
Terms containing 粮食 | all forms | in specified order only
agric.世界粮食供应world food supply
agric.世界粮食储备world food grain reserve
econ.世界粮食危机world food crisis
work.fl.世界粮食和农业动物遗传资源状况The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
consult.世界粮食大会World Food Congress
agric.粮农组织世界粮食委员会World Food Council (WFC,FAO)
agric.粮农组织 世界粮食委员会World Food Council
food.serv.世界粮食安全world food security
ecol.世界粮食安全委员会Committee for Word Food Security
consult.世界粮食安全理事会World Food Security Council
commer.世界粮食市场world food market
busin.世界粮食情报与预警系统global information and early-warning on food and agriculture
anim.husb.世界粮食联合国规定从1981年起以每年10月16日为世界粮食日World Food Day
gen.世界粮食10月16日World Grain Day
anim.husb.世界粮食理事会联合国World Food Council (UN)
anim.husb.世界全球粮食经济global food economy
agric.粮农组织世界粮食World Food Board (FAO)
agric.粮农组织世界粮食计划组织World Food Programme (WFP,FAO)
earth.sc.世界粮食计划署联合国粮农组织World Food ProgrammeFAO
tech.世界粮食计划署World Food Program
consult.世界粮食计划署联合国World Food Program
gen.世界粮食计划署联合国机构,美国纽约World Food Programme
econ.世界粮食计划署商品的可接受性世界粮食计划署acceptability of WFP commodities
consult.世界粮食银行World Food Bank
ecol.世界粮食首脑会议宣言Declaration of the World Food Summit
securit.东京粮食交易所Tokyo Grain Exchange
commer.中国粮油食品进出口公司China National Cereals, Oils and Food-Stuffs Import and Export Corp
gen.назв.комп. 中国粮油食品进出口公司上海市食品分公司China National Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Foodstuffs Branch
econ.中国粮油食品进出口总公司China National Cereals, Oils and Foodstuff Import and Export Corporation
anim.husb.中国粮油食品进出口总公司China National Cereals, Oils and Food-stuffs Import and Export Corporation
agric.主要粮食作物staple food crop
food.serv.主食、主粮staple foodstuff
food.serv.五项全球可持续粮食安全罗马原则Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
food.serv.五项全球可持续粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles
food.serv.五项全球可持续粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
anim.husb.亚洲及太平洋地区粮食和肥料银行Food and Fertilizer Bank for the Asian and Pacific Region
agric., econ.人均粮食food per capita
agric., econ.人均粮食food per person
econ.人均粮食生产量per caput food production
anim.husb.人造蜜蜂补饲食粮pollen cake
agric.粮食为基础的干预措施food-based intervention
commer.以市场为导向的粮食生产market-driven food production
agric.以道德为基础的粮食和农业系统ethically-based food and agriculture system
econ.住户粮食安全简写为HFAhousehold food adequacy
work.fl.作物前景与粮食形势Crop Prospects and Food Situation
econ.使粮食安全与营养指标相联系bridging food security and nutrition indicator
econ., agric.保障粮食自给ensure the self-sufficiency in grain
fin.保障全球能源安全和粮食安全ensure global energy security and food security
anim.husb.充足的粮食grain of abundance
agric.全国粮食会议national food conference
fin.全球粮食价格的飙升spike in global food prices
econ.全球粮食安全指标global food security indicators
food.serv.全球粮食系统global food system
commer.全球粮食贸易模式global food trade model
anim.husb.包装粮食sack grain
econ.北美粮食船舶程租合同North American Berth Grain Charter Party
busin.单一性粮食生产结构monoculture structure in grain production
econ.双边粮食援助bilateral food aid
commer.受市场驱动的粮食生产market-driven food production
food.serv.可持续全球粮食安全罗马原则Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
food.serv.可持续全球粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles
food.serv.可持续全球粮食安全罗马原则Five Rome Principles for Sustainable Global Food Security
food.serv.可持续的全球粮食安全sustainable global food security
agric.商品粮食commercial food
busin.囤积粮食establish a corner in rice
econ.国家粮食储备national food reserve
agric.国家粮食储备制度system of the state grain reserve
food.serv.国家粮食安全战略national food security strategy
food.serv.国家粮食安全综合计划national comprehensive food security programmes
econ.国家粮食安全计划national food security scheme
