
Terms for subject Bridge construction containing | all forms
会让passing station
会让siding station
区段sectional station
区段depot station
接轨junction station
旅客passenger platform
旅客高passenger high platform
枢纽junction station
气象climatological station
气象meteorological observatory station
气象台meteorological station
水位stage gauging station
水文flow gauging station
水文hydrographic station
水文测gauge station
水文观测hydrometric station
水文观测hydrographic station
water pumping station
instrument station
灌溉product moment of inertia of area
灌溉product of inertia
前广场station square
场排水drainage of field
场排水drainage of station field
场排水系统water drainage system for yard
station site
坪长度length of station site
线station line
线station track
编组marshalling station
观测observation post
freight station
货物freight platform
货物freight station platform
内桥bridge on station
内桥station bridge
列车incoming train
铁路场建筑物structures at railway yards and terminals
铁路客运railway passenger station
铁路车railway station
驼峰调车hump yard