
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一般搜雷达general search radar
三菱电气文献与信息检服务系统Mitsubishi Electric literature and information search service
下一节点next node index
不另作名称not otherwise indexed by name
不可撤销的无追权信用证irrevocable without recourse letter of credit (L/C)
专题引矩阵topic indexing matrix
个人信息检系统personal information retrieval system
串行检serial retrieval
主数据master data indes
分法搜binary search
二值独立检binary independence retrieval
二级引数据记录secondary index data record
交互式图书文档检interactive search of bibliographic files
交互式图示与检系统interactive graphic and retrieval system
交互式文本编辑分析与检系统system for interactive text-editing analysis and retrieval
交互式检实用程序interactive retrieval utility
交叉交错里德-罗门码cross interleaved Reed-Solomon code
会话信息检session information retrieval
低空搜选择方案low altitude search option
低空搜覆盖雷达low-altitude coverage radar
低空飞行物雷达搜radar acquisition of low flyers
低能见度动目标搜与攻击low visibility moving target acquisition and strike
低频搜与测距low frequency acquisition and ranging
体滤波搜与跟踪系统bulk-filtering acquisition and tracking system
作业步骤job step index
侦察、情报监视与目标搜reconnaissance, intelligence surveillance and target acquisition
侦察、监视与目标搜reconnaissance, surveillance and target acquisition
信号搜系统signals search system
信息分析与检Information Analysis and Retrieval Division (AIP)
信息存储与检自动化automation for storage and retrieval of information
信息存储、传送、获取与检用户网络user network for information storage, transfer, acquisition and retrieval
信息存储、检与传播information storage, retrieval and dissemination
信息存储、检与分析系统system for information storage, retrieval and analysis
信息存储、选择与检information storage, selection and retrieval
信息检与显示语言information retrieval and display language
信息检与管理系统information retrieval and management system
信息检与管理语言information retrieval and management language
信息检专业组Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (ACM)
信息检业务information retrieval service
信息检处理器information search processor
信息检数据库information retrieval data bank
信息检服务单元message retrieval service element
Sigma 信息检系统Sigma information retrieval system
信息检系统information search system
信息检语言information search language
信息管理与检系统information management and retrieval system
信息管理、检与传播系统information management, retrieval and dissemination system
信源存储与检系统source storage and retrieval system
倒排文件信息检系统inverted file information retrieval system
健康赔范围管理health claims field administration
先进声学搜传感器advanced acoustic search sensor
先进水下搜系统advanced underwater search system
先进炮群搜雷达advanced battery acquisition radar
先进远红外搜与跟踪advanced far infrared search and track
光学目标搜与跟踪辅助设备optical acquisition and tracking aid
光盘存储与检装置optical disc storage and retrieval unit
光盘文件存储与检optical disc document storage and retrieval
克雷斯特罗姆随机检Kjellstrom's random search method
全国科学文摘与引服务业联合会National Federation of Science Abstracting and Indexing Services
全息信息检系统holographic information retrieval system
兰斯信息检系统Lance information retrieval system
内部指定专用internally specified index
分层引直接访问法hierarchical indexed direct access method
分层引顺序直接访问法hierarchical indexed sequential direct access method
分层引顺序访问法hierarchical indexed sequential access method
分层标引与检stratified indexing and retrieval
分类信息检taxonomic information retrieval
分组因特网搜packet Internet groper
刘易斯信息存储与检系统Lewis information storage and retrieval system
利海伊大学高效检自动装置Lehigh automatic device for efficient retrieval
利用卫星搜与救援search and rescue using satellite
前向搜雷达forward acquisition radar
割圆缩短里德-罗门码cyclotomic shortened Reed-Solomon code
加颈悬stiffened cable suspension bridge
化学半自动编码情报检系统semi-automatic encoding of chemistry for information retrieval system
北美搜与测距雷达North American search and ranging radar
区域搜雷达local acquisition radar
区域检search domain
区间搜search domain
区间符号引表interval symbol dictionary
医学文献分析与检系统medical literature analysis and retrieval system
半自动书目情报检系统semi-automatic bibliographic information retrieval system
半自动技术信息检semi-automatic technical information retrieval
单向牵引cableway radial-traveling
卫星基海上搜与救援系统satellite-based maritime search and rescue system
卷宗目录引图VTOC index map
卷宗目录引条目记录VTOC index entry record
卷宗目录引记录VTOC index record