agric.国家粮食安全计划country food security programme
China, polit.国家粮食State Administration of Grain
busin.国家掌握粮食储备的国际制度international system of nationally-hold food reserves
agric.国际粮食作物品质研究协会International Association for Quality Research on Food Plants
agric.国际粮食分配协会International Association of Food Distribution
anim.husb.国际粮食情报服务处International Food Information Service
busin.国际货币基金组织粮食贷款基金Food Facility (IMF)
econ.基本粮食定量basic food ration
securit.大阪粮食交易所0Osaka Grain Exchange
securit.大阪粮食交易所Osaka Grain Exchange
econ.季节性粮食不安全seasonal food insecurity
food.serv.家庭粮食不安全食物获取情况分级表Household Food Insecurity Access Scale for Measurement of Food Access
food.serv.家庭粮食不安全食物获取情况分级表Household Food Insecurity Access Scale
food.serv.家庭粮食安全household food security
food.serv.粮食的剥夺food deprivation
econ.粮食进口的依赖dependency on food imports
econ.粮食进口的依赖food import dependency
anim.husb.1977 年粮食与农业法案Food and Agriculture Act of 1977
China, polit.建立和完善粮食安全预警系统set up a sound food security warning system
horticult.当地粮食作物生产local food crop production
anim.husb.微波粮食水分测定仪microwave grain moisture tester
tech.成袋粮食干燥台in-sack drier platform
agric.战略性粮食储备strategic grain reserve
agric.托运粮食consignment food
manag.挨次发给食粮serve round rations
anim.husb.收获后粮食损失post-harvest food loss
econ.改善粮食不安全状况mitigation of food insecurity
auto.散装粮食运输车bulk-grain carrier
econ.暂时性粮食不安全short-term hunger
econ.暂时性粮食不安全temporary food insecurity
econ.暂时性粮食不安全transitory food insecurity
econ.未定向粮食援助untargeted food aid
agric.次要粮食作物minor alimentary crops
agric.每日食粮daily bread
fin.满足发展中国家能源和粮食消费需求meet the energy and food needs of developing countries
agric.灌溉粮食作物irrigated food production
agric.灌溉粮食作物irrigated food crop
tech.生产更多的粮食to produce more food
agric.盛产粮食的地区"granary" of the country
agric.秋熟粮食作物autumn-ripened food crop
anim.husb.粮食bread grain
busin.粮食staple food
busin.粮食food stuff
econ.粮食food products
econ.粮食food stuffs
econ.粮食subsistence stores
econ.粮食food grain
agric.粮食provision (复)
agric.粮食grain mass
agric.粮食food grains
agric.粮食cereal grain
gen.粮食food provisions
food.serv.粮食不安全food insecurity
law粮食不安全易受害性food insecurity vulnerability
food.serv.粮食不足food inadequacy
econ.联合国粮食与农业组织UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
econ.联合国粮食与农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization
anim.husb.联合国粮食与农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
anim.husb.联合国粮食与农业组织Food and Agricultural Organization (of the United Nations)
ecol.粮食与农业组织Food and Agricultural Organization
agric.粮食与饲料禾谷类作物是属粮饲作物,因为籽粒可作粮食,而茎秆可作饲草food and feeds
agric.粮食丰产地granary (granarium)
commer.粮食主权food sovereignty
chem.粮食乙醇grain alcohol
agric.粮食交付food delivery
econ.粮食产区breadbasket area
econ.粮食产区breadbasket region
agric.粮食产品cereal products
busin.粮食产量subsistence output
anim.husb.粮食谷物产量food grain outturn
agric.粮食产量corn yield
stat.粮食产量波动指数variability of food production index
stat.粮食产量波动指数index of variability of food production
tech.粮食仓库grain warehouse
agric.粮食仓库cereals warehouse
tech.粮食仓库grain storage
agric.粮食仓库害虫granary insect
fin.粮食价格food price
fin.粮食价格上涨food-price inflation
fin.粮食价格上涨rising food prices
agric., econ.粮食价格上涨food price hike
fin.粮食价格危机food-price crisis
agric., econ.粮食价格危机food price crisis
commer.粮食价格波动food price fluctuation
agric., econ.粮食价格波动volatility of food prices
agric., econ.粮食价格波动food price volatility
econ.粮食优先国家food priority countries
econ.粮食优先国家food priority country
anim.husb.粮食作物cereal crop
agric.粮食作物food crops
tech.粮食作物cereal crops
tech.粮食作物alimentary crop
agric.粮食作物分类classification of food crops
food.serv.粮食作物生产food crop yield
agric.粮食作物种子储备量food crop seed reserves
