
Terms for subject Textile industry containing 竞争 | all forms | in specified order only
三方竞争市场three market
产品竞争product competitiveness
价格竞争competition in the price
价格竞争price competitiveness
企业竞争business rivalry
信贷竞争loan race
信贷竞争credit race
信贷竞争credit competition
公平竞争,平等竞争competition on an equal footing
公平竞争fair competition act
出口竞争能力export competitiveness
削价竞争price cutting competition
合作性竞争cooperative competition
合法竞争legal competition
商业竞争对手business rival
商品竞争commodity conflict
商标竞争brand competition
国内竞争domestic competition
国际竞争性招标international competitive bidding
国际竞争性招标competitive international bidding
国际合法竞争international legal competition
国际市场竞争international market competition
垄断性竞争monopolistic competition
奖励竞争prize contest
广告竞争publicity drive
扩大竞争increased competition
掠夺性竞争predatory competition
推销竞争scrambled merchandising
推销竞争sales contest
有限竞争limited competition
本国竞争domestic competition
横向竞争horizontal competition
激烈竞争severe competition
激烈竞争keen competition
独占性竞争monopolistic competition
竞争与信贷管理条例competition and credit control
竞争中立地带neutral zone of competition
竞争产品competing product
竞争产品competing goods
竞争供应rival supply
竞争信贷管制competition and credit control
竞争公司rival company
竞争决策competitive decision
竞争合作competitive cooperation
竞争合同contract by competition
竞争商品competing goods
竞争商行rival business firms
竞争地区zone of competition
竞争性合作competitive cooperation
竞争性招标international competitive bid-ding
竞争性需求competitive demand
竞争意识awareness of rival
竞争意识awareness of competition
竞争战略competitive strategy
竞争机制mechanism of competition
竞争机制competitive mechanism
竞争状况state of competition
竞争程度degree of competitiveness
竞争策略competitive strategy
竞争能力competitive strength
竞争能力competitive power
竞争能力competitive capacity
竞争需求competitive demand
纵向竞争vertical competition
职业竞争job competition
联合竞争cooperative competition
质量竞争competition in the quality
过度竞争excessive competition
销售竞争sales contest
竞争招标non-competing bid