
Terms for subject Space containing | all forms
一次使用的机载多火箭发射器expendable cluster aircraft rocket/launcher
连接器seven pipe connector
万向喷gimbaled nozzle
万向喷gimbal nozzle
万向轴torque tube
三氟化硼计数boron trifluoride counter
三维碳/碳喷three-dimensional carbon-carbon nozzle
三自由度喷omni-axial nozzle
上下文context management
不匹配喷mismatched nozzle
不合格产品nonconformity product management
不对称喷asymmetric nozzle
不确定性uncertainty management
世界项目理大会World Conference on Project Management (国际项目管理协会的国际学术会议)
业务traffic management
业务理功能service management function
业务理应用系统service management application system
业务资源traffic resource management
丝网screen wick (一种热管管芯)
两用雷dual detonator
两用雷double-action detonator
中央设计理局Central Design Authority (欧洲空间局)
中温热middle temperature heat pipe
中温热medium temperature heat pipe
主喷primary nozzle
主振exciter tube
主级组合sustainer composite nozzle
主要项目理系统major item management system
优于其他种类的理程序supervisory program over other kinds (程序名)
传动driven tube method (用于测定固体推进剂导纳)
传焰cross-ignition tube
传爆burster tube
传爆装药booster-cup charge
传爆药detonator holder
伸缩套telescoping duct
倒车喷astern nozzle
假晶一高电子迁移率晶体pseudomorphic HEMT
充气ionic tube
充气appendix (气球底部的)
充气gaseous tube
充气三极gas triode
充气四极gas tetrode
充气套inflation sleeve
充气排inflation manifold
充气整流gas-filled rectifier tube
充气稳压gas-filled voltage regulator tube
气球的充气袖filling sleeve
充气袖inflation sleeve (气球或飞艇的)
充氢闸流hydrogen thyratron
充装filling tube (排出热管空气及注入工质的细管)
先进配置理系统advanced configuration management system
大型分叉pants duct
分布作用速调extended interaction klystron
分布作用速调distributed interaction klystron
分布式理系统distributed management system
分布式网络distributed network management
分离式热separate type heat pipe
分级理程序hierarchy manager
分级存储理程序hierarchical storage manager
分配supply manifold
切换hand-off management
划分空域理小组division airspace management element
调制器hard-tube modulator
刚性波导rigid waveguide
初始喷喉部面积initial throat area
利益相关者stakeholder management
制动喷retro nozzle
制导多火箭发射系统guided multiple launch rocket system
制造应用理系统manufacturing applications management system
匕大西洋公约组织一体化通信系统理局NATO Integrated Communications System Management Agency
北大西洋公约组织理局NATO Management Agency
匹配喷matched nozzle
区域伽利略理机构regional Galileo management entity
区域导航理中心regional navigation management centre
区域性无线电理大会regional administrative radio conference
医学数据库理系统medical data base management system
十字接头螺塞banjo bolt
十进decading counting tube
十进制计数计数部件dekatron scaling unit
十进制计数decading counting tube
合同contract management
合同contract administration
合同理评审contract management review
合金二极alloy diode
合金晶体alloy transistor
同心式喷嘴concentric tube injecting element
同心倒置喷coannular inverted nozzle (变循环发动机的一种喷管)
同轴喷coaxial nozzle
同轴波导过渡coaxial-waveguide transition
同轴磁控coaxial magnetron
后勤信息理保障系统logistics information management support system
含锥喷spike nozzle
吸气air breather
Blowpipe (英国便携式单兵肩射的近程地空导弹)
航天器在轨in-orbit management
地球站操作理委员会Earth Station Operations Committee
地面数据ground-based data management (system, 系统)
地面数据理系统ground data management system
地面资料ground data management
场效应晶体field effect transistor
场效应晶体bipolar transistor
堆存储heap storage management
复式雷composite detonator
外延型晶体epitaxial transistor
外部膨胀喷external expansion nozzle
压力计multiple manometer
发动机multi-chamber engine
发射器multitube launcher
发射器multitube launcher (空中发射火箭用的)
喷管multiple nozzle
火箭发射装置cluster launcher
式发射装置cluster launcher
火箭发射器multiple rocket launcher
火箭发射系统multiple launch rocket system
火箭炮multiple rocket launcher
火箭筒multiple rocket launcher
多喷火箭发动机multiple nozzle rocket engine
多喷燃气发生器multiple-nozzle gas generator
多支点全柔壁喷all flexible plate nozzle with many hinge point
多晶硅发射极晶体polysilicon emitter transistor
