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Terms for subject Telecommunications containing 端均一 | all forms
七号信令终端signaling terminal, CCHT No. 7
万维网终端包含 CPU, RAM,modem, 有较强的视频图形功能,但无硬盘,不能作为通用计算机,也称为 network computerWeb terminal
上端up end
上端内存high memory
不一致端局尚未实现 equal access 的端局nonconforming end office
不兼容终端incompatible terminal
不对称四端网络asymmetrical four terminal network
专用终端application-dedicated terminal
业务端口service port
载波机东端机east terminal
两端对齐MSjustify align
中央控制终端接口central terminal interface
中央数据终端central data terminal
中央数据终端机central data terminal
中继终端地球-卫星链路的地球站link terminal
串行终端serial terminal
串行通信端口communication port
主叫的终端calling terminal
主叫的终端适配器用户calling TS-user
主机数字终端host digital terminal
主终端master terminal
主终端装置master terminal unit
主要枢纽地面终端major nodal satellite earth station
主要终端站major terminal
事务处理终端transaction terminal
事务管理端口administration port
事务管理终端系统administrative terminal system
交互式键盘与终端interactive keyboard and terminal
交互数据终端interactive data terminal
交互终端设备interactive terminal facility
交换局终端exchange termination
代码翻译终端code translating terminal
会议电话终端机conference telephone terminal
传真终端facsimile terminal
伪用户终端pseudo subscriber terminal
低端lower extreme
便携式卫星终端briefcase-sized terminal
便携式终端portable terminal
信令端点signaling end point
信令终端signaling terminal
信令终端机signaling terminal
值机员终端craft terminal
假终端负载dummy terminal
光端机optical fiber terminal equipment
光端机optical transmitter
光端机optical terminal equipment
光端机optical line terminal
光端面光洁度optical end-finish
光端面抛光optical end-finish
光端面精整optical end-finish
光纤多端口耦合器fiber optic multiport coupler
光纤用户线路终端fiber optic subscriber line terminal
光纤端到端识别传感器fiber end-to-end separation sensor
光纤端面加工[制备]optical fiber facing
光纤终端fiber optic terminus
光纤终端optical fiber termination
光纤终端terminus fiber optics
光纤终端fiber optic terminal
光线路终端optical line terminal
光缆终端optical fiber cable termination
光缆终端optical cable termination
全时等效终端full-time equivalent terminals
公文包式终端briefcase-sized terminal
六端网络six-terminal network
共享终端shared terminal
共享终端的账单accounts for shared terminal
兼容终端compatible terminal
冷端低电位端cold end
准智能终端nearly intelligent terminal
分散式多端点连接decentralized multi-endpoint-connection
分线端架空电缆的配线点distribution terminal
分组无线电终端packet radio terminal
制单终端billing terminal
前端磁带,纸带leading end
前端噪声front-end noise
前端处理器[机]front-end processor
前端工程设计软件包front-end engineering designs packages
前端网络处理器front-end network processor
功能性终端functional terminals
包式终端packet mode terminal
包无线电终端packet radio terminal
匹配终端网络basic network
半 π端接mid-shunt termination
半 T 端接mid-series termination
半串联端接mid-series termination
半并联端接mid-shunt termination
半节距终端mid-section termination
单端变换器single-ended converter
单端同步single-ended synchronization
单端塞绳电路single ended cord circuit
单端控制single-ended control
压接端子pressure connector
双端同步double ended synchronization
双端控制double-ended control
双端的double ended
双端馈电dual feed
发端home side
发端业务originating traffic
发端去话originating call
发端呼出筛选originating call screening
发端呼叫originating call
发端数据originating data
发端电话簿号码originating terminal directory number
发端类别origination class
发端限制denied origination
发送端sending terminal
受端业务terminating traffic
受话端环路损耗receiving-loop loss
只发终端outgoing only terminal
只收终端incoming only terminal
只收终端站[台]receive-only terminal
只读终端read-only terminal
可编程前端处理机programmable front-end processor
可视显示终端visual display terminal
后拨号终端屏幕post-dial terminal screen
后端向前端提供服务的节点或程序,又称为服务器back end
后端压缩rear end compaction
后端压缩rear compression
后端盖板rear end plate
向发端用提示originating user prompter
呼叫的终端适配器calling TA
商用终端business terminal
四线端接装置four-wire terminating set
四线终端a,b 点之间的损耗transmission loss of a path a-t-b
处理机端口processor port
复合终端compound terminal
多用途终端multipurpose terminal
多用途终端multi-purpose terminal
多端口存储器multi-port memory
多终端业务电路multiterminal service circuit
多终端业务电路multi-terminal service circuit
多终端监控程序multiterminal monitor
多终端监控程序multi-terminal monitor
多终端系统multiple terminal system
多路终端监视器multi-terminal monitor
大业务量终端局heavy-loaded station
天线底端阻抗base impedance
头端设备headend (CATV 接收信号源与电缆传输分配系统之间的设备)
始发的终端适配器originating TA
