
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一体化integrated management
一次文丘里first stage Venturi
一次风primary air main
丁字tee pipe
丁字pipe tee
万能弯universal pipe-bender
三向弯three-way pipe
三层卷焊triple wall brazed tube
三极真空triode valve
三线式拉triple tube drawbench
三软式割把three-hose gas cutter
三软式熔切器three-hose cutting burner
三辊式轧three-high tube-rolling mill
三辊式轧Assel elongator
三辊行星轧three-high planetary tube mill
三通tee connector
三通tee pipe
三通three-way piece
三通three-way connection
三通pipe tee
上分式双热水供暖系统double-pipe dropping system
上升upleg snorkel (RH 真空脱气设备的)
上升rising pipe
上升stand pipe
上升ascension pipe
上升挢管ascension pipe elbow
上升桥管ascension pipe elbow
上升桥管stand pipe elbow
上升桥管清扫机stand pipe elbow cleaner
上升清扫器ascension pipe cleaner
上升清扫器stand pipe cleaner
上升清扫器ascension pipe cleaner
上升ascension pipe valve
上升ascension pipe valve
液体上升总rising main
上升总rising main
上料feeding tube
下喷煤气underjet gas duct
下喷煤气under-jet gas duct
下导downtake pipe
下导downcomer pipe
下水downcomer tube
下水sewer pipe
下水downcomer pipe
下水道系统sewerage system
下降down-leg snorkel (RH 真空脱气设备的: During the decarburization, a sample of the steel was taken for carbon analysis under the down-leg snorkel at an interval of 30-60 seconds. 脱碳期间,供碳分析用的钢样取自下降管的下面,取样间隔为30 ~60s。)
下降downcorner (These compounds can also condense in uptakes and downcorners where they form accretions that can eventually restrict the passage of the top gas, or react to form HCl and attack the gas cleaning system steelwork. 这些化合物还会在高炉上升管和下降管上凝结成结块,最终导致炉顶煤气通道受阻;或反应生成 HC1, 腐蚀煤气净化系统的钢结构。)
下降支腿downcorner leg
下降放灰闸板downcorner damper
下降放灰闸板downcomer damper
不加厚油non-upset tubing
不合格焊disqualified welded pipe
不对称焊dissymmetry welded tube
不等壁厚异型钢special-shape tube with variable wall thickness
不等壁厚异型钢special-shape steel pipe with variable wall thickness
不车丝的尾plain-end liner
不锈钢stainless steel tube (An hydraulically operated press of 3000 tonnes' capacity is used to make stainless steel tubes with bores from 25 to 165 mm and outside diameters of up to 190mm. 一台 3000t 位的液压机用于生产内径25 ~ 165mm, 外径最大为190 mm 的不锈钢管。)
不锈钢stainless steel tubing (The company has ordered, as part of a capital construction program, a roller hearth furnace for annealing stainless steel tubing in a pure hydrogen atmosphere. 作为基本建设规划的一部分,该公司已订购了一台不锈钢管材纯氢气氛退火用辊底式炉。)
不锈钢无缝stainless steel seamless pipe
与集气主接通的装炉on-main charging
与集气主接通的装炉on-main charging
与集气主断开的装炉off-main charging
与集气主断开的装炉off-main charging
专业化轧single-product tube mill
世界一流的无缝钢轧机worldclass seamless pipe mill
废气阀与炉体的两叉连two-legs of breech pipes
两叉连two legs of breech pipes
企业经营enterprise business management
优质铸铁quality cast iron pipe
会聚型三辊式轧convergent Assel mill
会聚型三辊式轧机 CAP computer-aided planning 计算机辅助计划convergent Assel mill
传动drive pipe
传动drive tube
传动打井用drive pipe
传送带式炉tubular conveyer-belt furnace
传递transfer piping
伦琴射线X-ray tube
伦琴射线roentgen tube
伦琴射线tube shield
倍尺multiple-length pipe
倒立式拔用卷筒inverted tube block
分凝fractional condensing tube
分支套multiple joint
分配总distributing main
分风air manifold
分馏fractional distilling tube
tube cutting-off machine
pipe cutting machine
pipe cutter
用割把tube cutting burner
切伦科夫计数Cerenkov counter
切割供氧cutting oxygen tube
切割吹cutting torch
刚玉alundum furnace
刚玉马弗炉alundum tube muffle furnace
刚玉马弗炉管alundum tube muffle
刚玉铝alundum tube
初抽roughing line
包套挤压的包层钢longitudinally extruded coated pipe
