
Terms containing 约因 | all forms | in specified order only
desert.主导制约因primary limiting factor
desert.主导制约因main control
consult.主要制约因major constraints
econ.买主要求赔偿因违约造成的损害The buyer claimed damages for breach of the contract
commer.供给方的制约因supply-side constraint
IMF.供给方面的制约因supply-side constraints
China, polit.克服许多困难和制约因overcome many difficulties and restraints
desert.约因limiting factor
proj.manag.约因restrictive element
agric.约因constraint factor
commer.双方当事人在签约时所谋求的商业目的因意外情况受挫而落空The commercial aims which the both parties pursued when concluding the contract are defeated by force of supervening circumstances
el.发电功率增长制约因generation rate constraints
busin.受约人因受约而必须做出的牺牲detriment to promisee
econ.因为你方撤约的威胁毫无道理,你方仍必须执行协议Because your threat of cancellation is unjustified, you are still obliged to carry out the agreement
interntl.trade.因损害或违犯契约而提出补偿物tender of amend
busin.因果制约mutual limitation of cause and effect
econ.因经营规模扩大而得到的经济节约economy of scale
econ.因谎报而解约a rescission for misrepresentation
busin.因谎报而解约rescission for misrepresentation
interntl.trade.因违反契约赔偿的损失heart balm
econ., int. law.因违约提出控诉sue for breach of promise
econ.因违约提岀控诉sue for breach of promise
commer.因违约而产生的债权claim arising from a breach of a contract
econ.因违约而提出的补偿物tender of amends
busin.因违约而提出补偿物tender of amends
org.name.国家和区域土地资源潜力和制约因素统计Land resource potential and constraints statistics at country and regional level
earth.sc.土壤约束因素soil constraint factor
tech.外在节约因external economy
busin.妨碍履约因disturbing element
life.sc.密度制约因density dependent factor
tech.密度制约因density dependent factor
desert.密度制约因density-dependent factor
busin.对行使选择权的制约因constraint on the exercise of option
econ.总经理因公去纽约访问The executive is on a business visit to New York
textile控告违约,因违约而起诉sue for a breach promise
busin.约因new consideration
busin.约因合同nude pact
busin.约因合同nude contract
econ.约因契约无诉权ex nudo pacto non oritur actio
econ.无因契约abstract contract
econ.无效约因infirmative consideration
tech.明示约因express consideration
interntl.trade.有价约因valuable consideration
proj.manag.正如我本周在对纽约和金融界的领袖们说的那样、经济虽已回暖、但我们不可因此自满As I told leaders of our financial community in New York City earlier this week, a return to normalcy cant breed complacency
securit.每单位贡献毛利的约束因素contribution per unit of limiting factor
securit.法定适当约因legally adequate consideration
chem.爱因斯坦求和约定Einstein summation convention
tech.爱因斯坦求和约定Einstein's summation convention
desert.生态制约因ecological constrain
el.电压约束因素voltage constraints
commer.约因contractual consideration
busin.约因不充分insufficiency of consideration
tech.约束因素constrained factor
econ.约翰因违反劳动纪律被解雇John was dismissed for violating labour discipline
mil., air.def.纽约国际因特网交换机New York International Internet exchange
interntl.trade.缺乏约因without value (consideration)
IMF.能力制约因capacity constraints
bridge.菲什拜因约定叫Fishbein convention
busin.订约起因条款指订充此契约的原因和经过的条款,内容包括订约经过、动机、订约本意等whereas clause
bridge.费什拜因约定叫Fishbein convention
el.运行约束因素operating constraints
expl.这些制约着地下煤开采水平的混杂因素以及影响整个开采过程的地质因素、技术因素和经济因素复杂关系之间的相互作用、已在上文作了详细探讨The motley of factors that constrain the level of recovery in underground extraction of coal and the complex interplay of geologic, technologic and economic factors affection the overall recovery process have been discussed above in detail
econ.这种由于双方都认可的某些特殊原因而未能履行合同的现象称为"契约落空"The prevention of the fulfilment of the contract by some special reasons agreed by both parties is called "Frustrated"
anim.husb.迟滞密度制约因delay density-dependent factor
life.sc.非密度制约因density independent factor
tech.非密度制约因density-independent factor
tech.非法约因illegal consideration
proj.manag.项目约束因素project constraints