
Terms for subject Economy containing | all forms
式服务one-stop shopping
式银行业务one-stop banking
中国船舶电设备公司China National Ship and Power Station Equipment Corporation
中途发放的行李way baggage
中间intermediate depot (库)
乡镇运输country shipping point
代办中转agency for transshipment
海关保税bonded terminal
公共汽车a bus stop
公司经营的服务Company Operated Service Stations
内地装卸inland depot
内地货inland depot
内陆并装inland consolidation depot
内陆结关inland clearance depot
内陆运输保款货inland clearance depot
农业技术an agro-technical station
分配delivery measuring station
交货前费用已付delivered free to destination
时刻表arrival timetable
计算机a front-end computer
加油服务,机修service station
卫生检査medical inspection
原油转运crude oil transhipment station
列车发车departure platform
各运输方式交接intermodal exchange
a trade station
trading post
商品堆销roundsman depot
回送发货return forwarding station
在建发电power project
在建的水电hydropower project
在车交货价at station
在…车站交条件at ... station terms
在铁路终点交货at railhead
基线baseline station
备用航空an alternate airport
多用途终点multipurpose terminal
客运枢纽a passenger terminal
长途电话a station-to-~ call
我们工厂位于火车附近,交通十分便利Our factory is sited near the railway station, and the transportation is very convenient
批发distribution center
指定火车交货价at named station
集装箱的收货receiving station
收购purchase station
普通货物general freight station
有执照的车搬运工ticket porter
枯水期水电发电量continuous power
核电a nuclear power station
检疫public health service
水电发电能力hydroelectric capacity
水电建设hydroelectric development
水电最小发电量continuous power
水电项目hydropower project
水电项目hydroelectric project
汽油a petrol dump
海关检査customs inspection point
火车交货ex rail (价)
灵活试验flexible test station
目的a station of destination
目的交货价free destination station
美国科罗拉多联合工程实验Colorado Engineering Experimental Station, Inc.
空运aerial port
make a void
集装箱货运到场container freight station to CY
集装箱货运到场CFS to CY
到站depot to depot
集装箱货运到站container freight station
集装箱货运到门container freight station to door
台地下通道platform underpass
台地下通道platform tunnel
台票platform ticket
得住脚的理论a tenable theory
柜台sense the shop
void up
粮食收购grain purchasing center
终点a station of destination
终点市场terminal market
终点服务费terminal charge
维修maintenance point
综合研究a multidisciplinary research station
综合研究multidisciplinary research stations
各种方式联运集装箱终点intermodal container terminal
航天太空space station
航空枢纽airport hub
航空终点airline terminal
装煤coaling station (港)
装货港货运集装一卸货港堆场整卸container freight station-container yard
装货港货运集装一卸货港货运站分卸container freight station-container freight station
计量分配delivery measuring station
请给我们一个能得住的理由,说明为什么推迟发货Please give us a viable reason for late delivery of the goods
货物freight dock
购销交易trading post
搬运工a red cap
转让transfer point
转驳feeder terminal
边境检査checkpost border
过境transit station
运入一运出场inbound-outbound dock
运输管道终点pioneer terminal
火车pull into (shore, station)
采购供应purchasing and supply station
铁路和水路运输的转运rail-and-water terminal
铁路终点railway terminal
销售sales depot
集装箱运输门到运输业务door to CFS
集装箱到达交货价free arrival station
集装箱收货交换delivered at container collection depot
集装箱收货交货delivered at container collection depot
集装箱货运货物container freight station cargo
集装箱集散container freight station
集装箱集散分卸交货container freight station delivery