
Terms for subject Finances containing | all forms
一般理费general administration cost
一般理费和销售费用general administrative and selling expense
一般理费预算administration expense budget
不动产投资计划real estate investment scheme management
专门理人在清理公司帐目时,官方指定的专门知识管理人special manager
业务主head of operations
严格strict controls
严格的资本strict capital controls
丧葬及理费funeral and administration expense
《中华人民共和国外资银行理条例》Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China
《中华人民共和国银行业监督理法》Law of the Peopled Republic of China on Banking Regulation and Supervision
中国保险监督理委员会China Insurance Regulatory Commision (简称"中国保监会",成立于1998年11月18日,是国务院直属事业单位,其职责是:根据国务院授权履行行政管理职能,依照法律、法规统一监督管理全国保险市场,维护保险业的合法、稳健运行)
中国招商基金理有限公司China Merchants Fund Management Co
中国证券监机构China's securities regulator
中国证券监督理委员会China Securities Regulatory Commission (简称"证监会",成立于1992年10月,其职责是对全国证券期货市场进行集中统一监管)
《中国证券监督理委员会公告》China Securities Regulatory Commission Official Bulletin (出版物)
中国银行业监督理委员会China Banking Regulatory Commission (简称"中国银监会",国务院直属正部级事业单位,自2003年4月28日起正式履行职责,负责统一监督管理银行、金融资产公司、信托投资公司及其他存款类金融机构)
中央托系统central custody system
中央结算及存系统central clearing and depositary system
中央结算及托系统central clearing and custodian system
中央结算系统存CCASS Depositary
中央证券存制度central depositary system
中央证券存centralized securities depositary
中央证券存central securities depositary
人员executive officer
会计师accountant in charge
机关competent authority
簿记员head bookkeeper
薪金administrative salaries
主动式理基金actively managed funds
主要主principal supervisor
主要监机构primary regulator
主计主account officer
事前监proactive regulation and supervision
互联网域名与网址理机构Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (这是在全球各国政府支持下由美国政府成立的一家私营组织,业务是注册和开发互联网域名)
亚太区中央证券存处组织Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depositary Group
交易流程理系统transaction flow manager
仓库理员godown keeper
trust fund
trust-and-agency fund
理上可控制与否为基础base of administrative control
以活动为基础的activity based management (利用以活动为基础的成本计算制度改善一家公司的运营)
企业理人负责制controller system
企业一般理费overhead charges (expenses)
企业财务资料数据理处administrative agency of business financial data
企业高company executives
会计management through accounting
会计事务management accounting office work
传统财务traditional financial management
使监体系在经济发展周期中更加有效率make regulatory regimes more effective over the economic cycle
供应理协会Institute of Supply Management
信托keep-safe trust
股份depositary share
safe custody charges
custody fee
费用expense of storage
保留理层的收购management buy-in
保险insurance management
保险业监机构insurance authority
保险监insurance supervision
保险费率监insurance rate regulation
信托trust manager
信托人或财人现金收支帐trustee’s or receiver’s cash account
信用理学会institute of credit management
信贷制竞争competition of credit control
债券保custody of bonds
债券资产理集团bond asset management group
债务理政策debt management policy
储存保成本holding cost
先进技术和理经验advanced technology and managerial expertise
全权代客理账户discretionary account
全权代客理账户协议discretionary account agreement
全球监框架global regulatory framework
全球银行业监international banking regulators
全球银行业监部门global banking regulators
全面成本overall cost control
公债理政策public debt management policy
公库存款保银行government depositary
共同抵押品理系统common collateral management system
共同风险理系统common risk management system
减少理费decreased overhead
分类帐保ledger keeper
利率interest-rate control
利率interest-rate management
利率理体制interest-rate regulation system
利率风险interest-rate risk management
办公室或公司办公室理费office or corporate office overhead
加强价格监strengthen oversight and supervision of prices
加强储备资产的投资和风险strengthen investment management and risk management over our foreign exchange reserves
加强和改善金融监strengthen and improve financial oversight
加强国际金融监合作step up international cooperation in financial regulation
加强投资和风险strengthen investment management and risk management
加强监strengthen supervision
加强监strengthen regulation
加强监体系strengthen regulatory regimes
加强税收征strengthen tax collection
加强金融市场和监体系strengthen financial markets and regulatory regimes
加强金融监strengthen financial sector regulation and supervision
助理主assistant supervisor
区域性监机构regional regulators
单一汇率外汇制制度single-rate system of exchange control
单位投资组合理基金unit portfolio management funds
南方基金理有限公司China Southern Fund Management
原料理费用material handling expense
去监化模式model of deregulation
双边监bilateral surveillance
取消外汇abolition of foreign exchange controls
取消票据贴现利率scrap controls on bill discount rates