多束速调multi-beam klystron
多束速调multiple-beam klystron
多腔磁控multicavity magnetron
多路喷multitube nozzle
大功率微波platinotron (雷达用的)
大学科技文献资料理局Audist Agence Universitaire de Documentation et d'Information Scientifiques et Techniques (法国,法文)
天战理核心系统space battle management core system (美国空军)
失效failure management
夹布胶durite hose
威胁通道threat tube
射束功率四极beam power tetrode
射束开关gated-beam tube
射流jet pipe
射流jet-pipe valve
射流喷jet nozzle
射频传输RF transmission ducting
小型bantam tube
小型热mini heat pipe
小型绝缘套spaghetti tubing (绝缘布制的)
小装药small bayonet cap
尾喷tailpipe augmentor
尾喷exit cone (发动机的)
喷气发动机尾喷温度jpt jet-pipe temperature
尾端加温路系统tail section heating line system
导弹的尾翼尖端曳光fin-tip flare
层次理接口layer management interface
sleeve (气球充气用的)
带内杆的状火药柱rod-and-tube grain
带宽动态分配bandwidth dynamic allocating management
带绝热防护套的柔性喷flexible joint with insulating boot
常规弹药统一理系统conventional ammunition integrated management system
开关晶体switching transistor
开式热open loop heat pipe
开槽形药柱slotted-tube grain
开槽喷notched nozzle
异质结晶体heterojunction transistor
引射喷ejector nozzle
引爆ignition squib
引爆点火装置squib firing unit
引爆驱动的活门squib valve
弧光放电arc discharge tube
肘形knee bend
pipe bending
knee pipe
bent-pipe (通信卫星对接收信号的一种转发方式)
式偏航计bent-tube yawmeter
式转发器bent-pipe transponder (通信卫星上的)
式转发器bent-pipe repeater (通信卫星上的)
方式bent-pipe mode (通信卫星对接收信号不作信息处理仅作变频放大转发的一种卫星通信方式)
pipe bender (装置)
bending machine
通信bent-pipe communication
弹簧压力表spring tube manometer
弹道偏差道数据ballistic deviation tube data
弹道晶体ballistic transistor
强制偏流喷forced deflection nozzle
性能理系统performance management system
性能理计算机performance management computer (system, 系统)
总压total pressure tube (皮托管)
总压total pressure probe (皮托管)
总能量理系统general energy management system (使火箭各级都采用推进剂耗尽关机,充分利用能量的系统)
成型电解加工shaped-tube electrolytic machining
成本cost engineering
战区战斗theater battle management
战场理与指挥、控制、通信、计算机、情报、监视和侦察battle management and command, control, communications, computers ,intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance
战场理系统battlefield management system
战场任务理系统battlefield mission management system
战场信息理技术battlefield information management techniques
战场信息理系统battlefield information management system
战斗battle management
战斗battle management, command, control and communications
战斗作战battle management
战术信息理系统tactical information management system
战术通信理系统tactical communications management system
截塞式喷truncated plug nozzle
所有权ownership management
所用权ownership management
扁平显像flat-faced tube
扁平阴极射线flat-faced cathode-ray tube
扁平阴极射线flat cathode-ray tube
持续风险continuous risk management (导弹与航天部门采用的项目风险评价的一种方法)
指令与数据理分系统command and data management subsystem
指令和数据理系统官员command and data management systems officer
指令数据理装置central data management unit
指挥理信息系统command management information system
按特殊情况management by exception
挤压squeeze tube (装糊状食物供失重条件下食用)
摄像pick-up tube
摄像camera tube
摆动喷gimbaled nozzle
摆动喷gimbal nozzle
摆动喷deflecting nozzle
摇摆软flexible tube
摇摆软flexible hose assembly
收敛型喷convergent nozzle
收敛-扩散喷convergent-divergent nozzle
收敛扩散喷convergent-divergent nozzle
收缩激波converging shock tube
放大光电二极amplifying photodiode
放大速调amplifying klystron
放气air bleed duct
放电泄漏指示器discharge tube leak indicator
显示理面板display management panel
有人照自由飞行器man tended free flyer
有效性表格effectivity tabulation management
有效载荷payload management
有效载荷缆杆payload umbilical mast
有机计数organic counter
末段区域能量terminal area energy management
机场空中交通制区airport traffic area
机群理系统fleet management system
机载战场理系统airborne battlefield management system
栅控 选通电子束gated-beam tube
栅极控制grid control tube
标准化standardization management
标准喷master jetpipe
