
Terms for subject Technology containing 粉尘 | all forms | in specified order only
不含粉尘free from dust
不吸湿粉尘non-moisture-absorbing dust
不吸湿粉尘non-hygroscopic dust
云状粉尘cloud dust
五氧化二钒尘粉vanadium pentoxide dust
亲水性粉尘lyophilic dust
亲水性粉尘hydrophilic dust
人造无机粉尘artificial inorganic dust
光电粉尘检测器photoelectrical dust detector
光电管式粉尘计数器phototube dust counter
冶金粉尘metallurgical dust
冶金粉尘metallurgic dust
化学粉尘chemical fallout
压电天平式粉尘piezo-balance type dust monitor
可吸入性粉尘respirable dust
可呼吸的粉尘含量respirable dust content
可燃粉尘combustible dust
含尘气体粉尘浓度raw gas dust content
含炭粉尘carbon-bearing dust
含矽粉尘silicon-containing dust
含矽粉尘silicium dust
含碱粉尘alkali laden dust
呼吸式粉尘监测仪respirable aerosol mass monitor
喷射混凝土粉尘shotcrete dust
喷浆粉尘air float fines
喷漆粉尘spray dust
回收粉尘recovered dust
回收粉尘recuperated dust silo
多分散性粉尘polydisperse adsorption
大气粉尘物质浓度监测仪air-borne particle mass monitor
大气粉尘监测器air particle monitor
尘粉飞扬dust carryout
工业粉尘排放industrial dust discharge
带走粉尘entrainment of sut
干粉吸尘器dry dust collector
悬浮煤粉尘coal-in-air suspension
捕集粉尘trapped dust
捕集粉尘precipitated dust
捕集粉尘collected dust
排出粉尘exit dust
接触粉尘累积值cumulative dust index
收下的粉尘collected dust
数字粉尘测量仪digital dust measuring apparatus
粉尘性颗粒non-dusting granules
粉尘熟料undusted clinker
无尘粉末free flowing powder
无机粉尘inorganic dust
易散粉尘fugitive dust
易燃粉尘combustible dust
晶石粉尘spar dust
有机粉尘organic dust
有机性粉尘organic dust
标准石灰粉尘standard limestone dust
树皮粉尘bark dust
植物性粉尘plant dust
植物性粉尘vegetable dust
植物性粉尘dust of vegetable origins
欧文粉尘计数器Owen's jet dust counter
气溶粉尘air-floated powder
水泥粉尘cement dust
水泥工厂粉尘dust from cement factory
混凝土地面粉尘concrete floor dust
混合性粉尘mixed dust
炽热粉尘粒子red hot dust particles
烟道气粉尘mean dust concentration
烟道气粉尘平均浓度mean dust concentration in stack gas
烟道气中粉尘含量测量法method of measuring dust content in stack gas
熔融粉尘molten dust
熔融在熟料上的粉尘dust fused on the clinker
熟料粉尘clinker dust
爆炸粉尘混合物explosive dust mixture
爆炸性粉尘explosive dust
爆炸性粉尘大气explosive dust atmosphere
疏水性粉尘lyophobic dust
疏水性粉尘hydrophobic dust
石棉粉尘asbestos dust
石英粉尘silica dust
石英粉尘吞噬作用quartz-dust phagocytosis
石质粉尘stone dust
矿渣粉尘slag dust
矿渣棉粉尘mineral wool dust
矿物性粉尘mineral dust
硅石粉尘silica dust
硅质粉尘silicic dust
硅质粉尘siliceous dust
碎石机粉尘breaker dust
磨料粉尘abrasive dust
空气粉尘air-borne dust
粉尘mill dust
粉尘soot and dust
粉尘dust (比)
粉尘bug dust
粉尘传染dust infection
粉尘作业work in dusty environment
粉尘倾泻dust flush
粉尘内循环internal dust circulation
粉尘分析dust analysis
粉尘powder-form agent
粉尘加压方式dust-pressed process
粉尘危害dust hazard
粉尘去除器dust wiper
粉尘取样仪powder-dust sampling meter
粉尘含水率water content of particles
粉尘含量dust amount
粉尘和空气的混合物dust air mixture
粉尘喷射器dust ejector
粉尘回收dust recovery
粉尘回收dust return
粉尘回收dust feedback
粉尘回收系统dust recovery system
