
Terms for subject Nursing containing | all forms
三腔二气囊Sengstaken-Blakemore tube
上皮细胞epithelial cell cast
不连续毛细血discontinuous capillary
两侧输卵卵巢切除术bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
两侧输卵结扎bilateral tubal ligation
中心微central microtubule
中肾旁paramesonephric duct
中肾旁Mullerian duct
护师supervisor nurse
二裂输尿bifid ureter
亲水小hydrophilic channel
传染病the control of communicable diseases
传染病communicable diseases control
伴有先天性综合征的毛细扩张telangiectasia associated with congenital syndrome
健康教育administration of health education
儿童系统systematic care for child
先天性心血畸形congenital cardiovascular anomaly
先天性耳前痿congenital preauricular fistula
先天性肛闭锁congenital imperforate anus
先天性视盘前血congenital prepapillary vascular loops
先天性遗传性肾小性酸中毒familial hypophosphatemia
先天性食狭窄congenital stenosis of esophagus
先天性食裂孔疝congenital esophageal hiatal hernia
全血total pannus
内翻性导乳头状瘤inverted ductal papilloma
内镜胆引流endoscopic biliary drainage
内镜胰引流endoscopic drainage of pancreatic duct
内镜逆行胰胆造影endoscopicretrograde cholangiopancreatography
分叉输尿bifid ureter
分层level administration
分泌striated duct
初级支气primary bronchus
剥脱性食exfoliative esophagitis
副中肾存留综合征persistent Mullerian duct syndrome
加特纳Gartner's duct
动脉导未闭patent ductus arteriosus
动脉导未闭patent arterial duct
动脉导结扎术ligation of patent ductus arteriosus
医院内感染management of infection in hospital
医院护理hospital nursing administration
半规开窗术fenestration of semicircular canal
半规轻瘫canal paresis
泡状腺simple tubuloacinar gland
状腺simple tubular gland
单侧输卵卵巢切除术unilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
单分支状腺simple branched tubular gland
单曲状腺simple coiled tubular gland
单直状腺simple simple straight tubular gland tubular gland
卵黄肠vitello-intestinal duct
厚血thick pannus
原发性支气primary bronchogenic carcinoma
周围二联微peripheral diplomicrotubule
周边部视网膜毛细扩张peripheral retinal telangiectasis
呼吸性细支气respiratory bronchiole
咽喉食全切除术total pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy
咽食憩室pharyngoesophageal diverticulum
咽鼓吹张术eustachian tube inflation
咽鼓咽口pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
咽鼓导管吹张术eustachian catheterization
咽鼓成形术eustachian tuboplasty
咽鼓扁桃体tubal tonsil
咽鼓tubotympanic catarrh
咽鼓狭窄eustachian tube stenosis
咽鼓阻力测量 tuboresistometry
咽鼓阻塞eustachian tube obstruction
咽鼓鼓室隐窝tubotympanic recess
唾液腺导扩张dilation of salivary gland duct
唾液腺导salivary duct carcinoma
唾液腺导闭锁salivary gland duct atresia
喉插laryngeal catheterization
喉气憩室laryngotracheal diverticulum
喉气laryngotracheal groove
N 型肾小性酸中毒type IV renal tubular acidosis
泡状腺compound tubuloacinar gland
状腺compound tubular gland
外伤性视网膜血病变traumatic retinal vasculopathy
外周血阻力peripheral vascular resistance
大血错位transposition of great vessels
头皮血scalp angioma
子宫阴道uterovaginal primordium
子宫阴道uterovaginal canal
孕妇划区regionalization of maternal management
宋氏冠状动脉导Sones coronary catheter
完全性大血转位complete transposition of great vessels
宫颈刮片endocervical scraping smear
家庭抗癌药物治疗理法management of anticarcinogen at home
家庭病床administration of home patient
射频导消融radiofrequency catheter ablation
T tubule
transverse tubule
longitudinal tubule
周牙本质peritubular dentin
性肾炎tubular nephritis
转运tubular transport
间牙本质intertubular dentin
间质性肾病tubular-interstitial nephropathy
小儿急性支气acute bronchitis in infant
小儿急性毛细支气acute bronchiolitis in infant
小叶内导intralobular duct