合金型晶体alloy type transistor
合金整流alloyed rectifier
合金炉alloy furnace pipe
合金炉alloy furnace tube
合金钢alloy-steel tube
tube hanger
tube hanger
pipe saddle
同心套喷射器shrouded concentric injector
吐丝loop laying tube
吐丝laying pipe
吐丝loop laying pipe
round bloom (直径较大的)
round billet for tube (尺寸较小的)
tube round
round bloom for tube (尺寸较大的)
round billet (直径较小的)
圆翼加肋,翅形gilled pipe
备用旁通emergence by-pass
复合composite tube
复合金属clad metal tube
复合金属clad tube
复合钢composite steel pipe 【tube】
复合钢clad steel tube (【技】外壁或内外壁复合不同材料的碳素钢管。通过轧制复合、挤压复合、浇注复合、或固相复合等工艺而制成。管子外壁可以采用不锈钢、铜、镍、钛等材料而制成双金属管,内壁可采用有机材料制成钢塑复合管。)
复合钢clad steel pipe (【技】外壁或内外壁复合不同材料的碳素钢管。通过轧制复合、挤压复合、浇注复合、或固相复合等工艺而制成。管子外壁可以采用不锈钢、铜、镍、钛等材料而制成双金属管,内壁可采用有机材料制成钢塑复合管。)
复式加热蛇形multiple heating coil
外加厚油external-upset tubing
外蛇outer coil
外蛇external coil
外部冷却水external cooling passage
外部绝热的助燃空气线externally insulated combustion air piping
冷却器multitube cooler
冷却器multi-tube cooler
压力计multi-tube pressure gauge
反应器multi-tubular reactor
喷吹multipipe injection
回转式干燥机multi-tube revolving drier
式冷凝器multi-tubular condenser
式氢还原炉multiple-tube hydrogen reduction furnace
式氢还原炉multiple-tube hydrogen furnace
式淘析器multi-tube elutriator
式除尘器centicell unit
旋风收尘器bank of cyclone tubes
旋风收尘系统system of multiclones
旋风除尘器multicyclone dust collector
旋风除尘器系统multiclone system
蒸发器multi-tube evaporator
旋风除尘器multiclone collector
旋风除尘器multiclone dust collector
除尘器multi-tubular collector
除尘器multitubular collector
除尘器multitube dust collector
除尘器multi-tube dust collector
多喷口吹multijet torch
多头吹multiple-head torch
多头吹multihead torch
多孔perforated pipe
多孔anti-priming pipe
多孔multiple-duct conduit
多尔流量测量Dall tube
多层multiwalled tube
多机架轧multi-stand pipe mill
多机架连轧multistand pipe mill
多根材冷拉拔机multistrand cold-tube rolling mill
多焰式吹multiflame torch
多特蒙德单提升法Dortmund method (真空脱气的)
多线冷轧multistrand cold-tube rolling mill
多维理模式multidimensional management model
多道次限动芯棒轧multipass retained mandrel mill
威尔顿式炉Wilton still
封闭式X 射线发生sealed-off tube generator
封闭式closed management
X射线roentgen tube
X 射线冷阴极cold cathode of X-ray tube
X 射线固有滤波作用inherent filtration of X-ray tube
X 射线厚度差测量仪X-ray pipe-wall gauge
X 射线壁厚度测量仪X-ray pipe-wall gauge
X 射线防护tube shield
X 射线性能performance of tube
X 射线热阴极hot cathode of X-ray tube
X 射线焦点X:ray tube focus
射线窗口tube window
X 射线组件tube assembly
X 射线聚焦面tube focal area
X 射线阴极靶cathode of X-ray tube
X 射线target in X-ray tube
射线束平行光beam collimator
X 射线照相用tube for radiographic work
小口径small diameter pipe
小口径small bore pipe
小口径fine tubing
小型电子bantam tube
小型透明热喷枪small-scale transparent heat pipe lance
小方坯结晶器billet mold tube
布朗示波器Braun tube oscillograph
布登气压计弯曲金属Bourdon's tube
帆布水canvas hose
帆布软canvas hose
帘栅五极screen grid pentode
带内筋internal ribbed tube
带冷却水的轧辊轴承cooling tube roll bearing
带接箍的钢coupled tube
带接箍的钢coupled pipe
带有内毛刺的焊inside diameter flash-in tube
连续式带材和焊坯轧机strip and skelp mill
带磁铁的螺线plunger magnet
带翅finned tube
带芯棒冷拔DOM tubing
带芯棒冷拔drawn-over-mandrel tubing
带芯棒冷拔DOM Drawn-Over-Mandrel tubing
带芯棒弯mandrel bender
带螺纹钢threaded steel pipe
带辐射的煤气加热罩式炉gas-fired bell-type furnace with radiating tubes
式外延生长open-tube epitaxial growth
汽相生长法open-tube vapo u r growth method
开关switching tube
开关switch tube
开口open-end tube
开口open joint tube (成形后焊接前的半成品)
开口套split coupling
开放式辐射open radiation tube
开槽石墨slotted graphite tube
开缝open joint tube
