
Terms for subject Telecommunications containing 系统地 | all forms
不接地系统ungrounded system
单地域数据#系统single site database system
地中海通讯系统Mediterranean communication system
地址显示系统address display system
地线系统ground system
地面系统陆地通信系统,不包括卫星,海缆等系统terrestrial system
地面通信与控制系统surface communication and control system
地面集群无线电系统terrestrial trunked radio system
城市和地区信息系统协会Urban and Regional Information System Association
基地自动通信系统automatic base communication system
太平洋地区通信系统Pacific area communication system
战地通信系统tactical communication system
接地系统grounded system
接地系统earth system
未来公用陆地移动通信系统future public land mobile telecommunications system
未来陆地公众移动通信系统future public land mobile telecommunication system
未来陆地公众移动通信系统现已改名为 International Mobile Telecommunications, 简称 IMT2000future public land mobile telecommunications system
本地电话系统local system
本地多点分配系统local multipoint distributed system
本地数据库管理系统local DBMS
本地电话系统local telephone system
海上本地系统maritime local system
离散地址通信系统discrete address communication system
系统接地system ground