小叶间导interlobular duct
小叶间胆interlobular bile duct
caudal sheath
居维叶duct of Cuvier
居维叶common cardinal vein
干性血dry pannus
幽门溃疡pyloric canal ulcer
广州圆线虫病angiostrongyliasis cantoniensis
异位输尿ectopic ureter
弥散性血内凝血disseminated intravascular coagulation
强行compulsive administration
微血病性溶血性贫血microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
cardiac tube
心包胸膜pericardiopleural canal
心导cardiac catheter
心脏大血血池显像cardiac and large vessel blood-pool imaging
心血右向左分流型cardiovascular right to left shunt
心血左向右分流型cardiovascular left to right shunt
心血疾病一般护理general care of cardiovascular diseases
急性传染病理条例regulations of acute communicable disease
急性喉气支气管炎acute laryngotracheobronchitis
急性喉气acute laryngotracheitis
急性心脏血疾病acute cardiovascular disease
急性支气acute bronchitis
急性梗阻性化脓性胆acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis
急性气支气管炎acute tracheobronchitis
急性淋巴acute lymphangitis
急性肾小坏死acute tubular necrosis
急性腐蚀性食acute corrosive esophagitis
总肝common hepatic duct
总胆common bile duct
总胆结石common bile duct stone
慢性支气炎防治健康教育health education for prevention and treatment of chronic bronchitis
慢性非化脓性破坏性胆chronic nonsuppurative destructive cholangitis
成血组织angioblastic tissue
戴明循环理法W.E. Deming circulation
房室永存persistent atrioventricular canal
扁平卵圆flat-oval tube
手术室management of operating room
护理nursing administration
护理业务技术management of nursing technique
护理组织nursing organization management
护理质量目标target control of nursing quality
播散性血内凝血护理nursing care of disseminated intravascular coagulation
支气内膜结核endobronchial tuberculosis
支气动脉栓塞术bronchial arterial embolism
支气呼吸音bronchial breathing sound
支气呼吸音bronchial breathing
支气哮喘护理nursing care of bronchial asthma
支气异物foreign body in bronchus
支气性肺炎bronchial pneumonia
支气插管术Endobronchial intubation
支气淋巴结结核征d'Espine sign
支气淋巴结结核征bronchial lymphoid tuberculosis sign
支气肺发育不良broncho-pulmonary dysplasia
支气肺泡呼吸音bronchovesicular breathing sound
支气肺泡呼吸音bronchovesicular breathing
支气肺泡灌洗bronchoalveolar lavage
支气肺炎护理nursing care of bronchopneumonia
支气胸膜痿bronchopleural fistula
支气软骨缺损bronchial cartilage deficiency
支气镜检查护理nursing care of bronchoscopy
支气静脉曲张bronchial venous varix
斯旺-甘兹导Swan-Ganz catheter
斯旺-甘兹导balloon tipped flow-directed catheter
新生血性青光眼neovascular glaucoma
新生血性黄斑病变neovascular maculopathy
方形rectangular tube
施莱姆scleral venous sinus
施莱姆Schlemm canal
普尔彻外伤性视网膜血病变traumatic retinal angiopathy of Purtscher
有孔毛细血fenestrated capillary
杰氏冠状动脉导Judkins coronary catheter
松斯冠状动脉导Sones coronary catheter
核仁系统nucleolar channel system
root canal
充填术root-canal filling
充填银尖root canal silver point
内封药intracanal medicament
内预备intracanal preparation
root canal orifice
封闭root canal sealing
治疗术root canal therapy
root canal reamer
长度测量仪root canal length meter
闭塞obturation of root canal
梅毒性心血syphilitic cardiovascular disease
内血肿intraspinal hematoma
橡胶rubber tubing
次级支气secondary bronchus
上皮tracheal epithelium
内灌注洗涤法intratracheal and bronchial suctioning and washing
内给药法intratracheal medication
切开包tracheotomy set
切开术护理care of tracheotomy
呼吸音tracheal breathing
塌陷Tracheal collapse
套管tracheotomy tube
导管endotracheal tube
异物foreign body in trachea
异物护理nursing care of trachea foreign body
憩室tracheal diverticulum
插管术endotracheal intubation
支气管异物foreign bodies in the trachea and bronchi
支气管瘢痕狭窄tracheobronchial cicatricial stricture
