
Terms for subject Electronics containing | all forms
一回路primary pipings
一回路道全部损坏complete open-ended severance of the primary pipe
一回路道完全断裂complete open-ended severance of the primary pipe
一回路道破裂primary pipe rupture
一回路道破裂primary system pipe rupture
一层横向外延硅上一只晶体动态随机存取存储器单元DRAM cell with a transistor on a lateral epitaxial silicon layer
一层横向外延硅上一只晶体技术a transistor on a lateral epitaxial silicon layer technology
一层横向外延硅上一只N沟道晶体技术a n-channel transistor on a lateral epitaxial silicon layer technology
一次路的保护系统primary protection system
一次回路载钠primary sodium carrying pipe
一次风primary air piping
一般理信息generic management information
一般理费用general administrative expense
三势垒耦合量子阱谐振隧穿二极triple barrier, coupled-quantum-well resonant tunneling diode
三层压电二极three-layer piezodiode
三极three-electrode tube
三极交流半导体开关triode alternating current semiconductor switch
三极增音限制器triode amplifier-limiter
三极放大限制器triode amplifier-limiter
三极电子枪triode gun
三极真空核子探测器nuclear triode detector
三氟化硼计数BF3 counter tube
三相母线导three-phase busduct
三端异质结光电晶体three-terminal heterojunction phototransistor
三端晶闸triode thyristor
三端晶闸three-terminal thyristor
三结晶体tri-junction transistor
三角势垒二极triangular barrier diode
三角势垒光电二极triangular barrier photodiode
三角势垒晶体triangular barrier transistor
三路螺线圈式控制阀three way solenoid type pilot valve
三通落煤three-way coal chute
三重扩散晶体triply diffused transistor
上升lift pipe
上升lifting tube
上升型旋流分离riser type cyclone
上升支ascending arm
上层空域upper airspace control
上部抽汽upper steam extraction pipe
燃料组件bottom nozzle
下水outfall pipe
下水outfall sewer
下泄letdown pipe
下泄线letdown line
下降downtake pipe
下降downcomer tube
下降内欠热水流subcooled water flowing in downcomer
下降联箱downcomer header
下降支descending arm
与内外石墨不相互紧贴的状包覆颗粒燃料细棒tubular non-interaction fuel pin
理程序等效supervisor equivalent
与三极电子特性相似的晶体三极管analogue transistor
与主人等权限supervisor equivalent
与衬垫层边沿自对准异质结双极晶体self-aligned with ledge heterojunction bipolar transistor
与衬垫层边沿非自对准异质结双极晶体nonself-aligned with ledge heterojunction bipolar transistor
邮局中处理姓名住址不详信件的人员blind reader
专业办公理系统professional office management system
专利文件patent document management
专家理系统expert management system
专家卷理程序expert volume manager
专用理分析personal management analysis
专用理程序personal manager
专用功率 MOS 场效应晶体application specific power MOSFET
专用数据库理系统specialized data base management system
专用査号薄理范围private directory management domain
专用资源理实体specialized resource management entity
专用通道dedicated channel management
企业理中的信息技术information technology in business management
企业理信息系统business management information system
Oracle 企业理平台Oracle enterprise management platform
企业理控制系统business management control system
企业理系列软件business management series
企业理自动化automation of enterprise management
企业业务enterprise performance management
企业产品信息enterprise product information management
企业信息enterprise information management
企业信息corporate information management
企业信息理系统corporate information management system
企业全面电子理解决方案total enterprise electronic management solution
企业关系enterprise relationship management
企业卷理程序enterprise volume manager
企业存储资源解决方案enterprise storage resource management solution
企业安全理器程序enterprise security manager
企业数据理程序enterprise data manager
企业桌面理程序enterprise desktop manager
企业综合集成理系统comprehensive enterprise integrated management system
企业网络理体系结构enterprise network management architecture
企业表现enterprise performance management
企业资产enterprise assets management
企业资源enterprise resource management
倒 T 形栅轻掺杂漏场效应晶体inverse-T gate lightly doped drain field-effect transistor
倒换燃料fuel shuffling tube
倒用三极inverted triode
倒相二极inversed diode
倒置基极双极晶体inverted base bipolar transistor
倒置结构高电子迁移率晶体inverted-structure high electron mobility transistor
倒置肋型波导激光二极inverted rib waveguide laser diode
倒置调制掺杂场效应晶体inverted modulation-doped field-effect transistor
倒置高电子迁移率晶体inverted high electron mobility transistor