始发端用户originating subscriber
始端beginning terminal
字符式数据终端设备character mode data terminal equipment
存储器存取端memory access end
实效分组终端virtual packet terminal
实效终端virtual terminal
实效终端协议virtual terminal protocol
实端系统real end system
实线传输端口metallic transmission port
实质上的分组终端virtual packet terminal
实质上的终端virtual terminal
宽带网络终端设备broadband network termination
电缆的密封端sealing end
封焊端sealing end
电缆封端处理end sealing
小型端口驱动程序miniport drivers
尖端科学领域frontier area
局用数字终端host digital terminal
局端central office termination
带电端live end
平衡二端口网络balanced two-port network
平衡终端balanced termination
应急引出端emergency exit
应用终端单元application terminal unit
应答的终端适配器answering TA
开端天线open-end antenna
异类终端heterogeneous terminal
引人端口inlet port
引线端子line terminal
弯端bent-up end
彩色动画片终端colour animation terminal
快速红外线端口fast IR port
成端电缆terminating cable
成端电缆formed cable
报文发送端message source
报文接收端message sink
拟实终端virtual terminal
拟实终端协议virtual terminal protocol
按发端位置选路origin dependent routing
按线器端口switch port
接口终端interfacing terminal
接收地面终端receiving earth terminal
接收端回声receive end echo
接收端回声listener echo
接收端回声损耗receive echo loss
接收端电流arrival current
控制数据终端control data terminal
数字用户线路终端digital line termination
数字用户终端digital subscriber terminal
数字终端digital terminal
数据传输终端data communication terminal
数据终端就绪data terminal ready
数据终端设备已受控DTE controlled not ready
数据终端设备/数据电路终接设备接口DTE/DCE interface
数据终端设备未受控DTE uncontrolled not ready
无智能终端只能接收数据,不能处理数据dumb terminal
无焊双咬接端子solderless double snap-in terminal
无焊双咬接终端元件solderless double snap-in terminal element
无焊接端子solderless terminal
无线数据包终端packet radio terminal
无线电终端radio terminal
显示数据终端video data terminal
显示端口display port
显示终端video terminal
显示终端visual terminal
显示终端display terminal
智能交互终端smart-interactive terminal
智能数据终端intelligent data terminal
智能终端smart-interactive terminal
智能终端intelligence terminal
有源四端网络的反射损耗active return loss
服务器端嵌人命令server-side include command
服务器端嵌人页面server-side include page
末端倒换tail end switch
末端公共信道交换机last common channel exchange
末端发射光纤end glow fiber
末端电路交换局至用户的最后一段连接tail circuit
末端设备end equipment
末端长度tip length
本侧终端on-site terminal
本地端口local port
本机端口local port
本端home terminal
本部数据终端headquarters data terminal
机组人员用终端craft terminal
机顶终端set-top terminal
极端衰落extreme fading
标记端子板tag board
标记端子板tag block
检索端口retrieval port
模拟用户终端pseudo subscriber terminal
次对话端secondary half-session
次通话端secondary half-session
正极端positive terminal
段终端section termination
汉字终端Hanzi terminal
海上终端maritime terminal
海事测试终端maritime test terminal
电源火线端子line terminal
热端hot side
熔融前端fused-head end
独立终端stand-alone terminal
独立远端用户单元stand-alone remote line unit
现场终端on-site terminal
甚高频频段高端high VHF band
用户存取终端subscriber access terminal
用户线端口接口line port interface
ISDN 的用户终端业务teleservice
ISDN 的用户终端业务telecommunication service
用户终端设备station set
电缆终端器sealing chamber
电缆终端套管pot head
电缆终端网cable termination network
电缆终端设备cable termination equipment
电阻性终端resistive terminal
空端dead end
空端线路open-end line
空线终端idle line termination
空闲端子vacant terminal
空闲终端non-occupied terminal
端射天线end-fire antenna
端射耦合end-fire coupling
第 2 类网络终端network termination 2
第 1 类网络终端network termination 1
线端口line cap
线路终端line terminal
线路终端〔负载〕网络line terminating network
线路终端网络line termination network
线路终端设备line terminating equipment
终接端口terminal identity
终端交换局end exchange
终端会话terminal session
终端兼容性terminal transparency
终端出人口terminal port
电缆终端分线盒end box
以太网总线端头的终端匹配器terminator cap
终端匹配的线路terminated line
终端台terminal identity
终端呼叫terminating call
终端呼叫筛选terminating call screening
终端国或主管部门terminal country
终端国分成terminal quota
终端塞子如 600Ω,75Ωdummy plug
终端增音机terminal repeater
终端增音机end repeater
终端字处理terminal-word processing
终端容量termination capacity
终端局terminating office
终端局terminating office
终端局terminating exchange
终端局terminal exchange
终端局通话terminal call
终端平衡回损terminal balance return loss
终端平衡回波损耗terminal balance return loss
终端延迟回声抑制器电路end delay
终端扇出端数terminal fan-out
终端接头end connector
终端控制块控制器terminal control block controller
终端控制处理机terminal control processor
终端控制接口terminal control interface
终端插件terminating card
终端摊分额terminal share
