
Terms for subject Metallurgy containing | all forms
一级板材垛放prime sheet stacking station
上煤coaling station
中央保护气体central protection gas plant
中央保护气体供应central protective gas supply
中央控制central station
中心液压hydraulic centre
中间包预热tundish preheating station (【技】 将周转使用的中间包内衬预热到 1000°C 以上,以减少钢水进人中间包后温降,使中间包保持最佳浇注状态的连续铸钢设施。中间包预热站设置在浇注平台上连铸主作业线的两侧。)
中间包预热preheating station of tundish
中间罐烘烤tundish preheating station
中间罐预热tundish preheating station
主开关main switchgear
乙炔发生器间acetylene generating room
交换switching station
人工装料manual loading station
低压液压hydraulic low pressure station
供暖总central heating plant
保护气体protective gas plant
修理service station
倒装transfer station
充气recharging plant
inside plant
分配distributor tower
切割cutoff station
加油service station
加油gasoline filling station
动力power station
动力power installation
焊接装置single-operator welding set
焊接设备single-operator welding set
卸料unloading point
卸矿ore discharge station
卸矿discharge station
卸车tipping point
卸载unloading station
卸载unloading point
压缩机compressor station
压缩空气减压compressed air reducing station
原料转运raw materials transfer station
原料转运raw material transfer station
发电generating station
发电current-generating plant
取样sampling station
变电electric substation
变电分transformer substation
吊起hook-up station
吹氩argon-blowing station
吹氩argon flushing station
喂线机wire feeder station
地下发电underground powerplant
地面加压land booster station
备料feed preparation station
备料preparation station
焊接multiple-operator welding
焊接设备multioperator welding set
焊机multioperator welding set
多功能钢包处理multiple function ladle treatment station (【技】能在钢包内完成多种炉外精炼功能的专用工艺与设备组合。这些功能通常包括:钢水真空处理、钢包吹氩处理、钢水合成渣处理、喷射冶金处理、喂线法处理、钢水加热等。)
大气发电atmosphere generating plant
太空space station
太空时代space station era
宇航space station era
宇航space station
室内变电indoor substation
小型水力发small hydro-electric plant
工业氧气tonnage oxygen plant
带卷线卷捆扎coil banding station
带卷准备coil preparatory station
带卷打捆coil banding station
带卷检查coil inspection station
带卷预整coil preparation station
带卷预整coil preparatory station
废水处理waste water treatment station
废钢收集scrap collecting station
废钢装载scrap loading station
废钢铁收购scrap steel purchasing station
废钢铁收购scrap iron and steel purchasing station
废钢铁收集scrap steel collecting station
开关switchgear station
循环水water recirculating station
急救first aid
master station
手动干油润滑manual grease station
手动润滑油泵manual pumping unit
接受take-over point
接收receiving platform
控制阀control valve stand
搅拌stirring station (In the design of a steel plant the model can provide answers to such questions as to the number of ladles required, the type of continuous casting machine, the location of stirring stations, preheating equipment selection, expected shell temperature of ladle, etc. 在设计钢厂时,该模型可以对下述问题给出答案:所需钢包数量、连铸机类型、搅拌站位置、预热设备的选择、钢包壳温度期望值等。)
数据收集data collection station
曝露exposure station
服务service station
检查inspection station
氩气吹洗argon flushing station
氩气搅拌argon stir station (Granite City Steel is an integrated steelmaker with two blast furnaces, two basic oxygen furnaces, one LMF, two argon stir stations, and two slab casters. 格拉尼特城钢公司是一家钢铁联合公司,它有两座高炉、两座氧气顶吹转炉、一台钢包冶金炉,两个氩气搅拌站和两台板坯连铸机。)
氩气搅拌argon stirring station
力发waterpower plant
水力发电hydroelectric generating station
水泵pump room
水电hydroelectric generating station
水电hydroelectric power station
水电water-power station
水电hydraulic power plant
水质处理water treatment station
润滑oil station
泥炮控制mud gun control centre
pumping station
pump room
泵-蓄力器pump-accumulation station
润滑lubrication station
混凝土中心搅拌centralized concrete mixing station
混凝土中心搅拌centralized concrete mixing plant
清理cleaning station
火力发电steam power station
火车railway station
热电heat and power station
焦炉煤气压缩coke-oven gas compress station
焦炉煤气压缩C.O. G. compress station
焦炉煤气压缩C.O.G. compress station
煤气发生generating station
煤气控制gas-control station
皮带机转运conveyer transfer point
矿山实验Mines Experiment Station
破碎机crusher station
移动式发电portable power station
空压机compressed-air plant
空气供给air supply station
空气压缩机compressor plant
空气发生air generating source
空间时代space station era
筛分screening station
矿浆管道总pipeline terminal
线卷检查wire coil inspection station
dead terminal
终点堆料场terminal stockyard
给水pumping plant
network station
联运union station
腐蚀试验corrosion testing station
自动干油润滑automatic central grease station
装填recharging plant
装车loading dock
装载loading station
计算机computer installation
调度dispatch station
站长station master
转换switching station
转运transfer station
转运transfer tower
转运transfer point
软水water softening station
运输conveying station
进出信号home and starting signal
进矿总ore reception terminal
通径试验drift testing station
遥控remote station
酸再生acid-regeneration station
酸再生acid regeneration plant
水罐准备ladle preparation station
钢包冶金ladle metallurgy station
钢包喷吹ladle injection station
钢包处理ladle treatment station
钢卷检查coil inspection station
铁水供应hot metal supply station
铁水供应hot metal station
铁路卸车railroad car discharge station
铁路装车railroad loading station
除鳞descaling station
预热preheating station
高压开关high voltage switch gear station
高压水泵high pressure water pump stand
高压水泵high pressure water pump room
高架elevated platform
鼓风机blowing plant