
Terms for subject Nautical containing 管路 | all forms | in specified order only
低压气体管路low pressure piping
冷热水管路hot and cold water pipelines
凝水再循环管路condensate re-circulating pipe line
吸入管路suction pipeline
喷射管路injection line
垂直通路顺应式立管compliant vertical accessing riser
小直径管路small diameter line
J 形管路J-tube
排往舷外管路overboard piping
排气管路exhaust line
曲柄箱透气管路crankcase vent pipe
模拟通风管路simulated ventilation pipeline
泄水管路drainage pipe line
液压管路hydraulic tubing
淡水管路fresh water circuit
清舱管路stripping pipe lines
溢流管路flooding pipe line
热媒油管路thermal oil pipeline
热水循环管路hot water circulating pipe lines
燃油管路fuel line
管路piping (LPG system, LPG 系统)
管路pipe passage
管路焊接pipeline welding
蒸发气管路vapour line
蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门护层隔热材料lagging material for piping and valve of steam line, exhaust line and drain line
蒸汽管路、排气管路和泄水管路的管子和阀门的法兰填料packing with flange of piping and valve for steam line, exhaust line and drain line
转线管路crossover line
辅助通风管路auxiliary equipment of air line
辅给水管路auxiliary feed pipe line
通风管路系统低噪声设计low noise design for ventilation pipeline
通风管路逸气系统vent line
重要管路和电缆线路critical pipe and cable runs
重要的管路系统essential piping systems
锅炉排污管路boiler blow-out pipe line
非基本类管路系统non-essential piping systems
高压管路高压管系high-pressure piping