
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing | all forms
三通tee bend
下部隔水装配lower riser assembly
不动产经营理协会Institute of Real Estate Management
专用地理信息显示分析与理系统geographic lease information display analysis and management system
世界工业环境理会议world industry conference on environmental management
世界能源研究理局World Energy Research Authority
东加勒比海自然区理计划Eastern Caribbean Natural Areas Management Program
东北苏格兰开发理局North East Scotland Development Authority
东南亚海洋法、政策与理方案South East Asia Project on Ocean Law, Policy and Management
东地中海区域理局Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office
东西方贸易制统筹委员会Coordinating Committee Controlling East-West Trade
中华人民共和国土地理法Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国土地理法实施条例Regulations on the Implementations of the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China
中华人民共和国城市房地产理法Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate
中国海上平台节点研究委员会Tabular Joint Research Committee for Offshore Structures China
中欧油石油管线oil pipeline
中欧油石油管线Central European Line
临界理水平critical management level
丹麦科学理委员会Danish Council for Scientific Management
丹麦近海理章程Danish Offshore Regulations
主系统main system management
二极二极管逻辑电路diode diode logic
二极-晶体管逻辑diode transistor logic
二次电子传导光导摄像secondary electron-conduction vidicon
直径pipe diameter
井与蒸汽线的隔离exclusion of well from steam pipelines
亚利桑那州土地理局Arizona State Land Department US
亚洲开发理中心联合国亚洲及太平洋经济与社会委员会Asian Center for Development Administration ESCAP
人工hand tube well
人工数据理系统manual data management system
伊朗工程理小组Iranian Management and Engineering Group
优化optimum management
优化理技术good management practices
伸长取心extended core barrel
低度放射性废物理计划low-level waste management program
佐治亚州城市电力理局Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia
佛罗里达州水资源理条例Florida Water Resource Act
佛罗里达州环境理局Florida Department of Environmental Regulation
先进土地理信息技术中心Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies
光发射二极light emitting diode
光存取晶体矩阵light accessible transistor matrix
光电计数计时器photocell counter chronometer
光纤摄像fiber optic photo pickup
全国先进技术理会议National Advanced Technology Management Conference
全国煤矿总、工务员和放炮工协会National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers
全球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验业务理中心GATE Operational Control Centre
全球大气研究计划大西洋热带试验航测数据理程序GATE aircraft data management program
全球水数据理系统global water data management system
公路理局Public Roads Administration
关井套压力casing pressure shut in
关井油压力tubing pressure shut in
关系数据库理系统relational data base management system
内华达州野生生物理局Nevada Department of Wildlife
内平接头冲洗flush joint wash-pipe
农业环境agricultural environmental manage ment
农业经营与agricultural management
分析质量理处Analytical Quality Control Service
分段线性piecewise linear manifold
分配理系统distribution management system
利雅得开发理局沙特阿拉伯Ar Riyadh Development Authority
加利福尼亚州废物理局California Waste Management Board
加利福尼亚州海岸理计划California Coastal Management Program
加拿大圣劳伦斯河航道理局Saint Lawrence Seaway Authority of Canada
加拿大油气产地机构Canada Oil and Gas Lands Administration
劳动人事理信息系统labour and personnel management information system
化学分析检测仪器chemical analysis detection instrumentation control
化学废物理协会Institute for Chemical Waste Management
北加利福尼亚州动力理局Northern California Power Authority
北方海域航道理总局Main Administration of the Northern Sea Route
北美湖泊理学会North American Lake Management Society
华盛顿州海岸带理计划Washington State Coastal Zone Management Program
华盛顿州生态理局Washington State Department of Ecology
协调理委员会国际科学联合会理事会Administrative Committee on CoordinationICSU
协调理委员会/海洋科学及其应用分会Administrative Committee on Co-ordination/Subcommittee on Marine Science and its Applications
单体笛苔藓虫simple fistulipores
单极场效应晶体unipolar field effect transistor
单根节补偿器single joint compensator
南卡罗来纳州公共服务理局South Carolina Public Service Authority
南极矿产资源勘探活动理协定Convention for the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resources Activities
南蓬环境理研究方案泰国Nam Pong Environmental Management Research Project Thai.
南非原子能理局South African Atomic Energy Board
印度尼西亚人工造林与土地恢复理总局Directorate General of Reforestation and Land Rehabilitation (Indonesia)
印度巴德拉干旱理专家系统Bhadra drought management expert system
印度环境理协会Indian Association for Environmental Management
印度钢铁理有限公司Steel Authority India, Ltd.