终端效应end effect
终端杆end pole
终端杆stayed pole
终端杆terminal pole
终端杆dead-end pole
终端架terminal bay
终端标牌terminal tag
终端标识符terminal identifier
终端段end section
终端用户end-user (SCCP)
信令连接控制部分终端用户end-user (SCCP)
终端用户end user
终端电平terminated level
终端盒termination box
终端盘terminal bay
终端盘end panel
终端站end station
终端站terminal station
终端站cusp station
终端类型terminal type
终端级terminating stage
终端线tag wire
终端线对terminal pair
终端线路The last mile
终端组terminal group
终端群terminal group
终端群terminal cluster
终端节点控制器terminal-node controller
终端衰减器terminal pad
终端计算机terminal computer
终端设备termination equipment
终端设备terminal instrument
终端设备图像元素terminal equipment PE
终端访问器terminal access controller
终端识别station identification
终端适配器terminal adapter (TA)
终端配额terminal quota
终端链指针terminal chaining pointer
终端错位损耗terminus misalignment loss
终端错位损耗misalignment loss
终端限制denied terminal
绕接端子wire wrapping terminal
缓冲终端buffered terminal
网络终端号码network terminal number
网络终端部件network terminating unit
网络虚终端network virtual terminal
群终端group terminal
群终端机架group terminal bay
耦合端口coupled port
联机用户终端on-line teller terminal
联机终端情报检索retrieval of information via on-line terminal
联机终端测试on-line terminal test
联机终端系统on-line terminal system
自主终端模块autonomous terminal module
自动终端信息业务automatical terminal information service
虚拟分组终端virtual packet terminal
虚拟终端控制块image terminal control block
行终端字end-of-line-code word
被叫的终端适配器called TA
被叫的终端适配器用户called TS-user
被叫终端terminal called
被叫终端called terminal
西端机装设在电路西端或南端的终端设备west terminal
西端机B terminal
视频显示终端显示器的旧名称,->display 2.video display terminal
视频显示终端显示器的旧名称,->display 2.video display unit
视频显示终端显示器的旧名称,-> display 2.video display terminal
视频终端接口video terminal interface
触屏式终端touch screen terminal
触感终端touch terminal
触敏终端touch terminal
计算机接口终端computer interface terminal
话音/数据终端voice/data terminal
询问终端inquiry terminal
负公共端minus common
账单处理联机终端billing accounting on-line terminal
继电器的跟端heel end
車端连接器single end connector
载波电话终端机carrier telephone terminal
载波终端设备carrier terminal equipment
辅助终端accessory terminal
输人端口input port
输人/输出端口input/output port
输人/输出端口I/O port
输出端损耗exit loss
远程区终端remote area terminal
远程区终端系统remote area terminal system
远程实时终端remote real time terminal
远程终端例行程序包remote terminal routine package
远程终端网络remote terminal network
远端remote site
远端distant end
远端交换模块remote switching module
远端交涣集线器remote exchange concentrator
远端信令终端remote signaling terminal
远端分机off-premises extension
远端处理中心remote processing center
远端局distant office
远端局对方局distant exchange
远端接人remote access
远端接人连接单元remote access connection element
远端控制用户部分remote control user part
远端操作和维护remote operation and maintenance
远端机off-premises station
远端用户单元remote subscriber unit
远端用户线单元remote line unit
远端用户线接口remote line interface
远端用户集线器remote line concentrator
远端站台,局distant station
远端计费信号remote metering signal
连接器终端junctor terminal
连接器终端板junctor terminal board
连接线终端junctor terminal
连接终端junctor terminal
通信端口communication port
通信线路终端communication line terminal
通信终端communicating terminal
通用端口universal port
通用终端universal terminal
通用终端系统universal terminal system
通用链路终端universal link terminal
通过链路连接的终端link-attached terminal
配线接人终端flexible access termination
配线端子板distributing terminal block
金属传输端口metallic transmission port
销售终端point-of-sale terminal
销售点终端现金自动出纳系统的统称point of sale
锁定端口latched port
键控数据终端key data terminal
键盘收发终端keyboard send/receive terminal
长途电话终端局terminal trunk exchange
长途电话终端局terminal toll office
长途终端直接连接到长途交换机的用户终端long distance terminal
长途终端局toll terminal
海洋石油陆上终端中心站central terminal station
陆地终端land terminal
陆地终端站land terminal
限制发端restriction origin
集中式多端点连接centralized multi-endpoint-connection
非分组方式终端设备nonpacket mode terminal
非分组方式终端设备non-packet mode terminal
非分组终端non-packet mode terminal
非包式终端设备non-packet mode terminal
非智能终端non-intelligent terminal
非话终端non-voice terminal
面向作业的终端job-oriented terminal
页式终端paging terminal
顶端up end
微波天线顶端馈电vertex feed
VHF 频段高端high VHF band
首端接头first splice
高位端high order end
高电位端hot end
高级用户终端advanced user terminal
高速复合终端high-speed compound terminal
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