
Terms for subject Mechanics containing 系统 | all forms | in specified order only
乔里埃特性能监测系统Jolliet performance monitoring system
井架连接系统mast connection system
修井控制系统workover control system
全可变驱动系统totally variable drive system
公用工程控制系统utility control system
初步系统试验conceptual system test
制造生产与控制系统的计算机computer-oriented manufacturing production and control system
动态诊断系统dynamic diagnostic system
动态调试系统dynamic debugging system
升高式备用系统raised back-up system
半自动测试系统semiautomatic test system
双能源使用系统dual energy use systems
发动机控制系统engine control system
发动机监测系统engine supervisory system
发动机试验设备 扩充式磁带操作系统试验设备engine test facility
可视仪表系统visual instrumentation system
史密斯工具活动性跟踪系统Smith tool activity tracking system
回路维护操作系统loop maintenance operations system
固定系统测试设备fixed system test equipment
固相控制系统solids control system
国际通用系统监视设备system monitoring facility international
堵漏材料挤入系统lost-circulation material squeezing system
增量差压系统incremental differential pressure system
系统测试设备multisystem test equipment
多用途自动测试系统multipurpose automatic test system
多路复用的电动液压系统multiplexed electro-hydraulic system
安装和修井控制系统installation/workover control system
密封管理系统seal management system
带可控硅整流器转换系统的柴油发电机diesel electric with silicon controlled rectifier converting system
带可控硅整流器转换系统的柴油发电机diesel electric with SCR converting system
底部安装式冲击定位系统bottom mounted impact location system
操作保护系统operational protection system
操作控制系统operations control system
美国故障分析和推测系统faults analysis and projection system
故障报告系统failure reporting system
旁瓣抑制系统sidelobe suppression system
旋转闭路钻井系统rotary closed-loop drilling system
智能制造系统intelligence manufacturing system
最佳抽汲装置系统optimum pumping unit system
机械系统的自动动态分析automatic dynamic analysis of mechanical system
机械式小井眼测试系统mechanical slimhole test system
杆式泵系统rod-pump system
材料测试系统material testing system
极地钻采系统Arctic drilling and production system
柔性制造加工系统flexible manufacturing system
检査和自动监控系统checkout and automatic monitoring system
正向绝对锁定系统positive locking system
步进式空腔泵最优化系统progressive cavity pump optimization system
步进式空腔泵最优化系统PCP optimization system
气动系统gas dynamic system
水泥与钻屑处理系统cement and cuttings disposal system
沉没式泵抽系统submersible pump system
泡沫注水泥自动化系统automated foam cementing system
泵启动系统pump actuator system
泵自动控制系统pump automatic control system
润滑脂自动润滑系统automatic grease lubrication system
液压水力系统hydraulic system
液压系统安全信号safety signal from hydraulic system
液压系统试验和修理装置hydraulic system test and repair unit
燃气轮机动力系统gas turbine power system
现场处置系统on-site disposal system
立式管子排放系统vertical pipe handling system
管子数据系统pipe data system
管子数据系统屈服值分析仪pipe data system yield analyzer
系统故障自动分析automatic system trouble analysis
系统监控器system monitor controller
系统监视设备system monitoring facility
系统辅助功能试验台auxiliary system functional test stand
系统system override
组合式钻井液系统modular mud system
组装控制系统assembly control system
绳式悬置泵抽系统cable suspended pumping system
联合系统试验combined system test
联合系统试验台combined system test stand
联合监视系统joint surveillance system
能效系统energy efficiency system
能遥控的自动驾驶仪系统fly-by-wire system
能量转换和储存系统energy conversion and storage system
自动系统控制automatic system controller
自动系统控制automatic system control
自动系统控制器automatic system controller
自动系统控制器automatic system control
自动修补系统automatic patching system
自动双吊卡系统automatic dual elevator system
自动回收系统automatic recovery system
自动拨号报警系统automatic dialing alarm system
自动控制系统control automatic system
自动检验系统automatic checkout system
自动监控系统automatic monitoring system
自动稳定控制系统automatic stabilization and control system
自由直立式操作系统free standing operating system
自适应制动系统adaptive braking system
计算机化的摩擦学信息系统a computerized tribology information system
计算机控制的通用测试系统computer operated universal test system
计算机综合制造系统computer integrated manufacturing system
计算机辅助设计、计算机辅助制造与计算机辅助工程系统computer-aided design, computer-aided manufacturing and computer aided engineering system
试钻引导系统probe drill guidance system
超短半径径向系统ultra short radius radial system
车床控制系统lathe control system
转数指示系统revolution indicating system
软扭矩旋转系统soft torque rotary system
轴向功率分布监测系统axial power distribution monitoring system
辅助推进系统secondary propulsion system
辅助监控子系统auxiliary monitoring sub-system
辅助蒸气系统auxiliary steam system
过压保护系统over pressure protection system
连接式机器操作系统connection machine operating system
连续油管修井系统coiled tubing workover system
通用控制系统general-purpose control system
遥控系统remote control system
遥测可调角度式控制系统telemetry regulated angle control system
金刚石取心系统钻具diamond coring system
钢丝绳抽油系统cable deployed pumping system
具接头自动检测系统automated tool joint inspection system
钻井液液面检测系统mud level detection system
钻机遥控系统rig remote control system
钻杆排放系统pipe racking systems
阿特金斯应力分析系统Atkins stress analysis system
集中式液压系统centralized hydraulic system
顶部驱动钻井系统top drive drilling system
高级泵抽系统公司Advanced Pumping Systems Inc.
高级绘图系统advanced cartographic system