压力道数据分析系统penstock data analysis system
原子能理委员会Atomic Energy Control Commission
原子能理局atomic energy authority
原子能开发理局联合国atomic development authority UN
之前before the blowpipe
圆形cylindrical tubes
土地land management
土地land administration
土地理体制organizational structure for land administration
土地理制度land administration system
土地理单位land management unit
土地理学science of land administration
土地理实验室Laboratory of Land Management
土地理总局General Land Office
土地理部门land administrative department
土地信息land information management
土地利用land use control
土地利用land use administration
土地利用理信息系统land use management information system
土地利用理计划land use management program
土地市场land market control
土地市场land market administration
土地权属land tenure administration
土地用途制制度land use regulation system
土地用途制规则zoning regulations
土地资源land resources management
土壤肥力soil fertility management
土工理署Geotechnical Control Office
土木工程理局Civil Works Administration
地下线测量underground pipeline survey
地下水理条例groundwater management act
地区控制油藏分析理系统surface controlled reservoir analysis and management system
地区资源理信息系统regional resources management information system
地方理局管理信息系统local authority management information systems
地权流转administration of land rights transfer
地球物理研究理局geophysical research directorate
地球物理研究理局directorate of geophysics research
地球编码资源信息数据理系统geo-encoded-resources information data management system
地球观测数据理系统Earth Observation Data Management System
地球资源Earth resources management
地球资源理应用中心Center for Earth Resources Management Applications
地理信息理系统geographic-based information management system
地理数据理系统geographic data management system
地籍cadastre administration
地籍cadastral management
地籍档案cadastral archives management
地质信息和专家知识的理与应用management and application of geological information and expert knowledge
地质勘探理条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Exploration Qualifications
地质数据交互理图分析和制作geodata interactive management map analysis and production
地质数据库geological database management
地质灾害数据理系统data management system of geologic hazards
地质资料理条例Regulations on the Administration of Geological Data
地面套作业surface casing job
地面套/钻杆环隙surface casing/drill pipe annulus
地面钻井用套的供应supply of casing for surface drilling
坝安全信息理系统management of information for dam safety
垂直stand pipe
增塑砂浆压力reinforced plastic mortar pressure pipe
处理后的资源post attack resource management
外国接foreign takeover act
外大陆架理局Outer Continental Shelf Office
多伦多市行政区自然资源保护理局加拿大Metropolitan Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Canada
多孔层开放状柱porous-layer open tubular columns
多效立式长蒸发器multiple-effect long tube vertical evaporator
多束速multiple-beam klystron
大坝安全与检测理处division of dam safety and inspections
大堡礁海洋公园理局澳大利亚Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority Australia
大气研究理局加拿大Atmospheric Research Directorate Canada
天文、地球及海洋科学理局Astronomical, Earth and Ocean Sciences Directorate
太平洋资源理局Pacific Resources Authority
厚度检验casing thickness detection
威尔士国家水开发理局Welsh National Water Development Authority
威斯康星州自然资源理局Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
孟山都毛细挤压式流变仪monsanto capillary extrusion rheometer
安大略市政理局加拿大Ontario Municipal Board Canada
安大略市政理局加拿大Ontario Municipal Board
安大略省废物理公司加拿大Ontario Waste Management Corporation Canada
安大略省能源和资源理局加拿大Ontario Department of Energy and Resources Management Canada
实验室信息理系统Laboratory Information Management System
实验性数据理系统experimental data management system
射极随器二极晶体管逻辑电路emitter follower diode transistor logic
X-射线X-ray tube
径重力排污管small diameter gravity sewers
尼日利亚电力理局Nigerian Electric Power Authority
尼泊尔电力理局Nepal Electricity Authority
尾水压力脉动draft tube pressure pulsations
尾水闸门draft tube valve
体气压manifold air pressure
布氏bourdon tube
应急事务理中心Emergency Operations Center
应急事务理研究所Emergency Management Institute
废物处置理局waste disposal authority
开发理中心Development Control Center
引流缓冲结晶器draft tube baffled crystallizer
弗吉尼亚州水控制理局Virginia Water Control Board
征地理费land administrative charge
得克萨斯地质研究档案保Texas Archives for Geological Research
微合金扩散基晶体microalloy diffused-base transistor
