
Terms for subject Agriculture containing | all forms
一对一关相关one-one relationship
一年生品annual strain
一粒小麦einkorn series
一线一地制配电wire-ground distribution system
杂交triple crossing
杂交triple hybridization
杂交triple cross
杂交three-way cross
杂种three way hybrid
杂种trilinear hybrid (hybrida trilinearis)
杂种ternary hybrid
测交triple test cross
三相three-phase system
三相-单相混合制配电triphase-monophase mixed distribution system
三维three-dimension system
下行descending series
下行抑制descending inhibitory system
不亲和性等位基因incompatibility allele system
不分离true-breeding line
不均匀coefficient of irregularity
不成熟培养young culture
不育自交sterilizable inbreds
不落粒品nonshattering strain
不规则scramble system
不连续动态discontinuous dynamic system
r 与 F 测验之间的关relation between r and F test
专利无性patent clone
专用制造personal manufacturing system
专门specific system
杂种bilinear hybrid
指杂种优势育种利用的方法two line system
两极bipolar system
两相biphasic system (systema biphasica)
个体近交inbreeding coefficient of an individual
中型机械化体medium mechanization system
中型生态培养mesocosm culture system
中心转动喷灌center pivot irrigation system
中期位置控制proportioning control system
中熟品medium strain
中结构型水medium-textured drainage pattern
中药配方herb-drug system
中轴axial system (systema axialis)
企业信息business information system
企业管理体enterprise management architecture
优良品superior line
伙伴关博览会partnership fair
伙伴关展示会partnership fair
会话监督conversation monitor system
传动power line
传动drive line
传真指图文facsimile system FAX system
传输与信息变换transmission and information exchange system
伦敦黏土植物区始新世London Clay Flora
借方卡debit card system
subsystem (subsystema)
分子遗传molecular system of heredity
分布式人工智能distributed AI system
分布式人工智能distributed artificial intelligence system
分布式智能微计算机distributed inteligence microcomputer system
分散disperse system (systema dispersa)
分枝branching system (systema ramosa)
分泌secretory system (systema secretoria)
分流沟渠separate sewage system
分生组织无性植物mericlone plant
分离 segregating line
分离家segregating families
分类taxology (taxologia)
分类taxonomy (taxologia)
分类system of classification
分级园艺grading factor
刘易斯血型Lewis blood group system
刚体rigid system (systema rigida)
创新体innovation system
初生无性繁殖primary clone
初生根primary root system
利用utilized coefficient
化学感受chemosensing system
化学生态相互关chemoecological relationships
化石动物区fossil fauna (fauna fossilis)
北极植物区arctic flora (flora arctica)
各个respective coefficient
合作partner system
合流沟渠combined sewerage system
吉布斯线性自由能关linear Gibbs free energy relation
交配群endogamous group
交配群体endogamic population
交配选择pure breeding selection
层析homochromatography (homochromatographia)
移植syngenic graft
移植syngeneic graft
同化assimilation system (systema assimilationis)
同基因不亲和性homogenic incompatibility system
同根型根homorhizic roots
同源亲缘关homology relationship
同源变异性homologous series in variation
同类品congeneric strain
同胞品sib line
后代品progeny strain
后气门式呼吸metapneustic respiratory system
向心状水centripetal drainage pattern
唯象phenomenological coefficient
土地利用分类land use classification system
土壤发生关pedogenetic relation
土壤-植物- 大气soil-plant-atmosphere system
土壤气候相互关soil climate relationship
土壤水管理soil water managment system
土壤统一分类土壤unified soil classification system
土水soil-water system
土水关soil-water relationship
土著植物区autochthonous flora (flora autochthona)
地下灌溉systems of subirrigation
地区regional system
地形toposequence (toposequentia)
地球静止气象卫星geostationary meteorological satellite system
地貌geomorphological sequence
地质geological system
地质分类geological classification system
地面数据获取ground data handling system
地面管on-floor duct system
杂交composite hybridization
杂交composite crossing
杂交composite cross
复制型数据库replicated database system
复合coefficient of reunion
复合指生态系统complex system
复合品composite strain
复合品种混composite variety
复回归multiple regression coefficient
复式调节multiple control system
复相互关multiple interrelationships
复种multiple cropping system
复等位基因multiple allelic series
外伸根extensive root system
外地品foreign strain
外显子截留exon trapping system
外来品exotic strain
外来植物区allochthonous flora (flora allochthonosa)
外部统设计exterior system design
外阻遏物exorepressor system
分散土壤polydisperse system
multiline (multilina)
multiple series
栽培品种multiline variety
品种multiple strain variety
品种multilineal variety
栽培品种multiline cultivar