倒虹吸sag siphon
倒钩形出水inverted J tube
分别限制应变层多量子阱激光二极separate confinement strained-layer multi-quantum-well laser diode
分区数据集理系统partitioned data set management system
分区程序库理系统partitioned libraries management system
分发/运输理信息系统distribution/transportation management information system
分子束外延场效应晶体molecular beam epitaxy field-effect transistor
分子束外延生长二极激光器molecular beam epitaxy grown diode laser
分层理控制系统management hierarchy
分布参数约瑟夫逊晶体逻辑distributed Josephson transistor logic
分布发射式前向波正交场放大distributed emission magnetron amplifier
分布发射磁控放大器distributed emission magnetron amplifier
分布布喇格反射器激光二极distributed Bragg reflector laser diode
Novell 分布式理服务Novell distributed management service
分布式理模块distributed management module
分布式信息理系统distributed information management system
分布式关系数据库理系统distributed relational database management system
分布式加锁理器distributed lock manager
分布式对象distributed object management
分布式对象理系统distributed object management system
分布式数据distributed database management
分布式数据理系统distributed data administrator system
分布式数据处理distributed data processing management
分布式系统理程序distributed system manager
分布放射磁控放大器distributed emission magnetron amplifier
分布数据理体系结构distributed data management architecture
分批格式batch format management
分支branch pipe
分散下降distributed downcomer
分时理程序汇编系统time-shared supervisor assembly system
分时数据理系统time-shared data management system
分时诊断理程序time-sharing diagnostic supervisor
分束阴极射线split-beam cathode-ray tube
分析信息理系统an analytical information management system
分析网络用安全理工具security administrator tool for analyzing networks
分析网络用系统理工具system administrator tool for analyzing networks
分歧bifurcated pipe
分歧技术manifold technique
分段双栅金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体segment dual gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
分段母divided header
分段电极多量子阱激光二极segmented electrode multiquantum well laser diode
分离器separator tube
分类账理系统ledger management system
分级hierarchical direct
分级存储软件hierarchical storage management software
分级数据库理系统hierarchical database management system
分级视频hierarchical video management
分组交换网络理工作站packet-switched network management workstation
分节articulated conduit
分裂光电split photocell
分裂栅场效应晶体split-gate field-effect transistor
分裂栅调制掺杂场效应晶体split-gate modulation-doped field-effect transistor
分裂栅金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体split-gate metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
分配distribution pipe
分配理信息系统distribution management information system
分配理计划系统assignment management planning system
分配母distributing header
切向中子tangential beam tube
包墙wall enclosure tube
包壳内侧cladding tube internal side
包壳内侧clad tube internal side
包壳壁厚cladding tube wall thickness
包壳壁厚clad tube wall thickness
包壳损伤cladding tube defect
包壳损伤clad tube defect
包壳损坏clad damage
包壳横截面积cladding tube cross-sectional area
包壳横截面积clad tube cross-sectional area
包壳温度系数cladding tube temperature coefficient
包壳温度系数clad tube temperature coefficient
包壳破裂cladding tube rupture
包壳破裂clad tube rupture
包壳缺陷cladding tube defect
包壳缺陷clad tube defect
包壳膨胀cladding tube expansion
包壳膨胀clad tube expansion
包壳表面温度cladding tube surface temperature
包壳表面温度clad tube surface temperature
包总线理接口packet bus management interface
包网screened pipe
包网取样测量screened probe
包网支wrapped lateral
包覆wall enclosure tube
各向异性型异质结场效应晶体anisotropy heterojunction field-effect transistor
合格授权网件理员certified Netware administrator
合金型晶体alloy-type transistor
合金结光电alloy-junction photocell
吊拉supporting tube
吊挂supporting tube
吊篮出口接barrel outlet nozzle
同心双层concentric double pipe
同步单元理功能synchronous element management function
同步数字系列理子网SDH management subnetwork
同步晶体逻辑synchronous transistor logic
同步程序理程序synchronous program supervisor
同质结双极晶体homojunction bipolar transistor
同轴 X 射线二极coaxial X-ray diode
同轴二极限幅器coaxial diode limiter
