
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
东南亚条组织Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
克里格化均方误差kriged reduced mean-square error
联络委员会Convention Liaison Council
凯•罗伯特•翰逊联合有限公司K. Robert Johnson Associates Pty, Ltd.
出租违保险lease insurance
劳力集labor intensity
北大西洋公North Atlantic Treaty
北大西洋公组织海洋研究小组委员会NATO subcommittee on oceanographic research
北大西洋公组织科学委员会North Atlantic Treaty Organization Science Committee
南极条体系Antarctic Treaty System
南极条协商国Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties
南极条小组Antarctic Treaty Group
南极海洋生物资源保护公Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine living Resources
反密度制inversely density dependent
变暧束模型世界资源研究所model of warming commitment
合伙契 协议agreement of partnership
国际海上救生公International Convention for Saving of Life at Sea
国际环境公international environmental treaty
国际环境公international environmental convention
土地利用集intensity of land use
土地经营集intensity of land management
土地集利用intensive land use
土地集开发intensive development of land
土地集经营intensive land management
土壤束因素soil constraint factor
外大陆架租合同outer continental shelf leasing agreement
大纽基金会Greater New York Fund
地租contract rent
州际石油契委员会Interstate Oil Compact Commission
州际石油契委员会Interstate Oil Compact Commission
序贯无束极小化方法sequential unconstrained minimization technique
延后密度制delayed density dependence
捆绑租lease tie-ins
最大公greatest common divisor
最大公greatest common measure
机遇束动态规划模型chance* constrained dynamic programming model
机遇束目标规划chance-constrained goal programming
机遇束线性规划模型chance-constrained linear programming model
极小方差无畸变估计minimum variance distortionless constraint
污水管理契sewage management agreement
海洋环境合作协加拿大和丹麦Marine Environmental Cooperative Agreement Canada-Denmark
混合整数机遇束规划mixed integer chance constrained programming
环境保护国际条International Treaty on Environmental Protection
等离子体的plasma containment
儒略日期Modified Julian Data
克郡地质学会Yorkshire Geological Society
克郡草地学会Yorkshire Grassland Society
旦-南斯拉夫石油公司Jordan Yugoslav Petroleum Company
旦卫星地面接收站Earth Station-Jordan
旦地质学家协会Jordanian Geologists Association
旦环境污染控制学会Jordanian Society for the Control of Environmental Pollution
旦皇家地理中心Royal Jordanian Geographic Centre
旦磷酸盐公司Jordan Phosphate Mines Co.
束单形法constrained simples approach
束极大似然估计法restricted maximum likelihood estimation procedure
束线性系统扩张模型constrained linear system extended model
束线性系统模型constrained-linear system model
束通量restrained flux
束非线性系统constrained nonlinear system
特尼统玄武岩Jotnian basalts
特尼统粒玄岩jotnian dolerites
翰 • 霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室John Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
翰 • 霍普金斯海洋研究所John Hopkins Oceanographic Studies
翰内斯堡伯纳德普赖思地球物理研究所南非Bernard Price Institute of Geophysical Research, Johannesburg
翰内斯堡联合投资公司南非Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co.
翰逊环境和能源中心Johnson Environmental and Energy Center
翰逊空间中心Johnson Space Center
翰霍普金斯大学Johns Hopkins University
业务处美国原子能委员会New York Operations Office
动物学会New York Zoological Society
商品交易所New York Merchandise Exchange
商品交易所Commodity Exchange New York
土地利用和自然资源清查计划New York Land Use and Natural Resources Inventory
New York City
New York
州地质调查所New York State Geological Survey
州湿地清单New York State Wetland Inventory
州环境保护局New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
州环境保护局New York Department of Environmental Conservation
州电力与煤气公司New York State Electric and Gas Corporation
州电力管理局New York State Power Authority
州立大学State University of New York
州能源研究及开发管理局New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
州陶瓷协会Ceramic Association of New York State
New York
市地理信息系统New York City Geographic Information System
市环境保护局New York City Department of Environmental Protection
海洋科学实验室New York Ocean Science Laboratory
电力管理局New York Power Authority
电子显微镜学家学会New York Society of Electron Microscopists
石油贸易协会Oil Trades Association of New York
科学院New York Academy of Sciences
美孚石油公司Standard Oil Company of New York
银行Bank of New York
维修契maintenance bond
综合束线性系统synthesized constrained linear system
自然资源保护制conservation restrictions
能力成本cost of saved capacity
能源成本cost of saved energy
资金集capital intensity
近海污染责任契offshore pollution liability agreement
溢价default premium
热内卢国立大学盆地分析和地质对比实验室巴西Laboratory of Basin Analysis and Geological Correlation of the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro
随机束微分动态规划模型stochastic constrained differential dynamic programming model
耕作intensive cultivation
边际intensive margin
领海及其相邻区域公convention on the territorial sea and contiguous zone