
Terms for subject Name of organization containing 粮食 | all forms | in specified order only
与农业和粮食安全有关的气候问题部际工作组Interdepartmental Working Group on Climate in Relation to Agriculture and Food Security
世界粮食不安全状况The State of Food Insecurity in the World
世界粮食会议World Food Congress
世界粮食World Food Week
世界粮食和农业植物遗传资源状况The State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
世界粮食和农业植物遗传资源状况State of the World's PGRFA
世界粮食和农业植物遗传资源状况State of the World's Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
世界粮食大会World Food Conference
世界粮食安全与气候变化及生物能源挑战宣言Declaration on World Food Security and the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
世界粮食安全国际约定International Undertaking on World Food Security
世界粮食安全委员会Committee on World Food Security
世界粮食安全委员会工作组Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security
世界粮食安全委员会闭会期间工作组Intersessional Working Group of the Committee on World Food Security
世界粮食安全:气候变化和生物能源的挑战World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
世界粮食安全罗马宣言Rome Declaration on World Food Security
世界粮食安全部长级会议Ministerial Meeting on World Food Security
世界粮食安全首脑会议Hunger Summit
世界粮食安全首脑会议World Summit on Food Security
世界粮食安全首脑会议宣言Declaration of the World Summit on Food Security
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战 – 实现世界粮食安全所需行动Declaration of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy - Actions Required to Achieve World Food Security
《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战》非正式开放性联络小组Informal Open-ended Contact Group of the High-Level Conference on World Food Security: the Challenges of Climate Change and Bioenergy
《世界粮食安全高级别会议:气候变化和生物能源的挑战》非正式开放性联络小组Informal Open-ended Contact Group
世界粮食形势门户网站Portal on World Food Situation: High Food Prices
世界粮食形势门户网站World Food Situation Portal
世界粮食World Food Day
世界粮食日协调组World Food Day Coordination Unit
世界粮食日及特别活动科World Food Day and Special Initiatives Branch
世界粮食日和特别计划World Food Day and Special Initiatives
世界粮食日咨询委员会Advisory Committee on World Food Day
世界粮食日特别活动Executive Coordinator, World Food Day Special Events, TeleFood Programme
世界粮食日/电视粮食集资执行委员会World Food Day/TeleFood Operational Committee
世界粮食日/电视粮食集资政策协调委员会World Food Day/TeleFood Policy Coordinating Committee
世界粮食模式World Food Model
世界粮食计划署在埃塞俄比亚的运输行动World Food Programme Transport Operation in Ethiopia
世界粮食计划署管理信息系统WFP Management Information System
世界粮食调查World Food Survey
世界粮食首脑会议World Food Summit
世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后WFS: fyl
世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后World Food Summit: five years later
《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后》圆桌会议Round Table of the WFS:fyl
《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后》多方利益相关者对话Multistakeholder Dialogue for the WFS:fyl
世界粮食首脑会议后续活动特别顾问Special Adviser for WFS Follow-up
世界粮食首脑会议后续行动及联盟办公室Office of the WFS Follow-up and Alliances
世界粮食首脑会议后续行动及联盟办公室Office of the World Food Summit Follow-up and Alliances
世界粮食首脑会议秘书处Secretariat of the World Food Summit
世界粮食首脑会议筹备工作开放性工作组Open-ended Working Group for the Preparation of the World Summit on Food Security
世界农业及粮食生产工人联合会World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers
世界农业和粮食加工业工人联合会World Federation of Agriculture and Food Workers
东南亚国家联盟粮食安全储备ASEAN Food Security Reserve
东非及南部非洲粮食销售机构协会Association of Food Marketing Agencies in East and South Africa
粮食安全和持续农业及乡村发展的国别政策和规划援助而制定的特别行动计划Special Action Programme on Country Policy and Programming Assistance for Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development
为城市供应粮食Food for the Cities
亚太区域粮食安全委员会Regional Commission on Food Security for Asia and the Pacific
亚洲及太平洋区域粮食安全委员会Regional Commission on Food Security for Asia and the Pacific
"人人享有粮食安全"高级别会议High Level Meeting on Food Security for All
全球粮食危机应对计划Global Food Crisis Response Programme
全球粮食及农业高级专家网络Global Network of High-Level Experts on Food and Agriculture
全球粮食和农业信息及预警系统Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture
全球粮食和燃料安全前景专家会议Expert Meeting on Global Perspectives and Food and Fuel Security
全球粮食安全危机高级别工作组High-level Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