同轴横向结型激光二极新结构new structure of laser diode based on coaxial transverse junction
名称理协议name management protocol
理模块behind administration module
后勤理信息系统logistics management information system
后勤理系统logistics management system
后端数据库理网络back-end database management network
圆形波导circular waveguide
圆柱式套columnar bushing
圆锥形波导conical waveguide
圆锥形波导conic waveguide
圆锥形磁控阴极conical magnetron cathode
堆内燃料指燃料的插入和倒换计划in core fuel management
堆外道回路external piping loop
堆外燃料out-of-core fuel management
堆芯core tube nest
堆芯仪表导in core instrumentation thimble guide
堆芯喷淋吸入core spray suction line
堆芯喷淋环core spray ring
堆芯喷淋系统集core spray header
堆芯淹没core flooding train
堆芯燃料装卸in and out of core fuel management
备份、存档与恢复back-up, archive and recovery management
备品备件集中总存量pooled inventory management
备用仪表接spare instrument nozzle
复制服务器理程序replication server manager
复合multiple tube
复合recombination train
复合套composite bushing
复合集电极异质结双极晶体composite-collector heterojunction bipolar transistor
复杂网络理协议complex network management protocol
复腔磁控rising-sun magnetron
封装二极pack diode
封闭道系统closed vessel
封闭导closed conduit
封闭式熔丝enclosed fuse link
封闭接blind-off nozzle
封闭接blind nozzle
封闭用户群理中心CUG management center
射束偏转deflection tube
射束偏转beam deflection tube
射束功率beam-power tube
射束引出线同步辐射X 射线光刻beamline
射极关断晶闸emitter switched thyristor
射极接地晶体grounded emitter transistor
射极控制负阻三极emitter-controlled negative resistance triode
射极耦合晶体逻辑emitter coupled transistor logic
射极跟随器二极-晶体管逻辑emitter follower diode-transistor logic
射极跟随器二极逻辑emitter follower diode logic
射极跟随器晶体逻辑emitter-follower transistor logic
射极镇流晶体低频放大器专用晶体管emitter ballast transistor
X 射线X-ray diode
X 射线视像分析X-ray vidicon analysis
小信号二极small-signal diode
小信号晶体组件small signal transistor assembly
小型midget tube
小型企业small business administration
小型基板理控制器mini-baseboard management controller
小型按键玻璃电子small-button glass tube
小型晶体small size transistor
小型行波miniature traveling wave tube
小型计算机系统接口设备理系统SCSI device management system
小型超光电摄像midget super emitron
小型超正析像miniature image orthicon
小型集成二极组件miniature integrated diode assembly
小外廓二极small outline diode
小外廓晶体封装small outline transistor package
小流量线miniflow line
少子注人控制场效应晶体minority carrier injection controlled field-effect transistor
市内电话外线理与自动派线系统cable and line management system
市级信息理系统city-level information management system
市话工程理局Local Engineering Control Office
布劳阴极射线Braun tube
布劳恩Braun tube
开关二极switching diode
开关二极switch-type diode
开关二极switch diode
Java 开发理工具包Java development management kit
开发理系统development management system
开口opening pipe
开放型分布式理体系结构open distributed management architecture
开放式理协议open management protocol
开放式企业理系统Platinum open enterprise management system Platinum
开放式企业理系统open enterprise management system
开放式文件理应用程序设计接口open document management API
开放式网络open network management
开放式网络理体系结构open network management architecture
开放系统理框架open system management framework
开放系统互连因特网OSI Internet management
开槽栅诱发二极漏电trench gate-induced diode leakage
开缝slotted tube
异径taper pipe
异径reducing socket
异机型局域网heterogeneous LAN management
异步传送模式密钥ATM key management
异步传送模式网络理系统asynchronous transfer mode network management system
异步传送模式网络理辅助程序ATM network management auxiliary
异质界面场效应晶体hetero-interface field-effect transistor
异质结倒相晶体集成逻辑heterojunction inverted transistor integrated logic
异质结光电晶体heterojunction phototransistor
异质结光电晶体-垂直腔面发射激光器heterojunction phototransistor-vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser
异质结光电晶体-激光二极管heterojunction phototransistor-laser diode
异质结场效应晶体heterojunction field-effect transistor
异质结构双极晶体heterostructure bipolar transistor
异质结构发射极双极晶体heterostructure-emitter bipolar transistor
异质结构发射极异质结构基极晶体heterostructure-emitter heterostructure-base transistor
异质结构场效应晶体heterostructure field-effect transistor
异质结构晶体heterostructure transistor
