
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
一揽子有价证券portfolio management
一般业务费用general operating expense
一般理办法general management approach
一般理费用general administrative and selling expenses
一般理费用预算administration expense budget
一般来说租赁包含金融租赁和理租赁两种类型Generally leases include two types, finance leases and operating leases
上层理人员major executives
leave alone
怎样any way
怎样,你方佣金不能超过50%Anyway, your commission will not exceed 50%
不参加理的合伙人silent partner
不易理成本uncontrollable costs
承保业务的负责人managing underwriter
专业理信托specialized management trust
专政the dictatorial management
清理公司账目时专门理人special manager
专门理信托the specialized management trust
世界无线电传送理会议World Administrative Radio Conference
业务business control
业务day-to-day management
业务operating management
业绩理标准management performance criteria
英国东部天然气理局Eastern Gas Board
丧葬及遗产理费funeral and administration expenses
中华人民共和国中外合资企业劳动理规定Provisions of the People's Republic of China for Labour Management in Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures
中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业登记理办法Procedures of the People's Republic of China for the Registration and Administration of Chinese Foreign Joint Ventures
中华人民共和国外汇理局State Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the People's Republic of China
中国企业理协会China Society of Enterprise Management
中央经济理权限下放transfer of managerial power from the central to the local authorities
中央经济理权限下放the transfer of managerial power from the central to the local authorities
中央集权的经济理体制centralized managerial system
临界链式项目critical chain project management
会计in-charge accountant
会计the accountant in charge
单位与其上下单位之间的关系relations between the units and their multiples and devisions
官员chief operating officer
机关competent authorities
机关an appropriate body
部门department in charge
部门competent department
习惯理学派management custom school
事先决策prior decision management
企业business management
企业理人员培养过程management development curve
企业理人品负责制controller system
企业理员business doctor
企业理咨询the management consulting
企业理权威的发挥exercise of management authority
企业理费enterprise administrative expenses
企业理费明细账the enterprise administration expense subsidiary ledger
企业一般理费factory overhead
企业一般理费分摊率the overhead rate
企业一般理费用overhead charges
企业中的单层理组织flat organization
企业动态方案enterprise performance management solution
企业和设备plant-and-machine control
企业固定一般理费fixed overhead
企业文件理系统enterprise-wide document Management system
企业物资business logistics
企业财务资料理处administrative agency of business financial data
企业资产enterprise asset management
优先辖权primary jurisdiction
会计制措施accounting control
会计accounting control (监督)
会计理体制改革reform of accounting management system
会计事务理组织accounting departmentalization
会计监任务task of accounting supervision
但按理租约规定,此项费用应由租赁公司承担With a finance lease, the leasee is responsible for maintaining the equipment, while under an operating lease, the leasing company should bear the cost
低层理部门bottom management
你们所做的与当地的公用事业理条例不一致What you are doing does not accord with the local utility regulations
你可以邮寄一份上诉书给理合同的官员You may appeal by mailing to the contracting officer a written
债务the debt management
停车场理处the garage administration
偿还款项的control of repayments
全国石油理协会National Petroleum Management Association
全时田间full-time management of the farm
全时田间full-time farming
全水total water management
美国全球出口理者电子系统Global Export Manager
全球收入的税收辖权the world-wide tax jurisdiction
全球环境global environmental management
全面价格理系统total price system management
全面质量total quality management
全面进口监计划Comprehensive Import Supervision Scheme
公债理条例regulations governing the public debt
信贷分析5要素公司理人和股权人、借款目的、还款能力、还款保障、贷款前景展望People, Purpose, Payment, Protection, Perspective
公司理机构corporate management
公司全面质理company-wide quality control
公司总部理费central corporate expense
公司由史密斯先生接,因为他买下了该公司的大多数股份The company was taken over by Mr. Smith, who bought most of its shares
公司的接计划firm's takeover plan
其他制物品other regulated materials
内在理界限inner control limit
内部internal administration
分支机构统驭账户branch control account
分期付款consumer credit control
分期付款信贷installment credit control
分类systematic management
分级level-to-~ administration
分级the management at different grades
分级the administration by different levels
分配理制度an allotment control system
切实行使辖权effective exercise of jurisdiction
利息regulation of interest
利润regulation of profit
利率control of interest rate
协同collaborative management
协同participatory management
单一汇率外汇理制度single-rate system of exchange control
卖方同意减少理费The seller agreed to reduce overheads
危机management by crisis (or drive)
合作cooperative control
合同理范围contract management region
合格的生产和库存certified in production and inventory management
后勤logistics management