全球粮食安全危机高级别工作组Task Force on the Global Food Security Crisis
全球粮食安全和营养政策及战略论坛FSN Forum
全球粮食安全和营养政策及战略论坛Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition Policies and Strategies
全球粮食安全和营养论坛Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition
全球粮食安全和营养论坛FSN Forum
《全球粮食政策新协定》The New Deal
《全球粮食政策新协定》New Deal on Global Food Policy
全球作物多样性信托基金与《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定Relationship Agreement
全球作物多样性信托基金与《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》管理机构关系协定Relationship Agreement between the Global Crop Diversity Trust and the Governing Body of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
全球农业及粮食伙伴关系Global Partnership on Agriculture and Food
全球农业及粮食安全计划Global Agriculture and Food Security Program
全球农业和粮食伙伴关系Global Partnership on Agriculture and Food
关于世界粮食危机的《吉达宣言》举措Jeddah Declaration Initiative on the World Food Crisis
关于《世界粮食首脑会议:五年之后决议和议事规则》的开放性工作组Open-ended Working Group on WFS:fyl Resolution and Rules of Procedure
关于《世界粮食首脑会议》的非政府组织区域磋商会NGO Regional Consultation on the World Food Summit
关于"危机时期再看粮食政治"研讨会Seminar on Revisiting Food Politics in Times of Crisis
关于支持可持续生计和粮食安全的参与性方式方法的非正式工作组Informal Working Group on Participatory Approaches and Methods to Support Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security
农业、粮食安全和营养全球伙伴关系Global Partnership for Agriculture, Food Security and Nutrition
农业及粮食系统组Agriculture and Food Systems Group
农业发展和粮食安全知识交流会Knowledge Share Fair
农业发展和粮食安全知识交流会Knowledge Share Fair for Agricultural Development and Food Security
农业和粮食工程技术处Agricultural and Food Engineering Technologies Service
农业和粮食生产的生物安全Biosecurity for Agriculture and Food Production
加勒比海地区粮食作物学会Caribbean Food Crops Society
加强粮食援助发展的机构Strengthening the Institutions for Food-Assisted Development
助理总干事, 世界粮食首脑会议后续行动特别顾问Assistant Director-General/Special Adviser, World Food Summit Follow-up
区域粮食安全计划委员会Action Committee on Regional Food Security
区域和全球粮食及农业自然资源前景协调组Coordination Unit on Regional and Global Perspectives on Natural Resources for Food and Agriculture
"千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
"千年发展目标"非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
半干旱地区谷物粮食研究和开发Semi-Arid Food Grain Research and Development
南亚粮食安全储备South Asian Food Security Reserve
原子用于粮食 - 全球伙伴关系FAO/IAEA "Atoms for Food" Partnership
原子用于粮食 - 全球伙伴关系Atoms For Food - A Global Partnership
发展中国家粮食生产及投资磋商小组Consultative Group on Food Production and Investment in Developing Countries
发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑战的选择与机遇International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries
发展中国家农业生物技术国际会议:种植业、林业、畜牧业、渔业和涉农产业应对粮食不安全和气候变化挑战的选择与机遇International Technical Conference on Agricultural Biotechnologies in Developing Countries: Options and Opportunities in Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Agro-industry to Face the Challenges of Food Insecurity and Climate Change
向食典和粮农组织/卫生组织成员国提供科学咨询研讨会Workshop on Provision of Scientific Advice to Codex and FAO/WHO Member Countries
国家粮食储备临时系统Interim System of National Food Reserves
国家粮食和农业统计信息系统National Statistical Information System for Food and Agriculture
国家粮食安全特别计划National Special Programme for Food Security
国家粮食安全范围内土地、渔业及森林权属负责任治理自愿准则Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security
国家粮食安全范围内土地、渔业及森林权属负责任治理自愿准则Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests
国家粮食安全计划National Programme for Food Security
国际粮食信息服务机构International Food Information Service
国际粮食农业组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
国际粮食协议International Grains Arrangement
国际粮食和农业植物遗传资源技术会议Leipzig International Technical Conference
国际粮食和农业植物遗传资源技术会议International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources
国际粮食援助信息系统International Food Aid Information System
国际应急粮食储备International Emergency Food Reserve
国际紧急粮食理事会International Emergency Food Council
国际非政府组织/民间社会组织粮食主权规划委员会International Planning Committee
国际非政府组织/民间社会组织粮食主权规划委员会International NGO/CSO Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty
基本粮食和农业统计处Basic Food and Agriculture Statistics Service
大田粮食作物组Field Food Crops Group
