
Terms for subject Gymnastics containing | all forms
一腿起踵侧搬腿stand with one leg stretched vertically in front of body
上杠成分腿直角mount to straddle L stand
低分腿straddle stand
低分腿low straddle stand
低杠反握后撑rear stand
低杠反握后撑rear stand, hands in reverse grip on LB
低杠反握后撑hands in reverse grip
倒立前软翻单脚balance over to stand with single leg handstand
分腿astride straddle-stand
分腿astride straddle stand
分腿开立astride straddle-stand
分腿立体前屈needle scale
分腿下落成支撑至lower the body straddled to support to stand
单脚前出walking stance
单脚前出walk stand
单腿立体前屈scale forward with full split
单腿立体后屈scale forward with full split
单腿立另一腿后举stand by single leg with the other lifted backward
单腿立另腿前屈stand with one foot to the knee
单腿向后弯腰stride stand with deep arch backward
双手握低杠stand both hands on LB
双腿立转体180°legs standing to body twist 180°
后滚翻经手倒立成backward roll from handstand to body stand up
垂直劈叉split while standing
基本normal stand
器械外侧outer side stand
大分腿straddle stand
大分腿low straddle stand
屈伸起成360° kip to the stand
屈体分腿needle scale
并肩side standing in pairs
并腿closed stand
并腿起踵on ¹⁄₂ toe of both feet
并腿起踵ballet stand
悬垂hang stand
手上hand foot balance
手倒立-立-手倒立donkey hops
普通normal stand
正常normal stand
环外立跳起反进至环上正撑Turn flank
空翻成somersault into stand
低杠握高杠直角腾越成悬垂rear vault to hang
在腿上体后屈back arch on leg
双人技巧hand foot balance
stand still
立内向平转360°turn at least 360° on both legs
立向内平转full turn on both legs
立向前全身大波浪whole body waves forward with standing position
shoulder mount
climb to shoulder
stand on one leg
stand in queue
stand in line
line up
结环arched stand
背向back stand
背弹后空翻成back Cody
背着网接弹腿 ³⁄₄ 空翻成back pullover
双人技巧脚上foot-to-foot balance
双人技巧脚上foot to foot balance
脚尖stand on tiptoe
起踵Arabesque on ¹⁄₂ toe with rear leg bent
足尖tiptoe position
足尖stand on tiptoe
足尖standing on tiptoe
跪跳起成courage jump
跳上成分腿直角mount to straddle "L" stand
跳上成屈体jump to pike stand
跳上成屈体jump to pike-stand
错误的立姿势faulty stand position
面对横木立一侧腾越上成后撑from side stand frontward-flank over to rear support