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Terms for subject Project management containing 端均一 | all forms
一个客户端程序whois client
两端对齐full justification
串口调试终端的设置:波特率115 200、一个停止位、无校验位Serial debug terminal settings baud rate 115 200, 1 stop bit, no parity bit
串行端口适配器serial port adapter
串行红外端口serial infrared
争端事宜matters in dispute
争端仲裁arbitration of disputes
争端的友好解决amicable settlement of dispute
伴随着请求和响应在 Web 服务器和客户端之间传递小段文本信息cookie
使用文件传输协议 FTP客户端将站点文件夹和索引文件上传到所选的位置Use a File Transfer Protocol FTP client to upload the site folder and index file to the location of your choice
前端工程设计front end engineering design
双向并行端口、 支持设备和计算机之间的双向并行通信的接口bidirectional parallel port
可视图文是电子出版的一种形式、 它由与终端和个人计算机相连的数据库组成Videotex is a form of electronic publishing that consists of a database connected to terminals or personal computers
合同争端contract dispute
同时、其他线程可以访问磁盘文件或从通信端口获取数据A/ the same time, other threads can access disk files or get data from a communications port
在屏幕的顶端是应用程序的可视化图像、 源代码在底端A visual image of the application is at the top of the scree and the source code is at the bottom
在那些系统中、你要提供一些安装程序端口来安装驱动In those systems, you would have provided some sort of setup program to install your driver
它提供了一个以太网接口和两个 USB端口来连接硬盘It comes with an Ethernet connection and two USB ports to which hard drives can be connected
客户端和服务器操作都使文档向下移动Both client and server operations move the document downward
客户端图像映射client-side image maps
将以太网电缆的一端插入调制解调器、然后将另一端插入路由器上的广域网 WAN端口Plug one end of an Ethernet cable into the modem, and plug the other end into the wide area network WAN port on the router
小型计算机系统接口端口SCSI port
小端口驱动程序miniport drivers
开端基金open-end fund
当该代理服务器接收到响应时、它将结果发送回客户端、如同它是初始服务器一样When the proxy server receives a response, it sends the results back to the client as if it were the original server
快速红外端口fast infrared port
数据通信负责远程终端与控制中心的数据传输The data communication is for data transmission between the remote terminal and the control center
服务器后端back end
服务器实例对数据库镜像使用的验证形式是其数据库镜像端点的一种属性The form of authentication used for database mirroring by a server instance is a property of its database mirroring endpoint
服务器端包含server-side includes
本质上、该方法使服务器端包含成为可能In essence, this method enables programmatic server -side includes
标准连接包括一个串行端口、以太网和 USE 连接Standard connectivity includes a serial port, ethernet and USB connection
由于此功能完全遵守 NNTP 协议、因此用户可以使用任何新闻阅读器客户端来参与新闻组讨论Because this feature complies fully 'with the NNTP protocol, users can use any newsreader client to participate in newsgroup discussions
瘦客户端thin client
离场交易终端机off-floor terminal
COM 端口COM port
端口枚举器port enumerator
线段端口line cap
终端web terminal Web
ISDN 终端适配器ISDN terminal adapter
话务员把这些情况键入计算机终端The operator keys the facts into the computer terminal
CD 读取系统模拟前端处理器的设计与实现design and realization of an analog frontend processor for CD retrieving system
调制解调器端口modem port
输人/输出端口input/out port
运行服务器端进程无须超级用户特权Process server running without superuser privileges
这个高性能的折叠网络使用了三层交换、为客户端和服务器提供网络冗余The high performance collapsed backbone uses layer three switching. Network redundancy are provided to clients and servers
远程桌面连接使得用户能够远程连接到启用了远程桌面或终端服务器的计算机Remote Desktop Connection makes it possible for a user to connect remotely to a machine that has Remote Desktop or Terminal Server enabled
键盘收发终端keyboard send/ receive terminal
DOS 高端内存high DOS memory
高速缓存已装入高端内存Cache is loaded in high memory