太平洋地区粮食安全计划的扩展期Expansion Phase of the Regional Programme for Food Security in the Pacific
家庭粮食安全工作组Working Group on Household Food Security
家庭粮食安全组Household Food Security Group
家政、农户及粮食系统组Home Economics, Farm Households and Food Systems Group
市场情报和粮食信息系统Market Intelligence and Food Information System
应对粮食价格飞涨行动计划Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices
应对粮食价格飞涨行动计划Plan of Action against Soaring Food Prices in the Poorest Countries
应对危机实现粮食安全Achieving food security in times of crisis
投资农业促进粮食安全 - 惠及全世界Investing in Agriculture for Food Security - The whole world will profit
拉丁美洲粮食加工者协会Latin American Association of Food Processors
拉丁美洲和加勒比区域粮食和营养安全研究及培训网络Network of Research and Training on Food and Nutritional Security for Latin America and the Caribbean
拉丁美洲防止收获后粮食损失协会Latin America Association of Post-Harvest Grain Losses
《拉奎拉粮食安全倡议》L’Aquila Food Security Initiative
《拉奎拉全球粮食安全联合声明》L’Aquila Joint Statement on Global Food Security
《支持在国家粮食安全范围内逐步实现充足食物权的自愿准则》Voluntary Guidelines
《支持在国家粮食安全范围内逐步实现充足食物权的自愿准则》Voluntary Guidelines to Support the Progressive Realization of the Right to Adequate Food in the Context of National Food Security
FAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和农业统计学研究小组FAO/ECE/CES Study Group
FAO/ECE/CES欧洲粮食和农业统计学研究小组FAO/ECE/CES Study Group on Food and Agricultural Statistics in Europe
欧盟粮食基金European Union Food Facility
欧盟粮食基金EUR 1 billion Food Facility
欧盟粮食基金EU Food Facility
欧盟粮食基金Facility for rapid response to soaring food prices in developing countries
欧盟粮食基金Food Aid Facility
欧盟/粮农组织"粮食安全信息行动"计划EC/FAO Food Security Information for Action Programme
欧盟/粮农组织"粮食安全信息行动"计划Food Security Information for Action
气候变化与粮食和农业生物多样性专家会议Expert Meeting on Climate Change and Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
气候变化与粮食安全研讨会Seminar on Climate Change and Food Security
气候变化、水和粮食安全专家会议Expert Meeting on Climate Change, Water and Food Security
水和粮食挑战计划Challenge Program on Water and Food
热带农业及粮食作物研究所Institute for Research in Tropical Agriculture and Food Crops
生物多样性促进粮食安全Biodiversity for Food Security
生物能源与粮食安全技术磋商会BEFS Technical Consultation
生物能源与粮食安全技术磋商会Technical Consultation on Bioenergy and Food Security
生物能源与粮食安全项目BEFS Project
生物能源与粮食安全项目Bioenergy and Food Security Project
生物能源政策、市场和贸易与粮食安全专家会议Expert Meeting on Bioenergy Policy, Markets and Trade and Food Security
电视粮食集资特别基金TeleFood Special Fund
电视粮食集资计划执行协调员Executive Coordinator, World Food Day Special Events, TeleFood Programme
管理世界粮食计划署的小组委员会Sub-Committee on the Governance of WFP and the relationships between the United Nations, FAO and WFP
管理世界粮食计划署的小组委员会Sub-Committee of the Whole on the Governance of the WFP
管理世界粮食计划署的小组委员会Sub-Committee on the Governance of WFP
粮农组织/世卫组织关于在粮食和农业领域应用纳米技术专家联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Application of Nanotechnology in the Food and Agriculture Sectors
粮农组织/世卫组织动物饲料对食品安全影响专家联席会议Joint FAO/WHO Expert Meeting on Animal Feed Impact on Food Safety
粮农组织/世卫组织生物技术和食品安全联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Biotechnology and Food Safety
粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金Codex Trust Fund
粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金FAO/WHO Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex
粮农组织/世卫组织用于促进参与食典工作的项目和信托基金Project and Trust Fund for Enhanced Participation in Codex
粮农组织/世卫组织联合食品法典委员会Codex Alimentarius Commission
粮农组织/世卫组织联合食品法典委员会FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission
粮农组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组FAO/WHO Consultative Group for the Trust Fund
粮农组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组Consultative Group for the Trust Fund
粮农组织/世卫组织食典信托基金磋商小组FAO/WHO Consultative Group for the Codex Trust Fund
粮农组织/世卫组织食品标准中应用风险分析联合专家磋商会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on the Application of Risk Analysis to Food Standards Issues
粮农组织/世卫组织食品法典亚洲区域协调委员会FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Asia
粮农组织/世卫组织食品法典亚洲区域协调委员会Regional Coordinating Committee for Asia
粮农组织/世卫组织食品法典亚洲区域协调委员会Codex Coordinating Committee for Asia
