
Terms for subject Economy containing 符合于 | all forms
一个好的协议应用符合逻辑的次序阐明各种基本条款和条件A good agreement is the one the essential terms and conditions of which is set forth in logical sequence
不符合合同规定的货物nonconformity of the goods
不符合同规定的货物the non-conformity of the goods
不符合技术条件产品discrepant unit
与合同条款相符,供货商必须在7月前交货The supplier, coincident with the stipulations of the contract, has to deliver the goods before July
与合同相符conform to with the contract
与合同规定相符的货物goods of the contract description
与…符合〔一致〕fall in line with
与…符合square with
为了符合我们扩大业务的愿望,我们已决定接受你方为代理人In conformity with our desire to enlarge business, we have decided to accept you as our agent
买方有权拒绝不符合本合同之货物The buyer has authority to reject the goods which do not conform to the contract
你必须决定这些货物曲规格是否符合协议的要求You have to decide whether the specifications of the goods conform to the requirement of the agreement
保证完全符合合同规格guarantee to measure fully up to the contract specification
单证严格符合的原则doctrine of strict compliance with the document
因货物不符合同而产生的债权claim based on lack of conformity of the goods
如发现信用证中任何条款与合同有不符之处,请通知你方银行用电报修改信用证If you find any terms of the L/C inconsistent with the contract, please instruct your bank to amend the L/C by cable
如果任何工程不符合技术规格的要求,则承包商应迅速重新完成该工程If any work fails to conform to the requirement of the specifications, the contractor shall promptly reexecute the work
如果该合同被断定为非法的或不符合宪法的,我们则应中止履行此合同If the contract is adjusted to be illegal or unconstitutional adj., we shall give up performing the contract
对本协议的解释应符合本国各项国内法律The interpretation of this agreement shall conform with the domestic laws of the country
工程师有权拒绝或谴责任何不符合本说明书的材料的使用The engineer is entitled to reject or condemn the usage of any material which does not comply with this instruction
我们希望其质量和数量都符合合同规定We hope that their quality and quantity should be in conformity with the contract stipulations
我公司正在进行一项市场调査,以便确定什么产品符合顾客的需要Our company is carrying out a market survey to determine what products come up to customer' needs
我方要求你方递送符合我公司要求的付款收据We demand that you should deliver to us paid receipts satisfactory to our company
或质量符合quality as (per seller's or buyer's sample, 卖或买方样品)
所提交的图案和颜色均不符合顾客要求The design and colour submitted do not serve the purpose of the customer
正式通知不符合合同规定give due notice of a lack of conformity
甲方要求所提供的设备及所用材料均须符合技术规格Party A demands that the equipment furnished and the material used should conform to specifications
符合measure up to
符合up to (specifications, 规格)
符合measure up with
符合come up to
符合in line with
1968 междун.торг. 符合 1968 年版英国药典规定in conformity with B.P.
符合借款担保条件的票据an eligible security for collateral for a loan (或证书)
符合借款担保条件的票据an eligible bill for collateral for a loan (或证书)
符合借款条件的公司债eligible bond
符合取得减税条件的组织eligible organization
符合标准measure up
符合生态原则的管理ecological management
符合目的serve a purpose
符合税收抵免条件the eligibility for tax credit
符合经济原则的大规模生产economic mass production
符合要求的证据evidence of conformity
第三人所开的货物符合合同证明书expert third-party certificate of conformity of the goods
缔约双方同意一俟条件符合,该商行便立即成立Both parties agree that the firm shall be set up forthwith upon satisfaction of the conditions
货物不符合合同rely on lack of conformity
货物符合合同conformity of the goods (规定)
这封信的措词有些不符合商业习惯This letter was "couch ed" in somewhat unbusinesslike terms
项目不符合条件project disqualification