
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing 管道 | all forms | in specified order only
下管滑道exit ramp
不能通清管器的管道unpiggable line
两相流管道two-phase pipeline
德国中欧输油管道Central European Pipe Line
中欧输油管道Central Europe Pipeline Office
中欧输油管道政策委员会Central Europe Pipeline Policy Committee
管道trunk pipeline
管道main pipeline
保温管道insulated pipeline
保温管道insulation pipeline
倾斜管道inclined pipeline
全美管道All American Pipe Line
公用载体管道common carrier pipeline
冷却管道cooling duct
冻土鼓胀诱发的管道皱折upheaval buckling
分段连接管道sectorial pipe-coupling method
加拿大北极地区输气管道Canadian Arctic Gas Pipelines
加拿大能源管道协会Canadian Energy Pipeline Association
匈牙利一奥地利输气管道Hungary-Austria gas pipeline
匈牙利一奥地利输气管道Hungary-Austria gasline
北美中部平原地面管道North American Central Plain Crust Conductor
美国南加利福尼亚管道系统Southern California Pipeline System
南澳大利亚管道Pipeline Authority of South Australia
厂内管道输送industrial pumping
原油管道crude oil pipeline
原油干线管道crude trunk line
变径管道series pipeline
变径管道telescoped pipeline
变径管道multidiameter pipeline
变径管道double diameter pipeline
吸入管道upstream line
商品原油管道oil sales line
商品天然气管道gas sales line
美国国家管道委员会National Pipeline Council
澳大利亚国家管道管理局National Pipeline Authority
国营输油管道Government Oil Pipeline Agency
国际管道与浅海承包商协会International Pipeline and Offshore Contractors Association
国际管道工程承包商协会Pipe Line Contractors Association, International
国际管道承包商协会International Pipeline Contractors Association
在线管道油样line sample
地下管道sunken pipe
地下管道underground pipeline
地下输油管道pipeline under mother earth
法国地中海一罗纳管道系统Pipeline Méditerranée-Rhône
地方管道local pipeline
地面管道保温above ground piping insulation
地面管道绝缘above ground piping insulation
垂直管道perpendicular canals
埋地管道buried pipeline
多油品输送管道multi-product pipeline
多相流管道multiphase pipeline
天然气管道运输natural gas transport by pipeline
太平洋管道系统公司Pacific Pipeline System Inc.
太平洋近海管道公司Pacific Offshore Pipeline Company
孤立管道isolated pipe
导管架走道jacket walkway
管道intrastate pipeline
工厂管道安装铺设plant piping
带副管管道looped pipeline
干线管道long distance pipeline
干线管道main pipeline
平行管道parallel pipelines
并联管道parallel lines
开式管道open channel
成品油管道oil product pipeline
成品油管道运输oil products transport by pipeline
战时应急管道war emergency pipeline
战时紧急管道war emergency pipeline
战略输送管道通信线路strategic lines of communication
管道line walker
挠性管道清洁器flexible pipeline pig
控制管线通道control-line passage
支线管道spur line
支线管道branch pipeline
敷管滑道lay ramp
斜坡送管滑道sloping ramp
无约束管道unrestrained line
曝气管道aerated conduit
有内涂层管道用管internally coated line pipe
有分支管道的站junction station
朗鸿合伙管道公司Longhorn Partners Pipeline
来油管道upstream line
架空管道aerial pipeline
架空管道suspended pipe line
架空管道overhead pipeline
美制标准天然气管道出口螺纹American National Gas Outlet Threads
横贯美国大陆的输气管道Transcontinental Gas Pipeline
横贯东南亚管道Trans South East Asia Pipeline
横贯东南亚管道Trans SEA Pipeline
横贯以色列管道Trans Israel Pipeline
横贯加拿大输气管道阿尔伯达系统Trans Canada Transmission-Albert System
横贯奥地利输气管道Trans-Austria Gasline
横贯爪哇海输气管道Trans Java Gas Pipeline
横贯跨里海管道Trans-Caspian Pipeline
横贯里海输气管道Trans-Caspian Gas Pipeline
横贯阿拉伯输油管道Trans Arabian Pipeline
沙特阿拉伯横贯阿拉伯管道公司LINE Trans-Arabian Pipeline Company
横贯阿拉斯加输油管道Trans-Alaska Pipeline
管道水力模型gas pipeline hydraulic model
水下管道submarine pipeline
水下集油管道underwater gathering line
油气田管道field lines
沿管道行走式除霜器line travel pipe defroster
泵输出管道pumping-out line
海上装载管道sea loading pipeline
海岸管道onshore pipeline
海底管道pipe line under the ocean
海底管道铺设系统submarine piping system
海底干线管道subsea trunkline
海洋管道工程offshore pipeline engineering
海滨区管道pipeline shore-approach
涂敷并缠带的管道painted and wrapped pipelines
清管器示踪海底管道tracking pig offshore pipeline
美国温哥华岛干线管道Vancouver island main line
澳大利亚传输管道Transmission Pipelines of Australia