异质结构热电子二极heterostructure hot electron diode
异质结构结型场效应晶体heterostructure junction field-effect transistor
异质结构绝缘栅场效应晶体heterostructure insulated-gate field-effect transistor
异质结构脊型过生长分布反馈激光二极heterostructure ridge overgrown distributed feedback laser diode
异质结构雪崩光电二极heterostructure avalanche photodiode
异质结栅场效应晶体heterojunction gate field-effect transistor
异质结碰撞雪崩渡越时间二极heterojunction impact avalanche transit time diode
异质结纵向场效应晶体heterojunction vertical field-effect transistor
异质结结型场效应晶体heterojunction junction field-effect transistor
异质结绝缘栅场效应晶体heterojunction insulated-gate field-effect transistor
异质结金属增强肖特基场效应晶体heterojunction metal-enhanced Schottky field-effect transistor
异质结隧穿三极heterojunction tunneling triode
异质结雪崩光电二极heterojunction avalanche photodiode
弓1线wiring tube
引漏leakoff pipe
成批数据自主传送理程序bulk autonomous transfer manager
持证记录理人员协会Institute of Certified Records Managers
指令和数据理子系统command and data management subsystem
指数衰减变容二极exponentially retrograded variable capacitance diode
按内容寻址数据理器content addressable data manager
按比例缩小晶体与电阻工艺scaled transistor and resistor process
exposed conduit
最佳理规程策略best management practice
最小流量旁路线minimum flow bypass line
有人理军械试验站manned military test station
有功负荷active load management
有压头导head conduit
有套的部件element with bushing
有孔集水perforated collector pipe
有效理职责effective management responsibility
有槽的slotted tube
有源栅薄膜晶体active-gate thin-film transistor
有源矩阵薄膜晶体液晶显示器active-matrix thin-film transistor LCD
有电场控制板的多晶硅高压薄膜晶体field-plated polysilicon high-voltage thin-film transistor
有电场控制板的高电子迁移率晶体field-plated high electron mobility transistor
有线前端理器cable headend manager
有芯二极电路core-diode circuit
有限finite tube bundle
服务理单元service management unit
服务器理单元server management unit
服务器理接口server management interface
服务控制理器service control manager
服务控制理程序service control manager
服务级service level management
栅控gridded tube
栅控二极gate-controlled diode
栅控二极交叉点gated diode crosspoint
栅控二极开关gated-diode switch
栅控光电二极gate-controlled photodiode
栅控双极结型晶体gated bipolar junction transistor
栅控弧光放电grid-controlled arc discharge tube
栅控晶体grid controlled transistor
栅控晶体gate associated transistor
栅控谐振隧穿二极gated resonant tunneling diode
栅控速调grid-controlled klystron
栅-源对置晶体opposed gate-source transistor
栅调制双极晶体gate-modulated bipolar transistor
标准晶体-晶体管逻辑standard transistor-transistor logic
标准测试与理规程standard test and administrative procedure
标准滴定standard buret
标准燃料standard fuel management
标准综合支援理系统standard integrated support management system
标准网络理协议standard network management protocol
标准自动化材料理系统standard automated material management system
标准陆军理信息系统standard army management information system
标准高电子迁移率晶体normal high electron mobility transistor
标定calibrating tube
标称尺寸nominal pipe size
树型存储tree storage management
树脂冲洗resin sluicing line
民兵反弹道导弹系统理信息系统Safeguard management information system
民兵反弹道导弹系统理信息系统操作程序Safeguard management information system operating program
气体线gas tube
气体出口总gas outlet header
气体吸入接gas suction nozzle
气体和化学制品统配total gas and chemical management
气体废物理系统Gaseous Waste Management System
气体延迟衰减线gas delay line
气体推动的两端取样dual gas-driven sample tube
气体放电充气光电gas-filled photo-cell
气体放电充气光电gas-discharge photo-cell
气体放电gaseous discharge lamp
气体放电gas tube
气体放电发光luminous discharge tube
气体激光gas laser tube
气体绝缘套gas-insulated bushing
气体试样计数gas-sample counter tube
气冷三极air-cooled triode
气密抽出gas tight withdrawal tube
气敏场效应晶体gas sensitive field-effect transistor
气泡level tube
气流式正比计数proportional flow counter
气流计数gas-flow counter tube
洁净室理行业协会Cleanroom Management Associates
洁净空气理系统clean air management system
pipe scraper
清洗导flushing line
载流子漂移晶体drift transistor
漂移阶跃恢复二极drift step recovery diode
雪崩热载流子金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体drain avalanche hot-carrier metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
