
Terms for subject Earth sciences containing 管道 | all forms | in specified order only
加拿大圣劳伦斯河航道管理局Saint Lawrence Seaway Authority of Canada
北方海域航道管理总局Main Administration of the Northern Sea Route
压力管道数据分析系统penstock data analysis system
浅层管道shallow conduit-flow
管道hieat channels
管道压力manifold pressure
管道安装铺设pipe installation
管道承载流量on-line load flow
管道pipe line oil
海底输油管道管汇pipeline end manifold
管道荷载设计程序pipe load design program
管道运输用地land for pipeline
管道通过流量on-line load flow
美国混凝土管道协会American Concrete Pipe Association
虹吸式动力管道siphon-type power conduit
输沙管道系统sediment evacuation pipeline system