
Terms for subject Refrigeration containing | all forms
式空调系统three-pipe air conditioning system
三极式真空计triode gauge
三通three-way tube
三通tee branch pipe
上分式双系统double-pipe dropping system
上给立upfeed riser
下分式双系统double-pipe up-feed system
下降down-stream tube
下降回路downcomer circuit
下降环路downflow circuit
下降主falling main
不保温uninsulated pipe
不冻盘non-freeze coil
不结霜盘non-frost coil
不转换的双制系统nonchangeover two-pipe systems
串联道的流动阻力flow resistance connected in series
线main pipeline
main circuit
主透气main vent
主风trunk duct
乙炔acetylene pipe
二次蒸发secondary steam pipe
人口entrance pipe
人口锥调节modulation using inlet cone
低压low-pressure pipe
低压道热风供应系统low-pressure ducted warm air heating system
低温热cryogenic heat pipe
供冷道系统cooling pipe system
供回风干压差head difference between supply and return mains
供暖heating trench
供暖heating pipe line
供暖立heating riser
供暖系统的下给立drop riser
供暖蒸汽heating steam pipe
供水干flow main
供热heating tube
供热道平面图heat supply piping plan
供给线service pipe line
供给风机盘的冷却水chilled water supplied to coil
侧面溢流side overflow pipe
倾斜压力计inclined tube manometer
储冰室盘bunker coil
smooth pipe
散热器tubular radiator
散热器pipe radiator
公共common trench
公共事业理条例Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act
公共透气common vent
公称尺寸配nominal size tubing
兰克Ranque tube
共用common pipe
internal-type pipe wrench
内平衡internal equalizer
内盘inside coil
内翼inner finned tube
内融冰冰盘式蓄冷系统internal-melt ice storage systems
内衬圆inner-lined round duct
内部收人internal revenue service
ice tube
冷冻水chilled water line
冷凝排水condensate drain line
冷却refrigerating battery
冷却套cooling cannula
冷却排cooling grid
冷却排cooling battery
冷却水cooling water line
冷却盘cooling battery
冷却盘选择cooling coil selection
冷水盘负荷cooling coil's load
冷水补给cold feed pine
冷盘cold coil
冷空气cooling air chimney
冷阴极磁控真空计cold-cathode magnetron gauge
分支branch air duct
分液器配distribution tube
分配flow pipe
分配distributing conduit
制冷refrigerating battery
制冷pipe cooling grids
制冷refrigeration piping
制冷剂道系统refrigerant piping system
制冷剂充注阀软接头refrigerant access valve hose connector
制冷剂吸人速度suction line refrigerant velocity
制冷剂热回收盘refrigerant heat recovery coil
制冷剂软refrigerant hose
制冷系统配refrigerant piping
前向叶片式风机盘forward-curved blade
加热heating conduit
加热盘heating serpentine
加热盘heating coils
加热蛇形heating serpentine
区域供热系统single pipe district heating system
式压力计single column manometer
系统one-pipe system
单位道安装费用unit cost of duct installation
单双混合系统two-pipe and one-pipe combined system
单盘风机盘管机组fan-coil unit with single coil
卧式壳冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser
卧式风机盘机组ceiling fan-coil unit
压力pressure pipe
压力平衡pressure balance line
压力表gauge line
压缩机排气道量热器法compressor-discharge-line calorimeter method
压缩空气compressed air tube
压缩空气compressed air pipe line
上行下给式热水供暖系统two-pipe hot water down feed system
伴随加热法double-pipe heat tracing
供暖系统double-pipe heating system
制系统two-pipe fan coil system
单独成环系统two-pipe individual loop
簇冷凝器double bundle condenser
系统double-pipe system
双升double suction riser
双升double riser
双吸式立double suction riser
双层double-tube sheet