econ.粮食作物耕地面积the acreage under food grain
econ.粮食作物耕地面积acreage under food grain
anim.husb.粮食作物面积acreage under food grain
agric.粮食作物面积area of alimentary crops
food.serv.粮食供应food availability
agric.粮食供应food supply
agric.粮食供应provision (复, provisio)
tech.粮食供应grain supply
stat.粮食供应统计food supply statistics
agric.粮食供求grain supply and demand
agric.粮食供求demand and supply of food
agric., busin.粮食供求波动fluctuation in grain supply and demand
busin.粮食供给food supply
agric., econ.粮食促培训food-for-training
agric., econ.粮食倾销dumping of food
agric., econ.粮食倾销food dumping
ecol.粮食储备grain stock
tech.粮食储备grain reserve
busin.粮食储备food stock
econ.粮食储备grain stocks
econ.粮食储备food reserves
ecol.粮食储备grain reserves
econ.粮食储备机构grain stockpiling organizations
agric.粮食储藏量corn reserve
agric.粮食关税duty on food
tech.粮食农场cash-grain farm
econ., geogr.粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家NFEX countries
econ., geogr.粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家NFEX country
econ., geogr.粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家net food exporting countries
econ., geogr.粮食净出口国家简写为NFEX国家net food exporting country
food.serv.粮食净出售国net food seller
econ., geogr.粮食净进口发展中国家net food-importing developing countries
econ., geogr.粮食净进口发展中国家net food-importing developing country
food.serv.粮食净进口国net food importer
econ., geogr.粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家NFIM country
econ., geogr.粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家net food importing countries
econ., geogr.粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家NFIM countries
econ., geogr.粮食净进口国家简写为NFIM国家net food importing country
agric.粮食出口国cereals exporting country
tech.粮食分布图map of food
econ.粮食分配差距food distribution gap
anim.husb.粮食加工milling engineering
ecol.粮食加工grain processing
agric.粮食加工厂food-processing factory
busin.粮食加工厂subsistence plant
tech.粮食加工厂grain processing plant
tech.粮食加工厂food processing factory
agric.粮食加工机具food preparation equipment
ecol.粮食加工机械cereals processing machines
econ.粮食危机crisis in food
food.serv.粮食危机food crisis
econ.粮食危机grain crises
agric.粮食危机grain crisis
agric., econ.粮食危机引发的抗议活动food protest
tech.联合国粮食及农业组织Food and Agricultural Organization (of the United Nations)
gen.联合国粮食及农业组织Food and Agricultural Organization
gen.粮食及农业组织联合国所属专门机构之一Food and Agricultural Organization
tech.粮食取样器grain sampler
tech.粮食变质grain deterioration
work.fl.粮食和农业政策及管理框架状况State of Policy and Regulatory Framework for Food and Agriculture
agric.粮食和可持续农业及农村发展food security, agriculture and rural development
anim.husb.粮食和肥料银行Food and Fertilizer Bank
food.serv.粮食和营养安全food and nutrition security
tech.粮食基地grain base
tech.粮食基地food base
China, law粮食安全gain safety
anim.husb.粮食安全food safety
food.serv.粮食安全food security
food.serv.粮食安全food secure
agric.粮食安全grain save
stat.粮食安全和营养信息产品FSN information product
stat.粮食安全和营养信息产品food security and nutrition information product
busin.粮食安全国际协定International Under taking on Food Security
law粮食安全战略food security strategy
econ.粮食安全指标food security indicators
econ.粮食安全政策food security policy
law粮食安全权right to food security
food.serv.粮食安全治理food security governance
econ.粮食安全状况food security status
agric.粮食安全田间学校food security field school
food.serv.粮食安全综合战略integrated food security strategy
stat.粮食安全联络员food security focal point
food.serv.粮食安全风险管理food security risk management
agric.粮食定量corn ration
econ.粮食定量ration allowance
tech.粮食定量grain rations
agric.粮食定量供应food ration
agric.粮食定量配给food rationing
agric.粮食定量配给制food rationing system
agric.粮食food-stuff bureau
busin.粮食工业food industry