取消贷款利率lift controls on lending interest rates
受到严格be tightly controlled
受到有效监的金融市场effectively regulated financial markets
受托保的财产fiduciary property
受监之股份卖空活动regulated short selling
受监投资公司regulated investment company
受监投资协议regulated investment agreement
受监活动regulated activity
受监的利率机制regulated interest rate regime
受监职能regulated function
受规regulated person
合格主eligible supervisor
合格的境内机构投资者理公司QDII managers
合理的理结构reasonable governance structure
商业风险commercial risk management
地方政府性债务理制度system for managing local government debt
场内理人员floor official
增强有效enhance sound regulation
增强监机构的国际合作intensify international cooperation among regulators
外储理者reserve managers
外国基金理公司foreign fund managers
外国资产理公司foreign asset managers
外汇exchange controls
外汇regulation of foreign exchange
外汇制年度报吿annual report on exchange restrictions
外汇制当局exchange control authorities
外汇制条例exchange control regulation
外汇理法令exchange control regulations
外汇理规定exchange control regulation
外汇战略全球主global head of foreign exchange strategy
外汇风险foreign exchange risk management
外资的利用和utilization and control of foreign capital
齐下的货币紧缩措施multi-pronged monetary tightening
多国监multilateral governance
多边监multilateral surveillance
代理人depositary nominee
信托结算公司Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
处及代理人系统depositary and Nominee System (香港交易所使用的系统)
处及共用代理人系统depositary and common nominee system
机构depositary agent
存款deposit administration
存款保合同deposit administration contract
完善国有金融资产监体制improve the system for overseeing state-owned financial assets
完善市场监体系improve the market supervision system
宏观审慎理制度system of prudent macro management
宏观审慎监macro -prudential supervision
实地现金cash management in the field
实地现金field cash management
实施enforce regulations
实施全口径监carry out complete oversight and control
实际理机构actual management institutions
审慎监prudential supervision
审慎监制度prudential supervision system
客户client management
封闭式基金理公司closed-end management company
小企业理局贷款small business administration loans
局部放松资本partial easing of capital controls
居民外汇理帐户controlled-resident account
工厂理费用factory general expenses
工程理费job overhead
工资payroll control
工资基金administration of wage fund
工资基金wage fund control
市场market control
市场过度监over-regulation of the market
帐目的administration of account
并表监consolidated supervision
应付受托人理费management fees payable to the entrusted party
应付受托人理费management fees payable to entrustee
应付托人管理费management fees payable to trustee
应付托人管理费management fees payable to custodian
应付投资理人管理费management fees payable to the investment manager
应收帐款account receivable management
应收账款accounts receivable management
开放式理公司open-end management company
弥补监不力address regulatory deficiencies
强制性公积金计划理局Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
强化对信用评级机构的监exercise strong oversight over credit rating agencies
强化贷后strengthen post-loan supervision
强化风险strengthen risk management
当地证券监机构local branch of the securities regulator
理处general administration
理成本home office cost
总量制与配额交易cap and trade
成本cost control
成本management through costs
成本control of cost
成本理手册manual of cost control
成本主cost account supervisor
或有状态银行state-contingent bank regulation
人契约trustee deed
商参与者custodian participant (中央结算系统参与者 (CCASS participants))
银行custodian banks
执业理会计师certified protest
投资investment management
投资理人investment manager
投资理监管组织Investment Management Regulatory Organization
投资理研究协会Association for Investment Management and Research
投资理费investment management fee
投资基金理费investment fund management fee
投资组合portfolio management
投资组合理活动portfolio management activity
投资组合理理论portfolio management theory
折算风险translation risk management
报经主机关备查report to the competent authority for recordation
抵押mortgage administration
指明银行监当局specified bank regulator
按批量项目分摊理费allocation of overhead to the job
按揭mortgage administration
in receivership
提高金融监的针对性和有效性improve the relevance and effectiveness of financial supervision
摩根大通资产理公司J.P. Morgan Asset Management
改善金融业improve financial sector regulation
放宽利率deregulation of interest rates
放宽资本relax capital restrictions
放开汇率liberalize the exchange rat
放开资本lift capital controls
放弃外汇abandon exchange controls
放松loosen one's grip
放松严格的资本relaxation in strict capital controls
放松对汇率的严密relax one's grip on the exchange rate
放松对银行的严密relax one's grip on banks