恒压取心pressure core barrel
成本和理会计师学会Institute of Cost and Management Accountant
战时石油理局petroleum administration for war
压力表的扁曲bourdon tube
打入套drive pipe
技术理信息系统technical management information system
技术发展理局directorate of technical development
技术鉴定理局Technical Evaluation Board
挪威国家环境保护理局Norwegian National Environmental Protection Authority
挪威自然资源理局Directorate for Nature Management (Norway)
排污标准理处effluent guidelines division
放射性废物理委员会Committee on Radioactive Waste Management
数据理功能系统data management functions
数据处理理协会data processing management association
数据库理信息系统data base management information system
数据库理系统data base management systems
斯里兰卡港务理局Sri Lanka Ports Authority
新墨西哥州环境治理理局New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division
新式套作业new casing job
显示理分系统display management subsystem
晶体数字计算机transistor digital computer
暴雨理与设计辅助装置storm management and design aid
暴雨理设施stormwater management facilities
最优理实施best management practices
最优理方法best management practices
最优理计划best management planning
有毒物质理处Office of Toxic Substances
机构间海洋资源理委员会Interagency Management Committee
材料materials management
束射集射,电子注beam tube
析像扫描器image-dissector scanner
析象摄像机系统image dissector camera system
栅条彩色显像grid tube
美国标准螺纹national pipe
标准化数据理信息系统standardization data management information system
样品连接线sample connection
核材料理研究所Institute of Nuclear Materials Management
核能理委员会nuclear regulatory commission
格兰德里弗自然资源理局加拿大,美国Grand River Conservation Authority Canada, US
格网单元信息理系统information management on a grid cell system
欧洲理研究小组European Research Group on Management
欧洲原子能理局European Atomic Authority
欧洲气象卫星数据理局Meteosat Data Management Department
欧洲水资源理委员会European Committee for Water Resources Management
欧洲沙丘保护与海岸理联合会European Union for Dune Conservation and Coastal Management
欧洲货币协定理委员会Board of Management of the European Monetary Agreement
欧洲质量理组织European Organization for Quality Control
radon tube method
理信息处water management information division
理单位water management units
理条例water management act
线拆卸disassembly of water pipeline
线结构water pipeline construction
线路water line
水与废水理员协会Water & Waste Operators Association
水土保持理措施conservation land management practice
水开发理局water development authority
水污染控制理局Water Pollution Control Administration
水泥胶结的钻孔套cemented casing
水质理中心Water Quality Management Facility
水质理协会water quality association
水质理处Water Quality Office
水质理局Water Quality Board
水质理条例water quality act
水资源理决策支持系统water resources management decision support system
水资源理局Water Resources Management Administration
水资源理有限公司Water Resources Management Inc.
水资源开发和理中心印度Centre for Water Resources Development & Management India
水资源数据理系统water resources data management system
水资源数据库综合理系统integrated water resources database management system
水资源规划与理局water resources planning and management division
污水理契约sewage management agreement
污泥理程序sludge management program
沃尔特河流域理局西非Volta River Authority
河流与港口工程师理局Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors
头压力tubing head pressure
油层套修复production casing restoring
油层套施工production casing job
油层套水泥供应supply of cement for production casing
治沙理总局埃及general desert development authority
流域理局River District Office
浅层道流shallow conduit-flow
海事理局maritime administration
海区oceanic area control
海区理中心oceanic area control centre
海外开发理局英,泰Overseas Development Administration
海岸理处coastal management division
海岸理计划coastal management program
海岸信息理系统coastal information management system
海岸区域理处美国康涅狄格州环境保护局Coastal Area Management Unit Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection
海岸带理修正条例1980,美国Coastal Zone Management Improvement Act US
海岸带理处美国海岸与大气管理局Office of Coastal Zone Management
海岸带理局印度Coastal Zone Management Authorities India
海岸带理计划美国马里兰州Coastal Zone Management Program Maryland
海岸废物处置理局gulf coast waste disposal authority
海岸海洋理、规划和评价系统美国coastal ocean management, planning and assessment system NOAA
海岸资源理委员会Coastal Resources Management Council
海岸资源理计划Coastal Resources Management Project
海底输油pipe-line under the ocean
海洋理公司Ocean Management Inc.