压缩引顺序存取法compressed index sequential access method
双向牵引cableway parallel-traveling
发射搜探测系统lift-off acquisition system
可变搜与跟踪防空雷达variable search and track air defense radar
可编程搜与控制定时器programmable acquisition & controlling timer
可视信息显示与检visual information display and retrieval (system)
可视目标搜系统visual target acquisition system
suspension wire
suspension strand
名称引编号name index number
启发式二进制文件heuristic binary file index
命令检信息系统command retrieval information system
命令检系统command retrieval system
喷气推进实验室数据管理与信息检系统Jet Propulsion Laboratory data management and information retrieval system
外文明探search for extraterrestrial intelligence
面搜雷达surface search radar
地址检address indexing method
地球资源信息存储、转换、分析与检earth resources information storage, transformation, analysis and retrieval
地面监视与目标搜ground surveillance and target acquisition
多传感器目标搜系统multisensor target acquisition system
多功能成像搜与跟踪红外设备multifunction imaging search and track infrared
多媒体信息检业务multimedia information retrieval service
多媒体信息检系统multimedia information recall system
多媒体及超媒体信息检系统multimedia and hypermedia information retrieval system
多媒体数据检系统multimedia data retrieval system
多媒体音像检系统multimedia audiovisual retrieval system
多普勒非定向搜雷达Doppler unbeamed search radar
多波束搜雷达multiple beam acquisition radar
多线程检页面multithreaded search page
多路访问检系统multiple access retrieval system
大仰角搜雷达elevated acquisition radar
大型脱机检-正文库访问系统large off-line retrieval-text base access system
字段及标题信号字signal word index of field and title
存储与检模块storage and retrieval module
安全带绳safety belt rope
宙斯搜雷达Zeus acquisition radar
定向加速随机检guided accelerated random search
定向随机搜guided random search
定题文件检selective file retrieval
定题检selective dissemination of information
实用数据检控制utility data retrieval control
射频搜系统设计辅助设备planning aid for radio frequency acquisition system
小功率搜雷达low-power acquisition radar
小搜small search area
小覆盖区搜雷达low coverage acquisition radar
履带式斗挖掘机crawler-mounted dragline
工作站搜设备workstation search facility
工程技术信息检engineering information retrieval
布拉德利搜系统Bradley acquisition system
帕纳尼克半导体开发公司Panasonic Semiconductor Development Co.
帕纳尼克工厂自动化公司Panasonic Factory Automation Co.
帕纳尼克柔性调节与控制测试系统Panasonic flexible adjustment and control test system
带悬杆的水文测验hydrometrical cableway with rod suspension
带悬杆的水文测验hydrometric cableway with rod suspension
平均检顺序存取法average index ed sequential access method
并行检随机存取存储器parallel indexed random access memory
并行选择多路信息检multiple information retrieval by parallel selection
库利克-法工业公司Kulicke and Soffa Industries, Inc.
微型交互式检系统micro interactive retrieval system
快速交互检系统技术fast interactive retrieval system technology
快速接人信息检fast access information retrieval
快速检图表:快速二次呼叫图quick recall diagram
快速检存储器fast retrieval storage
快速访问数据检装置rapid access data retrieval unit
总人事信息检系统total personnel information retrieval system
恒分辨率低频搜与测距波束形成constant resolution LOFAR beamforming
恒定分辨率低频搜与测距波束形成constant resolution LOFAR beamforming
水文索hydrometrical cableway with cable suspension
水文索hydrometric cableway with cable suspension
悬链线的吊catenary messenger
情报、监视与目标搜intelligence, surveillance and target acquisition
战场开拓与目标搜battlefield exploitation and target acquisition
截面数据储存和检系统cross section information storage and retrieval system
扭绞绳twisted rope
承重bearer cable
技术会议technical meetings index
技术信息检与分析系统technical information retrieval and analysis system
技术信息检与存储系统technical information retrieval and storage system
技术信息检中心Technical Information Retrieval Center
IBM 技术信息检中心IBM Technical Information Retrieval Center
技术应用technical application index
拉线钢backhaul cable
拉铲dragline cableway
拖曳环traction rope
拨号接人信息检dial access information retrieval
按地址放置place index in address
捷变频搜与跟踪寻的器frequency agile search and track seeker
捷变频连续波搜雷达agile continuous wave acquisition radar
排队引存取存储器queued indexed access memory
排队引顺序访问接人queued indexed sequential access method
数据分析exploratory data analysis
控制与数据检系统control and data retrieval system
描述符字descriptor word index
提升lift cable
提高检效率的快速有效系统quick and effective system to enhance retrieval
与干扰collection and jamming