双盘风机盘管机组fan-coil unit with double coil
双立double riser pipe
双端凸缘spool piece
双风混合装置dual duct blender unit
反应盘reaction coil
向下支drop pipe
吸人suction tube
吸人return line
吸气suction line
吸气规格suction line sizing
吸气规格图suction line sizing chart
吸气路上的气液分离器suction line accumulator
吹风式盘蒸发器blower coil evaporator
喇叭口配管件flared tubing fittings
喇叭口配连接flared tubing connections
开口比nozzle opening ratio
喷射mouthpiece of a jet pipe
round duct
传热heat transfer through a tube
的线性规则横断面法log-linear rule for round duct transverse
铁壳水银温度计round tube mercury thermometer with iron casing
圆形风circular duct
圆形风调节板式送回风口round duct air supply and return openings with damper
土壤盘ground coil
在支起始处有一定压力损失的管道系统duct systems with certain pressure losses in branch takeoffs
地下通风导conduit duct
垂直单系统vertical one-pipe system
垂直盘vertical tube coil
埋置冷却盘embedded cooling coils
塑料风及附件plastic duct and fittings
墙排wall grid
墙排wall coil
墙盘coil wall
复合换热器finned-compound-tube heat exchanger
复合材料风foil-insulant composite duct
外平衡external equalizer (pipe)
外融冰冰盘式蓄冷系统external-melt ice storage system
壳管式冷凝器multitubular shell-and-tube condenser
式换热器multi-pipe heat exchanger
旋风除尘器multicyclone dust catcher (collector)
式冷凝器double-tube condenser
式冷却方式jacket cooling system
式换热器tube-in-tube heat exchanger
式油加热器double-pipe oil heater
式热交换器double-tube type heat exchanger
式装置telescopic mounting
U 字形盘hair pin coil
室内盘indoor coil
室外outdoor piping
室外道总干面图general plan of outdoor pipelines
室外侧盘outside coil
室外盘outdoor coil
封闭型壳式冷凝器closed shell and tube condenser
将润滑油夹带进人热气立的最小制冷负荷minimum refrigeration load for oil entrainment up hot-gas riser
将润滑油夹带进吸气立的最小制冷负荷minimum refrigeration load for oil entrainment up suction riser
尼龙柔性配管件nylon flexible tubing fitting
尼龙纱线软nylon yam hose
嵌人式风机盘机组cassette-type fan-coil unit
带翅片部分finned length
干式冷却盘dry-surface coil
干式冷却盘dry cooling coil
干式冷却盘dry coil
干式膨胀壳式蒸发器dry expansion shell and tube type evaporator
干湿盘dry-wet coils
平板散热盘panel coil
平行蒸发器raceway coil
平衡equalizer tube
并联parallel circuit
废气waste gas duct
异径内承插reducing coupling
异径外承插double male reduction
异径套reducing bushing
elbow bend pipe
elbow (pipe)
旋塞bib tap
水管锅炉bent-tube boiler
的水头损失loss of head in bends
弹性指示压力表indicating pressure gauge with an elastic measuring element
弹簧压力计bourdon manometer
弹簧压力计spring-tube pressure gauge
弹簧压力计bourdon tube pressure gauge
Y 形Y
U 形压力计liquid level manometer
U 形水银压力计U-type mercury manometer
蒸发器V-coil evaporator
蒸发器herringbone-type evaporator
U 形玻璃风压表U-tube draft gauge
Y 形连接道的流阻flow resistance of Y-connection
VM 循环制冷机-热系统VM cycle refrigerator-heat pipe system
main pipeline
逆止阀manifold check valve
总供给service main
总导main conduit
总能total energy management
房屋进口house inlet
扁圆钢散热器flat oval tubes steel radiator
扁椭圆flat oval duct
扩流bell mouth
承接式套casing with bell-mouthed collars
抽吸支suction branch
拉制无缝draw pipe
挠性波纹flexible bellows
换热盘heat-exchange coil
式蒸发器grid evaporator
排岀discharge line (piping)
排放discharging tube
排放bleeding pipe
排气eduction tube
排气discharge line (piping)