否认仲裁庭辖权的抗辩a plea as to the arbitral jurisdiction
否认法院辖权的抗辩a plea relating to jurisdiction
员工理信息系统employee management information system
员工参与employee participation
周期management by synchronization
商业business management
美国商务部商业信息理系统Commercial Information Management System
商业行为制法Restrictive Practice Act
商品资金计划commodity fund plan management
商标理法规trade regulations
善于good housekeeping
美国内务部土地理局Bureau of Land Management
土地冲突land conflict management
在 M 的监督,指挥之下under the superintendence of
在总经理亲自理之下,工作有了很大的改进The work has been greatly improved under the personal superintendence of the executive
在线综合材料理系统an on-line integrated materials management system
集装场地理员a yard clerk
复式汇率外汇理制度multiple rate system of exchange control
外国投资理委员会foreign investment commission
外国法律foreign jurisdiction
外币foreign currency control
外汇the-exchange control
外汇exchange controls
外汇control of foreign exchange
外汇理处Exchange Control Office
"外汇理暂行条例"Provisional Regulations on Exchange Control
外汇持有制制度foreign exchange holding restriction system
外汇集中理制exchange restriction
外股未参与理的合伙人dormant partners
外股未参与理的合伙人dormant partner
美国海关外贸区理委员会Foreign Trade Zone Board
外资foreign fund control
外资的利用与the utilization and control of foreign capital
多媒体理信息系统multimedia management information system
多年来他们经营和理缝纫机进口业务良好They have managed and operated their import business in sewing machines under a satisfactory condition for many years
多方理计划multiple management plans
多级理制度multiple management plans
大规模理的复杂性complexity in large-scale management
大规模企业中的理问题management problem in large-scale enterprises
英国天然气供应理局Office of Gas Supply
伊拉克天然气销售理局Gas Distribution Administration
她被任命为总经理,全权主亚洲业务She was made managing director with full executive powers over Asian operation
娱乐业entertainment management
娱乐行业entertainment management
存折保a passbook custodian certificate
存折保passbook custodian certificate
存款deposit management
存货stock control
存货inventory control
存货理制度inventory management system
存货保费用holding cost
安全safety engineering
安全理系统safety management system
安全理证书Safety Management Certificate
安全保业务safekeeping (银行为顾客保管贵重财务的业务)
安全账户理程序security accounts manager
《对个人的外汇理施行细则Rules for the Implementation of Foreign Exchange Control Relating to Individuals
小企业理局small business administration
小额财产的administration of estimates of small value
少分配理费用the under-absorbed overhead charges
业务太重,他们仍愿意接受新的订单They are willing to accept more orders despite of great weight of commitments
他们承接订货很多,他们仍设法及时完成我方订单In spite of heavy commitments, they managed to execute our order in time
他们违约不是故意的,此协议仍自动终止In spite of involuntary breach committed by them this agreement terminated automatically
仲裁程序尚未解决,但工程不得拖延Despite the pendency of arbitration proceedings, the work shall not be delayed
作了努力,他们还是未能保持收支平衡They have not been able to keep balance between income and expenditure despite their efforts
作了努力,我们无法査明钢管变形的原因Despite our efforts, we cannot discover the reason why the steel tube was out of shape
我们很想提前发货,但由于运输能力有限实难办到However desirous we are of delivering goods ahead of schedule we cannot do so because of limited transport capacity
经济萧条,该公司的贸易额保持不变The corporation has maintained the same volume of trade despite of the recession
股东们吵吵嚷嚷,主席仍不断讲着话The president continued speaking in spite of the noise from the shareholder
闹水灾,当时的食品供应还是充足的Food was in sufficient supply at that time despite the flood
居住国独占税收辖权exclusive jurisdiction in the residence country
市场理经济market-directed economy
干部personnel administration
美国 1947 年劳工理层关系法案又称塔夫特一哈特利法案Labor Management Relations Act, 1947
年海牙关于国际货物买卖上选择法院辖权的Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Last Cast of International Sales of Goods the Hague, 15 April 1958 1958
1980 年货币理法Monetary Control Act of 1980
广东加工出口区理处Kwangtung Export Processing Zone Administration
开放式open book management
强化安全方案enhanced safety management program
影响力impact management (指通过管理人员个人的影响对企业职工实施管理)
怀敌意的接hostile takeover
the managing agent
理处费用central and administrative expense
理局chief administration
理部门headquarters management
理部门general management
总体理计划分析控制技术integrated managerial programming analysis control technique
总务理局general services administration
总务及理费用general & administrative cost
总务和理费用selling, general and administrative expense
总务科事务office management
总能源total energy resource management
总需求调控aggregate demand management
成本理联合协会Joint Cost Management Societies
成果results management
成果result's management
我们决心采用上述的理制度We are determined to adopt the above-mentioned management system
我们十分遗憾地发现短重1235公斤,尽包装完好无损We greatly regret to find that there is a shortage of 1235 kilos though the packing remains intact
我们已试验过这些钢并找出了破裂的原因We have tested the steel pipes and discovered the cause of the breaking
