
Terms for subject Business containing 类似 | all forms | in specified order only
一类型 I 误差似然likelihood of a type I error
对社会保险、养老金及类似计划的贡献contribution to social security, pension and similar scheme
已出售类似货物交易价海关征税估价法之一transaction value of similar goods sold
常驻的企业、其他工商业及类似单位resident industries, other producers and similar units
慈善性及类似赠予charitable and similar gifts
我们还有——款类似的产品,价格便宜很多We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price
捐赠基金和类似基金endowment and similar funds
相似分类similarity grouping
类似analog (ue)
类似型式kindred type
类似工序工业similar-process industries
类似效应kindred effect
类似比检验likelihood-ratio test
类似analog (ue)
类似销售区brick areas
贷款、赠款及类似赠款的拨款额disbursements on loans, grants, and grantlike loans
雇主对私人养老金、家庭补助金和类似计划的分摊额employer's contributions to private pension, family allowance and similar schemes
类似成果unlikely outcome
类似成果very likely outcome