agric., econ.粮食市场波动food market volatility
fin.粮食平准基金food stabilization fund
econ.粮食平衡表balance sheet of food grains
stat.粮食food year
nautic., tech.粮食provision store
commer.粮食库存下降draw-down of food stocks
econ.粮食影响评估food impact assessment
commer.粮食总产量aggregate food production
commer.粮食总供应量aggregate food supply
stat.粮食总帐户aggregated food accounts
stat.粮食总帐户overall food accounts
agric.粮食情况state of food
agric.粮食情况food state
brit., busin.粮食批发商corn factor
busin.粮食在装袋; 筛簸中损耗leakage risk
agric.粮食控制法规food control law
econ.粮食掮客corn factor
econ.粮食援助food assistance
econ.粮食援助food aid
agric.粮食援助联合国粮农组织food aid
food.serv.粮食援助交易food aid transaction
econ.粮食援助公约a food aid convention
anim.husb.粮食援助公约联合国Food Aid Convention
fin.粮食援助特设帐户special food aid account
food.serv.粮食援助的通知food aid notification
econ.粮食援助采购food aid procurement
econ.粮食收购站grain purchasing center
China, law粮食收购资金funds for the purchase of grain
econ.粮食救济relief food aid
food.serv.粮食救济行动food relief operation
econ.粮食敞开供应The grains are in free supply
food.serv.粮食无保障国家food-insecure country
food.serv.粮食易受害性food vulnerability
China, polit.粮食最低收购价政策a policy for setting price floors for grain
China, polit.粮食最低收购价政策a policy governing the price floors for the purchase of grain
agric.粮食检验粮袋码堆法piling method of grain bag for grain inspection
agric.粮食每亩平均年产量average annual yield of grain per mu
tech.粮食水分测试仪grain moisture meter
tech.粮食污染grain contamination
agric.粮食法规food law
agric., busin.粮食流通政策grain circulation policy
agric.粮食消耗量food consumption
food.serv.粮食消费dietary consumption
food.serv.粮食消费food consumption
anim.husb.粮食消费grain consumption
stat.粮食消费统计food consumption statistics
stat.粮食消费调查food consumption survey
busin.粮食、燃料及肥料food, fuel and fertilizer
agric.粮食生产food production
China, polit.粮食生产grain production
econ.粮食生产subsistence output
tech.粮食生产cereal production
busin.粮食生产上的缺口缺额gap in food production
agric.粮食生产国food producing country
agric.粮食生产定额fixed quotas for grain production
stat.粮食生产指数food production index
econ.粮食生产指数index number of grain production
China, polit.粮食生产效益returns from growing grain
agric., econ.粮食生产滞后lagging of food production
horticult.粮食生产潜力potential of the grain production
ecol.粮食生产率胁迫力stress of land productivity
agric., econ.粮食生产绩效food production performance
China, polit.粮食生产能力grain production capacity
commer.粮食的本地采购local purchase of food
food.serv.粮食短缺food shortage
food.serv.粮食短缺food scarcity
econ.粮食食物短缺food shortage
busin.粮食短缺food insecurity
econ.粮食短缺管理food shortage management
econ.粮食禁运food embargo
econ.粮食禁运embargo on food
econ.粮食福利food welfare
econ.粮食grain tax
agric.粮食corn tax
food.serv.粮食稳定性stability of food
tech.粮食筒仓grain silo
busin.粮食管理staple food management
econ.粮食管理制度food control system
agric.粮食管理局food control bureau
agric.粮食管理法规food control law
econ.粮食管理特别账户foodstuffs control special account
busin.粮食管理特别账户food stuff control special account
food.serv.粮食纯进口方net food importer
food.serv.粮食纯销售方net food seller
agric.粮食组织food organization
agric.粮食经济学food economy
busin.粮食经纪人food broker
busin.粮食统制制度food control system
econ.粮食统购价格state monopoly purchasing price for grains
econ.粮食缓冲储存solution stock of grain
busin.粮食缓冲储存buffer stock of grain
agric.粮食缺乏dearth of food
agric.粮食耕地面积acreage under food grain
food.serv.粮食自力更生food self-sufficiency
food.serv.粮食自力更生food self-provisioning
food.serv.粮食自给food independence
econ., agric.粮食自给grain self-sufficiency
econ.粮食自给food self-support
agric.粮食自给food self-support ratio
econ.粮食自给率degree of food self-support
econ.粮食自给率food self-sufficiency ratio
busin.粮食自给程度degree of food self-support
food.serv.粮食自给自足food self-sufficiency