火山管道chimney rock
热油管道输送hot oil pipeline
热油管道输送hot piping
煤浆管道coal slurry pipeline
瓦管下水道tile drainage
电动管道割刀electrical line cutter
电缆管道electric cable duct
电缆管道cable conduit
直通管道direct piping
石油管道petroleum pipe line
美国石油管道协会Association of Oil Pipe Lines
石油管道用泵oil-line pump
石油管道研究所Oil Pipeline Research Institute
石油管道进口端petroleum pipehead
英国石油与管道Oil & Pipeline Agency
北海福蒂斯油田管道系统Forties Pipeline System
租借管道lease pipeline
穿越沙特阿拉伯的伊拉克管道Iraqi Pipeline Trans Saudi Arabia
符合管道》卜输标准的原油pipeline-quality crude oil
符合管道外输标准的天然气Pipeline quality gas
等温管道输送isothermal pipelining
管子坑道pipe gallery
管子坡道pipe ramp
管线下水坡道launching stand
管线下水坡道launching ramp
管道一支线管汇pipeline/umbilical manifold
管道与压缩机研究委员会Pipeline and Compressor Research Council
管道专用地带private right-of-way
管道专用通道private right of way
管道业协会Pipeline Industries Guild
管道中储存line pack storage
管道位置探测仪line locator
管道保护pipe protection
管道保护层piping jacket
管道保温pipeline insulation
管道修复pipeline rehabilitation
管道修理工oil patch plumber
管道修理装置pipeline repair unit
管道停输pipeline shutdown
管道充填气量pipeline-pack gas
管道充填气量line-pack gas
管道充填量pipeline pack
管道充填量line pack
管道内存油量pipeline storage
管道分叉管组piping manifold
管道分析程序pipeline analysis code
管道加热炉pipeline heater
管道包裹pipeline wrapping
管道反应器transfer line reactor
管道可靠性pipeline reliability
管道吊架piping hanger
管道吊架pipe-line cradle
管道启动pipeline startup
管道吹洗pipeline purging
管道周围环境pipeline's surrounding environment
管道土堤敷设法pipe laying in embankment
管道坡度pipeline pitch
管道埋设要求pipeline burial requirements
管道存液量pipeline fluid inventory
管道安全pipeline safety
美国管道安全办公室Office of Pipeline Safety
管道安全相对指数relative index of pipeline safety
美国管道安全组织办公室Office of Pipeline Safety Organization
管道安全阀in-line relief valve
管道完工队dress-up crew
管道完整性pipeline integrity
管道封堵pipeline plugging
管道尺寸line size
管道尺寸pipeline size
管道嵌入机pipeline insertion machine
管道巡查人员pipeline walker
管道巡查工pipe patrol
管道巡查工pipeline walker
管道飞行巡线pipeline patrol
管道巡线员pipeline rider
管道巡逻pipeline patrolling
管道工程pipeline engineering
英国管道工程协会Institute of Plumbing
英国安全工程委员会管道工程开发Pipework Engineering Developments
美国管道工程承包商协会Pipeline Contractors5 Association
管道工程有限公司Pipeline Engineering, Ltd.
管道工程设计管理系统pipework design management system
管道布置piping arrangement
管道干线trunk pipeline
管道平面布置图piping layout
管道应急修理装置emergency pipeline repair system
管道废料pipeline trash
管道座架pipe stool
管道建设pipeline construction
管道开口pipeline tapping
管道弹性铺设pipe laying with elastic bending
管道微波网pipeline microwave network
管道悬索吊桥pipeline suspension bridge
管道承包商pipeline contractor
管道抗震pipeline antiseismic method
管道挂钩piping hanger
管道掺混pipeline blending
管道操纵阀pipeline control valve
管道放线pipe alignment
管道故障pipeline failure
管道效率efficiency of pipeline
管道敷设pipeline laying
管道敷设pipeline installation
管道施工pipeline construction
管道施工评价系统pipeline construction estimating system
管道施工队pipeline spread
管道无支撑跨距unsupported span
管道末段储气gas inventory in the last section of a gas pipeline
管道末端储气tail end pipeline for gas storage
管道架空穿越aerial crossing
管道标准piping standards
管道标志pipeline marker
管道标志物pipeline marker
管道栈桥pipe way
管道桁架桥pipeline girder bridge
管道piping bridge
管道检查球形潜水器pipeline inspection sphere
管道检测系统pipeline inspection system
管道检漏pipeline leak detection
管道检漏法line leak-detection method
管道检验员pipeline inspector
管道水击pipeline hydraulic surge
管道水力学pipeline hydraulics
管道沥青涂层bitumastic pipeline coating
管道沥青覆盖层bitumastic pipeline coating
管道油样pipeline sample
管道油桶数barrels of pipeline oil
管道油罐pipeline tank
管道沿线概况表line list
管道泄漏统计检测statistical pipeline leak detection
管道pipe waves
管道inline pump
管道pipeline pump
管道泵站pipeline station
管道泵站pipeline pump station