放松高新技术产品对中国出口的relax controls on Chinese exports high -tech products
政府主部门government authorities
普通理费用general administration expense
理的浮动汇率managed floating exchange rate (又称"干预浮动汇率制度",是指货币当局采取各种方式干预外汇市场,使汇率水平与货币当局的目标保持一致的浮动汇率制度)
理的浮动汇率制度managed floating rate system
理的货币managed currency
有效理市场流动性effectively manage market liquidity
有自主决定权的理人discretionary manager
有自主决定权的投资理操作discretionary investment management operation
有自主决定权的集体投资discretionary management of collective investment
机械的成本mechanical cost control
核准保approved custodian
欧洲证券监机构委员会Committee of European Securities Regulators
欧洲货币理局European Monetary Institute (欧洲中央银行的前身)
汇丰新兴市场外汇策略全球主HSBC's global head of emerging markets foreign exchange strategy
汇率exchange rate control
法定保机构authorized depositary
清偿liquidity management
特殊危机ad hoc crisis management
特许金融理协会Chartered Institute of Financial Management
王室财务主Treasurer of the Household
现场理费field overhead
现金control of cash payment
现金cash control
现金理之目的the function of cash management
现金理国库券cash management bill
现金理系统cash management system
现金交接及保制度system of cash delivery and custody
现金计划management of cash plans
理财及理成本financing and administrative cost
瑞士金融市场监督理局Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority
生产理费production and management costs
用预算control through budget
盈余control of earnings
supervision and regulation
人员supervisory staff
体系regulatory system
制度regulatory regime
套利regulatory arbitrage
宽松的对冲基金lightly-regulated hedge funds
宽松、税率较低的投资环境lightly-regulated, low-tax environments
机构regulatory body
框架framework for oversight
框架oversight framework
环境regulatory environment
罚金regulatory penalties
资本套利regulatory capital arbitrage
金融市场regulate the financial markets
破产财人accountant in bankruptcy
破产清算理人administrative receiver
私人基金理公司private fund manager
私人财富private wealth management
第三方保协议escrow agreement
第三方基金理公司third-party fund managers
第三者代债券escrow bond
制性成本regulated cost
控借贷和资金向中国的回流control borrowing and capital flow back into China
财产命令administration order
簿记,记帐bookkeeping operation
经营managing expenses
监督费用expense of supervision
理不善weak governance
理之部损益表中administrative section
理之部分部损益表的一部分administration section
理人清算人,现金帐户trustee’s or receivers cash account
理人清算人现金帐户trustee’s receiver’s cash account
理人员工资及间接费payroll overhead
理人员研讨会management seminar
理会计managerial accounting (management accounting)
理会计management accounting (managerial accounting)
理会计accounting for management
理会计为供给管理员管理上所需资料的会计,事务会计administrative accounting
理会计人员managerial accountant
理会计制度management accounting system
理信托management trust
理净收入net earnings of management
理商品基金期货公司managed commodity fund futures Inc.
理外汇风险manage foreign exchange risk
理层叙述式季度报告quarterly narrative management statement
理层股东management shareholder
理层股票先购权executive stock option
理层股票先购权计划executive stock option plan
理层股票先购权计划executive share option scheme
理工具management tools
理当局之成就management performance
理成本administrative costs
理成本cost of supervision
理成本的控制managerial cost control
理控制成本managed cost (programed cost, discretionary fixed cost)
理最佳做法management best practice
理期权managerial option
理期权management option
理期货managed futures
理期货基金managed futures fund
理机制governance mechanism
理浮动汇率managed float exchange rate
理疏懈careless stewardship
理科目administration account
理费factory overhead (manufacturing expenses)
理费cost of supervision
理费用administration cost
理费用administration expenses (costs)
理费用administrative overhead
理费用administrated expenses
理费用administrative overheads
理费用administrative expenses
理费用management expenses
理费用handling charges
理费用administrative overhead costs
理费用明细表statement of general and administrative expenses
理费预算administrative expense budget
理费预算administrative budget
理资产额assets under management
理资本流动management of capital flows
理通胀预期manage inflation expectations
理通货论theory on managing currency in circulation
理遗产委任状letter of administration
理间接费administrative overheads (costs)
理间接费administration overhead expenses
理风险的工具tool to manage risks
财委托书letter of administration
索罗斯基金理公司Soros Fund Management
纪律辖权disciplinary jurisdiction
纳斯达克NASDAQ director
纽约泛欧交易所利率理有限公司NYSE Euronext Rate Administration Limited
有价证券组群portfolio management
经济资本economic capital management
经济风险economic risk management
经营理会计managerial accounting (management accounting)
经营理部门accounting division