与摧毁装甲车弹药sense and destroy armor munition
与摧毁装甲车弹药search and destroy armor munition
与救援信标设备search and rescue beacon equipment
与救援控制中心search and rescue control center
与救援无线电信标search and rescue radio beacon
与救援模拟search and rescue simulation
与救援辅助设备search and rescue aid
与救援通信机search and rescue communicator
与跟踪search and track
与跟踪子系统acquisition and tracking subsystem
与跟踪组合雷达combined acquisition and tracking radar
与跟踪雷达search and track radar
信号发生器search signal generator
型逻辑search mode logic
振荡器hunting oscillator
有效概率search effectiveness probability
标识符寄存器search identifier register
sweep method
测距雷达range-while-search radar
深度depth of search
照明search lighting
状态searching state
终端选择search terminal option
装置跟踪与记录系统search unit tracking and recording system
、轰炸与离地高度search, bomb and terrain clearance
锁定模式search lock mode
雷达单元search radar element
雷达离地高度search radar terrain clearance
操作系统通用引数据存取法access method for indexed data generalized for operating system
改进型布拉德利搜系统improved Bradley acquisition system
改进型目标搜系统improved target acquisition system
改进型连续波搜雷达improved continuous wave acquisition radar
数据储存与检系统data storage and retrieval system
数据库检data base retrieval
数据检系统data retrieval system
数据检软件优化software optimization for the retrieval of data
数据管理与检系统data management and retrieval system
文件检系统file search system
文本信息检与管理程序系统text information retrieval and management program system
文本处理与检text processing and retrieval
文献检服务bibliographic retrieval service
文献检系统literature retrieval system
光学测试干涉仪Fizeau optical test interferometer
斯坦福公共信息检系统Stanford public information retrieval system
无线电应急搜通信装置radio emergency search communication unit
日文关键字引模拟程序Japanese keyword indexing simulator
日本信息处理开发中心联机文件检系统JIPDEC on-line document retrieval system
智能字符串检处理器intelligent string search processor
智能缩微图像检终端intelligent microimage retrieval terminal
最佳步长随机检optimum step size random search
最长匹配搜引擎longest match engine
有效常用数据保存和检系统system for holding and retrieval wanted data
有源搜设备active acquisition aid
机载搜与目标攻击雷达airborne search and target attack radar
机载目标搜与火力控制系统airborne target acquisition and fire control system
机载脉冲搜雷达airborne pulse search radar
机载舰只搜雷达air-to-surface vessel
林肯信息存储与相联检系统Lincoln information storage and associative retrieval system
架空cableway overhead
架空搜雷达elevated acquisition radar
标准人事信息检系统standard personnel information retrieval system
树形检tree search
核反应堆事故自动检系统automatic retrieval of incidents affecting nuclear reactor
格拉夫数坩埚中热对流的驱动力Grashov number
桑迪亚信息检与编目程序Sandia's program for information retrieval and listing
与处理信息显示retrieval and processing information display
与处理信息显示操作员处理RAPID operator process
信息块retrieval information block
区域search space
压缩索引信息块search compressed index block
命令语言retrieval command language
图像search image
机构indexing mechanism
search tree
空间search space
search key
模块化机载搜与跟踪雷达modular airborne search and track radar
模式信息检语言pattern information retrieval language
模式搜预测器pattern search predictor
欧洲航天局信息检服务European Space Agency information retrieval service
正文标引与检text indexing and retrieval
步行式walking dragline
步行式电动electrical walking dragline
步行式电动electric walking dragline
段搜变兀segment search argument
水下搜、探测与分类underwater search, detection and classification
沿海防御低空搜雷达网coast defence chain home low
K 波段搜反雷达战术飞机search anti-radar tactical aircraft, K-band
S 波段搜天线S-band acquisition antenna
海岸飞机雷达网chain home
海岸低空飞机雷达网chain home low
海岸超低空飞机雷达网chain home, extra low
海岸高空飞机雷达网chain home high
海底电缆搜系统marine cable search system
源数据通信检source data communication retrieval
激光增强目标搜与识别系统laser augmented target acquisition and recognition system
激光搜与安全观测系统laser search and secure observation system
激光搜与定向laser acquisition and direction
激光搜与跟踪laser acquisition and tracking
激光搜设备laser acquisition device
炮群搜雷达battery acquisition radar
anchor rope
起重机guy derrick
牵引铁路traction rope
独立探研究independent exploratory development
环境信息联机检environmental information retrieval on-line
环境数据environmental data index
环形目标搜雷达perimeter acquisition radar
电信产品信息检与模拟telecommunications products information retrieval and simulation