海洋理计划ocean management plan
海洋与湖泊水位理处sea and lake levels branch
海洋协调理委员会Administrative Committee on Coordination Pertaining to Oceanography
海洋和海岸资源理处Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management
海洋标准化理局Naval Standardization Board
海洋环境及资源研究和理系统marine environment and resources research and management system
海洋监oceanic control area
海洋空间利用和ocean space utilization and management
海洋资源marine resource management
海洋资源理条例ocean resources management act
海洋资源理计划ocean resources management plan
海洋采矿理局Ocean Mining Administration
涂层载体开support-coated open-tubular
涂层载体开support-coated open tubular column
液位玻gauge glass
液位玻gage glass
液压系统用油泵泄放hydraulic oil pump discharge line
冷凝器submerged condenser
潟湖开发理局菲律宾Laguna Lake Development Authority Philippines
澳大利亚地图理小组Australian Map Curators Circle
澳大利亚工业线协会Australian Industry Pipeline Association
激光二极实验室laser diode laboratory
灌溉理局美国北科罗拉多州水源保护区Irrigation Management Services NCWCD
灌溉土地理模型irrigation land management model
焊缝welded tube
煤气理局Gas Office
熔融石英毛细色谱法fused quartz capillary chromatography
环境理与生命支持系统environmental control and life support system
环境理作业environmental management operations
环境理协会Environmental Management Association
环境理员environmental administrator
环境理和规划中心Centre of Environmental Management and Planning
环境理学environmental management science
环境理局菲律宾Environmental Management Department Philippines
环境理局Department of Environmental Regulation
环境理局environmental management agency
环境理局Department of Environmental Management
环境理计划报告environment management plan reports
环境与自然资源environment and natural resource management
环境主部门environment authority
环境作业计算机辅助理系统computer assisted management system for environmental operations
环境保护理局澳大利亚environment protection authority
环境地质理处印度尼西亚地质调査所directorate of environmental geology GSI
环境控制理局Environmental Control Administration
环境监测environmental monitoring management
环境科学事务理局environmental science services administration
环境科学工作者和理者协会Association of Environmental Scientists and Administrators
环境行政environmental administration
环境质量理局Department of Environmental Quality
环境质量理机构Environmental Quality Administration
环境资源理与评价系统environmental resources managements and assessment
环境资源理公司Environmental Resources Management, Inc.
环境资源理局Department of Environmental Resources Management
环境资金理局environmental financing authority
环境问题主environment issues manager
环境风险理局environmental risk management agency
玻璃毛细气相色谱glass capillary gas chromatography
瑞典原子能理局Swedish Atomic Energy Board
瑞典国家动力理局Swedish State Power Board
瑞典国家能源理局National Energy Administration, Sweden
生产井套供应supply of production casing
生活污水domestic sewer system
电阻晶体逻辑电路resistor transistor logic
皮托皮氏压力Pitot pressure
硅增强silicon intensifier tube
示波cathode-ray tube
空气品位理系统air quality management system
空气污染制委员会Air Pollution Control Commission
空气污染理区air pollution control district
空气污染理局美国环境保护局Air Pollution Control Office USEPA
空气质量理区air quality region
空间数据理与分析spatial data management and analysis
空间数据理系统spatial database management system
苔藓虫宽度fistulipore width
中雷诺数Reynolds number in pipe
内压降pressure drop in pipe
内摩阻系数friction factor in pipe
子的内螺纹internal pipe thread
材制造研究所规格pipe fabrication institute
状内含hollow inclusion
理与计算机系统处Office of Management and Computer System
理分析、信息与统计administrative analysis, information and statistics
理和预算局Office of Management and Budget
理、商业和贸易电子数据交换系统electronic data interchange for administration, commerce and trade
理学学会Institute of Management Science
理工程学administrative engineering
理开发中心Center for Management Development
理控制值administrative control values
约翰•霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室理规划和工程资源评价Applied Physics Laboratory, John Hopkins University Management Planning and Engineering Resources Evaluation
约翰•霍普金斯大学应用物理实验室理规划和工程资源评价APL management planning and engineering resources evaluation
理计划management plans
理评价用的预测和估算方法forecasts, appraisals for management evolution
线接口机pipeline insertion machine
道压力manifold pressure
道安装铺设pipe installation
道承载流量on-line load flow
道油pipe line oil
海底输油道管汇pipeline end manifold
道荷载设计程序pipe load design program
道运输用地land for pipeline
道通过流量on-line load flow
base plat
紧急理条例emergency management act
纽约州电力理局New York State Power Authority