缺乏监lack of regulatory oversight
缺口gap management
美国生产与库存理协会American Production and Inventory Control Society, Inc. (从2005年1月1日起改名为"APICS 运作管理协会 (APICS The Association for Operations Management)")
联邦能源监委员会Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (美国能源部下属机构)
股份托stock custody fee
股市监机构stock market regulators
营业费marketing cost management
营运资金working capital management
董事及主的责任保险directors and officers liability insurance
行政理支出state expenditure on general administration
行政理费expenditure on administration
行政理费administrative costs
行政理费administrative overheads (costs)
行政理费用administrative costs
行政理费用administrative expenses
行政理预算administrative budget
被动式passive management
认证投资理专家certified investment management specialist
认证投资理顾问certified investment management consultant
记账accounting management
设备托服务hosting services
证券理委员会securities and Exchange Commission
证券托custody of securities
证券托securities custodian
评估国际金融机构授权、理和资源要求review the mandates, governance, and resource requirements of the IFIs
负债liabilities management
负责任和稳健的金融监政策responsible and sound financial regulatory policy
财产理委托书letter of administration
财产托契约deed of settlement
财务financial administration
财务理人员会计accounting for stewardship
财务理及预算系统financial management and budgeting project
财务理审计audit for financial management
财务主finance executive
财务主financial executive
财务主financial controler
财务主人员finance officer
财政financial administration
财政fiscal administration
财政理检查FMR financial management view
财政部-联邦储备系统理委员会treasury-federal reserve
账簿理人book runner (指负责为发行建立投资者购股意愿档案的银行,亦即负责为一笔发行组织承销、拟订不同市场的发行规模、执行促销活动、定价、配置和后市稳定工作的银行)
货币理外包currency overly
货币理手段instrument of monetary regulation
货币政策management of monetary policy
货币监机构monetary guardian
质量理机制quality control mechanism
购股接purchase acquisition
贷款loan administration
资产理人asset manager
资产理公司asset manager
资产理公司asset management corporation
资产与负债asset and liabilities management
资产担保的商业票据asset-backed commercial paper conduits
资产摊销control of assets amortization
资产经单位asset-accountability unit
资产负债asset-liabilities management
资本capital control
资本与经营理分离separation between capital and administration
资本充足性capital adequacy management
资本结构capital structure management
资本输出人control of capital import and export
资金调换transition management
车间经费及企业理费明细表detailed schedule of workshop and enterprise management expenses
转托designation transfer
逐步放开资本gradual dismantling of capital controls
逐渐放松对人民币用于国际交易的gradually relax controls on the use of the renminbi in international transactions
遗嘱执行人或遗产理人的责任duties of executor or the administrator
避免过度avoid over-regulation
金融financial control
金融理专员Monetary Authority
金融理专员委任的庄家Monetary Authority- appointed Market Maker
《金融理专员指引》Monetary Authority Guideline
金融理改革reform of financial management
金融理系统banking management system
金融financial plumbing
金融主部门financial authorities
金融宏观审慎监financial macro-prudential supervision
金融服务监Financial Services Authority (1997年10月由1985年成立的证券投资委员会 (Securities and Investments Board,SIB) 改组而成,是一个独立的、非政府的、英国金融市场统一的监管机构)
金融机构监督理法financial institutions supervisory act
金融监financial regulation
金融监financial supervision
金融监financial oversight and supervision
金融监financial oversight
金融监改革financial regulatory reform
金融监放松financial deregulation
金融监机构financial regulator
金融监督理委员会Financial Supervisory Commission (简称"金管会")
金融资产理公司financial asset management companies
销售理费用分析表analysis sheet of selling and administrative expenses
销售和sales and administrative expenses
降低理费decreased overhead
集中统一监centralized regulation
非洲货币理局West African Monetary Agency
面临严格监face tough regulation
项目群风险risk management of programs
预算budgetary management
预算budget control
预算理人员budget manager
预算理局budget center
预算理手册manual of budgetary control
风险risk management (指如何在_个肯定有风险的环境里把风险减至最低的管理过程)
风险exposure management (指如何在一个肯定有风险的环境里把风险减至最低的管理过程)
风险理交易所Risk Management Exchange
风险理委员会Risk Management Committee
风险理宪章Risk Management Charter
风险理行为risk management practices
香港理专业协会Hong Kong Management Association
香港托账户escrow with HK (第三方托管)
香港金融理局Hong Kong Monetary Authority (简称"金管局")
senior executive
高盛资产理公司Goldman Sachs Asset Management
高级理层senior management
高级财务top financial management
高级财务理人员协会Financial Executive Institute
高级财务理人员协会financial executives institute
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