电光目标搜与识别系统electro-optical target acquisition and designation system
电光目标搜捕获系统electro-optical target acquisition system
电子引控制台electronic index console
电子信息搜electronic information finder
电子信息检系统electronic information retrieval system
电子数据采集分析与检系统electronic data gathering analysis and retrieval system
电子自动信息检automatic retrieval of information electronically
电波搜与跟踪wave acquisition and tracking
电缆吊cable messenger
目标搜acquisition of target
目标搜与指示瞄准具target acquisition and designation sight
目标搜与指示瞄准具/飞行员夜视传感器target acquisition and designation sight/pilot night vision sensor
目标搜与指示系统target acquisition and designation system
目标搜与数据收集系统target acquisition and data collection system
目标搜、侦察与监视系统target acquisition, reconnaissance and surveillance system
目标搜实验室target acquisition laboratory
目标搜、指示与侦察系统target acquisition, designation and reconnaissance system
目标搜数据target acquisition data
目标搜系统target acquisition system
目标搜捕获辅助设备target acquisition aid
目标检系统object retrieval system
目标选择与搜控制台target selection and seeking console
研究、开发与探research, development and acquisition
研究或探性研制research or exploratory development
磁带信息组检magnetic-tape field search
磁带检装置tape search unit
科学信息检数据库管理系统scientific information retrieval DBMS
科学信息检字段及标题信号字索引signal word index for field and title-scientific information retrieval
科斯特利兹-利斯-贝雷津斯基转变Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition
科斯特利兹-利斯转变Kosterlitz-Thouless transition
科研项目信息计算机检computer retrieval of information on scientific project
程序信息控制与检系统program information control and retrieval system
程序化教学探研究programmed inquiry learning or teaching
空中aerial rope
空中监视与目标搜aerial surveillance and target acquisition
空中监视与目标搜系统aerial surveillance and target acquisition system
空中缆aerial rope
空-地搜与跟踪设备air-to-ground acquisition and tracking equipment
空对海搜雷达air-to-surface vessel
简单分层引顺序访问法simple hierarchical indexed sequential access method
管理系统预测信息检forecasting information retrieval of management system
精密搜再人火箭相控阵预警系统precision acquisition vehicle entry phased array warning system
精密搜系统precision acquisition system
取个人信息代码acquiring personal information number
取报价单request for price quotation
取补偿claim compensation
尼分度式磁阻元件Sony divider type magnetoresistance element
尼动态数字声技术Sony dynamic digital sound
尼微系统公司日本Sony Microsystems Company
尼数字接口格式Sony digital interface format
尼磁敏二极管Sony magneto diode
尼/菲利浦数字接口格式Sony/Philips digital interface format
引直接访问方法indexed direct access method
引管理程序index manager
引索haulage rope
引缓冲器号buffer number for index
引访问控制块indexed access control block
引访问方法indexed access method
引错index error
引错误index error
引随机访问法indexed random access method
引顺序indexed sequential
引顺序文件管理系统indexed sequential file management system
引顺序表检索indexed sequential table retrieval
引顺序访问法indexed sequential access method
引顺序访问法接口程序ISAM interface program
斗挖掘机dragline scraper
斗挖掘机dragline tower excavator
格利特萃取器Soxhlet extraction apparatus
格利特萃取法Soxhlet extraction method
suspension bridge
氏萃取器Soxhlet extractor
赔与补偿claims and compensation
赔委菽会claims board
赔期限time limit for filing claims
dragline cableway excavator
铲斗dragline bucket
紫外辐射光度-偏振测量探者卫星ultraviolet photometric polarimetric Explorer
累积图书cumulative book index
红外搜雷达infrared acquisition radar
红外搜与跟踪infrared search and tracking
红外搜与跟踪系统infrared search and tracking system
线性搜linear search
线性相关检linear associative retrieval
组合文件检combined file search
组合文件检系统combined file search system
终端专用数据分析与检系统terminal-oriented data analysis and retrieval system
终端页检terminal page retrieval
结构与命名检系统structure and nomenclature search system
统计信息检statistical information retrieval
统计表汇编与检statistical table assembly and retrieval
式卸煤机cable coal unloader
桅杆式起重机cable derrick crane
起重机cable hoist
运输机cable conveyor
编目与引协会List and Index Society
缩微图形目录检micrographic catalog retrieval
缩微图形目录检系统micrographic catalog retrieval system
缩微胶卷信息检访问码microfilm information retrieval access code
网上联机信息检on-line retrieval of information over a network
网络搜network search engine
联合信息检系统joint information retrieval system
联合监视、目标搜与侦察系统joint surveillance, target acquisition and reconnaissance system