异型mechanical tube
异型shaped tube
异型profiled pipe
异型shaped pipe (【技】亦称经济断面钢管。它包括横断面轮廓非圆形的、变壁厚的、沿长度方向变直径和变壁厚的、断面对称的和不对称的等,例如方形、矩形、锥形、梯形、螺旋形管等。)
异型section tube
异型钢shaped steel tube
异型钢special-shape steel pipe
异型钢profiled steel pipe
异型钢profiled steel tube
异形special section tube
异形shaped tube
异形special section tube
引人线intake pipeline
引入inlet tube
引入进气,供给,输入线intake pipeline
引入线inlet line
引入导inlet pipe
引燃ignition tube
引燃ignition rectifier
弗雷茨-穆恩焊Fretz-Moon pipe process
急冷和风冷盘式冷却系统chiller and fan-coil type cooling system
感应加热induction weld pipe
感应加热induction weld mill
感应加热焊induction weld pipe
感应加热焊induction weld mill
感应焊钢induction welded tube
感应焊钢induction welded pipe
成品长度控制control of finished pipe length
成品焊finished welded pipe
成品焊接钢finished welded steel pipe
成品钢finished steel tube
成品钢finished tube (The finished tubes shall be capable of withstanding the following bending test without showing any signs of fracture or failure. 成品钢管应能经受住下述弯曲试验而不出现任何破裂或失效的征兆。)
成品钢finished steel pipe
成品钢final steel pipe
成型open joint tube
成型焊welding-and-forming mill
指形回流冷凝cold finger reflux condenser
指示显示映像indicator tube
挠性pliable pipe
挠性flexible tube
挠性导flexible conduit
挠性油flexible oil piping
挠性软flexible hose
挠性软接头flexible hose connection
挠性金属导flexible metallic conduit
挠性金属软flexible metal bellows
挤压extruded pipe
挤压extruded pipe
挤压切头extrusion discard
挤压材用空心锭cored extrusion ingot
挤压不锈钢extruded stainless pipe
挤压成形钢extrusion-formed steel pipe
挤压无缝extruded seamless pipe
挤压无缝圆extruded seamless round tube
挤压结构extruded structural tube
挤压结构extruded structural pipe
挤压结构钢extruded structural steel tube
挤压结构钢extruded structural steel pipe
挤压结构钢extruded structural tube
挤压结构钢extruded structural pipe
挤压钢extruded steel pipe
挤压钢extruded tube
挤压钢extruded pipe
明排ditch conduit
有内螺纹的钢tapped pipe
有套的混凝土桩shelled concrete pile
有缝seam pipe
有缝seam tube
有缺陷钢defective steel pipe
栅控二极gate diode
栅控辉光放电grid glow tube
栅极X射线grid X-ray tube
栅极控制grid-control tube
标准standard pipe diameter
标准nominal bore
标准冷凝合金standard condenser tube alloy (Kunifer30: 30Ni,少量 Fe、 Mn,余量 Cu)
API 标准套API standard casing
API 标准钢American Petroleum Institute standard tubing
API 标准钢API standard tubing
标定nominal bore
气体煤气gas main
气体线gas manifold
气体煤气线gas line
气体煤气gas piping
气体煤气gas pipeline
气体导gas conduit
气体燃料线gaseous fuel pipeline
气体电离计数gaseous ionization counter
气冷式引燃air-cooled ignitron
气动喂料线air-feed pipeline
气压平衡barometric pipe
气压真空barometric pipe
气压计barometer tube
气焊gas-welded pipe
气缸歧cylinder manifold
气门vent pipe
气门导valve guide
neon tube
氢气保护碳hydrogen carbon-tube furnace
氢氧吹oxyhydric torch
清扫吹气scavenge trunk
渐缩reducing pipe
渐缩pipe reducer
渗水沟weeper drains
漏斗funnel pipe
welded pipe
welded tube
welded tube
welded tube plant
welded pipe plant
tube skelp
tube strip
skelp feed
坯仓库skelp storage
利用振动器使坯作蛇形直立放置Christmas candy shape
坯作蛇形直立放置《Christmas candy》shape
坯加热炉welding furnace
坯加热炉skelp heating furnace
连续式坯加热炉butt welding furnace
坯斜边成形轧辊scarfing roll
坯用带材tube strip
坯用带材strip for tube skelp
坯的倒角边bevel edge of skelp
坯穿炉装置skelp threading machine
坯穿炉装置threading machine of skelp
坯穿炉装置threading machine
坯装炉机skelp threading machine
坯装炉装置furnace skelp threading machine
坯装炉装置furnace skelp threading machine
坯轧机skelp mill
坯连续加热炉butt-welding furnace
坯钢skelp steel
平头机welded pipe end-facing machine
成形机forming mill of welded pipe