品种composite variety
天然杂交后代polycross progenies
天然杂交测验polycross test
天然杂交种polycross seed (复)
天然杂交种子polycross seed
天然杂交育种法polycross breeding method
天然杂交试验poly cross trial
相互杂交diallel crossing
相互杂交植物diallel cross
相互杂交技术diallel cross technique
相互杂交种diallelic crosses
相互杂交表diallel cross table
多一关many-to-one relationship
多倍体polyploid series
多元离子multi-ionic system
多变数控制multivariable control system
多同步数字体结构pleiochronous digital hierarchy
多基因polygenic system
多基因统限制polygenic system limitation
多基因谱multigene family
多多关many-many relationship
多媒体智能化专家expert system of multimedia intellectualization
多对一关many-to-one relationship
多干体multistem system
多形polymorphic system (systema polymorpha)
多性染色体multiple sex chromosome system
多投影multiprojector system
多效multiple effect system
多无性抗体polyclonal antibody
多无性繁殖品种multiple clone variety
多无性繁殖品种multiclone cultivar
多源统发育semophytogeny (semophytogensis)
多环体polycyclic system (systema polycyclica)
多自交互交polyallele mating
多自交互交polyallele crossing
多自交互交polyallele cross
多金属多配体multiple-metal multiple-ligand system
多铰接传动multi-joint system
大型统发育macrophylogenetic development
大型复杂结构large complex structural system
大学农学University Department of Agronomy
大气温度廓线探测卫星atmospheric temperature profile sounder
大豆品soybean strain
天气synoptic regime
天线跟踪子antenna tracking subsystem
封闭生长closed growth system
小型统发育microphylogenetic development
小型操作small-scale operating system
小麦wheat lineage
小麦同交配wheat pure-breeding
小麦品wheat strian
小麦多倍体wheat polyploid series
小麦异倍体wheat heteroploid series
小麦无性繁殖wheat clone
小麦纯wheat pure line
小麦纯繁育wheat pure-breeding
小麦谱wheat pedigree chart
小麦谱选种wheat pedigree selection
小鼠近交mouse inbred line
市场销售market selling system
希尔Hill coefficient
帕亚曼养殖payaman culture system
开心式液压open-center hydraulic system
开放重组open recombination system
交配exogamy (exogamia)
交配allogamy (allogamia)
异倍体heteroploid series
异倍体品heteroploid strain
异倍细胞heteroploid cell line
异半乳糖isogala series
异基因不亲和性heterogenic incompatibility system
异根型根allorhizic roots (systema radicis allorhizica)
异源染色体代换alien substitution line
异源 染色体alien addition line
异源信息heterogeneous information system
异源加alien substitution line (lina substitutionis alienus)
异源植物区epibiotic plants
异源植物区allogenous flora
异红细胞isoglobo series
异质性heterogeneity coefficient
引进introduced line
性因子同 R 因子的关sex factor relationship with R factors
性染色体-常染色体平衡X-chromosome-autosome balance system
感病品susceptible strain
成就achivement quotient
成熟土壤maturity sequence
戴帽品穗型hooded strain
搜索searching system
支付调拨payment system
支持体support system
支持体aid scheme
支持生长supported growth system
昆虫细胞表达insect cell expression system
明沟排水open trench system
易位translocation system
星体制导stellar guidance system
有人manned system
有效捕捞死亡effective fishing mortality coefficient
有效排水efficient drainage system
有效根active root system (systema radicis activa)
有机生态统管理organic ecosystem management
木本植物区tree flora
木材弹性modulus of elasticity of wood
木质部xylem system (xylemosystema)
末端酶terminase system
本地品native strain
本地植物区indigenous flora
标准培养standard culture
标点punctuation system
树枝式配水tree-type distribution system
树高tree height ratio
放牧放牧畜要栓系绳链tether grazing
隔离line isolation
株选编号recording system for plant selections
植株茎stem system of plant
植物统分类学phylogenetic systematic botany
植物统发育plant phylogeny (phytophylogenia)
植物光敏色素phytochrome system
植物光敏色素传导phytochrome transduction system
植物区floristic region
植物区floristic area
植物区florology (florologia)
植物性神经vegetative nervous system (systema nervosa vegetativa)
植物根plant root system
植物的同工酶isozyme system in plant
植物细胞水分关water relation of plant cell
植物群丛 水分关water relation of plant stands
植物群丛-水关plant stand-water relation
椭圆状坐标ellipsoidal coordinates
模块化计算机modular computer system
次生吸收sinker root system
次生无性繁殖secondary clone
次生根secondary root system
欧洲植物区组织Flora Europaea Organization
欧洲植物区组织Flora Europea Organization
气体溶解度gas-solubility coefficient
气候与作物的关climate in relation to corps
气孔调节stomatai regulatory system (systema regulatoria stomatalis)
气孔.运动控制stomatai movement control system
气密air-tight coefficient
气流平行parallel current system
气管tracheal system
redox series
redox system
氧化底物oxidogenic substrate
氧化还原电位-酸碱度相互关土壤Eh-pH relationship