支气管结核tracheobronchial tuberculosis
牵曳tracheal tugging
牵曳现象Oliver sign
狭窄tracheal stenosis
移位tracheal displacement
tracheal gland
软骨软化病tracheal chondromalacia
镜下异物提取术removal foreign bodies through a bronchoscope
闭锁tracheal atresia
食管痿tracheoesophageal fistula
食管褶tracheoesophageal fold
永久性气造口术permanent tracheostomy
沃尔夫mesonephric duct
沙眼性血trachomatous pannus
内镜活检道开口[endoscopic] biopsy channel opening
海绵状血cavernous hemangioma
消化alimentary canal
涎腺导扩张dilation of salivary gland duct
涎腺导salivary duct carcinoma
涎腺导闭锁salivary gland duct atresia
清醒插Conscious intubation
湿疹性血phlyctenular pannus
湿疹性血eczematous pannus
特发性旁中心凹毛细扩张idiopathic parafoveal telangiectasia
特发性闭塞性中心凹周围视网膜血病变idiopathic obliterative perifoveolar retinal vasculopathy
特殊性的毛细间肾丝球硬化characteristic intercapillary glomerulosclerosis
玻璃体vitreous canal
玻璃接glass connecting tube
球后毛细血postglomerular capillary
生精小seminiferous tubule
生精小testicular cord
生精小seminiferous cord
甲状舌thyroglossal duct
甲状舌thyroglossal fistula
甲状舌thyroglossal sinus
留置导尿indwelling catheter
病区ward management
癌症病人家庭营养理法nutrition for carcinoma patient
白细胞white cell cast
skin tubes
皮索根Peeso drill
皮肤结节性血cutaneous nodular vasculitis
皮肤血cutaneous vasculitis
眶血orbital hemangioma
眼底荧光血造影术fluorescein fundus angiography
眼睑血hemangioma of eyelid
硬化性胆sclerosing cholangitis
神经肠neurenteric canal
福尔克曼Volkmann canal
福尔克曼perforating canal
福格蒂取栓导Fogarty embolectomy catheter
穿通Volkmann canal
穿通perforating canal
周收缩细胞peritubular contractile cell
形牙tube tooth
性呼吸音tubular breathing sound
泡状腺tubuloacinar gland
状引流tube drainage
状痿tube fistula
状肠重复畸形tubular intestinal duplication
状鼻proboscis-like nose
球反馈系统tubuloglomerular feedback system
球失衡glomerulotubular imbalance
-阿博特Miller-Abbott tube
米勒paramesonephric duct
精直小tubulus rectus
红细胞red cell cast
纤维支气镜检查fiberoptic bronchoscopy
纤维蛋白性支气fibrinous bronchitis
纤维闭塞性细支气bronchiolitis fibrosa obliterans
纹状striated duct
纹状secretory duct
组织management of organization
细支气细胞Clara cell
细支气细胞bronchiolar cell
细支气肺泡癌bronchioloalveolar carcinoma
细精发育障碍症seminiferous tubular dysgenesis
细精发育障碍症Klinefelter syndrome
细胞内分泌小intracellular secretory canaliculus
细胞间分泌小intercellular secretory canaliculus
耳痿aural fistula
耳蜗cochlear duct
肉样血thick pannus
肉样血pannus carnosus
性肌病myotubular myopathy
综合征cubital tunnel syndrome
rectal tube
排气blind enema
肛门痿anal fistula
肝动脉插hepatic artery catheterization
肝外胆闭锁extrahepatic biliary atresia
肝性肾小性酸中毒hepatic renal tubular acidosis
肝血内皮瘤hemangioendothelioma of liver
肝血hemangioma of liver
肝血结扎术护理nursing care of ligation of hepatic artery
肝闰Hering duct
肠淋巴扩张intestinal lymphangiectasia
肠血发育异常angiodysplasia of bowel
肠血异常vascular abnormality of intestine
肠血vascular disease of bowel
肢端血痉挛病Raynaud disease
肺支气性发育不良bronchopulmonary dysplasia
肺毛细血血氧分压pulmonary capillary partial pressure of oxygen
肺泡-毛细血屏障blood-air barrier
肺血阻力pulmonary vascular resistance
肺过敏性脉pulmonary hypersensitivity vasculitis
肾小性蛋白尿tubular proteinuria
肾小性酸中毒renal tubular acidosis
肾盂-小反流pyelotubular reflux
肾盂-小反流pyelotubular backflow
肾血外皮细胞瘤renal hemangiopericytoma
肾血性高血压renovascular hypertension
肾血性高血压renal vascular hypertension
肾血杂音renovascular bruit
肾血疾病renal vascular diseases
肾血renal hemangioma
肾衰renal failure cast
胃食反流gastroesophageal reflux
内置管扩张biliary stent dilatation
cancer of biliary tract
