
Terms for subject Economy containing 粮食 | all forms | in specified order only
世界粮食危机world food crisis
世界粮食计划署商品的可接受性世界粮食计划署acceptability of WFP commodities
中国粮油食品进出口总公司China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuff Import and Export Corporation
人均粮食生产量per caput food production
住户粮食安全简写为HFAhousehold food adequacy
使粮食安全与营养指标相联系bridging food security and nutrition indicator
保障粮食自给ensure the self-sufficiency in grain
全球粮食安全指标global food security indicators
北美粮食船舶程租合同North American Berth Grain Charter Party
双边粮食援助bilateral food aid
国家粮食储备national food reserve
国家粮食安全计划national food security scheme
基本粮食定量basic food ration
季节性粮食不安全seasonal food insecurity
粮食进口的依赖dependency on food imports
粮食进口的依赖food import dependency
改善粮食不安全状况mitigation of food insecurity
暂时性粮食不安全short-term hunger
暂时性粮食不安全temporary food insecurity
暂时性粮食不安全transitory food insecurity
未定向粮食援助untargeted food aid
粮食food products
粮食subsistence stores
粮食food stuffs
粮食food grain
联合国粮食与农业组织UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
联合国粮食与农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization
粮食产区breadbasket area
粮食产区breadbasket region
粮食优先国家food priority countries
粮食优先国家food priority country
粮食作物耕地面积the acreage under food grain
粮食作物耕地面积acreage under food grain
粮食储备food reserves
粮食储备grain stocks
粮食储备机构grain stockpiling organizations
粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家NFEX country
粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家NFEX countries
粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家net food exporting countries
粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家net food exporting country
粮食净进口发展中国家net food-importing developing countries
粮食净进口发展中国家net food-importing developing country
粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家NFIM country
粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家NFIM countries
粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家net food importing countries
粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家net food importing country
粮食分配差距food distribution gap
粮食危机grain crises
粮食危机crisis in food
粮食安全指标food security indicators
粮食安全政策food security policy
粮食安全状况food security status
粮食定量ration allowance
粮食平衡表balance sheet of food grains
粮食影响评估food impact assessment
粮食掮客corn factor
粮食援助food assistance
粮食援助food aid
粮食援助公约a food aid convention
粮食援助采购food aid procurement
粮食收购站grain purchasing center
粮食救济relief food aid
粮食敞开供应The grains are in free supply
粮食生产subsistence output
粮食生产指数index number of grain production
粮食食物短缺food shortage
粮食短缺管理food shortage management
粮食禁运food embargo
粮食禁运embargo on food
粮食福利food welfare
粮食grain tax
粮食管理制度food control system
粮食管理特别账户foodstuffs control special account
粮食统购价格state monopoly purchasing price for grains
粮食缓冲储存solution stock of grain
粮食自给grain self-sufficiency
粮食自给food self-support
粮食自给率degree of food self-support
粮食自给率food self-sufficiency ratio
国际货币基金组织粮食贷款基金Food Facility (IMF)
粮食贷款基金Food Facility
粮食进口依赖dependency on food imports
粮食进口依赖度dependency on food imports
粮食进口依赖度food import dependency
粮食进口发展中国家food-importing developing country
粮食subsistence department
缓解粮食不安全形势mitigation of food insecurity
计划粮食援助programme food aid
贫困和粮食不安全人口poor and food-insecure people
长期粮食不安全chronic food insecurity
粮食农产品integration nonfood product
粮食农作物non-food agricultural raw material
项目粮食援助project food aid
飞涨的粮食价格soaring food price