标准脐带缆回撤系统standard umbilical retraction system
核废物nuclear waste management
核试验中心理局Direction des Centres d'Experimentations Nucleaires (法国,法文)
模压喷mould pressing nozzle
模块理语言module management language
模拟制区simulation control area
横向寄生晶体lateral parasitic transistor
欧洲气象卫星数据理部Meteosat Data Management Department
欧洲空空域模型Eurocontrol airspace model
欧洲空中交通理系统European air traffic management system
欧洲邮电主部门会议Conference Europeenne des Postes et Telecommunications (法文)
脱落插头air-pipe umbilical plug
连接器gas pipe coupling
连接器air tube connector
气体放电gas discharge tube
气体放电辐射计数gas discharging radiation counter tube
气体缓冲热gas-buffered heat pipe
气体阻塞热二极gas blockage thermal diode (一种热管)
气体阻塞热二极热管gas blockage thermal diode heat pipe
气动pneumatic manifold
气动升力理系统软件air lift management system
气动可调喷aerodynamic nozzle
气动塞式喷pneumatic plug nozzle
气动塞式喷发动机aerospike-nozzle engine
气动塞式火箭喷aerospike rocket nozzle
气塞式喷aerospike nozzle (又称 plug nozzle/spike nozzle 塞式喷管)
气推发射pneumatic-expulsion tube (用压缩空气将火箭弹推出的)
气流排flow rake
气流梳状flow rake
气蚀cavitating pipe
气蚀文氏cavitating venturi
氙放电xenon discharge tube
hydrogen line
氧化剂加注oxidizer fill line
氧化剂加注软oxidizer loading flexible hose
氧化剂溢出软oxidizer overflow flexible hose
氧气分配oxygen supply manifold
氧气设备软oxygen-set hose
理系统water management system (载人航天器的)
水上鱼雷发射above water torpedo tube
水回收和water recovery and management
水/废物理系统water/waste management system (subsystem, 分系统,载人航天器的)
水资源water resource management
活动波导连接motional waveguide joint
fluid tube
流体fluid management
流体理系统fluid management system
流体输送理系统fluid transfer management system
流量flow tube
清泄软cleaning-drain flexible hose
火箭渐伸线喷喉道和尾喷管involute throat and exit cone
渐扩喷divergent nozzle
渗透热osmotic heat pipe
漂移线性加速器drift tube linear accelerator
漂移晶体drift transistor (载流子漂移型晶体管)
漂移速调drift klystron
漏气真空gassy tube
爆炸桥丝电雷exploding bridge wire detonator
爆炸驱动激波explosively driven shock tube
片式微波晶体microwave chip transistor
球窝喷ball-socked nozzle
球窝接头可动喷movable nozzle with ball-socket bearing
生产数据product data management
生命保障life support umbilical
生态系统ecological system management
用户理系统subscriber management system
电信网telecommunication network management
电加温全静压electrically heated boom (空速管)
电动力热electrodynamic heat pipe
电压调谐磁控voltage-tunable magnetron
电压调谐磁控voltage-tuned magnetron
电反馈可变热导热electrical feedback controlled variable conductance heat pipe
电发火electrical initiator
电发火electric squib
电子伏特计valve voltmeter
电子整流器vacuum tube rectifier
电子理系统electronic management system
电子适配器ball adapter
电子作战electronic battle management
电子倍增光电electron multiplier photo tube
电子变像electron image tube
电子密钥理系统electronic key management system
电子射束electron-beam tube
电子射线electron-ray tube
电子记录electron-recording tube
电子起爆electronic detonator
电存储electrostatic-storage tube
电导率调制晶体conductivity modulation transistor
电平漂移二极level-shifting diode
电报电话理局Regie des Telegraphes et Telephones (比利时)
电池充电理器battery charge manager
电池放电理器battery discharge regulator
电渗透热electro-osmotic heat pipe
电点火electric ignition tube
电爆electric squib
电爆explosive cartridge
电爆electric explosive match
电爆模拟器squib simulator
电绝缘热electrical insulating heat pipe
电能理和分配power management and distribution
电荷chargistor (半导体器件)
电荷存储二极charge storage diode
电荷耦合光电二极器件charge-coupled photodiode device
电视摄像image-picking tube
电阻式加热器electric resistance tube heater
真空插浇注vacuum tube casting
真空虹吸vacuum jacketed siphon
真空虹吸vacuum jacketed feed tube
真空金属硬vacuum metal hard pipe
真空金属软vacuum metal flexible pipe
研究与试验设备理局Direction des Recherches et Moyens d'Essais (法国,现改为 DRET,武器装备研究与技术局,法文)
研究和计划research and program management
砷化铟晶体InAs transistor (超薄膜高频晶体管)
