货合one day rolling currency futures contract
取得履担保的承包商bonded contractor
束的subject to
受合同的under contract
口头gentleman's agreement
储蓄基金contractual savings fund
协议contractual agreement
备忘录memorandum of agreement
完成证明书certificate of compliance
式垂直营销系统contractual vertical marketing systems
式联营企业contractual joint venture
总值gross contract value
承担contractual commitment
权利contractual right
权益interest in contract
正本original of the contract
登记registration of contract
合伙合contract of copartnery
合同定价格contract stipulated price
合同的contractual restrictions
合营合joint venture contract
商品交易顾问合commodity trading advisory contract
商品期货合commodity futures contract
固定价格要fixed-price offer
固定总价合fixed-price lump-sum contract
外汇合foreign exchange contract
外汇合exchange contract
外汇合撤销单exchange contract cancellation note
外汇期货合currency futures contract
制造业contract manufacturing
建筑业contract construction
式联营合同contractual joint-venture contract
式进人模式contractual entry modes
如果纽州的电话网络属于一个独立的企业、那它早就破产了If the telephone network in New York State was a stand-alone business, it would already be in bankruptcy
委托人违default by of principal
它们当时的市值大是其增加值的5倍Their market value at the time was about five times their value added
定期合term contract
定期合承办商term contractor
定期合承造商term contractor
对承包商违的反索赔counterclaim for contractor's defaults
尚未平仓的衍生工具合outstanding derivatives contract
不能impossibility of performance
保函guarantee of performance
保证securities for fulfillment
担保performance bond
差价合contract for difference
已登记合registered contract
平仓合round-trip contract
年金合annuity contract
invalidate the contract
废除条denunciation clause
弥偿合contract of indemnity
强制性公开要mandatory general offer
强制性要mandatory offer
忠实保证契fidelity insurance
忠实保证契fidelity bond
成交定strike a bargain
承包商违default of contractor
承包商违default by contractor
承认和执行外国仲裁裁决公Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (1958 纽约公约)
承诺契deed of undertaking
担保契deed of guarantee
按揭条件违保证mortgage default guarantee
提出要公司offeror company
撤销合recision of contract
束力的仲裁non-binding arbitration
束力的决定non-binding decision
无利可图的合unprofitable contract
更改合的条款variation of contract
替代契deed of substitution
束力的决定binding decision
束力的合同binding contract
束力的签字binding signature
有意要potential offeror
服务合contract for service
市值futures contract value
期货合市值futures contract value
期货合期权option on a futures contract
未交收合unsettled contract
未完成的合unsettled position
未平仓合open contract
未平仓合净额net open position
未平仓合数量open interest
杠杆外汇合leveraged foreign exchange contract
根本性违fundamental breach
正如我本周在对纽和金融界的领袖们说的那样、经济虽已回暖、但我们不可因此自满As I told leaders of our financial community in New York City earlier this week, a return to normalcy cant breed complacency
正式买卖合formal agreement for sale and purchase
正式缔full contracting party
正式缔成员full contracting party
declare off
比例协proportional treaty
比例协再保险proportional treaty reinsurance
淡仓期货合short futures contract
物料供应合supplies contract
特许经营权合concession contract
独立订independent contractor
现货合spot contract
现金要cash offer
用作对冲的合按金hedged position margin
由于违而终止termination for of default
监督建筑契turnkey construction contract
目前、信用保险市场颇为活跃。对于发达国家、信用违互换 CDS利率平均为80基点左右There is now an active market in credit insurance, and a credit de fault swap rate for an advanced country averages around 80 basis points
私人合private contract
contracting party
能力capacity to contract
资格capacity to contract
前谈判pre-acceptance negotiation
哈瑞窗户Johari Window
定价格合同stipulated price contract
定时间commitment time
定金额stipulated sum
定金额合同stipulated sum contract
束条款tie-in clause
的方案强调的是冒险、很有代表性的就是创业资本基金的高失败率的预期New York's scheme emphasizes taking risks, with the expectation of the high failure-rate typical in a venture capital fund
程序contractual procedure
能力capacity to contract
缔结和conclude a contract
股权收购要tender offer
时间奖premium bonus
补偿合contract of compensation
买人offer to buy
卖出offer to sell
贷出offer to lend
邀请invitation for offer
要确定你的合有免责条款Make sure your agreement has an escape clause
contracting party
负面契negative covenant
财产保险合contract of property insurance
财产转让契deed of assignment
财政financial constraint
资本赎回合capital redemption contract
运输合contract of affreightment
远期合forward contract
远期合成交率forward contract rate
远期外汇合forward foreign exchange contract
churn rate
罚款penal sum
赔偿金damages for default
damages for default
breach of contract damages
退款条denunciation clause
部分要partial offer
银行同业拆息期货合futures contract in interbank interest rate
银行投资合Bank Investment Contract (EIC)
附加合contract of adhesion
附加合supervening contract
化设计stacking type
非契性文件non-contractual document
非比例协non-proportional treaty
非比例协再保险non-proportional treaty reinsurance
项目束因素project constraints
顾主违employer's default
保险合同open cover
预定的违liquidated damages
预定违liquidated damages