
Terms for subject Animal husbandry containing 粮食 | all forms | in specified order only
世界粮食联合国规定从1981年起以每年10月16日为世界粮食日World Food Day
世界粮食理事会联合国World Food Council (UN)
世界全球粮食经济global food economy
中国粮油食品进出口总公司China National Cereals, Oils and Food-stuffs Import and Export Corporation
亚洲及太平洋地区粮食和肥料银行Food and Fertilizer Bank for the Asian and Pacific Region
人造蜜蜂补饲食粮pollen cake
充足的粮食grain of abundance
包装粮食sack grain
国际粮食情报服务处International Food Information Service
1977 年粮食与农业法案Food and Agriculture Act of 1977
微波粮食水分测定仪microwave grain moisture tester
收获后粮食损失post-harvest food loss
粮食bread grain
联合国粮食与农业组织Food and Agricultural Organization (of the United Nations)
联合国粮食与农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
粮食谷物产量food grain outturn
粮食作物cereal crop
粮食作物面积acreage under food grain
粮食加工milling engineering
粮食和肥料银行Food and Fertilizer Bank
粮食安全food safety
粮食援助公约联合国Food Aid Convention
粮食消费grain consumption
粮食贮藏food preservation
粮食零售商corn chandler
联合国粮食及农业组织简称联合国粮农组织,FAOFood and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
联合国粮食和农业组织简称:联合国粮农组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
联合国-粮农组织世界粮食计划署Joint United Nations-FAO World Food Programme
腐坏的粮食damaged grain
自由采食日粮free choice diet