成形机pipe welding-and-forming mill
拉模welding gutter (用于生产搭接炉焊钢管)
welding mill
pipe .welding machine
tube welding mill
pipe welding machine
tube welding machine
pipe welder
用磁环magnetic welding girdle
skelp steel
焊接seamed tube
焊接软welding hose
焊接钢welded steel pipe (【技】以带钢为原料焊接而成的,表面有接缝的钢管。按焊接方法不同,焊接钢管分为电弧焊管、高频或低频电阻焊管、气焊管、炉焊管等。按焊缝分,有直缝焊管和螺旋缝焊管。)
焊接钢welded steel pipe pile
焙砂溢流calcine overflow duct
爆炸成形的结晶器铜explosion-formed copper mold tube
球墨铸铁ductile cast iron pipe
球墨铸铁公司ductile iron pipe company
球墨铸铁公司ductile cast iron pipe company
球墨铸铁有限公司ductile iron pipe Co., Ltd
球墨铸铁有限公司ductile cast iron pipe Co., Ltd
球墨铸铁低压水spheroidal graphitic cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure
球墨铸铁低压水ductile cast iron pipe for carrying water at low pressure
球墨铸铁高压水ductile iron pipe for carrying water at high pressure
球轴承钢ball bearing tubing
生产production control
生产plant supervision
生产尾production liner
工业生产质量industrial quality control
真空vacuum valve
真空vacuum-tube (valve)
真空vacuum pipe
真空感应加热vacuum-tube induction heating
真空振荡器vacuum-tube generator
真空振荡器electronic generator
真空检波器vacuum-tube detector
真空电压表vacuum-tube voltmeter
真空线vacuum line
真空vacuum line
真空抽气线vacuum exhaust line
真空联vacuum header
真空集vacuum header
研究成果research results management
砖砌热风总brick-lined hot blast main
砖砌热风总brick lined hot blast main
稀土球墨铸铁RE treated spheroidal graphite cast iron pipe
稀土球墨铸铁RE treated ductile cast iron pipe
稀土球墨铸铁rare earth treated nodular cast iron pipe
稀土铸铁rare earth cast iron pipe
稀油润滑oil lubricating piping
式取样器whistle-pipe sampler
金属丝软armoured hose
耐侵蚀耐火attack-resistant refractory pipe
耐压线pressure line
耐火snorkel (The ladle is positioned such that the snorkel is situated right above the porous stirring plug, Fig. 3-23. 如图 3-23 所示,钢包的放置应使隔离罩正好位于多孔搅拌塞的上方。)
耐火refractory snorkel (The main feature of the process is that underneath the refractory snorkel or bell alloy additions to the bath are made. 该工艺的主要特点是在耐火材料封罩内即在钟形隔离罩内向钢水池中添加合金。)
耐火fire-resistant pipe
耐火材料refractory tube
耐火粘土fireclay pipe
耐火黏土fireclay pipe
耐酸玻璃蛇acid-resisting glass coil
脉冲电子振荡器pulse tube oscillator
脚手架用钢scaffolding steel tube
脚手架用钢scaffolding tube
蘑菇形轧辊材扩径机rotary-rolling mill
蜗形worm pipe
蜗形volute chamber
调温旋tempering coil
调温蛇tempering coil
调谐指示tuning eye
贝克式烘炉汽Baker's oven tubes
财务financial management
送料conveying pipe
送气induction line
送气air pipe
送水送液induction pipe
送液induction line
送风blast supply
送风wind pipe
送风blast supply pipe
送风blower tube
送风air supply duct
送风delivery pipeline
送风主blast main
送风支blast connection
送风支blast connection
透明石英vitreous silica tube
透明石英transparent silica tube
通氯石英silica chlorine tube
通用数据理系统general-purpose data management system
通用钢general-purpose steel pipe
通风draught tube
通风air chimney
通风vent line
通风ventilating ducting
销钉扩试验pin expansion test
销钉扩试验pin expansion test
锅炉boiler tube
锅炉boiler pipe
锅炉割炬boiler tube cutting torch
锅炉钢boiler steel pipe
锆沉积zirconium deposition tube
锗三极germanium triode
锗二极germanium diode
锗光电germanium photocell
锡焊soldered tube
螺纹taper pipe thread
锥形continuous taper tube
锥形-拉模组合装置nozzle die unit
锥形孔faucet pipe
锥形槽低压喷low-pressure Venturi with cone tank
锥形槽低压文丘里low-pressure Venturi with cone tank
鼓泡cracker pipe
鼓泡cracker pipe
鼓风blast supply
鼓风air pressure duct
鼓风集系统manifold-blowing system
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