粉尘地表面积specific surface area of particle
粉尘处理泵ash-handling pump
粉尘处理设备dust handling unit
粉尘密度specific gravity of dust
粉尘封口机dust-preventing sealer
粉尘dust layer
粉尘层顶dust horizon
粉尘微粒dust particle
粉尘抑制dust suppression
粉尘指数dustability index
粉尘捕捉率dust spot efficiency
粉尘损失dusting loss
粉尘排放器dust exhauster
粉尘排放量dust emission value
粉尘控制系统dust control system
粉尘收集系统dust-collecting system
粉尘比电阻dust resistivity
粉尘比电阻specific electric resistance of dust
粉尘比电阻specific electrical resistance of dust
粉尘比电阻dust electric resistivity
粉尘比表面积specific surface area of particle
粉尘比阻力系数specific resistance coefficient of dust
粉尘污染dust pollution
粉尘污染dust contamination
粉尘污染物dust pollutant
粉尘dust settle
粉尘沉降dust fall
粉尘沉降dust precipitation
粉尘沉降dust condensing
粉尘沉降室dust setting chamber
粉尘测定dust determination
粉尘测管法dust tube method
粉尘测量dust measurement
粉尘浑浊度dust turbidity
粉尘浓度particle concentration
粉尘浓度指数dust concentration index
粉尘浓度测量measurement of dust concentration
粉尘漩涡dust whirl
粉尘燃料powdered fuel
粉尘燃烧的dust fired
粉尘爆炸试验坑道dust explosion testing gallery
粉尘环境dust atmosphere
粉尘球化方法dust nodulizing process
粉尘电阻系数dust resistivity
粉尘百分率percent fines
粉尘的百分率percentage of dust
粉尘监控dust control
粉尘监控系统dust monitoring system
粉尘组成dust composition
粉尘结块dust agglomeration
粉尘综合治理tacking dust pollution
粉尘聚集dust accumulation
粉尘dust gauge
粉尘dust gage
粉尘计数器particle counting device
粉尘计数装置particle counting penetrometer
粉尘试验器dust test instrument
粉尘试验计数法dust spot count test method
粉尘试验重量法dust weight arrestance test method
粉尘负荷dust loading
粉尘输送dust conveying
粉尘输送机dust conveyer
粉尘输送设备dust handling unit
粉尘过滤器dust filter
粉尘过滤效率dust removal efficiency
粉尘过滤效率dust collection efficiency
粉尘逸出escape of dust
粉尘逸出dust throw off
粉尘采样dust sampling
粉尘采样器dust sampling meter
粉尘采样器dust sampler
粉尘采样装置dust sampling equipment
粉尘重力沉降gravitational dust setting
粉尘重力沉降室gravitational dust setting chamber
粉尘quantity of dust
粉尘dust capacity
粉尘预防dust preventive
粉尘颗粒dust grain
粉尘颗粒比表面积specific surface area of dust particle
粉尘颗粒组成dust particle size distribution
粗磨粉尘raw grinding dust
纤维性粉尘fibre dust
纤维性粉尘fabric dust
纸套粉尘取样器paper-thimble dust sampler
粉尘fine dust
航空粉尘分析仪air-borne particle analyzer
航空粉尘计数器air-borne particle counter
试验用粉尘test dust
超微粉尘ultra-microscopic dust
超细粉尘super-fine dust
轧石粉尘crushed stone dust
配合料粉尘batch dust
重量分析粉尘采样器gravimetrical dust sampler
重量分析粉尘采样器gravimetric dust sampler
金属粉尘metallic dust
金属粉尘metal dust
铝合金粉尘aluminium alloy dust
铝合金粉尘aluminum alloy dust
降低粉尘浓度dust suppression
静电粉尘采样器electrostatic dust sampler
粉尘flour dust
风蚀粉尘dust from wind erosion
飞扬的粉尘loose dust
高比电阻粉尘high resistivity dust
高浓度粉尘high concentrate dust
黏土砖粉尘clay brick dust
黏性粉尘sticky dust