food.serv.粮食自给自足food self-provisioning
agric.粮食自给自足self-sufficiency in grain
agric.粮食节约food economy
desert.粮食虫害传染infestation of food
agric.粮食补偿基金grain compensation fund
ecol.粮食补助grain supply from government
tech.粮食补给船store ship
tech.粮食装卸码头grain port
tech.粮食装卸码头grain terminal
tech.粮食装卸码头grain handling wharf
stat.粮食访谈调查food survey by interview
stat.粮食访谈调查interview survey
stat.粮食访谈调查diet recall
busin.粮食证券food note
busin.粮食证券food bill
agric.粮食贮备food reserve
agric.粮食贮存storing of foodstuffs
anim.husb.粮食贮藏food preservation
agric.粮食贮藏cereal grain storage
refrig.粮食贮藏室provision room
agric.粮食贮藏设施grain storage facility
econ.国际货币基金组织粮食贷款基金Food Facility (IMF)
econ.粮食贷款基金Food Facility
agric., econ.粮食贸易grain trading
agric.粮食过剩food surpluses
shipb.粮食运输船cereal carrier
shipb.粮食运输船grain carrier
econ.粮食进口依赖dependency on food imports
econ.粮食进口依赖度dependency on food imports
econ.粮食进口依赖度food import dependency
econ., geogr.粮食进口发展中国家food-importing developing country
agric.粮食进口国cereals importing country
commer.粮食进口总支出aggregate food import bill
commer.粮食进口总费用aggregate food import bill
stat.粮食进口费用food import bills
econ.粮食subsistence department
agric.粮食distillers' dried grains
chem.粮食酒精grain alcohol (专指以粮食为原料)
agric.粮食采购grain purchase
food.serv.粮食银行food bank
stat.粮食问卷调查food diary
stat.粮食问卷调查food record
stat.粮食问3/4淼鞑food diary
stat.粮食问3/4淼鞑food record
anim.husb.粮食零售商corn chandler
brit., busin.粮食零售商corn chandler
agric.粮食需要量food requirements
agric., econ.粮食预算food budget
food.serv.粮食、食品原料food item
gen.精神食粮intellectual food
gen.精神食粮mental food
food.serv.紧急粮食安全评估Emergency Food Security Assessment
food.serv.紧急粮食需​​求评估Emergency Food Needs Assessment
food.serv.粮食购买户net-food buying family
food.serv.维持生命所需的最低量粮食subsistence diet
stat.综合家庭粮食安全指数aggregate household food security index
econ.缓解粮食不安全形势mitigation of food insecurity
gen.联合国粮食会议United Nations Food Conference
desert.联合国粮食及农业组织Food and Agricultura Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
desert.联合国粮食及农业组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (简称联合国粮农组织)
anim.husb.联合国粮食及农业组织简称联合国粮农组织,FAOFood and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
ecol.联合国粮食及农业组织简称粮农组织Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
gen.联合国粮食及农业组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
China, polit.联合国粮食及农业组织章程Constitution of the Food and Agriculture Organization
fin.联合国粮食和农业组织Food and Agriculture Organization (简称"联合国粮农组织")
anim.husb.联合国粮食和农业组织简称:联合国粮农组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
gen.联合国农业及粮食组织United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization
anim.husb.联合国-粮农组织世界粮食计划署Joint United Nations-FAO World Food Programme
anim.husb.腐坏的粮食damaged grain
anim.husb.自由采食日粮free choice diet
desert.自由采食日粮free-choice diet
shipb.船上粮食provision store of ship
China, law节约粮食economize on the use of grain
tech.蓄积粮食store up grain
econ.计划粮食援助programme food aid
stat.访谈粮食调查food survey by interview
stat.访谈粮食调查interview survey
stat.访谈粮食调查diet recall
econ.贫困和粮食不安全人口poor and food-insecure people
food.serv.贫困的粮食净购买者poor net food buyer
agric.贮藏粮食stored food
agric.贮藏粮食害虫stored food pests
econ.长期粮食不安全chronic food insecurity
agric.粮食作物non-food crop
econ.粮食农产品integration nonfood product
desert.粮食农产品agricultural nonfood product
econ.粮食农作物non-food agricultural raw material
econ.项目粮食援助project food aid
auto.颗粒粮食散装车particle grain bulk vehicle
econ.飞涨的粮食价格soaring food price
agric.食粮provision (复)
agric.食粮供应supply of food
food.serv.高风险的自给自足式粮食生产high-risk subsistence food production
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