漏斗灌注的混凝土tremie concrete
explosion tube
事故pipe break accident
理想二极ideal diode
理想噪声二极ideal noise diode
理想波导ideal waveguide
理想静电感应晶体ideal static induction transistor
级网络理中心provincial network management center
省煤器economizer tube
研究理程序分析program analysis for research management
研究开发理分析系统research and development management analysis system
程序理器program manager
程序计划理支持系统program management support system
程序理文件program management document
程序与数据理部件program and data management unit
程序和数据理部件program and data management unit
程序库更新理程序program library update manager
程序设计语言数据理系统a programming language data management system
缓冲器理程序buffer manager
缓冲场效应晶体buffered field-effect transistor
缓冲场效应晶体逻辑buffered FET logic
缓冲层双极结型晶体buffer layer bipolar junction transistor
缓冲直接耦合场效应晶体逻辑buffered direct-coupled FET logic
缓变基区异质结双极晶体graded-base heterojunction bipolar transistor
缓变基区异质结构双极晶体graded-base heterostructure bipolar transistor
缓变基区晶体graded base transistor
缓变带隙异质结双极晶体graded-gap heterojunction bipolar transistor
缓变带隙阶梯雪崩光电二极graded-gap staircase avalanche photodiode
缓变折射率光电分别限制异质结构量子阱激光二极graded-index separate confinement heterostructure quantum well laser diode
缓爆雷delay detonator
脉位调制雪崩光电二极pulse position modulation avalanche photodiode
脉冲式磁控pulsed magnetron
脉冲控制氢闸流impulse hydrogen thyratron
脉动油pulsating oil piping
脊型波导激光二极ridge guide laser diode
脊型隐埋异质结构激光二极ridge buried heterostructure laser diode
脊形波导ridged waveguide
蜂房式状滤芯honeycomb tubular filter element
蜂窝电话理作业系统cellular management operation system
调人理程序指令supervisor call instruction
调制势垒光电二极modulated barrier photodiode
调制掺杂场效应晶体亦称 HEMT, TEGFET 或 SDHTmodulation-doped field-effect transistor
调制掺杂异质结场效应晶体modulation-doped heterojunction field-effect transistor
调制电子modulating valve
调制阳极速调modulating anode klystron
调度dispatching board
调度理与资源分配技术scheduling management and allocating resource technique
调度理信息系统dispatching management information system
调度理显示scheduling management display
调度理系统dispatch control system
调度生产理信息系统dispatch management information system
调速油governing oil piping
谐振带间隧穿二极resonant interband tunneling diode
谐振栅晶体resonant-gate transistor
谐振隧穿二极resonant tunneling diode
谐振隧穿双势垒二极resonant tunneling double barrier diode
谐振隧穿双极晶体resonant tunneling bipolar transistor
谐振隧穿晶体resonant tunneling transistor
谐振隧穿栅场效应晶体resonant tunneling gate field-effect transistor
谐振隧穿热电子晶体resonant-tunneling hot-electron transistor
谐振隧穿高电子迁移率晶体resonant tunneling high electron mobility transistor
贋推挽场效应晶体逻辑pseudo push-pull FET logic
贋配异质结构场效应晶体pseudomorphic heterostructure field-effect transistor
贋配调制掺杂场效应晶体pseudomorphic modulation-doped field-effect transistor
贋配高电子迁移率晶体pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor
送粉pulverized coal feed piping
Q适配器功能理应用功能Q-adapter function management application function
选择外延发射极窗口晶体selective epitaxy emitter window transistor
选择外延基极晶体selective epitaxy base transistor
选择外延晶体selective epitaxy transistor
选择性数据理系统selective data management system
选择掺杂双异质结场效应晶体selectively doped double heterojunction field-effect transistor
选择掺杂异质结晶体selectively doped heterojunction transistor
选择掺杂异质结构场效应晶体selectively doped heterostructure field-effect transistor
选择掺杂异质结构晶体selectively doped heterostructure transistor
选择采集信息与理系统selected acquisition information and management system
透明有机发光二极transparent organic light-emitting diode
透明衬底氮发光二极transparent substrate nitrogen-light emission diode
透热阴极射线thermal-transmission cathode-ray tube
锁式loctal base
锁模激光二极mode-locked laser diode
锂光电cesium phototube
锅炉给水道系统boiler-feed piping system
锅筒式水锅炉shell-type water-tube boiler
锑化铟变容二极indium antimonide varactor
线箱valve manifold box
阀杆漏汽valve lever steam leakage piping
需求侧demand-side management
需求侧demand side management
鼓胀blown tube
鼓风机出口导blower pressure pipe
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