
Terms for subject Food service and catering containing 粮食 | all forms | in specified order only
世界粮食安全world food security
主食、主粮staple foodstuff
五项全球可持续粮食安全罗马原则Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
五项全球可持续粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles
五项全球可持续粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
全球粮食系统global food system
可持续全球粮食安全罗马原则Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
可持续全球粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles
可持续全球粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
可持续的全球粮食安全sustainable global food security
国家粮食安全战略national food security strategy
国家粮食安全综合计划national comprehensive food security programmes
家庭粮食不安全食物获取情况分级表Household Food Insecurity Access Scale for Measurement of Food Access
家庭粮食不安全食物获取情况分级表Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
家庭粮食安全household food security
粮食的剥夺food deprivation
粮食不安全food insecurity
粮食不足food inadequacy
粮食作物生产food crop yield
粮食供应food availability
粮食净出售国net food seller
粮食净进口国net food importer
粮食危机food crisis
粮食和营养安全food and nutrition security
粮食安全food secure
粮食安全food security
粮食安全治理food security governance
粮食安全综合战略integrated food security strategy
粮食安全风险管理food security risk management
粮食援助交易food aid transaction
粮食援助的通知food aid notification
粮食救济行动food relief operation
粮食无保障国家food-insecure country
粮食易受害性food vulnerability
粮食消费dietary consumption
粮食消费food consumption
粮食短缺food scarcity
粮食短缺food shortage
粮食稳定性stability of food
粮食纯进口方net food importer
粮食纯销售方net food seller
粮食自力更生food self-sufficiency
粮食自力更生food self-provisioning
粮食自给food independence
粮食自给自足food self-sufficiency
粮食自给自足food self-provisioning
粮食银行food bank
粮食、食品原料food item
紧急粮食安全评估Emergency Food Security Assessment
紧急粮食需​​求评估Emergency Food Needs Assessment
粮食购买户net-food buying family
维持生命所需的最低量粮食subsistence diet
贫困的粮食净购买者poor net food buyer
高风险的自给自足式粮食生产high-risk subsistence food production