氧化还原酶oxidation-reduction enzyme system
氧转移oxygen transfer coefficient
氨化ammonification coefficient
氮吸收nitrogen absorption coefficient
水分关指示器indicator of water relation
洪积层diluvium series
清算final account system
渗滤coefficient of filtration
渗透 土壤permeability coefficient
渠道分布canal distribution system
温带植物区flora of the temperate zone
温度temperature coefficient (Q40)
温度Q 10
温度敏感temperature-sensitive system
温敏temperature-sensitive system
温盐关temperaturesalt relation
温盐关T. S. relation
演替列指示植物serai indicator
演替列期seral stage
猕猴Rhesus system
理想同化ideal assimilation system
甘蔗品sugarcane strain
甘蔗无性繁殖 愈合组织callus of sugarcane clone
甘蔗根cane root system
甘薯无性sweet potato clone
生产力coefficient of productivity
生产力capacity coefficient
生产操作manufacturing operating system
生产生态productive ecosystem
生产监督manufacturing monitoring system
生态 ecosystem
生态 ecological system
生态ecosystem type
生态统伙伴ecosystem partner
生态统合作者ecosystem partner
生态统组成部分ecosystem component
生态联ecological connection (connectio ecologica)
生控体cybernetic organism
生殖reproductive system
生殖reproduction system
生殖genital system
生活型life form system
生物biosystem (biosystema)
生物圃体bionursery systems
生物学biological system (biosystema)
生物控制biocontrol system
生草丛群tussock formation
生长coefficient of growth
生长growth system
生长根growing roots
田-塘体field-pond system
田间灌水渠field ditch system
真值保持truth maintenance system
真实性保持truth maintenance system
真菌区fungus flora (flora funga)
研制development system
砧穗关stionic relation
玉米自交系稳定stable line
稳定无性繁殖stable clone
稳态steady state system
稳衡homeostatic system
符合coincidence coefficient
符合coefficient of agreement
第三土壤tertiary system soil
第二信使second messenger system
第二信号second signal system (systema signalis secunda)
第四土壤quaternary system
第四土壤quaternary system soil
紊乱状水deranged drainage pattern
rope root system
紫外线透射ultraviolet ray transmissivity
编写翻译程序translator writing system
编目cataloging system
缩结Ehanging ratio E
脂粒体lipochondrion (lipochondrioma)
脂粒体lipochondriome (lipochondrioma)
脂解lipolytic coefficient
脱盐coefficient of desalinization
stem system
发育良好well-developed stem system
茎干无性繁殖trunk clone
茎轴shoot system (统,systema ramificationis)
萌发coefficient of germination
营养相互关trophic relationship
营养相互关trophic interrelation
营养纯vegetative pure line
调控controlling system
调理opsonic index
调节生产controlled production system
line of descent
分析"family" analysis
pedigree chart
图形pedigree pattern
"family" garden
均数间协方差covariance between family means
大小"family" size
家畜pedigree livestock
家畜pedigree stock
平均"family" mean
指数pedigree index
pedigree method
混合选择pedigree mass selection
记载pedigree animal
记载herd-book animal
记载herdbook animal
登记pedigree registry
简图pedigree diagram
系统pedigree system
繁殖pedigree culture
育种pedigree breeding
育种"family" breeding
育种法pedigree method of breeding
育种法"family" method of breeding
育种计划书pedigree plan
菌株pedigree culture
pedigree table
记载pedigree record
选择pedigree selection
选择line selection
选择"family " selection
选种法pedigree selection
质体plastidome (plastidoma)
质核nucleo-cytoplasmic system (systema nucleocytoplasmica)
质核关nucleo-cytoplasmic relation (relatio nucleocytoplasmica)
质粒保持plasmid maintenance system
质粒基因组因子的符号symbol system of plasmon factor
质量管理体quality management system
质量转移mass-transfer coefficient
购买purchase system
退化培养abkultur (abcultura)
送货机器人distributed robot system
适宜根指发育adequate root system systema radicis adequata
适宜水分关suitable water relation
适应品种内谱选择pedigree selection within adapted varieties
适当的同化proper assimilation system
逆向生产backward production system
选择selectance (selectantia)
选择品selected strain
选择品selected line
选种谱selection pedigree
透射显技coefficient of transmission
透酶permease system
逐日变化daily variation coefficient
逐步进化stufenreine (stufenreina)
逗点状云comma cloud
通信输人输出控制communication input/output control system
通信业务系统通信量traffic coefficient
通径path coefficient
通气aerating system (systema aerasens)
谷物通气aeration system
通气良好根well-aerated roots
通用生产制造管理自动控制指美国general manufacturing management automated control
造山orogenic sequence
阔叶树亮度broad-leaf tree brightness coefficient
防洪体flood control system
鼓风pressure system
鼓风air blowing system
A-9 鼠成纤维细胞A-9 line
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