
Terms containing 竞争 价格 | all forms | in specified order only
interntl.trade.不能与同业竞争的价格price not competitive
econ.与竞争者的价格比较,我方价格是合理的Our prices are reasonable in comparison with those of competitors
econ.他们发现他们公司的代理商在销售他们竞争对手的产品时,其价格比他们自己的产品还要低廉They discovered than their agent was selling their rival's products at the price even lower that theirs
interntl.trade.价格不能与同业竞争price not competitive
econ.价格外竞争the non-price competition
econ.价格外竞争non-price competition
tech.价格竞争rate war
econ.价格竞争price competition
fin.价格竞争competition in price
textile价格竞争competition in the price
commer.价格竞争compete in prices
market.价格竞争与非价格竞争price competition versus nonprice competition
commer.价格竞争力price competitiveness
textile价格竞争性price competitiveness
busin.价格竞争能力price competitiveness
commer.具有竞争性的价格competitive prices
proj.manag.凭借着市场富有竞争力的价格、灵活的支付手法和一流的服务、我们期待着美好的未来With the most competitive price, promptly delivery and first-level service, we wish for a prospective and brilliant future
busin.单纯价格竞争absolute price competition
tech.固定价格竞争fixed-price competition
commer.如果你方价格具有竞争性,我方相信可做大量交易If your price is competitive, we trust we can do substantial business
proj.manag.对外贸易价格竞争能力external price competitiveness
econ.市场形势分析表明一些竞争者由于价格下跌而卖空The analyses on the market situation indicate that some competitors are selling short because of low prices
fin.恶性价格竞争virulent price competition
shipb.我们的价格很有竞争性Our price is highly competitive.
exhib.无价格竞争non-price competition
busin.无竞争力价格price not competitive
tech.无竞争力的价格price not-competitive
econ.无竞争力的价格price not competitive
tech.无竞争力的价格non-competitive price
interntl.trade.无竞争能力的价格price not competitive
proj.manag.有竞争力的价格keen price
econ.有竞争力的价格competitive price
tech.有竞争能力的价格competitive price
econ.空调业剧烈竞争极可能使价格进一步下跌Extremely keen competition in the air conditioner business makes even lower prices most necessary
oil竞争价格competitive price
market.竞争价格keen price
interntl.trade.竞争价格competitive price
busin.竞争价格comparative price
econ.竞争价格制度system of competitive prices
econ.竞争价格competitive price theory
commer.竞争对手在价格上打百分之五的折扣Competitors are offering a 5% rebate on their prices
commer.竞争对手正主动以更低的价格来报质量更好的货物Competitors are actively offering better quality at a much lower price
tech.竞争导向的价格政策competitive-oriented pricing
market.竞争性价格dumping price
interntl.trade.竞争性价格competitive price
commer.竞争者报出更为低的价格Competitors are offering much lower prices
econ.竞争迫使该工厂降低价格Competition has forced the factory to lower its prices
commer.自由竞争价格free price
O&G. tech., tech.这些结晶器由300系列不锈钢制成,有不同的规格可供客户选择。我们的客户能以极具竞争力的价格购买到化工结晶器These crystallizers are manufactured from 300-grade stainless steel and can be availed by our clients in different specifications Our clients can avail chemical plant crystallizers at competitive prices
oil非价格竞争nonprice competition
interntl.trade.非价格竞争non-price competition
econ.非价格竞争the non-price competition
busin.非价格竞争non-price competitiveness