砷化镓发光二极gallium arsenide luminescence diode
硅二极silicon diode
硅二极列阵靶silicon diode array target
硅光电二极Si-photon diode
硅光电二极silicon photoelectric diode
硅光电二极silicon photodiode
硅光电晶体silicon photo transistor
硅半导体三极silicon semiconductor triode
硅晶体silicon transistor
硅晶体逻辑电路silicon transistor logic circuit
硅精密合金晶体silicon precision alloy transistor
硅雪崩光电二极silicon avalanche photodiode
硅靶视像silicon target vidicon
示波oscilloscope tube
程序理系统program management system
程序理网络program management network
程序接收、指令和预报库存理技术programmed receiving, ordering and forecasting inventory technique
稳压二极voltage stabilizing diode
稳定磁控stabilized magnetron
第一级放大first amplifier valve
紫外光电倍增ultraviolet photomultiplier
缓冲场效逻辑buffered FET logic
缓冲场效逻辑buffer FET logic
编码coding tube
编织碳/碳喷weaving carbon /carbon nozzle
耐压软pressure hose
耐酸胶acid hose
耐酸软acid-resisting hose
耐酸软acid-proof hose
耗尽型场效depletion mode field effect transistor
耳石一半规失匹配otolith-semicanal disconjugation
二极Gunn diode
脉冲激光二极pulsed laser diode
脉冲磁控pulsed magnetron
脉动场磁控rippled field magnetron
脉动热pulse heat pipe
脉动热pulsating heat pipe
脐带umbilical cord cable
脐带缆收放系统umbilical retraction system
脐带式umbilical (运载火箭、弹道导弹和航天器发射前用的,航天员在舱外活动时与飞船连接并供氧用的)
脐带式umbilical cord (航天器发射前用的)
脐带式umbilic (运载火箭、弹道导弹和航天器发射前用的,航天员在舱外活动时与飞船连接并供氧用的)
脐带电缆线umbilical cable and pipe
雷达air traffic control radar
航天space management
航天交通制中心aerospace traffic control center
航天员健康astronaut health management
航天员健康astronaut health care
航天器长期long-term management of spacecraft
航天器长期运行spacecraft long-term operation management
航天心血失调cardiovascular deconditioning in space
航天效能制中心Aerospace Traffic Control Center
航天食品space food management
航空研究任务理局Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (美国国家航空航天局)
航空航天交通制中心Aerospace Traffic Control Center
航空航天作战系统理局Directorate of Aerospace Combat Systems (加拿大)
航空航天局理规程NASA management instruction (美国)
舰队理系统fleet management system
舱外通信extravehicular communications umbilical
萨克斯Saxhorm (苏联反坦克导弹,代号 9M115,北约代号 AT-7)
drop tube (管式失重试验设施)
试验drop tube test
减压性晕厥vasodepressor syncope
反应性血压增高vasoreactive hypertension
迷走反应发作vasovagal attack
迷走性晕厥vasovagal syncope
重塑vascular remodeling
调入理程序supervisor call
调制掺杂场效modulation-doped field effect transistor
财务和计划financial and project management
质量理工作程序quality control operating procedure
质量理手册quality management manual
质量理计划quality management planning
质量保证与风险quality-assurance and risk management
资源理协议resource management protocol
资源理方案resource management scheme
重力热anti-gravity heat pipe
选通gate tube
选通电子束gated-beam tube
通信理模式communication management mode
通信及系统communications and system management
通信和数据communication and data management
通信和数据理系统communication and data management system
通信导航监视/空中交通communication navigation surveillance/air traffic manage
通信控制理局Communications Control Authority
通信电子学理局Directorate of Communication-Electronics
通信网理站network coordination station
通信网理系统communication network management system
通气通风vent pipe
通气air breather
通气air trend
通气地下kanat (有地面通气管的地下液体管道)
通用理信息协议common management information protocol
通用理信息服务common management information service
通用远程传输理程序general remote transmission supervisor
通风vent line
速调雷达发射机klystron radar transmitter
速调放大amplifying klystron
锗晶体germanium transistor
锥形喷conical nozzle
锥形喷cone nozzle
锥形套cone fitting
防转动波纹antirotation bellow
阴极射线光点扫描器cathode-ray tube spot scanner
阴极射线加法器cathode-ray tube adder
阴极射线存储器cathode-ray tube storage
阴极射线控制特性cathode-ray tube control characteristic
阴极射线荧光屏cathode-ray tube screen
阵地position administration
阵地理勤务position administration service
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