
Terms for subject Air defense containing 系统信息 | all forms
一体化信息处理与通信系统integrated message processing and communication system
一体化的维修信息系统integrated maintenance information system
临时互换信息与咨询系统interim reciprocal information & consultation system
信息情报处理系统information handling system
信息传输与处理系统information transmission and processing system
信息分配与交换系统information distribution & switching system
信息和数据交换系统information and data exchange system
信息处理分系统message processing subsystem
舰载信息处理分配系统message processing distribution system shipboard
信息技术管理系统理事会information technology management systems council
信息系统互操作技术interoperability technology of information system
信息系统保密information system security
信息系统保密协会Information System Security Association
信息系统保密委员会information system security committee
信息系统保密官information system security officer
信息系统保密管理人员information system security manager
信息系统司令部information system command
信息系统和软件采办局Information System and Software Acquisition Agency
信息系统工程与样机发展information system engineering and prototype development
信息系统技术information system technology
信息系统选择与采购活动办公室information system selection & acquisition activity office
信息获取系统information acquisition system
先进雷达信息鉴定系统advanced radar information evaluation system
共用数字信息交换系统common user digital information exchange system
军事信息系统综合集成技术integration technology of military information system
国防信息系统网络引导边缘服务defense information system network-leaning edge service
国际注册信息系统安全专家certified information system security professional
图像库信息系统image based information system
基于信息系统的体系作战能力system war fighting capability based on information system
增强型战术信息广播系统enhanced tactical information broadcast service
多功能信息分发系统-联合战术无线电系统multifunction information distribution system-joint tactical radio system
天基信息传输系统space-based information transmission system
应急信息自动发射系统emergency message automatic transmission system
应急战斗信息鉴定系统emergency action message authentication system
情报信息评价系统intelligence information rating system
情报信息通信系统intelligent information communication system
战术情报信息交换系统tactical intelligence information exchange system
战术数据信息交换广播系统tactical data information exchange system broadcast
指令控制信息系统command and control information system
指挥与控制系统的信息处理processing in command and control system
指挥与控制系统的信息处理information processing in command and control system
指挥官战术指挥信息交换系统officer tactical command information exchange system
指挥所信息系统command post information system
指挥、控制、通信和情报系统 C³MIS 控制通信和信息管理系统command, control, communication, and management information systems
机载信标信息处理系统airborne beacon processing system
{美}欧洲司令部信息处理系统EUCOM message handling system
海军态势信息系统navy attitudinal information system
海军指挥信息系统{美}naval command information system
海军综合指挥/管理信息系统naval integrated command/management information system
电子信息发送系统electronic information delivery system
空军指挥信息系统air force command information system
空袭报告与控制中心临时信息系统北约interim ARRC information system NATO
第二炮兵指挥信息系统command information system of the second artillery
管理信息和数据系统management information and data system
管理信息数据系统实验experiment for management information data systems
综合信息控制系统integrated information control system
综合后勤管理与信息系统integrated logistic management and information system
网络地理信息系统web GIS
联合作战信息显示系统joint tactical information display system
联合战术信息分发系统网络库JTIDS network library
自动数据处理管理信息系统automated data processing management information system
车内信息系统intra-vehicle information system
防空信息系统antiaircraft information system
防空信息网系统antiaircraft information net system
陆军部管理信息系统department of the army management information system