粮农组织/世界卫生组织功能食品专家磋商会FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Functional Foods
粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品标准联合计划Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme
粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint Expert Committee on Food Additives
粮农组织/世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives
粮农组织/卫生组织对 粮农组织/卫生组织对食品法典及粮农组织和卫生组织其它食品标准工作的联合评价Joint FAO/WHO Evaluation of the Codex Alimentarius and other FAO and WHO Work on Food Standards
粮农组织和世界粮食计划署退职人员协会Association of Former FAO and WFP Staff Members
粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业中的核技术联合司司长办公室Office of Director, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业核技术联合司Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture
粮农组织/国际原子能机构粮食和农业核技术联合司Joint FAO/IAEA Division
粮农组织/国际原子能机构"原子用于粮食"伙伴关系FAO/IAEA "Atoms for Food" Partnership
粮农组织/国际原子能机构"原子用于粮食"伙伴关系Atoms For Food - A Global Partnership
粮农组织/荷兰关于粮食及生态系统用水国际会议:采取实际行动FAO/Netherlands International Conference on Water for Food and Ecosystems: Make it Happen
粮食不安全和易受害信息及绘图系统Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping System
粮食不安全和易受害信息及绘图系统协调员FIVIMS Coordinator
粮食不安全和易受害信息及绘图系统机构间工作组Inter-agency Working Group on Food Insecurity Vulnerability Information Mapping Systems
粮食供应评估组Food Supply Assessment Mission
粮食供销系统Food Supply and Distribution Systems
粮食、农业及林业委员会Committee on Food, Agriculture and Forestry
粮食及农产品加工业官员Food and Agricultural Industries Officer
粮食及农产品加工业组Food and Agricultural Industries Group
粮食及农产品加工业组Food and Agro-industries Group
粮食及环境保护科Food and Environmental Protection Section
粮食和农业产品数据电脑储存及处理联结系统Interlinked Computer Storage and Processing System of Food and Agricultural Commodity Data
粮食和农业伦委员会Committee on Ethics in Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业伦理Ethics in Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业伦理著名专家小组Panel of Eminent Experts on Ethics in Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业信息贮存及检索系统Food and Agricultural Information Storage and Retrieval System
粮食和农业动物遗传资源政府间技术工作组Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业动物遗传资源管理准则Guidelines for the Management of Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业植物遗传资源保存及可持续利用全球行动计划Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业植物遗传资源保存及可持续利用全球行动计划Global Plan of Action on Plant Genetic Resources
粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约International Seed Treaty
粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约International Treaty on PGRFA
粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业植物遗传资源委员会秘书Secretary, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业植物遗传资源政府间技术工作组Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业植物遗传资源政府间技术工作组Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources
粮食和农业植物遗传资源政府间技术工作组Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业状况The State of Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业生物多样性的综合管理Integrated Management of Biological Diversity for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业生物技术电子论坛Electronic Forum on Biotechnology in Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业记者协会Association of Food and Agriculture Journalists
粮食和农业遗传资源委员会秘书处Secretariat of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业遗传资源委员会秘书处Secretariat, Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
粮食和农业销售信息系统Food and Agricultural Marketing Information System
粮食和营养监测技术合作网Technical Cooperation Network on Food and Nutrition Surveillance Systems
粮食安全专家网络Network of Experts on Food Security
粮食安全专题小组Food Security Thematic Groups
粮食安全专题小组Food Security Theme Group
粮食安全信息及预警系统Food Security Information and Early Warning System
粮食安全信息系统Food Security Information Systems
粮食安全储备Food Security Reserve
粮食安全及农业项目分析处Food Security and Agricultural Projects Analysis Service
粮食安全及社会统计小组Food Security and Social Statistics Team
粮食安全及紧急预防系统信托基金Trust Fund for Food Security and for EMPRES
粮食安全及紧急预防系统信托基金Trust Fund for Food Security and for Emergency Prevention System
粮食安全及营养官员Food Security and Nutrition Officer
