
Terms for subject Shipbuilding containing | all forms
三维空中搜雷达three-dimensional air search radar
不可撤销无追权的信用证irrevocable without recourse credit
世界专利world patent index
争议事项的赔陈述statement of claim relating to the substance of dispute
事先搜advanced search
仲裁程序中提出的赔清单statement of claim in arbitration proceedings
伐尔米公司潘船厂Pansio Works of Valmet of Corporation
俄罗斯契港Sochi Harbor, Russia
俄罗斯红色尔莫沃造船厂Red Sormovo Shipyard, Russia
信号滑车jewel block
划线wire check
制动stop rope
千斤topping rope
千斤滑车span tackle block
千斤牵吊杆装置span-guy derrick
卷帆滑车gantline block
叉头套jaw rope
双千斤吊杆装置twin span tackles derrick
lighting rope
hanging wire
hoisting sling
滑车halyard block
吊救生艇滑车lifeboat tackle fall
吊杆boom rigging
吊杆头跨滑车derrick head span block
吊艇滑车boat tackle fall
吊艇滑车lifeboat tackle fall
吊货导向滑轮cargo runner lead sheave
吊货钩牵cargo-hook slewing guy
同类编码检zatacode indexing
后桅mizen rigging
向制造商claim against manufacturer
向卖方claim against the seller
四脚锚grapnel rope
四角形支advance sail
因货物与合同不符而claim based on nonconformity with the contract
因货物灭失或损坏而claim based on physical loss or damage
因质量差claim for inferior quality
固定fixing rope
地址检计算机术语address search
多米尼加罗Roseau Harbor, Dominica
大功率搜雷达high power acquisition radar
天篷系awning rope
小艇boat rigging
小锚kedge rope
绞车sheet winch
带钩hook rope
平衡balancing rope
《应用科学与工艺引》Applied Science and Technology Index
滑车vang block
绞车tension winch
扎帆jack rope
绞车guy winch
拒绝赔要求claims rejected
拒绝赔要求claims refused
quest for
接受claims accepted
提出赔期限time limit for filling claims
提出 550 美元的file a claim to the amount of US $ 550
search vessel
鱼群船fish searching ship
操舵tiller rope
操舵steering rope
操舵钢steering wire-rope
stay sail
滑车vang block
flag rope
无支non-stayed mast
无根据的false claim
智利瓦尔帕莱Valparaiso Harbor, Chile
未解决的outstanding claims
mast rigging
羊角shroud cleat
桅支mast stay
桅杆mast rigging
桅杆、具、风帆、信号用具和术语mast, rigging, sail, signal appliance and terms
桅杆支mast stay
identification key
横帆卷滑车gantline block
滑车tackle rope
滑车tackle rigging
由于产品质量低劣而claim for inferior quality of the products
由于包装不好而claim for defective packing
由于机器故障而claim for breakdown of machinery
由于货物瑕疵而claim arising from a defect of the goods
由于质量不足而claim for short mass
由于质量差claim for inferior quality
由于违约而claim arising from a breach of the contract
由于重量不足而claim for short weight
甲板导滑轮deck wire-rope lead sheave
frapping rope
mooring ring
羊角rigging cleat
系固用紧lashing clamp
系泊mooring cable
系浮筒buoy rope
系艇boat rope
具布置图rigging plan
具库灯cordage room lamp
头环swaged terminal
契港Sochi Harbor
引文件index document
赔估算claim estimated
赔依据basis for claims
赔保险损失loss on insurance claim
赔得到承认obtain recognition of a claim
赔文件documents for claim
赔时限limitation of claims
赔有效期term of validity of a claim
赔清单claim bill
赔要求到期日date on which the claim becomes due
红外搜装置infrared search apparatus
红外线搜装置infrared search apparatus
及其索附件cordage and rope accessory
机械rope machine
格栅rope grating
测深wire sounding
附件rope accessory
附件rope machine and rope accessory
航线routes index
舰艇搜vessel detection
舷梯扶rope guard railing
船舶引文件ship index file
芬兰伐尔米公司潘船厂Pansio Works of Valmet of Corporation, Finland
装卸handling guy
计数搜counter search
计算机辅助编写引和分类computer aided indexing and categorizing
调节control rope
货运质量、货损、货差和赔理赔cargo transport-quality, damage, short, claim and claims settlement
起重lighting fall
起重机吊crane cable
起重钢hoisting cable
转桁滑车brace block
的赔款claim belated
造船数据检identification key of shipbuilding data
传动操舵装置wire-rope steering gear
wire-rope clip
拦阻装置wire arrester
锚机、锚、锚链和锚anchor gear, anchor, anchor chain and anchor rope
锚标anchor buoy rope
飞机用水面舰艇搜雷达air surface vessel radar