我方理人员办事效率极高Our management team is extremely efficient
我方同意遵守一切有关理这类工人的雇用事宜的条款We agreed to abide by all provisions regulating the engagement of such workers
我方拥有接此项目工程的一切权利We are possessed of all the rights to take over the project
我方的棉织品出口业务经营理良好Our export business in cotton goods is managed and operated under a satisfactory condition
我还想了解一下像你的上司那样的主人员有什么样的职责I'd like to know more about what an executive like your boss does
美国战时石油理局Petroleum Administration for War
户口理制度domiciliary control system
所有收到的款项由会计作为信托基金加以保All moneys received were held by the accountant as a fiduciary trust
所有票据和现金应该由财务监督保All bills and money shall be in the custody of the finance controller
所订的无缝钢已由长风号轮船发出The seamless steel tubes ordered have been dispatch-ed per S.S. Chang Feng
人职能the trusteeship function
合同条款terms of trust
a mandated territory
理事会a trusteeship council
联合国理事会Trusteeship Council (UN)
账户the fiduciary account
the trustee fee
turn value
执行理报告executive management report
批量存货lot-size inventory management interpolation technique
技术合作management of technical cooperation
技术资源technology resource management
把... 置于国际共之下internationalize
按例外原则management by exception
按国家划分的辖范围country coverage
按照国家法令regulation by (national law)
挪威石油理局Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
收支revenue and expenditure control (控制)
收益值earned value management
改革经济理体制reform of the structure of economic management
放款management of onlending
放款management of relending
放款management of on-lending
政府government regulation
政府government control
政府对企业的the government regulation of business
政府收入control of the government revenue
政府监项目Project on Government Oversight
散装谷物等船上喷吸口交货价free on board ex shute
整体holistic management
智能理服务处Integrated Management Services
最佳理惯例best management practices
最佳理惯例best management practice
最高理层top management
最高理部门top management
最高理部门办公室front office
最高级行政理人员a top executive
理的价格凯恩斯:指卖方决定的价格administered price
理的浮动汇率managed floating exchange rate
有支持服务的监信贷supervised credit with supporting services
有效理系统effective management system
有组织的organized administration
期货供给forward supply management
本协议应受中华人民共和国法律的This agreement shall be govern-ed by the laws of the Peopled Republic of China
材料理业务store operation
材料理法material planning system
材料理费material handing expense
材料理部门materials management
企业经营的五大要素材料、人力、资金、设备与material, manpower, money, machine, management
条例理的公司a regulated company
松散sloppy management
美国理委员会Nuclear Regulatory Commission
核能理委员会核准法案Nuclear Regulatory Commission Authorization Act
根据此处开列的条款,应由承包商完成接验收Takeover tests should be carried out by the contractor according to the provisions herein
档案理制度filing system
档案理员a file clerk
模拟理作业the simulated management operation
欧洲邮政与电子通讯理会议European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (CEPT)
正常一般理费normal overhead
保险the water-pipe insurance
汇兑exchange controls
派遣技术和理人员despatch technical and management
海运management of shipping
消费control of consumption
灵活yield management
灵活flexible administration
灾害风险disaster risk management
商店keep shop
美国物价制委员会Price Control Commission
物价紧急制法案emergency price control act
物流分配physical distribution management
物资供应inventory management
物资分级management of material according to various level or authority
特别保准备covered reserve
特定基层理人员specific level of management
特殊委托保special bailment
特种理科学教学计划special programme in management
理财及其理成本financing and administrative cost
生产理人员line manager
生产理制management operation system
生产理水平production management level
生产一般理费manufacturing overhead
生产与经营production & operations management
生产主the producer chief
生产力的社会social management of the productive forces
生产和库存理已获同业认证certified in production and inventory management at fellow level
生产第一线the first-line management
生产第一线的理人员要对制造合格产品负责The first-line supervisor is responsible for the manufacture of a quality product
生产线理部门负责管理line management
生产组一级的最基层理人员first-line manager
生产质量控制production quality control
美国 IBM 公司软件用户信息与理系统Customer Information and Control System
由于该商行破产,法院指定了一位接Because of the bankruptcy of the firm a receiver was appointed by the court
由…管in the charge of
刊名美国电气与电子工程师协会工程Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers Engineering Management
刊名美国电气与电子工程师协会工程IEEE Engineering Management
码头理人收据a wharfinger receipt
码头理人证明书a wharfinger warrant
码头或码头理人收据dock or wharfingers’ receipt
研究活动administration of research activities
破产理人an administrator in a bankrupt estate
破产理人bankruptcy administrator
破产产业理人委任书receiving order
破产案产业理人的职务receivership (或职位)
破产程序中的财产理人a receiver in bankruptcy
破产财产接receiver in bankruptcy
破坏control of spoilage
符合生态原则的ecological management