粮食安全和人道主义阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification
粮食安全和人道主义阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
粮食安全和农业及乡村发展集资高级别小组High-Level Panel on Mobilization of Resources for Food Security and for Agricultural and Rural Development
粮食安全和营养问题专家网络Network of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
粮食安全和营养问题国际学术协调委员会全称International Scientific Coordination Committee on Food Security and Nutrition
粮食安全和营养问题国际学术协调委员会全称Scientific Committee of the Panel
粮食安全和营养问题国际学术协调委员会全称International Scientific Coordinating Committee on Food Security and Nutrition
粮食安全和营养问题论坛Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition
粮食安全和营养问题论坛FSN Forum
粮食安全和营养问题高级别专家委员会全称High-Level Panel
粮食安全和营养问题高级别专家委员会全称High Level Panel of Experts
粮食安全和营养问题高级别专家委员会全称High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition
粮食安全官员Food Security Officer
粮食安全局Food Security Department
粮食安全投资Investing in Food Security
粮食安全指标组Food Security Indicators Group
粮食安全援助计划Food Security Assistance Scheme
粮食安全援助计划外部评价小组External Evaluation Team for the Food Security Assistance Scheme
粮食安全特别计划Special Programme for Food Security
粮食安全特别计划管理及协调处SPFS Management and Coordination Service
粮食安全监督组Food Security Surveillance Unit
粮食安全综合支持处Integrated Food Security Service
粮食安全综合支持处Integrated Food Security Support Service
粮食安全行动计划Food Security Action Programme
粮食安全部Food Security Department
粮食安全问题专家国际委员会International Panel of Experts on Food Security
粮食安全问题专家国际委员会High-Level Panel of Experts on Food Security
粮食安全阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security and Humanitarian Phase Classification
粮食安全阶段综合分类Integrated Food Security Phase Classification
粮食援助公约Food Aid Convention
粮食援助政策与计划委员会Committee on Food Aid Policies and Programmes
粮食援助监测及信息网络Food Aid Monitoring and Information Network
粮食援助管理Food Aid Management
粮食第一信息和行动网FIAN International
粮食第一信息和行动网Foodfirst Information and Action Network
粮食紧急情况官员Food Emergency Officer
粮食计划署信息网和全球系统WFP Information Network and Global System
粮食计划署信息网和全球系统Information Network and Global System
粮食进口融资机制Food Import Financing Facility
紧急粮食供应计划Emergency Food Supply Scheme
纽约咖啡、食粮、可可交易所美国New York Coffee, Sugar& Cocoa Exchange
联合国粮食及农业组织与世界知识产权组织的协定Agreement between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Intellectual Property Organization
联合国应对非洲之角长期粮食安全、农业发展和有关问题的机构间工作组Inter-Agency Task Force on the UN Response to Long-Term Food Security, Agricultural Development and Related Aspects in the Horn of Africa
联合国系统乡村发展及粮食安全网络UN System Network on Rural Development and Food Security
艾滋病毒/艾滋病对粮食和农业的影响Implications of HIV/AIDS on Food and Agriculture
贸易援助与粮食安全High-Level Special Event on Aid for Trade and Food Security
贸易援助与粮食安全Aid for Trade and Food Security
郑州粮食交易所中国Zhengzhou Grain Exchange
防止粮食损失特别行动计划Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses
集体粮食战略Collective for Food Strategies
非洲粮食安全首脑会议Summit on Food Security in Africa
非洲之角粮食安全计划Horn of Africa Food Security Initiative
非洲农业、粮食和自然资源部长论坛Forum of African Ministers of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources
非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
非洲农业和粮食安全主题小组MDG Africa Thematic Group on Agriculture and Food Security
非洲农业和粮食安全马普托宣言Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa
非洲农业和粮食安全马普托宣言Maputo Declaration
非洲农业和粮食安全马普托宣言Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security in Africa
非洲区域粮食计划Regional Food Plan for Africa
非洲角粮食安全计划Horn of Africa Food Security Initiative
非洲部际粮食委员会African Interministerial Committee for Food
预警和粮食信息系统Early Warning and Food Information System
预防粮食损失特别行动计划Special Action Programme for the Prevention of Food Losses
高价格与粮食安全特别活动:问题与对策High Prices and Food Security: Issues and Policy Responses
高价格与粮食安全特别活动:问题与对策Special Event on High Prices and Food Security: Issues and Policy Responses
高价格与粮食安全:问题与对策High Prices and Food Security: Issues and Policy Responses
高价格与粮食安全:问题与对策Special Event on High Prices and Food Security: Issues and Policy Responses
高级粮食安全官员Senior Food Security Officer
高级粮食安全经济学家Senior Food Security Economist
高级粮食政策及营养官员Senior Food Policy and Nutrition Officer