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Terms for subject Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal containing 端均一 | all forms
两端之间的距离end-to-end distance
两端装药炮孔double-loaded bore-hole
两端起爆的电子延时炮孔dual-primed electronic delay blasthole
人口端arrival end
从一个极端走向另一个极端go from one extreme to another
众所周知、不同类型岩石的破碎特点差别很大、尤其在破碎曲线的细端变化大、因为岩石破碎受自身的内在属性控制、而不是受岩石自身的大缺陷和结构的控制The breakage characteristics of different rock types are known to vary over a wide range, especially at the fine end of the fragmentation curve where breakage is controlled by the inherent properties of the rock substance itself, rather than being controlled by its larger scale flaws and structure
冲击端striking end
受冲击端struck end
爆破台阶端面abut face of the bench
在不少的农村地区、极端贫困的现象依然存在extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas
在这两个极端之间、我们可以找到最大抛掷距离Between these two extremes, a maximum throw distance may be expected
对所预测的碎岩粒度分布的粗端往往给以过高估计、这是因为碎岩最大粒度不受模型中岩体结构的影响The coarse end of the predicted fragmentation size distribution is often over-estimated because the fragment top size is not influenced by the structure of the rock mass in the model
对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破碎特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitiveness to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach
对水分的极端敏感和对基本的岩石结构及其破碎特性钝感表明、这种评估方法只可找到有广泛代表性的值The extreme sensitivity to moisture content and insensitivity to the basic rock texture and breakage characteristics suggests that only quite broadly representative values are likely to be generated by this estimation approach
工作面端头长壁工作面与两端巷道交接的地段face end
打印终端接口在PC 机上,最常用的连接打印机、扫描仪或者数字照相机的并行端口。 LPT 端口局限在 LPT1.LPT2. LPT3 等,但是每台计算机至少拥有一个 LPT 端口。如果需要更多的,可以通过安装并口卡来增加LPT
打印终端接口在PC 机上,最常用的连接打印机、扫描仪或者数字照相机的并行端口。 LPT 端口局限在 LPT1.LPT2. LPT3 等,但是每台计算机至少拥有一个 LPT 端口。如果需要更多的,可以通过安装并口卡来增加line print terminal
末端负载很重的炮孔grip hole
极端的例子an extreme case
极限。4终端通过通信线路或数据传输线路连接计算机的输出输人设备,简称为终端。终端设备设置地点距计算机较远时,需在传输线路上加装调制解调器,这类终端叫远程终端, 距离较近时叫本地终端terminal
炮孔外端collar of a hole
点火端firing end
用户终端一种使用户能和计算机进行通信的终端user terminal
碎岩粒度分布曲线的细端受岩石固有破碎特点的控制、而且受炸药爆轰施加的应力性质的控制The fine end of the fragment size distribution curve is controlled by the rock's inherent breakage characteristics and the nature of the stresses imposed by the detonation of the explosive
社会不公是不合理的立法造成的、社会弊端是不道德的行为造成的Social injustice is caused by irrational legislation, social evils by immoral conducts
端头效应end effect
端帮位于露天采场端部的边帮end wall
端帮位于露天采场端部的边帮side wall
端帮位于露天采场端部的边帮end slope
端点放炮off-end shooting
端点放炮排列off-end spread
端起刺刀向侵略者进攻charge the invaders with bayonets
端面摩擦效应end friction effect
端面火药燃烧柱cigarette-burning grain
端面燃烧火药柱参见 cigarette-burning grainend-burning charge
端面距支架顶梁前端到煤壁的距离tip-to-face distance
精矿端concentrate end
过去的十年、为了让二氧化碳在大气中的含量稳定在550 * 10⁻⁶、有人呼吁采取极端的行动Calls for drastic action have bee made within the last decade in order to achieve stabilization of CO₂ levels at around 550 ppm twice the preindustrial era levels
近来、人们把研究的重点大多放在破碎曲线的细端、以探索爆破的潜力、因为爆破的结果会影响到含金属矿石随后的粉碎和加工制造过程More recent focus has been provided on the finer end of the fragmentation curve to explore the potential of blasting to influence the subsequent crushing and nulling performance of metalliferous ores
顶端起爆参见 direct priming; collar firing; top primingtop initiation
工作面的高端high side