
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
列的转卖series of resales
不等disparity coefficient
与... 建立贸易联build a trade bridge with
与欧洲经济共同体联的公约Convention of Association with the EEC (1961.03.28)
专业化specialization coefficient
业务关business relationship
业务联银行corresponding bank
东道国关非正式混合委员会informal joint committee on host country relations
两极关bipolar relationship
中美贸易关协定People’s Republic of China-United States Agreement on Trade Relations
主动调节active system
主顾关agency-client relationship
二数列相关bi-serial coefficient of correlation
互利关mutuality of interest
互利的经济关mutually beneficial economic relations
产出output coefficient
产品product line
代理关agency relation
代理关协定agency agreement
价格伸缩coefficient of flexibility of price
价格修正price revision clause
新鲜食品的低温运输cold chain
供应商关vendor's relationship
供求关supply-demand relations
供求关supply and demand
促进中国与世界财贸的联linking China with the world of trade and finance
保持联keep in touch with
信用关fiduciary capacity
借贷关debtor-creditor relationship
偏态coefficient of skewness
光波通信light-communication system
全国劳资关national industrial law
到企业生存的顾客career customer
正常化normalization of relations
关于有国际利害关的通航水道制度公约和规则Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concern (1921.4.20)
内在联internal logic
出售点point-of-sale system
初步联initial contact
利益关party interested
利益关当事人party interested
前向联forward linkage
加速accelerator coefficient
动态统分析dynamic systems analysis
劳工关labor relations
劳资关labor management relations
单重关one fold relation
参加"地洞中的蛇"体的货币"snake" currency
参加蛇形浮动体的国家"snake" country
可反复使用的长期信贷发放replicable long-term credit delivery system
各项交货的相互依赖关interdependence of deliveries
合同关不涉及第三人原则privity of contract
合同关不涉及第三者原则privity of contract
向前联forward linkage
商业,商务部department of commerce
商业mercantile system
商业关commercial relations
商业关business relationship
商品定量政策模式system for quantitative policy models of commodities
回归coefficient of regression
因四舍五入关due to rounding
因四舍五入关details may not add to totals due to round
因果关causal connection
国内法关domestic legal relationships
国际关中最起码的准则minimum codes in international relations
国际铁路统公约Convention on the International Regime of Railways
垂直配销vertical distribution system
基本资料管理data base management
外资关企业foreign backed enterprise
多种方式联运multimodal transport system
多种方式联运multimodal transport chain
大量客运mass transportation system
契约关contractual relationship
大宗货物if staple commodity
定单信息order information system
局部的扩充性coefficient of partial expansiveness
工作人员结构staff structure
工艺technological coefficient
1947 年劳资关Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947
年增长annual improvement factor
并网电力interconnected electric power systems
建立业务联establishment of correspondent relationship
建立代理关establishment of correspondent relationship
弹性elasticity coefficient
情报information coefficient
情报资料information system
成本cost coefficient
成本-产量-利润的关cost-volume-profit relationship
或然coefficient of contingency
技术technological coefficient
技术technical coefficient
担保guarantee chain
捷运rapid transit
支线运输feeder system
数据data system
数据基准data base system
断绝业务关sever business connections
断绝贸易关severance of trade relations
斯密森体Smithsonian system
新建立关的合伙人infant partner
继承人heir collateral
无往来关no account
最大最小存货量控制max-min system
根据票外的关提出诉讼bring an action outside the instrument
根据票据外的关提出的诉讼action outside the instrument
欧洲美元Eurodollar system
母子公两间关parent-and-subsidiary relationship
母子公司关parent company /subsidiary relationship
母子公司关parent subsidiary relationship
汇票关parties to a bill of exchange
法律上的关legal relationships
法律关legal nexus
法律关的可预见性predictability legal relationship
特别提款权的联special drawing rights link
狭小汇率幅度体narrow margin scheme
生产coefficient of production
电脑订座computerized reservation system
电脑邮政Electronic Computer Originated Mail
票据直接关immediate parties
直角坐标system of coordinates
相互投资关公司reciprocal affiliations
相联coefficient of association
短程空中通信联装置short-range aerial communication links
码头dock-line system
离异coefficient of alienation
私法性质的商业关commercial relationships of a private law nature
租佃关.tenancy relationships
积累stowage factor
空运联air bridge
管理资料management information system
集装箱箱架rack system
列产品series of products
挂标牌tie on tag label
指... ,参见...refer to
泊处mooring points
泊点mooring points
统分析network analysis
统分析法system approach
统审计operational auditing
统研制周期system development cycle
统风险systematic risk
缆解缆费mooring and unmooring charges
船船坞wet dock
经济体的循环流动circular flow of economic system
美国劳资关委员会Labor Relations Commission
美国联邦储备统公开市场委员会open market committee of the F.R.S.
职工关personal relations
associated country
成员associate members (associated members)
承包商contact with contractor
的原则principle of the link
议案link issue
资金link resource
资金link funds
connecting carrier
膨胀coefficient of cubic expansion
自动化运输automated transport systems
自然灾害预报natural disasters warning system
"蛇"体国家指比、卢、丹、法、德、荷snake country
融通票据关accommodation parties
PPBS计划、规划和预算Planning, Programming, and Budgetary System
订货点控制order-point control system
诱致inducement coefficient
财政学department of public finance
贸发会议中央经济数据UNCTAD Central Economic Data System
贸易关trade relation
贸易往来商业关commercial intercourse
资本capital coefficient
超前-拖后关lead-lag relationship
超载overload coefficient
边际资本marginal capital coefficient
运载delivery system
运输traffic coefficient
运输联transport link
连续信号progressive signal system
逆关inverse relation
逆经济invested economic series
通讯统终端communication terminals
都市联urban association
配电power distribution network
金钱上的利害关moneyed interest
银行banking system
销量、成本、利润相互关volume-cost-profit relationship
间接关remote parties
隐名代理关上的本人undisclosed principal
隐秘交互关ulterior transaction
交运前 预先联advance arrangement