纽约州能源研究及开发理局New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
纽约电力理局New York Power Authority
线路理装置line management unit
网络数据库理系统network database management system
罗得岛环境理局Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
美国国家海洋和大气理局国家环境数据服务网NOAA National Environmental Data Service Network
美国国家海洋和大气理局植被指数NOAA vegetation index
美国国家海洋和大气理局水下研究计划NOAA's undersea research program
美国土地理局United States Bureau of Land Management
美国布尼维尔电力理局实时运行与调度系统BPA's real-time operations and dispatch system
美国核理委员会U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
美国混凝土道协会American Concrete Pipe Association
美国特拉华州海岸理计划Delaware Coastal Management Plan
美国环境科学事业理局研究所实验室ESSA Research Laboratories
美国环境科学服务理局United States Environmental Science Services Administration
美国矿产理服务局U.S. Minerals Management Service
美国联邦能源理委员会Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
美国能源理公司Energy Management of America
联合国技术援助理局Bureau of Technical Assistance Operation (UN)
联合国环境规划理理事会Governing Council of United Nations Environment Programme
联合王国原子能理局United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
联邦土地政策与理条例federal land policy and management act
联邦大地测量理委员会Federal Geodetic Control Committee
联邦应急事务理局federal emergency management agency
联邦救灾理局Federal Disaster Assistance Administration
联邦水污染控制理局Federal Water Pollution Control Administration
联邦海岸带理条例federal coastal zone management act
肯塔基州能源理局Kentucky Energy Cabinet
舒艾巴区域理局伊拉克Shuaiba Area Authority Iraq
艳束cesium beam tube
萨尔哈德开采理局伊朗sarhad development authority
蒸汽线连接joining to steam pipeline
遗迹化石龙介虫属worm tubes (serpulids)
虹吸式动力siphon-type power conduit
线继电器solenoid relay
表层套水泥供应supply of cement for surface casing
表层套注水泥surface casing cementation
西南电力理局Southwestern Power Administration
西南电力理局Southwest Power Administration
西澳大利亚环境保护理局Environmental Protection Authority of Western Australia
西部地区电力理局Western Area Power Administration
西非季风试验科学与理区域委员会WAMEX Scientific and Management Regional Committee
计划理公司project management corporation
计划理小组project management team
计划理局缅甸project management office Burma
计划、资源、目标、program, resources, objectives, management
计算机理信息系统computer managed information system
计算机化水力数据理程序computerized hydraulic data management program
计算机化的科学理规划系统computerized scientific management planning system
计算机软件理与信息中心computer software management and information
调制阻挡层光二极modulated barrier photodiode
资产理报酬率return on assets managed
资源理信息系统resource management information system
资源理公司Resource Management Corp., Inc.
资源理和分配技术系统system for management and allocation of resources technique
资源理系统system for resources management
资源理联合会resource management associates
资源理计划分析program analysis for resource management
资源分析和resources analysis and management
资源分配与计划resources allocation/program management
资源计划理和分配技术schedule management and allocating resources technique
走动management by walking around
起拔大直径套pulling big pipe
输沙道系统sediment evacuation pipeline system
辛特河煤炭理局印度sindh coal authority
逐次线性规划综合能源理模型general energy management by successive linear programming model
逐次线性规划能源理模型energy management by successive linear programming model
通讯和数据communications and data handling
通过出油用的泵through-flow line pump
通过出油线through flowline
通风ventilating pipe
遗产理计划estate planning
钻杆和套rods and tubing
长立long tube vertical
阴极射线显示cathode ray tube display
阴极射线测试器cathode ray tube tester
阴极射线终端设备cathode-ray tube terminal
阴极射线绘图仪cathode ray tube plotter
阿肯色州资源理信息系统Arkansas Resource Management Information System
随电压变化亮度的二极voltage variable brightness diode
需要方面demand-side management
静电聚焦束调electrostatic focusing klystron
面向岀版理的智能化信息系统publication management intelligence information system
顶板ground control
预制混凝土压力precast concrete pressure pipe
预制钢筋混凝土压力precast reinforced concrete pressure pipe
预应力混凝土圆柱prestressed concrete cylinder pipe
预报信息检索与理系统forecasting information retrieval and management system
额外线容量extra line capacity
饱和毛水带saturated capillary zone
马拉维土地评估与水理局Department of Lands Valuation and Water
马来西亚锡理局Malaysian Tin Bureau
马萨诸塞州海岸带理局Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Office
马萨诸塞州海岸带理计划Massachusetts Coastal Zone Management Program
马达驱动的取心motor-driven core barrel
麻萨诸塞州水资源理局Massachusetts Water Resources Authority
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