联机定题检selective dissemination of information on-line
联机对话存储与检conversational on-line storage and retrieval
联机终端信息检retrieval of information by on-line terminal
联网信息发现与检情报交换站clearinghouse for networked information discovery and retrieval
联网信息检networked information retrieval
脉冲多普勒搜模式pulse Doppler search mode
自动信息检语言information retrieval automatic language
自动储存与检系统automatic storage and retrieval system
自动化信息存储与检automated message storage and retrieval
自动化存储与检系统automated storage and retrieval system
自动化定题检automated selective dissemination of information
自动化语言摘录与检技术automated linguistic extraction and retrieval technique
自动文件储存与检automatic document storage and retrieval
自动文件存储与检分布式存储管理程序ADSTAR distributed storage manager
自动检automatic search
自动诊断维护信息检automatic diagnostic maintenance information retrieval
自动诊断维护信息检系统automatic diagnostic maintenance information retrieval system
自动语音检automatic speech retrieval
自动雷达链搜系统automatic radar chain acquisition system
自适应搜算法adaptive search algorithm
自适应步距随机搜adaptive step size random search
航空测量数据的存储与检storage and retrieval of aerometric data
节目自动搜系统automatic program search system
虚拟引顺序访问法virtual indexed sequential access method
视频引检索系统video index search system
视频图像通信与检系统video image communications and retrieval system
视频编档与检系统video archive/retrieval system
计划卡片planning card index
计算机化信息检服务computerized information retrieval service
计算机辅助machine-aided index
计算机辅助引和分类computer-assisted indexing and categorizing
计算机辅助引程序computer-assisted indexing program
设备窝工claim for idle plant
诊断结构与检算法diagnostic organization and retrieval algorithms
试探或探法编程heuristic programming
询问判定与检技术query evaluation and search technique
询问判定和检技术query evaluation and search technique
语音信息检系统voice message retrieval system
质谱搜系统mass spectral search system
费米-狄喇克-末菲速度分布定律Fermi-Dirac-Sommerfeld velocity-distribution law
lifting rope
起重链lifting chain
跟踪与搜track and search
软件订购服务software subscription service
轰炸导航与搜雷达bombing navigation and search radar
轻型战术搜与监视系统lightweight tactical acquisition and surveillance system
轻型搜雷达light weight search radar
载重汽车式斗挖掘机truck-mounted dragline
辐射现场目标搜系统radiating site target acquisition system
辐射移动式radial-traveling cableway
边搜边测距雷达range-while-search radar
近距监视与目标搜系统short-range surveillance and target acquisition system
远程搜long range acquisition
远程搜监测remote acquisition monitoring
远程操作员检系统teleoperator retrieval system
远程空对海搜雷达long-range air-to-sur£ace vessel
远程访问计算机辅助检remote access computer assisted retrieval
远红外搜far infrared search
远距离目标搜捕获系统stand-off target acquisition system
连接linkage index
连接引分配表linkage index allocation table
连续波搜雷达continuous wave acquisition radar
选择性文件检selective file retrieval
通用信息general message index
通用信息检系统generalized information retrieval system
通用信息检系统模拟generalized information retrieval system simulation
通用信息检语言generalized information retrieval language
通用检系统general retrieval system
通过语言工程进行信息检的术语系统system of terminology for retrieval of information through language engineering
邮政地址读出-引系统postal address reader-indexer system
里德-罗门乘积码Reed-Solomon product code
传动cable drive
冲击钻机cable drilling
锚定拉anchor cable
键控引顺序搜索keyed indexed sequential search
长臂铲挖土机long-boom dragline
问题分析、变换与检question analysis, transformation and search
队列搜限制queue search limit
陆军数据检系统army data retrieval system
随机图形检random pattern search
随机搜Monte Carlo method
随机程序检系统random program search system
随机访问信息检random access information retrieval
随机访问文献引与检索random access document indexing and retrieval
非刚性悬unstiffened suspension bridge
非搜自调整系统non-searching self-adjusting system
面向指令组的检模块set-oriented retrieval module
面向显示终端的联机检通信工具display-oriented communication tool for on-line retrieval
顺序值搜order value search
题目引矩阵topic indexing matrix
额外extra levy
飞行器搜与跟踪系统vehicle acquisition and tracking system
马歇尔信息检与显示系统Marshall information retrieval and display system
高架cable telfer
高级交叉交错里德-罗门码advanced cross interleave Reed-Solomon code
高速顺序检high speed sequential retrieval
鼓轮线长度coiling length of drum
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