
Terms for subject International trade containing | all forms
中转transit depot
中转freight station
供应supply station
停靠小的零担货物列车way car
免费施饭soup kitchen
公共汽车停车bus-leading bay
内地货运inland depot
内陆合inland consolidation depot
内陆运输保税货inland clearance depot
列入运价表的车tariff station
列车过报吿passing report
交付前费用已付delivered free to destination
到达交货free arrival station
到达费用已付free destination station
dump station
原油转运crude oil transshipment station
发运dispatching station
发送forwarding station
发送费用已付free forwarding station
都停的货运列车peddler (hawker)
trading spot
trade stations
在车交货条件at…station terms
集装箱运输场到CY to
多种用途终点multi-purpose terminal
客运passenger station
客运passenger depot
市区货运off-track freight station
承运包裹的车parcel station
抵达destination station
收货总central receiving Dpt. (department)
普通货运general freight station
最后到达的车arrival station
未抵到达short of destination
检查check point
水力发电hydroelectric generation plant
水电和有关工程hydroelectric power facility and related works
汽油petrol dump
海运终点ocean terminal
港口port station
港口harbor station
目的point of destination
目的station of destination
集装箱货运到场CES to CY
集装箱货运到站CFS to CES
集装箱货运到门CFS to door
集装箱终点货运terminal depot
联合运输集装箱终点intermodal container terminal
补运consolidating station
设置在内地的集装箱货物inland depot
货柜建筑container terminal construction
货柜储运container depot
货柜货物container freight station
货柜货物集散container freight station
货柜货运container freight station
货物中转freight transfer station
货运container freight station
货运freight depot
货运freight station
货运码头freight station pier
购销点交易trading spot
起点point of initial enplanement
起点inception point
起运originating station
交货delivery at the railway station
交货delivery at station
交货价at station
搬运工red cap
转让transfer point
转运forwarding station
边境费用已付free to frontier
运出场inbound-outbound dock
运货基地车freight base station
途中车发放的行李way baggage
采购purchasing station
集装箱运输门到door to CFS
集装箱中转container freight station
集装箱码头货terminal depot
集装箱装卸container depot
集装箱货物集散container freight station
集装箱货运container freight station
集装箱货运作业CFS operation
集装箱货运货物CFS cargo
预付prepay station