
Terms for subject Business containing | all forms
中央资机构central funding agency
为偿债再措资金refinancing of debt service payment
为国内资的国外债券out to in external bond
为未偿还借款重新refinancing of outstanding borrowings
为未偿还贷款再资金refinancing of outstanding borrowings
资金费用advance fee
以职员优先认股计划集资金capital raised under share incentive scheme
以资产为基础asset-based finance
企业自资金self-raised fund by enterprise
企业自资金能力business enterprises ability of self-financing
住宅建设资公司housing finance company
信贷指国际货币基金组织的特别提款权。在国际贸易中,贸易逆差国可通过特别提款权账户,向别国取得贷款抵补,它是能换得信贷的筹码credit facility
偶发性episodic financing
充分资限制full funding limitations
公司建人company promotor
公司自资金self-raised fund by company
公司资产corporate assets financing
公款public funding
资金活动cofinancing operation
共同资资金common financing fund
内部储备financing from internal reserves
款偿债debt refinancing
资贷款refinance credit
出口资金financing of exports
分期installment financing
单位自资金self-raised fund by unit
双重double financing
可偿还reimbursable financing
商业commercial financing
商品commodity financing
国内外资金mobilization of domestic and foreign capital
国外就地资债券out to out external bond
国际资机构international funding sources
基金procurement of funds
增股发行股票equity financing
资本capital from outside source
外部措资金external financing
对外资地位external financing position
巴黎出口统委员会Coordinating Committee for Export Control
巴黎统委员会对中国所列的禁运单Chincom List
巴黎统委员会对中国禁运货单Chincom List
码兑成现金cash in one's checks
基金fresh fund
机构贷款即向银行借款institutional loan financing
"核定待经费"项目noted project
混合mixed financing
现金措计划cash financing programme
现金措计划cash financing program
用于资的资金fund for financing purposes
用空头支票fly a kite
租赁会计的资法financing met hod of accounting for leases
策略运game theory
办成本preparation cost
办费starting-load costs
办费用flotation cost
备委员会arrangement committee
备开支preliminary expenditure
备成本starting-load costs
备期保险preliminary term insurance
备费用preparation expense
备费用preliminary expenditure
备阶段preparation stage
备阶段preparation phase
措偿债资金refinance service payment on debt
措投资资金investment financing
措抵押品raise mortgage
措资金需求量financing requirement
措资金需求量financing demands
make up a purse
raising of money
raise the wind
款投资investment financed
款的办法ways and means
即手头拥有可运用的资金bargaining counter
码兑成现金cash-in checks
码兑现cash in
码理货bamboo tally
raise fund
capital financing
fund procurement
call for capital
资金raise fund
资借款指因筹办企业而借款loan floatation
资债券funding bonds
资债券funding bond
资委员会committee of financing
资性租赁非经营性租赁financing lease
资成本cost of procuring money
资成本fund raising cost
资手续费financing commission
资方式mode of financing
资机构financing institution
资活动fund raising activities
资的资金funds for financing purposes
资能力fund procurement capacity
资费用fund raising cost
资费用cost of procuring money
资费用financing expenses
足款项lay on the line
集基金solicit for funds
集基金call for fund
集新资本raise fresh capital
集现金cash call
集股份资本call for capital
集贷款loan floatation
集贷款float a loan
集资金的掮客money scrivener
管理科学运management science operations research
经纪人自资金financing from broker's own capital
joint operation
critical path
兼顾overall planning and all-round consideration
分析法critical path analysis
委员会coordinating committee for control
安排make overall arrangement
技术critical path technique
critical path system
规划make overall program
计划make overall plans
缓冲储存buffer stock financing
缓冲储存资办法buffer stock financing facility
职工优先认股资计划capital raised under share incentive scheme
联合致力于销售、勘探、加工和资金joint efforts for marketing, exploitation, processing and financing
内涵扩大再生产投资connotation expansion of reproduction with one's own funds
外汇self-provided exchange
投资independently raise investment
资金auto financing
自助bootstrap financing
自有资本equity financing
自行independently financing
码投资blue chip investment
码股票blue chip stock
blue chip share
融通资金项目project preparation facility
计划planned funding
货物cargo consolidation
货物集中统计划cargo consolidation scheme
货运统方案cargo consolidation scheme
贸易资金financing related to trade
资金集和信托投资业务fund-raising & trust investment
operation science
进出口资金措机构export-import financing structure
部门自资金self-raised fund by department
发行股票长期long-term financing
雇主与雇员共养老金计划contributory pension plan
非公开private financing
靠贷款资方式high leverage
项目备融资project preparation facility
项目financing of projects
黑市black market financing