
Terms for subject Business containing 管辖 | all forms | in specified order only
不同税收管辖权之间的收入和费用分配jurisdictional allocation of income and expenses
管辖权罢工jurisdictional strike
人身管辖jurisdiction of the person
仲裁员管辖权范围within arbitrator's jurisdiction
优先税收管辖primary jurisdiction
关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的公约海牙,1958年Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Case of International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1958
分别管辖separate jurisdiction
双重管辖dual control
双重管辖dual jurisdiction
司法管辖范围judicial limit
合同受法律管辖contract shall be governed by the law
合并管辖amalgamated jurisdiction
国家管辖海域sea areas under national jurisdiction
国际法定管辖international legal jurisdiction
对事管辖jurisdiction rationae materiae
对人管辖jurisdiction rationae personae
对人管辖jurisdiction in personam
对物管辖jurisdiction in rem
指定管辖determination of jurisdiction
管辖权法庭incompetent tribunal
管辖区罢工jurisdiction strike
管辖法庭forum for jurisdiction
管辖法律governing law
终审管辖final jurisdiction
经济纠纷案管辖jurisdiction of economic dispute case
自主管辖autonomous jurisdiction
自愿管辖jurisdiction voluntary
行使管辖exercise of jurisdiction
诉讼管辖contentious jurisdiction
逾越管辖excess of jurisdiction