
Terms for subject Technology containing 等高线 | all forms | in specified order only
等高线截面积area of upper contour
等高线面积area of lower contour
不明显等高线faint contour
不清晰等高线faint contour
不闭合等高线unclosed contour
中插等高线half-interval contour
中间等高线mediate contour
中间等高线medium contour
中间等高线intermediate contour
等高线principal contour
等高线primary contour
主要等高线principal contour
仪器实测等高线instrumental contour
全息等高线holographical contouring
全息等高线holographic contouring
冰川等高线glacial contour
分层设色等高线hypsometrical contour
分层设色等高线hypsometrical curve
分层设色等高线hypsometric curve
分层设色等高线hypsometric contour
加粗等高线index major contour
半距等高线zero five contour
半距等高线supplementary contour
半距等高线间曲线auxiliary contour line
半距等高线间曲线auxiliary contour
合成等高线carrying contour
合理描绘等高线logical contouring
合理描绘等高线logic contouring
含水层底板等高线contour map of bottom bed of confined aquifer
等高线上分散dispersal on contour lines
地下构造等高线underground structure contour map
地下水等高线water-table isohypse
地下水等高线water-table contour
地下水等高线groundwater contour
地下水等高线water-table contour plan
地下水等高线间距piestic interval
地下水位等高线isobath of water table
地下水位等高线contours of water table
地下水位等高线groundwater table contour plan
地下水等水位线图潜水等高线water-table map
地面等高线surface contour
地面下分界层等高线subsurface contour map of the key bed
地面下标准层等高线subsurface contour map of the key bed
基本等高线mediate contour
基本等高线standard contour
基本等高线index contour
存储等高线cache contour
实测等高线instrumental contour
带状等高线地形图strip contour map
平均等高线面积法average contour area method
底部等高线bottom contour
恒星等高度线图star altitude curves
手勾等高线sketched contour
承压水顶板等高线contour map of apical bed of confined aquifer
拟构等高线form line
指标等高线index contour
指示等高线index contour
描绘等高线generating contour
描绘等高线tracing of contour lines
描绘等高线trace contour
描绘等高线plot contour
描绘等高线contour sketching
描绘等高线contour drawing
描绘等高线contour drafting
插绘等高线inserting contour
摄影绘制等高线photo-contour process
效用等高线equal-utility contour
断层面等高线contour map of fault surface
明暗等高线illuminated contour method
明暗等高线illuminated contour
等高线的平面图plan with contour lines
未封闭等高线unclosed contour
未封闭等高线open contour
未精测等高线approximate contour line
机场地形等高线airfield contours
构造等高线subsurface contour
构造等高线structural map
构造等高线structural contour map
构造等高线structure-contour method
标准等高线standard contour
标准等高线normal contour
标注等高线index contour
根据断续线勾绘的等高线line drop contour chart
楔形等高线wedge isobars
气压等高线pressure contour
水下等高线subsurface contour
水位等高线contours of water table
水位等高线water-level contour
水位等高线contour of water table
水平等高线contours of water table
水底等高线submarine contour
水底等高线bottom contour
水面等高线contours of water table
水面等高线contour of water table
沉积等高线settlement contour
河床等高线bed contour
河底等高线bottom contour
河底等高线bed contour
沿等高线修筑的雨水排除系统contour drainage
沿等高线栽培contour check
沿等高线种植contour check
注有数字等高线index contour
注记等高线figured contour
洼地等高线depression contour
海底等高线submarine contour
渐细等高线feather edging
湖底等高线bottom contour
潜水等高线water-table contour
煤层底板等高线contour map of bottom surface of coal seam
煤层顶面等高线contour map of top surface of coal seam
煤层顶面等高线contour map of top surface of coal bed
电子等高线electronic contour liner
目标函数的等高线objective function contours
相邻等高线的高度差等值线间距contour interval
矿体底板等高线contour map of ore body footwall
矿体底面等高线contour map of bottom surface of orebody
矿体顶面等高线contour map of top surface orebody
矿体顶页板等高线contour map of ore body roof
示量等高线index contour
等势同高线equipotential contour
等压线高差piestic interval
等压高度线pressure contour
等波高线wave height contour
等波高线line of equal wave height
等潮高线tidal loop
等高线magnitude contour
等高线level line
等高线hypsographical curve
等高线counter line
等高线位置position of the contours
等高线位置标准差standard error of position of the contours
等高线信息contour information
等高线内插interpolation of contour lines
等高线内插contour interpolation
等高线分层contour slices
等高线加晕渲表示法line-and-half toning
等高线包围的面积area of contour
等高线区划图contour plots
等高线原图contour manuscript
等高线叠置片contour overlay
等高线平面contour plan
等高线contour line map
等高线图形contour mode
等高线图案contour pattern
等高线地图depth contour map
等高线地图contour line map
等高线地图contour compilation map
等高线地形图hypsographical map
等高线密集closeness of contours
等高线平面图horizontal map with heights or with contour
等高线平面图horizontal map of heights
等高线延长法contour-length method
等高线影像地图photo-contour map
等高线描绘derivation of contour
等高线描绘construction of contour lines
等高线描绘精度contouring accuracy
等高线数字化contour digitizing
等高线标数contour number
等高线梯田台地ridge terrace
等高线水准测量contour level
等高线hypsometrical curve method
等高线hypsometric curve method
等高线注记numerics in contours
等高线注记contour value
等高线注记elevation number
等高线注记contouring number
等高线注记contouring note
等高线注记缩放器contour-number pantograph
等高线测绘elevation restitution
等高线测量精度contouring accuracy
等高线海拔注记contour number
等高线点分类sorting of contour points
等高线contour edition
等高线版间距separation of contour line
等高线电码contour code
等高线程序组contour package
等高线contour instrument
等高线绘制contouring mapping
等高线绘制精度contouring accuracy
等高线自动描绘器automatic contour liner
等高线自动描绘系统automatic contouring system
等高线表示法representation of contour lines
等高线表象contour representation
等高线规格contour specification
等高线透明片relief overlay
等高线部分contour segment
等高线间距vertical-grained interval
等高线间距elevation difference between two adjacent contour lines
等高线阶梯式沟渠ridge terrace
等高线面积contour area
等高线面积area of contour
等高线thick contour
精确等高线reliable contour
等高线thin contour
等高线light-line contour
绝对等高线absolute contour
综合等高线generalized contour
自动等高线automatic contour liner
自动描绘等高线automatic contouring
草绘等高线sketching contour
虚线等高线dashed contour line
虚线等高线dashed-line contour plot
负向地貌等高线below-sea level contour
辅助等高线supplementary contour
辅助等高线auxiliary contour line
近似等高线approximate vertical interval
野外测绘等高线field contouring
非注字等高线intermediate contour
高空等高线upper-air contour