排气air exhaust duct
排气的规格discharge line sizing
排气集exhaust collector
排气集合exhaust manifold
排泄waste conduit
排烟fume pipe
接压力计短manometer tap
distance pipe
可忽略压力损失的风管系统duct systems with negligible pressure loss at branch ducts
的功率分配branch power division
起始处branch takeoffs
放出outlet conduit
放油oil drain pipe
放电指示器discharge-tube indicator
散热器蜂窝radiator core
文丘里Venturi (tube)
微压计inclined tube gauge
旁通by-pass conduit
明装风机盘机组exposed fan-coil unit
显冷盘sensible cooling coil
敷设concealed piping
暗装风机盘机组concealed fan-coil unit
最佳通风道设计optimal air duct design
最大风速度maximum duct velocity
有帽capped pipe
有横缝的矩形送风rectangular supply duct with transversal slots
有衬套柔性lined flexible duct
有衬套的直矩形风lined rectangular duct
末端干dead-end main
式蒸发器plate coil
板翅式盘plate fin coil
枝状tree-shaped heat-supply network
橡皮软gum hose
气体gas conduit
气动输气pneumatic tube
水位指示level indicator
水冷water-cooled tubing
水平horizontal pipe
水平单系统horizontal one -pipe system
水平盘horizontal tube coil
水泵-路系统pump-piping system
沉浸式盘冷凝器submerged coil condenser
沉浸式蒸发器蛇immersed evaporator coil
泄压通气relief vent
洁净保clean shelf
活动球型接头flexible-ball pipe joint
流岀侧风的向外辐射discharge side duct breakout
测压式风速计pressure tube anemometer
测流meter tube
浸没在水中的immersion pipe
涂沥青tar coated pipe
消声sound-absorbing duct
涡流制冷vortex tube refrigeration
涡流制冷机vortex tube refrigerator
涡流式冰箱vortex tube refrigerator
液体的规格liquid line sizing
液体liquid line
液态金属热liquid metal heat pipe
液氨liquid ammonia pipe
湿盘效率wet coil effectiveness
溶晶anti-crystallinic pipe
煤斗防冻盘bunker coil
环形ring line
环形circular piping
环形loop piping
环形主干loop main
环形总ring main
环状ring-shaped heat-supply network
玻璃液面指示gauge glass
玻璃纤维fibe glass duct
电热盘electric heating coil
皮托静压系数coefficient of Pilot static pressure tube
真空集热器tubular solar collector
真空绝热vacuum-insulated pipeline
离开盘的相对空气湿度relative humidity of air leaving coil
空气道系统air circuit
空气加热风机盘机组air-heating fan-coil unit
空气盘air coil
空调道的显热比sensible heat ratio of space conditioning line
空调冷冻配ACR tubing
空调器conditioner supervision
热风供暖法hot air heating standpipe method
立式壳冷凝器vertical single pass condenser
立式壳冷凝器open shell and tube condenser
立式壳式蒸发器vertical shell-and-tube evaporator
立式风机盘机组vertical fan coil unit
立式风机盘机组floor fan-coil unit
立柱式风机盘机组column-type fan-coil unit
第一级盘primary coil
等截面直长度straight length
件或风门收缩处constricted part of damper or duct fittings
内层流laminar tube flow
内流动摩擦friction in conduit
shell ice
冰制冰机tube-ice maker
型传热面tubular heat-transfer surface
壁孔wall tapping
子保温层insulation layer of pipe
子吊环faucet eats
子手柄tube handle
子摩擦损失pipe friction loss
子摩阻pipe friction resistance
子摩阻因数pipe friction factor
子绝对粗糙系数coefficient of absolute roughness pipe
子进口节流圈tube inlet orifice
式加热器line heater
式或管道内置风机tubular or in-line fan
式温度计pipe thermometer
式除尘器tubular collector
形调节阀tube valve
bank of tube
排数影响effect of rows
set of tubes
bundle of tubes
板式蒸发器tube-on-sheet evaporator
沟纵断面图longitudinal section of pipe trench
流离心式风机tubular centrifugal fan
状加热器cartridge heater
线run of piping
piping network
网构型network configuration