胆小性肝炎cholestatic hepatitis
胆总囊性扩张cystic dilatation of common bile duct
胆总囊性扩张choledochal cyst
胆总囊肿choledochal cyst
胆总探查术exploratory choledochotomy
脂肪fatty cast
脉络膜血choroidal angioma
脐插umbilical catheterization
脑肠neurenteric canal
脑膜血梅毒meningovascular syphilis
脑血性痴呆cerebral vascular dementia
脑血意外病变cerebrovascular accident
脑血畸形cerebral vascular malformation
脑血造影cerebral angiography
脑视网膜血瘤病von Hippel-Lindau disease
脑视网膜血瘤病cerebroretinal angiomatosis
脑面血瘤病Sturge-Weber syndrome
脑面血瘤病encephalofacial angiomatosis
脱节性肾小性酸中毒dislocation renal tubular acidosis
腔静脉置catheterization of vena cava
腮腺导parotid duct fistula
膀胱一输尿反流vesico-ureteric reflux
膀胱输尿反流vesicoureteral reflux
荧光眼底血造影术fluorescence fundus angiography
营养血vasa vasorum
营养血nutrient vessel
薄血thin pannus
虹膜血造影 iris angiography
supravascular layer
stratum supravasculare
免疫母细胞淋、巴结病angio-immunoblastic lymphadenopathy
内造血intravascular hematopoiesis
前置vasa previa
外造血extravascular hematopoiesis
脉络膜vessel layer
vascular layer
stratum vasculare
性假血友病vascular pseudohemophilia
性血友病von Willebrand disease
显露exposed vessel
vascular bundle
vascular pole
样条纹症angioid streaks
renal glomerulus
blood vessel tumour
移植术vascular transplantation
stria vascularis
vascular tunic
睾丸tunica vasculosa testis
舒缓素-激肽系统kallikrein-kinin system
运动性鼻炎vasomotor rhinitis
造影导管angiographic catheter
血栓闭塞性血thromboangiitis obliterans
血流导向气囊导balloon tipped flow-directed catheter
血-生精小屏障blood-seminiferous tubule barrier
血-生精小屏障blood testis barrier
血红蛋白hemoglobin cast
视神经减压术decompression of optic canal
视网膜毛细扩张retinal telangiectasis
视网膜血retinal vasculitis
视网膜血retinal vasculopathy
视网膜血瘤病von Hippel disease
视网膜血瘤病retinal angiomatosis
视网膜血纤曲tortuosity of retinal vessels
贾金斯冠状动脉导Judkins coronary catheter
输出小efferent duct
输出小ductulus efferentes
输卵内移植zygote intra-Fallopian transfer
输卵吻合术anastomosis of tube
输卵妊娠破裂rupture of tubal pregnancy
输卵性不孕tubal infertility
输卵carcinoma of fallopian tube
输卵移植术implantation of tube
输卵结扎法tubal ligation
输卵结核tuberculosis of fallopian tube
输卵通气术uterotubal insufflation
输卵通气术Rubin technic
输卵通气试验Rubin test
输卵闭锁atresia of uterine tube
输卵间质部妊娠interstitial tubal pregnancy
输尿开口异位ectopic ureteral orifice
输尿异位开口ectopic ureterostoma
输尿憩室ureteric diverticulum
输尿憩室ureteric bud
输尿结石ureteral calculus
输尿结石ureter stone
输尿ureteric diverticulum
输精ductus deferens
遗传性出血性毛细扩张Osler-Weber-Rendu disease
遗传性岀血性毛细血扩张症hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
遗传性毛细血扩张症hereditary telangiectasia
强直lead-pipe rigidity
阻塞性脑血意外病变occlusive cerebrovascular accident
综合征tarsal tunnel syndrome
随机random administration
静脉导ductus venosus
静脉毛细血venous capillary
鞘毛细血sheathed capillary
craniopharyngeal canal
basipharyngeal canal
消失effacement of cervix
颈淋巴阻塞序列征jugular lymphatic obstruction sequence
颌骨中心性血central hemangioma of mandible
颜面部血haemangioma of facial region
骨小bone canaliculus
裂孔sacral hiatus
阻滞caudal block
鼻咽血纤维瘤nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
鼻导给氧nasal catheter oxygen inhalation
鼻泪插管术naso-lacrimal duct intubation
鼻泪狭窄stenosis of naso-lacrimal duct
鼻泪阻塞obstruction of naso-lacrimal duct
鼻窦支气综合征sinobronchial syndrome
鼻胃灌食nasogastric tube feeding
鼻胆引流 nasobiliary drainage
鼻腭nasopalatine canal
鼻腭囊肿nasopalatine duct cyst
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