类其他制物品在航运业务里,不包括在 ORM-A、ORM-B、ORM-C、ORM-D 中的管制物品ORM-E E
紧缩财政restrictive budget management
缓冲储存主机构solution stock authority
网络项目network-based project management
阴冷处keep in (a cool place)
职业安全和健康理局Occupational Safety and Health Administration
职能理的原理functional management principle
职责与部门交叉理法the staff and line organization
联合国技术援助理局United Nations Technical Assistance Administration
美国联邦住宅理局Federal Housing Administration
联邦卡特尔理处Federal Cartel Office
美国联邦应急理局Federal Emergency Management Agency
联邦政府采购理法规Federal Procurement Management Regulations
美国联邦高速公路理局Federal Highway Administration
船东理人the shipowner's superintendent
船东代表和船东理人shipowner's superintendant and representative
船员雇佣理处shipping office
船方卸不管装free in
船舶理及航行中的错误faults in management and navigation
船舶理及航行中错误faults in the navigation management
药品理档案Drug Master File
营业sales management
董事会负责股份有限公司的理工作The board of directors is responsible for the management of joint-stock company
虚拟项目理处Virtual Project Management Offices
虚拟项目理处Virtual Project Management Office
行业主部门relevant leading departments of their trades at the central level
行政administrative decision
行政理一级executive-and-level management
行政理与培训administration and training
行政理体制system of administrative control
行政理大楼昨天发生火灾The administration block was on fire last night
行政理费administrative expense
行政理费administrative expenditure
行政理费用administrative and general expenses
行政理部Department of Administration
行政辖权administrative jurisdiction
补救的理措施the remedial management
财产理人an estate administrator
财产理人an administrator of an estate
财产理权right to administer properties
财务management through finance
财务理和监督制度financial management and control systems
财务主机关financial executive institute
财务主任是公司的主要财务主A treasurer is the main financial officer of a company
财务预算the financial budget management
财政公community of interest
财政分级the transference of financial management responsibilities to the various levels
账票business forms control
账表forms control
货币控制currency control
货币主当局monetary authorities
货币政策conduct of monetary policy
货损理员damaged cargo clerk
货运的监督supervision and control over freight transport
质量理中心Center for Quality of Management
质量理官员quality control officer
质量理工程师quality control engineers
质量理手册quality control manual
质量理标准quality control standards
质量理检验室quality control laboratory
质量理程序quality control procedure
质量理系统quality management system
质量理细则quality control instruction
质量保证/质量quality assurance/quality control
质量分析理处Analytical Quality Control Service
购货control of purchase
贷款理局monetary authority
贸易trade restrictions
贸易监surveillance and control of trade
资产理制度system of funds management
资产理办法asset management solution
资产与信息asset and information management
资产负债asset-liability management
美国资源与计划rotations and Program Management
美国资源与计划Resources and Program Management
资源计划和resource planning and management
资金fund management
资金理比率fund management ratio
走动式management by walking around
走动式management by wandering around
转让与合同理处Grant and Contract Service
转运货物监supervision and control over transhipment cargo
退伍军人理局估价请求request for VA appraisal
通货膨胀control of inflation
通货量调节control of money supply
通运货物监supervision and control over through cargo
遗产理人an estate administrator
遗产理人an administrator of an estate
配额the quota administered
《配额产品进口理实施细则》Detailed Implementation Rules on Import Administration of Quota Commodities
销售与理费sale and administrative expense
销售力量的management of the sales force
销售方整体total vendor management
美国防御区石油理局Petroleum Administration for Defense Districts
美国防御区石油理局Petroleum Administration for Defense District
美国阿拉斯加能源理局Alaska Power Administration
理层认可的以外,不得向旅客收取额外费用No extras shall be allowed from passengers, unless authorized by the administration
需求demand-side management
需求评价needs assessment management
需求评价need assessment management
理人员舞弊a non-management fraud
理的仲裁the non-administered arbitration
非专属性辖权the non-exclusive jurisdiction
非专属性辖权non-exclusive jurisdiction
非关税边境理措施non-tariff border control measures
非排他性辖权non-exclusive jurisdiction
非系统化销售the unsystematized sales management
非系统化销售unsystematic sales management
项目project management
项目控制系统project control system
美国项目理协会Project Management Institute
项目理和工程设计project management and engineering
项目理组project management team
项目理组project management group
项目理组织Project Management Organization
项目可靠性prefect reliability management
项目安全project safety management
预算理体制system of budget control
预算理服务中心Budget Management Information Service
预防性维理计划preventive maintenance management program
预防性维理计划preventive maintenance management plan
饲养理形式type of livestock raising
马来西亚一泰国联合理局Malaysian-Thailand Joint Administration
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