管道浮拖法near-surface tow method
管道浮拖法pipeline float and drag method
管道涂层性能pipeline coating property
管道液压工程师pipeline hydraulic engineers
管道在线混合in-line blending
管道混合器pipeline blender
管道混合器pipeline mixer
管道混油pipeline blending
管道清扫pipeline purging
管道清洗剂pipeline cleaning agent
管道清管pipeline pigging
管道灌装量line-fill (充满新管道所需的原油、天然气或成品油量)
管道焊况检测仪stool pigeon
管道焊接pipeline welding
管道焊接对管器pipe welding clamp
管道特性pipeline characteristics
管道用管line pipe
管道留存量pipeline stock
管道监控站pipeline monitoring station
管道监控系统pipeline monitoring system
管道盲板法兰pipeline blind flange
管道盲板阀line blind valve
管道破碎机pipeline delumper
管道破裂试验pipeline fracture test
管道磨蚀pipeline erosion
管道积存油pipeline stock
管道穿越pipeline undercrossing
管道穿越pipeline crossing
管道穿越工程pipeline crossing engineering
管道穿越打洞机boring machine of pipeline crossing
海底输油管道端部管汇pipeline end manifold
管道管汇piping manifold
管道管理pipeline management
管道系统pipe-in system
管道系统柔性分析flexibility analysis of piping systems
管道线路pipeline route
管道线路剖面图pipeline route profile
管道线路勘测pipeline route survey
管道线路设计pipeline layout
管道组装台line-up station
管道终端组件pipeline end module
管道绝缘piping insulation
管道绝缘工pipe coater
管道piping system
管道network of pipelines
管道能源运输energy transport by pipeline
管道腐蚀泄漏pipeline corrosion leak
管道自动控制泵站push-button pipeline station
管道螺纹pipeline thread
管道行政联络pipeline administrant liaison
管道裂缝限制器pipeline crack arrester
管道规范pipeline specification
管道计量工pipeline gauger
管道设计pipeline design
管道调合line blending
管道调合pipeline blending
管道费用指数pipeline cost index
管道起点pipeline head
管道跨度pipeline span
管道跨越pipeline spanning
管道跨越pipeline aerial crossing
管道跨越工程pipeline aerial crossing engineering
管道输油pipeline run the oil
管道输油泵oil-line pump
管道输送pipeline transportation
管道输送能力pipeline transmission capacity
管道输送能力pipeline throughput
管道输送能力pipeline capacity
管道输量pipeline throughput
管道运行报告pipeline operation report
管道运费率pipeline tariff
管道选线pipeline routing
管道通信pipeline communication
管道通过权right of way
管道造价pipeline cost
管道铺设pipeline laying
管道销售原油规格pipeline sales oil specification
管道锐孔流量pipeline orifice
管道pipeline anchor
管道锚固pipeline anchoring
管道阀门pipeline valve
管道防护物维修队fence gang
管道防腐pipeline corrosion protection
管道防腐pipeline corrosion control
管道防腐沥青pipe line protecting asphalt
管道防腐用沥青锅pipeline kettle
管道隔热片ducted heat baffle
管道顺序输送batch pipelining
管道风险评估pipeline risk evaluation
管道首站pipeline head
自动管道调合装置automatic in-line blending unit
英国输油管道United Kingdom Oil Pipelines
螺旋管道spiral canal
管道bare pipe line
美国西北管道Northwest Pipeline Bureau
西非天然气管道项目West African Gas Pipeline Project
计算机辅助管道设计与建造computer-aided piping design and construction
起伏管道undulated pipeline
越野管道cross-country pipeline
跨国管道cross-country pipeline
跨国管道international pipeline
路易斯安那能源公司管道Louisiana Resources Co. Pipeline
转换管道弯脖cross-over bend
输气管道gas transmission line
输气管道gas pipeline
输气管道用管gas line pipe
输油管道oil transmission line
输油管道oil pipeline
输油管道加压泵站line booster pump station
美国输油管道委员会Committee for Oil Pipe Line
输浆管道slurry pipeline
过境管道transit line
近海管道coastal pipeline
近海管道建筑offshore pipeline construction
里海管道财团Caspian Pipeline Consortium
重要干线管道main trunk line
金属薄板管道sheet metal duct
铁鞋法管道涂层检漏Pearson survey
美国铸铁土壤管道研究所Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute
长距离输油管道long distance oil pipeline
长输管道long distance pipeline
闭式管道输送系统closed pipe line system
阴极电位管道认读仪cathodic potential pipeline reader
阴极防护的管道cathodically protected pipeline
加拿大阿尔伯达天然气输气管道Albert Natural Gas Pipeline
美国阿科管道Arco Pipe Line
陆上管道onshore pipeline
隔热管道insulated pipe line
非固定管道unrestrained line
顺序输送管道multi-product pipeline
高架管道overhead pipeline