
Terms for subject United Nations containing 米线 | all forms
中立调解人凯图米莱•马西雷爵士Facilitator neutral of the National Dialogue (Sir Ketumile Masire, former President of Botswana)
侦察车,车轮100毫米以上reconnaissance vehicle — wheeled over 100 mm
关于东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西锡尔米乌 姆地区的基本协定Basic Agreement on the region of Eastern Slavonia, Baranja and Western Sirmium 11/12/95
国际大米谷物贸易和统一国家计划专家组会议Expert Group Meeting on Intraregional Trade in Rice and Cereals and Harmonization of National Plans
在1 000米或更远的范围内探测和确定人或物并将其分类detecting, identifying and categorizing persons or items within a range of 1,000 metres or more
大米和谷物专家组Expert Group on Rice and Cereals
明尼•米纳维派Minni Minawi faction
明尼•米纳维派Minawi faction
混凝土搅拌机,1.5立方米以下concrete mixer machine, below 1.5 m3,b
湿度——全年12个月平均湿度达80%或以上,平均降水量超过100毫米humidity — average morning humidity 80 per cent or more, or average precipitation over 100 millimetres, all 12 months of the year
研究开发新的、具有抵抗力的玉米遗传资源Research on Development of New Stress-Resistant Maize Genetic Resources
禽流感的奥塞米韦或达菲, 预防avian influenza, Oseltamivir or Tamiflu for
联合国东斯拉沃尼亚、巴拉尼亚和西锡尔米 乌姆过渡时期行政当局东斯过渡当局UNTAES transitional administration in Eastern Slavonia
自卸卡车,至多10立方米军用型truck, dump, up to 20 cubic metres military pattern
自卸卡车,至多10立方米民用型truck, dump, up to 10 cubic metres civilian pattern
降水量——最多有3个月月平均降水量超过50毫米。precipitation — a maximum of three months with over 50 millimetres average monthly precipitation