网特性system head curve
网特性network characteristic
tube fin
翅式散热器fin and tube type radiator
节距tube spacing
节距tube pitch
路旋塞针刺阀line tap piercing valve
路水头损失head loss of pipeline
路温控器line thermostat
道保温piping insulation
道保温pipe covering
道保温层insulation cover pipe
道内气流的速度矢量velocity vectors of the airflow in a duct section
道容量pipe capacity
道总平面布置general layout of pipeline
道接头填塞料pipe joint compound
道摩阻公式pipe friction formula
道支吊架pipe supports and hangers
道支架piping support
道明细表pipe schedule
道明装pipe visible installation
道暗装pipe invisible installation
道水头损失loss in pipe
道用软性隔热材料tube insulation
道电加热器electric duct heater
道的摩擦阻力friction of piping
道系统tube circuit
道系统duct assembly
道系统安装ductwork installation
道系统特性duct system characteristic
道系统的流动阻力flow resistance of duct system
道组成件piping components
道组成件pipe component
道结构duct construction
道综合图general layout of piping systems
道软木绝缘cork pipe covering
道轴流风机tube axial fan
道通风机tubular fan
道配件pipe fittings
道防腐pipe anticorrosion protection
道风机ducted fan
间距piping pitch
箱体防露dew eliminating tube
翅片散热器finned-tube heater
翅片式加热盘finned type heating coil
聚氯乙烯polychlorinated vinyl pipe
肋片gilled pipe
肋片plate finned tube
肋片gilled tube
肋片finned pipe
肋片盘finned coil
tube expanding
tube expander
低温制冷机vascular cryogenic refrigerator
低温制冷机pulse tube cryogenic refrigerator
制冷器pulse-tube refrigerator
膨胀蛇形expansion coil
蒸汽盘加热steam coil heating
蓄冷排hold-over grid
蓄冷排hold-over coil
薄钢板通风sheet steel duct
蛇形tube circuit
蛇形hair pin coil
蛇形grid coil
蛇形盘冷却器serpentine cooler
融霜热气线hot-gas line for defrosting
螺旋式蒸发器spiral tube evaporator
螺旋肋片spiral-finned tube
表岐gauge manifold
表岐连接connecting a gauge manifold
计算机辅助道系统的运行过程computer-aided running processes of duct system
计算机辅助道设计和制图computer-aided piping design and drafting
支卡件hose clamp fitting
构件flexible pipe element
软木套cork pipe
软焊soft soldering fitting
软铜soft copper tube
辊干式胀roller expander
辐射制冷器-热系统radiation refrigerator-heat pipe system
输出喷delivery jet line
输水hydraulic pipeline
输液transfer line
输送flow pipe
输送deferent duct
输送主flow main
送料射流连接delivery jet line
送风air pipe
送风的总压力损失total pressure loss of supply outlet
送风道内气流的压力特性pressure characteristics of airflow in supply duct
送风道系统supply duct system
通气接breather adapter
通风的形状和材料shape and material of air duct
通风道设计原则和注意事项air duct design principles and considerations
通风竖upcast shaft
配水water distribution pipe
重力循环式空气盘系统valance system
重力循环式空气盘装置valance unit
重力热gravity assisted heat pipe
错列布置的staggered bank
错排staggered bank of tubes
锥形螺纹端taper pipe thread end
垂直蒸发器long tube vertical evaporator
防火风refractory duct
除过热盘desuperheating coil
除霜热气hot gas defrost line
隔热pipe section
集合collecting tube
集液small liquid separator
集液liquid trap
静压static pressure tube
非金属nonmetallic tube
非金属材料风nonmetallic duct
顶排ceiling grid
顶棚供热盘ceiling coil
预埋套buried sleeve
风机-路系统的调节modulation of fan-duct system
风机道系统fan-duct system
风机-道系统的联合运行combination of fan-duct systems
黄铜brass fitting
黄铜配brass tubing
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